Mr. and Mrs. William Rae have moved to Highland Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jetter are visiting Mr. Jetter's parents in Ohio.
Dr. Alice Bl Brown has returned from an extended visit in the south.
Mr. Schubert has purchased the Winship house on Provident avenue.
Mr. Louis Severt has left Winnetka and is now living in Austin.
Miss Grace Graves, a former resident of Winnetka, is the guest of Mrs. W. W. Power of Ridge avenue.
Mr. John Stenman has returned from Pasadena, California, after a two months' absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Brown of 624 Willow street have returned from a short trip to Canada and the east.
Mr. R. S. Winship has purchased the home of W. H. Marsh on First street and took possession last week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Anning are expected to return this week from their trip to Asheville, North Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Spiegel and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Spiegel have returned from California.
Master John Washburn, who has been ill with scarlet fever, is reported much improved.
Mrs. Roger Sherman of Lincoln avenue has made a gift to Community house of several pictures.
Clarence Happ and Fred Richardson left Monday for a hunting trip in the southern part of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wakem of Willow road have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Patterson.
Mr. George Whitney returned Sunday from Perryville, Ohio, being delayed several days by the Ohio floods.
Miss Marion Warren of Cedar street, Chicago, is the guest of Mrs. Frederick G. Budlong.
Mr. and Mrs. Bross Lloyd returned from Leon Springs, Texas, where they were for the last month.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Deily of Oak street, Wednesday, March 26.
Mrs. Norman O. Hutton of Chicago is the house guest of Mrs. Frederick G. Budlong. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Boddie and family have returned from the South and have reopened their home on North avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marsh have sold their house on First street and have moved to Wilmette.
The Friendly club will meet in the library of the Congregational church this evening at 8 o'clock.
Mr. Arthur Jetter of Foxdale avenue returned Sunday from a visit to his parents in Ohio.
Mr. Donald Knox is home from the Evanston hospital after an attack of scarlet fever.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Greene and Miss Katherine Greene have returned from a trip to Pinehurst, North Carolina.
Mr. Timothy Flynn is erecting a two-story store and office building on Railroad avenue, just beyond the McKay property.
Mr. Homer G. Cazel is expected home from Pittsburgh this week. His marriage to Miss Mabel Shantz of Wilmette is to take place Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Marsh of 445 Sheridan road have returned from Battle Creek, Michigan, where they have been for several weeks.
Miss Elsie Clague, who has been visiting friends in Huntington, Indiana, and who was expected home this week, has been delayed by the floods.
Mr. William Kloepfer was called to Peoria, Illinois, MOnday by the illness of his brother, Martin, who is in the hospital there.
Judge and Mrs. Thomas G. Windes and Miss Susan Windes have returned from their town house and have reopened their home on Cherry street.
Miss Pearl Boyd is back at her duties at the postoffice after a few days' vacation spent at her home in Glen Ellyn.
Mr. Thomas I. Simpson, who has been in Toronto, Canada, for several months, returned to Winnetka Monday.
Mr. Fred T. Richardson returned from Clinton, Illinois, last Saturday and reports a very successful hunting trip. He bagged a number of ducks.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cranshaw have returned from Lakewood, New Jersey, where they spent the winter. They were flood-bound four days in Ohio on board train.
Mrs. Robert Gregory was the speaker at the meeting of the Woman's guild and the Auxiliary Wednesday, April 2, held in the parish house of Christ church.
Miss Jesie Burkitt attended the reception of the senior class of Gertrude house, given at Fullerton hall, Art Institute, last Saturday evening. Miss Burkitt is a student at Gertrude house.
The Rev. Frederick G. Budlong of Christ church left Saturday for Boston, where he is to deliver a series of sermons at the Cathedral church of St. Paul's April 1 to 4.
[Column 2]
The philanthropic department of the Woman's society of the Congregational church met Monday afternoon in the library of the church. Mrs. A. M. Kales read "The Purpose," by Sudermann, which was much enjoyed.
The Woman's society of the Congregational Church held an all day session Wednesday, April 2. Luncheon was served at 1 o'clock, and in the afternoon Mr.s J. C. Winship was the leader in a discussion on "Mormonism."
Mrs. N. H. Blatchford, Mrs. J. Allen Haines and Mrs. Augustus Peabody of Winnetka attended the reception given by the Three Arts club in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Faversham. The reception was given at the club house at 1614 La Salle avenue, Chicago.
Mrs. John L. Shortall, a former resident of Winnetka, is to read a paper at the regular meeting of the Winnetka Woman's club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Shortall has as her subject, "The Play's the Thing."
Mrs. Jane Usher Bolte, aged 86, died Wednesday evening, March 26, at the home of her son, Charles G. Bolte, on Elm street. The remains were cremated Thursday. Mrs. Bolte is survived by two sons and one daughter, Charles G. and Anson H. Bolte and Mrs. S. G. MacCracken.
Prof. J. K. Ochiai of Tokyo, Japan, preached at the 11 o'clock service in Christ church last Sunday, in the absence of the Rev. Frederick G. Budlong. The sermon topic was "The Sun in the East." Prof. Ochiai is in ths country for a year's study prior to taking up his work in the Tokyo Theological seminary.
Mr. M. K. Meyer has purchased the property at the corner of Spruce and Railroad avenue, and is to be used for storage space for the rapidly growing business of the Winnetka Coal & Lumber company. The lot was bought of W. P. Happ who is to move the present building to his lot on Chestnut street.
Mrs. J. A. Jameson and Mrs. W. D. McKenzie attended the theater party at the Cort and banquet at the Hotel La Salle, given by the Michigan Alumnae of Chicago Monday of this week. The alumnae are raising funds for the endowment of scholarships of worthy young women of Chicago, at the University of Michigan. The theater party and banquet were given as a benefit for this fund and $1,000 was raised.
Mr. Edwin F. Snell of the the Congregational Church is conducting a course of study on current religious philosophy to be known as the Tuesday morning class, and will meet every Tuesday morning in the library of the church. This class is open to anyone in the community, and anyone wishing to attend should send his name to the office of the church. A text book will be used and only those should consider the work who can give some time in preparation.