Mr. Mat Bone has returned from a four weeks' visit to Chicago friends.
Mr. Breitung and family of Seger St. have moved to Lake Forest, Illinois.
Mrs. N. P. Miller of Charles and Ridge avenues has been reported ill.
Mr. John Bleser of Ridge avenue has been reported ill, but is recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. George Emerson of Lake avenue, Glen View, are the parents of a baby girl, born Tuesday April 1.
Mrs. Peter Schaefer of Charles street entertained relatives and friends on the birthday, Tuesday, APril 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoth of Fifteenth [15th] St. will entertain the Saturday Evening Club at cards Saturday, April 12.
Mrs. Frank Schaefer of Ridge avenue entertained relatives and friends on Monday, March 31, in celebration of the birthday anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. John Streit of Ridge and Lake avenues have returned from Tipton, Kansas, where they attended the funeral of Mr. Streit's mother.
Mrs. Cecilia Wagner and her sister, Mrs. Mary Merkel, attended the funeral of Miss Katherine Winkel of Chicago Sunday.
Mr. John Miller and Peter Wagner attended the funeral of Miss Katherine Winkel of Chicago, to act as pall-bearers.
The dance that was scheduled by the Gross Point baseball club for last Thursday has been postponed to Saturday on account of the inclement weather. Tickets for Thursday are redeemable.