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At 8 o'clock Monday night, at St. Luke's Episcopal church in Evanston occurred the marriage of Miss Katharine Earle French, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Earle French and Mr. Augustus Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Newell C. Knight. Rev. George Craig Stewart performed the ceremony. The bride's father presented her in marriage. She was gowned in white satin, hand emproidered, trimmed in point duchess lace, with train. Her tuile veil was [damaged]. She carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses, lilies of the valley and white sweet peas. The bridegroom's sister, Miss Katharine Kight, as maid of honor, wore white crepe and carried pink Killarney roses. The bridesmaids, Miss Janet Hall, Miss Anna Hoover, Miss Virginia Howland, Miss Cherrill McNeill, Miss Catharine A. French of Philadelphia and Miss Mary Roger Lyons of Louisville, Ky., were gowned alike in pink demasse crepe and carried Prince of Bulgarian roses and lavender sweet peas. The little flower girls, the Misses Virginia and Belle Clay Lyons of Anchorage, Ky., wore white [damaged]. The ushers were: Herbert A. Doty, Bayless W. French, Clinton Merrick, Donald C. Miller, Harold W. Wing, of Evanston; James Brookes Knight of St. Louis, Mo. A reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents, 1047 Forest avenue, Evanston. After the wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Knight will reside at 1005 Hinman avenue.