Mr. John J. Mueller of Chicago visited his brother, Frank M. Mueller of Ridge avenue Sunday.
Mrs. J. H. Bagnell of Dwight, Illinois, formerly a resident of Gross Point, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. P. Lauerman of Ridge Avenue.
Mr. Fred Ortegel of Chicag oand two of his children visited his brothers, Mr. Frank and John ORtegel Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Merkel of Ridge avenue visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Anton Theu of Chiago one day last week.
Mrs. Frank Kreusch of Ridge avenue entertained the ladies of the Saturday Evening club at a luncheon Friday, March 7.
Mrs. John Huerter and Mrs. Frank M. Mueller visited at the home of Mrs. Edward Hanke of Chicago one day last week.
The Gross Point Baseball club are getting busy quite early. They are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their new suits from Spalding's and also the opening of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips of 1726 Charles Street entertained the members and ex-members of the Saturday Evening Club at a sleighing party Thursday evening, serving refreshments at their home following the ride.