Mrs. William S. Sutherland and daughter, Jane have returned from a visit in Pinehurst, N.C.
Members of the school dancing club enjoyed a cotillion in the assembly hall Wednesday afternoon.
Louis, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. George Dietrich, is ill with scarlet fever.
Mr. and Mrs. George Combs are visiting friends and relatives in Fort Scott, Kansas.
Mrs. John N. Bullen has returned from Florida where she has been spending the winter.
W. W. Edwards and family have moved to Edgewater where they will reside.
Mrs. Frederick C. De Long, who underwent an operation in the Henrotin Memorial hospital a week ago, is reported improving.
That the children may enjoy the spring weather, Miss Thompson, kindergarten teacher, has decided to conduct her classes on porches the remainder of the spring.
Mrs. William Mortime returned Tuesday from Los Angeles, California, where she has been on an extended visit. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mortimer, who will be guests of relatives and friends here for several weeks.
MR. and Mrs. Thomas C. King sailed Saturday from New York for Naples. They left here on Thursday. They expect to be gone from Glencoe about three months, during which time they will sojourn in southern Italy and other points of interest on the continent.
"The Immigrant Problem" was the topic of a paper given by Miss Grace Abbot before the members of the Woman's Library Club Thursday afternoon. Miss Abbot has devoted much time to the immigrant problem and presented an interesting paper for the clubwomen. Several sketches by Chicago artists wre shown in the meeting.