Mrs. F. E. Herdman has as her guest Miss Ethel Wallace.
Mrs. C. C. Adams has as her guest Miss Mary Crawford of Ohio.
Dr. R. S. Childs is in Fayettevile, Arkansas, for a short visit
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ross of Chicago have moved into their new home at 787 Foxdale avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sloan have returned and are again occupying their home on Foxdale Avenue.
Mrs. Fletcher Dobyns of Chicago was the guest of Miss Edith Beach last Saturday.
Mr. Clarence Sigwalt returned early this week from an extended trip through the west.
Mrs. ALfred Newton Burnham has made a gift to Community House of several much needed pictures.
Mr. Douglass Smith returns this week from his winter home at Belle Air Heights, Florida.
Mrs. J. Willard Bolte and children are in Grand Rapids, Michigan, for a visit.
The German Woman's society are to give a euchre party at Community House this evening at 8 o'clock.
Mr. William Able has given up his position with the American Express company and is now with Rudolph Bros.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Luensman of 806 Elm Street Monday, April 7.
Mrs. J. Q. Syme and daughter returned from New Orleans, La., where they were for the winter.
The two children of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Morley of Pine street are ill with scarlet fever.
Mr. E. C. Weissenberg was injured in a fall last week, fracturing two ribs.
Miss Mable Pearsen of Evanston was the guest of Miss Charlotte Wittstein of Ridge avenue Sunday.
Mrs. Hermon B. Butler has returned from a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Claud Jewell peck in Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brewer entertained Friday evening in honor of Mrs. Chauncey L. Williams, who is leaving shortly for New York.
Mr. John Dehmlow expects to move into his new home on Elm Street next week. Work is being rushed and it is hoped to have everything finished by the end of this week.
The softball season opened last Saturday and games are played at the public park on Maple street every week during the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hibbard returned Saturday from a three weeks' trip to Panama and the Canal Zone. They have opened their home on Willow street for the summer.
Miss Mac Ferris of Elkhorn, Wisconsin, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hall of Willow street, has returned to her home.
The Rev. J. W. F. Davies has with him this week his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. James Davies of Harrison, Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. George Higginson, Jr., are to return to their summer home, "Meadow Farm," the latter part of the month. They have spent the winter at their town home, 713 Rush St., Chicago.
Mrs. F. M. Harned, 1016 Spruce street, entertained at supper Monday evening in honor of Miss Ruth Knox and Miss Pearl Boyd.
Rev. Edwin F. Snell of the Congregational Church is secretary of the Apollas club of Chicago, a religious society. There is to be a meeting this Monday at the Great Northern hote.
The Winnetka Woman's club is to hold its annual election of officers soon and is now making nominations by ballot through the mail.
Mr. Martin Kloepfer, who was taken ill in Peoria, Illinois, with appendicitis, has escaped an operation and will be well enough to be moved home next week.
The Parents' and Teachers' association is to hold a public meeting at the Horace Mann school this evening at 7:45 pm. All parents are invited. Mr. De Groet of the Playground Association of Chicago will speak on "The Educational Value of Playgrounds."
Secretary James L. Kincaid, secretary of the Fortnightly club, announced the regular meetings of the club will be on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. The meetings are held in the Library of the Congregational Church.
The marriage of Mrs. Tillie Madsen and Mr. William P. Happ took place Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Madsen, 887 Oak street, Rev. J. W. F. Davies performing the ceremony.
Elmer E. Adams and George S. Wod, both of Winnetka, have become associated in the plumbing business as the Winnetka Plumbing and Heating company. This new corporation has purchased the plumbing business of Mr. John D. McKay.
[Column 2]
The Royal Arcanum initiated a class of eight new members at their meeting Monday evening.
The regular Friday night moving pictures have been cancelled for this week. The gymnasium is to be used by the Boy Scouts.
Mr. W. A. Noerrenberg has moved his family to his ranch in South Dakota, leaving Winnetka this week. Mr. Noerrenberg has been making frequent trips to Powell during the last year in the interest of his ranch, but now his interests are so great that it will take all of his attention.
Ladies of the Missionary societies of Winnetka are cordially invited to attend the meeting of the Wilmette Woman's Christian Temperance Union, which is to be held in the Wilmette Congregational Church on Tuesday, April 15, at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Mabel V. Divelbiss of Chicago will give an address on "Cooperation."
Mrs. Winthrop Girling, a former resident of Winnetka, was the speaker at the meeting of the Glencoe Equal Suffrage association Monday of this week. Mrs. Girling had as her subject of discussion, "The Relation of The Public to its Schools." The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Sherman M. Booth on Vernon Ave.
The dance given by the Intermediate Athletic Club at the Winnetka Woman's Club last Friday was a great success financially. The attendance was not as large as had been looked for as the ticket sale had been heavy. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clague, Mr. and Mrs. William D. Washburn and Rev. and Mrs. J. W. F. Davies were the patrons and patronesses.
Mr. Ernest J. Allsebrook of 747 Lincoln Ave., is in Cairo, Ill., in the interest of the Chicago Mill and Lumber company, of which firm he is manager. Mr. Allsebrook and the Chicago Mill and Lumber company have extensive interests in Cairo, which are seriously threatened by the flood from the overflow of the Ohio river.
Community House announces some very interesting moving pictures to be shown in the next two weeks. Friday evening, April 18, a three-reel detective story will be shown. This is of the famous detective, William J. Burns, and is the only one for which he has posed. Friday evening, April 25, pictures of the Dayton flood will be shown.
The Chaska Club are to have a dinner in the club rooms at Community House next Saturday. There will be a celebration of the great success of their plays given March 29, at which a nice sum was cleared. The proceeds of this play are to apply on the purchase of a drop curtain for the stage at Community House. The curtain has been ordered and is expected to be in place soon.
The Royal Neighbors held a banquet in the Assembly room of Community House Wednesday of last week. A very pretty table was arranged and covers laid for fifty. The banquet was a big success.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gutekunst are again in their home on Sheridan road. They returned from New York Sunday.
The board of directors of the Winnetka Public Library wish to announce that the Winnetka library is open every week-day from 2 to 6 p.m., and Monday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock. The Hubbard Woods branch, in the Columbia school-house, is open Friday afternoons from 3:30 to 5 o'clock. The libraries are closed on all holidays. Appplication for the use of the basement meeting room of the Winnetka Library should be made at the library.
The dramatic committee of the Winnetka Woman's Club announce a matinee performance of Barrie's "Quality Street," to be given by the New Trier High School students on Saturday, April 12, at 2:15 p.m at the Woman's Club, the proceeds to be applied on the mortgage fund. This is a play for children and older persons, too. The performance is given especially for the children. Tickets may be procured of Mrs. Cornelius Lynde or Mrs. Morris L. Greeley.