What People Are Doing in Evanston

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Feb 1913, p. 6
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Item Type
Date of Publication
6 Feb 1913
Personal Name(s)
Galey, Florence Claire ; Harris, II, Abram W.
Language of Item
Geographic Coverage
  • Illinois, United States
    Latitude: 42.07225 Longitude: -87.72284
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Miss Stevens of Urbana, Ill., arrived Sunday at Hotel Monnett.
Mr. Walter B. Jones, 1242 Maple avenue, will go west this week on an extended business trip.
Miss Lucile Howard, 205 Main street, entertained Miss Evelyn Vilas of Riverside for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stoughton, 1560 Asbury avenue, went to pasadena last week for a two months' stay.
Mrs. H. M. Carter and Miss Alice Carter, 726 Forest avenue, spent the week-end in Indianapolis, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cleveland, 1508 Hinman avenue, leave this week for a six weeks' stay in Belleair, Fla.
Lee Holden, a clerk at Westreicher's grocery store, is spending a two weeks' vacation at his old home in Yale, Mich.
Rev. H. P. Smyth gave a stereopticon lecture on the Holy land Tuesday evening at 8:15 at St. Mary's hall.
Mr. Anderson, of Walters and Anderson, returned Saturday from a trip to New Orleans and other southern cities.
Mrs. Albert L. Fisher, wife of Rev. Fisher of Wheadon M. E. church is ill.
George W. Hotchkiss, 1015 Elmwood avenue, has gone to Alton to attend a lumbermen's convention.
Miss Marks gave a luncheon Wednesday at the home of Miss Cornelia G. Lunt, 1742 Judson avenue.
Mrs. Blanche Ives of Chicago was the guest for a few days of Mrs. Belle B. Chapman, 1323 Davis street.
Mrs. C. D. Murphy, 1145 Maple avenue, is entertaining her sister, Mrs. J. E. Cox of New York.
Dr. Charles Joseph Swan, 1818 Hinman avenue, has gone to Nashville, Tenn.
The Misses Bradshaw, 1021 Forest avenue, were hostesses Wednesday at a luncheon followed by bridge in honor of Miss McClary.
Mrs. P. L. McKinnie, 502 Lee street, is home from a two months' visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Flannery, at Montclair, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ellert, 2404 Hartzell street, have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Stiles of Caldwell, Idaho.
Mrs. A. D. Sheridan, 310 Church street, has as her guest her cousin, Mr. John G. Shields, of Colorado Springs.
Mrs. Wm. Lamberty and Mrs. Pete Lamberty attended the funeral of Mrs. Andrew Engel, in Lamont, Ill., last Friday.
Mrs. A. Kohr of St. Louis, who has been the guest of her son, Mr. A. Kohr, of the Hotel Monnett, left Sunday for her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Kattelle, Michigan avenue and Keeney street, spent the week-end in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Mrs. Daniel W. Hess, 1143 Hinman avenue, is spending a few weeks with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Hess in St. Louis.
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Hopkins, 814 Sheridan road, will remain in Florida all winter. They are now at Tampa and Mulberry.
Mrs. S. G. Grub, 2015 Lincoln street, has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Harry Morgan, at Springfield, Ill.
Mrs. Theodore Scheurmann, 805 Michigan avenue, is making a trip to New Orleans, Corpus Christi and other southern cities.
After March 1 Mr. and Mrs. Luke Wilson, 903 Forest avenue, will move to 1513 Hinman avenue, the home of Mr. W. E. Stockton.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrews gave a final dance before the Lenten season at St. Matthew's parish house Friday night.
Mrs. D. P. Johnson has returned to her home in Newark, N. J., after visiting with Mrs. Howard M. Carter, 726 Forest avenue.
Mrs. F. W. Cleveland and Miss Gertrude Cleveland, 2410 Pioneer roqd, entertained Friday at a bridge luncheon in honor of Miss Ella McClary.
The Men's Club of St. Matthew's church was addresses at the parish house Thursday evening at 8 o'clock on "The State of California." Numerous attractive pictures were shown.
Miss Catherine Bird, who has made quite an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. P. W. Huston, 1030 Grove street, returned home to Compton, Cal., last week.
Mrs. Edwin Sherman entertained at an auction bridge party Tuesday afternoon at her home, 1232 Judson avenue, in honor of Miss Katherine French.
The Evanston Political Equality league announces a lecture to be given at the Noyes street school tomorrow at 8 o'clock by rev. M. P. Boynton of the Lexington Avenue Baptist church on the subject of "The White Slave Traffic."
Mrs. Marie Allen and her daughter, Marion, 1616 Chicago avenue, went last week to Hackettstown, N. J. Mrs. Allen will be assistant dean at a young ladies' boarding school there.
The third and fourth of a series of bridge parties for the benefit of the Woman's club were given Monday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. W. J. Young, 1246 Forest avenue.
The Royal Neighbors at Devon avenue will have a party in their hall on February 27. Among the prizes to be contested for is a block of ten tickets to the Evanston theater. These tickets were donated to the management.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Katch-- [illegible], 3233 Avondale avenue, Chicago announce the engagement of their daughter Ella to Charles Makow--- [illegible]Ashland avenue. The wedding will take place some time next month.
Captain Roald Amundsen was the dinner guest of Mr. Henry J. Patten. Forest avenue and Davis street, vice-president of the Geographic society, Tuesday evening before giving his lecture.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hawxhurst, Lakeview, Chicago, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday morning, Jan. 25. The little miss is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hawxhurst, 1315 Church street.
About eighteen young people enjoyed a sleigh ride Thursday evening. After two hours of sleighing they assembled at the home of Miss Helen Snyder, 2715 Woodbine avenue, and enjoyed refreshments, later followed by dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnston, who have been in San Diego, Cal', since Thanksgiving, are at the Avenue House. Their daughter, Miss Mildred Johnston, will remain in San Diego another month.
The Woman's Aid society of the Congregational church held their regular meeting Wednesday in the church parlors. This was followed by a Woman's Home Missionary meeting at 2:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Edwin F. Pierce, 522 Church street, is in New York spending six weeks with her husband, who has been there for four months. He is director for the New York house of Vaughan's Seed company.
Confirmation classes will begin drilling at St. Luke's church this week. The boys will meet on Wednesdays at 4 o'clock and the girls on Fridays at 4, in the chapel. The adult class will begin next Monday evening at 7:45 o'clock.
The art and literature department of the Evanston Woman's club met Tuesday, Feb. 4, in the First Methodist Episcopal church. Dr. Howard Woodhead spoke on "Civic Art," using steroptican views to illustrate his lecture.
Mrs. Clarence Monroe Hoff, 726 Michigan avenue, in company with her friend, Mrs. E. L. Essley of Rogers Park, her sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cannon of Chicago, returned Tuesday after a pleasant trip to New York and Washington, D. C.
The Evanston Musical club gave its last concert of the season Thursday evening at the Northwestern gymnasium. The program consisted of two cantatas, "God's Time is the Best," by John Sebastian Bach, and "The Golden Legend," by Sullivan. Soloists were: Mrs. Sybil Sammis McDermid, soprano; Miss Josephine Jones, contralto; Mr. Ellas Bredin, tenor, and Mr. Gustav Holinquist, bass.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Webster, who have been on the coast for eighteen months, have just returned to Evanston and will be for one month guests of Mrs. Webster's brother, Mr. Clark, 1115 Davis street. Mr. and Mrs. Webster are en route to Paris, where they have planned to be until next Thanksgiving.
The month of February at Covenant M. E. church will be devoted to special work for the boys of the community. The first meeting in the movement was held Saturday evening in the North End Y. M. C. A. Mr. William Kellogg, who for some years has taught and traveled in Japan, gave an illustrated lecture on the subject, "Boy Life in Japan."
A play, "The Treason of Benedict Arnold," by Augusta Stevenson, will be given by the Boys' Junior Drama club, on the afternoon of Feb. 12, at 2:15 o'clock, at the Evanston theater, for the benefit of the North Shore Contagious Disease Hospital fund. Tickets 35 and 50 cents.
The Misses Irene and Louise Moore were hostesses at a reception given Tuesday afternoon between the hours of 4 and 6 at their home, 2131 Orrington avenue, in honor of Miss Ella Trelease, Miss Gertrude Roberts and Miss Leon Giddings. The reception was followed by a dinner bridge at which twenty-four guests were present. Spring flowers were used in decorations.
The alumnae of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority will give a musicale next Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harry Wilder Osborn, 4621 Beacon street, Chicago.
Miss Catherine Bergin of Nanticoke, Pa., who has spent several weeks here as a guest of Mr. H. F. Hunter, 1119 Judson avenue, will return to her home this week.
Professor John H. Gray, the predecessor of Professor Willard E. Hotchkiss, head of the department of economics of Northwestern university, and family, are returning from New York, where the professor has been occupied in civic federation work, to the university of Minnesota, where he is head of the department of economics. The family arrived in Evanston Thursday and are guests of Professor and Mrs. Hotchkiss, 714 Milburn street.
The regular monthly meeting of the North Shore Advisory board of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid society was held this evening at the home at 826 Ridge avenue at 10:30 o'clock. At 12:30 Wilfred Reynolds, executive secretary of the Cook County Hoard of Visitors, spoke upon "Children's Work," followed by Mrs. Roy H. Goddard, violinist, and Miss Bates, accompanist. Luncheon was served at 1 p.m.
The regular monthly meeting of the Evanston King's Daughters was held Tuesday, Feb. 4, at 10:30 a. m., at the home of Miss Mabel Jones, 2204 Orrington avenue. This society has both active and associate members, the latter donating one dollar a year towards maintaining a summer vacation home for deserving girls. Anyone wishing to become an associate member may send his or her name and dollar to Miss Jane H. Hoge, 1316 Maple avenue.
The social program of Covenant M. E. church included a travel night Friday evening in the social rooms, the pastor, Rev. F. O. Beck, and his wife were in charge of the program. Mrs. Beck spoke on "The Black Forests," and Mr. Beck on "The Scotch Highlands." The talks were illustrated with costumes, music and unusual relics and mementoes brought from these districts. A social hour and refreshments followed the addresses. The evening programs are open to all friends of the church.
The first of a series of four card parties for the benefit of the Woman's club was given Thursday at the home of Mrs. George S. Bridge, 578 Milburn street. There were twelve tables of auction bridge. Friday evening, at the home of Mrs. T. A. Somerville, 1228 Forest avenue, eleven tables of bridge were entertained. Next Monday afternoon and evening Mrs. W. J. Young will entertain the third and fourth of the series, in the afternoon bridge and auction will be played and in the evening bridge and five hundred will be played.
Miss Florence Claire Galey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner Galey of Beaver, Pa., will be married to Mr. Abram W. Harris II. of Evanston on Feb.11. Miss Galey is a graduate of Fairmont seminary, Washington, D. C., and is well known both in Washington and Pittsburgh society. Mr. Harris is the son of Dr. A. W. Harris, president of Northwestern university. Mr. Harris graduated from the university last June, and since that time has been connected with Lee, Higginson and Co. Mr. and Mrs. Harris will be at home at 1745 Chicago avenue after April 1.
Thursday afternoon, from 4 to 6 o'clock, Mrs. Frederick B. McMullen gave a reception at her home in honor of her cousin, Mrs. Kingsbury, and daughter, Miss Kingsbury, wife and daughter of Col. Henry P. Kingsbury, U. S. A., who have recently come to 1416 Hinman avenue to reside. The ladies assisting were: Mesdames Thomas Eddy, Eugene Garnett, Philip R. Shumway, Forest Hopkins, W. N. Gilmore, S. G. Strickland, James Bond, Allen R. Vinnidge, Charles Ware and Frank Birkin. Col. Kingsbury, who was in command of the Eighth cavalry at the Philippine Islands, has been transferred to Chicago as inspector general of the Chicago division, U. S. A.

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