Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Oct 1966, p. 75

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200 For Sale--Automobiles 200 For Sale--Automobiles 45 YEARS IN BUSINESS For Your Buying Protection OLDS '64 4 dr. H.T. Dyn 88, white vinyl int. Air, full Excellent buy at alpine power $1,695 PONTIAC GTO C O N V E R T '65 big engine, 4 on floor, power, perfect cond. $2,095 P L Y M O U T H '65 ST. WAG. B e l v e d e r e 6. Blue, auto t r a n s , power steering. Radio. C a r r i e s 5 yr., 50,000 mile warranty. $1,695 C H R Y S L E R '65 N E W P O R T 4 DR, spice gold, driven only 10,000 miles. Fully equipped. $1,195 I M P E R I A L '64 Crown 4 dr. H.T. P r e s t i g e c a r . Full power and air. $2 495 F O R D '66 ST. WAGON. Air-cond. S h a r p low m i l e a g e b e a u t y . $2,795 CHEV. II '63 2 door Sedan " 6 " R E D low mileage-only. MUSTANG '65 2 DR. A.T. Sport Beauty. H.T. FIRE $745 Ivorv $1,795 1950 C H E V R O L E T C O U P E A / T ; almost new W / W ' s ; 55,000 a c t u a l m i . Beaut, cond. $175. Call 724-0800 or see at 1154 W a u k e g a n Rd., Glenview. '57 PONTIAC 2-door; a u t o m a t i c ; electric windows; best offer over $125. 724-9234. New Program to Treat Drug Addicts Is Recommended by State Rep. Moran A pioneering program for the treatment and rehabilitation of Illinois narcotics addicts was recommended this week by State Rep. James B. Moran (D) of Evanston. Rep. Moran, vice chairman of the State Narcotic Advisory Council, said the program is the first Illinois attempt to deal constructively with the state's addiction problem--the second or third most serious in the nation. Because of the total lack of a statewide program, Illinois can take advantage of the knowledge gained from recent experimental projects elsewhere, Rep. Moran said. Cites Experience "Some states, such as New York, have committed themselves to massive and costly construction programs for addict hospitals whose ultimate effectiveness has not been proved," he explained. The emphasis in the Narcotic Advisory Council proposal is on "aftercare" through comprehensive neighborhood treatment programs using the latest and most successful methods of combating addiction. The council, Rep. Moran said, has rejected long-term corrtpulsory commitment to hospital facilities. The proposed program would: · Establish a pilot neighborhood treatment center--a halfway house --in a selected neighborhood with a high addiction rate. · Provide living quarters in this treatment center for counselors and selected addicts as soon as they enter the program and provide facilities for experimental administration of drugs used as substitutes for narcotics. cannot continue to ignore the hu- General Assembly session. man and social consequences of adIts membership includes the Rev. diction." Bruce Wheeler of Evanston, chapThe Narcotics Advisory Council, lain of the Chicago House of which includes legislative, public, Correction, and Dr. Joseph Skom of and law-enforcement members, Winnetka, chairman of the Illinois was created by legislation intro- State Medical Committee on Narduced by Rep. Moran in the last cotics. 201 Boats and Outboard Motors M A N U F A C T U R E R ' S SALES AND p h o t o g r a p h i c s a m p l e s on new '67 m e r c h a n d i s e . Two 11' fishing b o a t s , fit in station wagon, 1 at $150 and 1 at $200; 12' fishing boat used for and photo models, $400 e a . ; 15' r u n a b o u t , test model, $500; 10'6" fiberglas sail boat, test m o d e l , $175 c o m p l e t e . O u t b o a r d m o t o r s for m o s t b o a t s , s o m e n e v e r used. Sold at cost, but onlv w / b o a t s . U N I T E D M A R I N E CO. 724-7569 INSIDE STORAGE BOATS, TRAVEL TRAILERS LOWEST RATES ON G R E A T LAKES 945-0100 MUST S E L L NOW 17' CHRIS C R A F T ski boat, fully equipped, excellent condition. Best offer. Call evenings 787-6212. 15' ALUMINUM CANOE L E F T FOR S E R V I C E . MUST S E L L . $145. 729-3649 ALCORT S U N F I S H E X C E L L E N T CONdition, wooden construction, red and w h i t e nylon sail. $275. P h o n e 625-0715 or 625-1753. 17' F I B R E G L A S CANOE, $229 VALUE, for $160, exc. condition. 724-5206 after 6 p . m . 16' RUNABOUT WITH TRAILER. C r u i s e r ' s Incor. 1966 Johnson 60 H . P . m o t o r . W a t e r ski r i g ; s p e e d o m e t e r ; other a c c e s s . $1,200. H I 6-1138. W A N T E D : T R A I L E R F O R SUNFISH Will consider Sunfish and t r a i l e r together. ALpine 1-4912 25' OWENS CABIN C R U I S E R . E x cellent condition. Fully equipped. Completely reconditioned. Slip Sleeps 5. 729-2432. OLDS '64 l u x u r y " 9 8 " 4 DR HT 229.000 a c t u a l miles, mint green, air, full power, s h a r p . $1,895 CHRYSLER '62 N e w p o r t 4 dr. Air. Full power, one owner u n u s u a l c a r . $995 VALIANT '63 2 DR. " 6 " Trouble Economical transportation. free. $695 Many More To Choose From Drastic Price Cuts On Remaining '66 Models Brand New and Executive Cars CENTRAL MOTORS Evanston 1000 Central Open E v e n i n g s Low B a n k R a t e s '63 OLDSMOBILE C O N V E R T I B L E P / S ; P / B ; R / H ; like new W/W t i r e s ; 22,700 orig. m i . Dk. Blue and white top. P e r f e c t in e v e r y r e s p e c t . 729-2339. '61 2 DOOR R E D CORVAIR. AUTO. t r a n s . , radio, h e a t e r , j u s t p u r c h a s e d WWs, convertible r e a r seat. Excellent condition. $375. 446-2198. 1961 PONTIAC CATALINA CONvert.; P S , P B , radio, h e a t e r , WW, new top, one owner, s u b u r b a n driven. Call AL 1-4754. 1965 H A R D T O P MUSTANG 6 CYLinder, stick shift. Excellent condition. $1.550. P h o n e 299-7262. CADILLAC, 1957, 4 DR. SEDAN Good cond., new motor, 1 owner. Call Charles L a n g e , DA 8-1211. 1957 CHEV. 210. 2 DOOR; CLEAN. 327 C.I., 350 H . P . Bucket s e a t s $550 or best offer. Call 869-6947. 1962 F O R D GALAXIE 2 D R . 6 cylinder. A u t o m a t i c t r a n s . Good condition. $495. DAvis 8-4575. 2664 G r e e n B a y Rd., E v a n s t o n . B U I C K r 6l E L E C T R A " 2 2 5 . " P . S . P . B . Low mileage, 4 door sedan, g r e e n . V e r y good condition. Good tires. Call 673-7618. 1965 PONTIAC TEMPEST CONvert. AM-FM. v e r y clean, m u s t sell b e c a u s e of school. $2,125. Call after 6 p . m . 864-9263. CADILLAC 1966 SEDAN. LIKE new. Full power. AM-FM. Low mileage. F a c t o r y W a r r a n t y . P r i . p a r t y . Very good buy. P h o n e 674-0714. 1963 CADILLAC. AIR COND. P W R . steering, b r a k e s and windows. One owner. Low m i l e a g e . $2,350. AL 1-5349 1964 VW, GRAY, GOOD CONDITION. 1 owner. Call After 7 p m . AL 1-7796 1963 CADILLAC SEDAN D E V I L L E excellent condition. On display at P u r e Oil Station corner Ridge and W i l m e t t e Ave., W i l m e t t e . AL 1-6861. 1948 4 DR. SEDAN Clean, d e p e n d a b l e , snow t i r e s wheels. $100. Call 272-2925. '65 S U P E R hp; W/W; blue; like owner. T o p and 202 Airplanes V* I N T E R E S T IN CESSNA 140. BASED Sky H a r b o r . F r e s h license, rebuilt front to r e a r . New r a d i o s . Dues $15 m o n t h , cost $1.85 hour. Share $700. White, red t r i m . N89918. ALpine 11285. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CHEVY Si; 1965.^327 ENGINE". P o w e r steering, b r a k e s . A u t o m a t i c factory a i r conditioned. Wire w h e e l s . Low m i l e a g e . I m m a c u l a t e . $2,050. No r e a s o n a b l e offer refused. 272-7215. 1964 BUICK LESABRE 4 DOOR Sedan, p o w e r steering, b r a k e s , and s e a t . Radio, factory air cond., 28,000 m i l e s . Asking $1,995. Call AL 6-0944 after 6. Mr. and Mrs. C l i f f o r d Noonan of W i l m e t t e (right) discuss plans for a meet-the-candidate party with State Rep. James B. Moran (D) of Evanston. The Noonans will host an O c t . 23 brunch for Mr. Moran, who is seeking re-election in the 1st House District. 2 Wilmette Men Named Vice Presidents of Firm electric motor division of Emerson Electric Co., St. Louis, and spoke on "The Impact of Technology on Business and Management," at the recent international Conference of M a n a g e m e n t Consultants in London. Mr. Osborne, 900 Forest Av., has become vice president of merchandising for Marshall Field and Co. in Chicago. He previously was a merchandising manager in the firm's apparel division. Mr. Osborne joined the firm as assistant to the personnel director in 1945. He was appointed a silver buyer in 1947, assistant to the merchandise manager of the apparel division in 1955, and named a merchandise manager in 1956. He is a graduate of Grinnell (la.) College and served in the Army Air Corps during World War II. K o r s h a k to Meet Northfield Twp. Voters at Coffee Marshall Korshak, Democratic candidate for Cook County treasurer, will meet Northfield Township voters at 10 a.m. Tuesday at a coffee in the home of Mrs. Homer J. Livingston Jr., 360 Riverside Ln., Northbrook. Mr. Korshak recently was honored by the Illinois Taxpayers Federation and the Illinois Township Officials Association for his "outstanding and magnificent job" in his present post, state director of revenue. He also has been rated "very well qualified" for the treasurer's post by the Better Government Association. A former state senator, he received the Independent Voters of Illinois "Best Legislator" award during all four of his terms. He was appointed to the post of revenue director on Apr. 7, 1965. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin and Lewis Institute, the Chicagoan received a law degree from Kent College of Law. ACHIEVES HONORS Miss Clair A. Henderson of Winnetka has achieved high honors at Wells College, Aurora, N.Y., for the academic year 1965-66. A sophomore, Miss Henderson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Henderson, 1446 Scott Av. She is a New Trier High School graduate. S P O R T IMPALA V8. 250 r a d i o ; P . S . WS T i n t ; m i s t new tires; low m i . One cond. $1,850. 272-3674. 1963 M E R C U R Y COMET Conv., wh. w / b l . t o p ; V-8 auto, white walls. E x c . cond. $900. 272-6542 COMET CONVERT. '64 260-V8, auto, t r a n s . , p.s., p . b . , orgin. owner. Beautiful condition, m u s t see. $1,425 831-9229 '60 CORVAIR, SILVER, 4-DR. R E D interior; auto, t r a n s . ; r e c e n t l y p u r c h . W / W s ; new engine. Clean. Asking $250.. B e s t offer. P A r k 4-1367. '62 R A M B L E R AMERICAN 4-DR. sedan; std.; clean; like new t i r e s ; good r u n n i n g cond.; 1 owner; $475. 724-9620 d a y s . 724-7560 after 6 p.m. Charles F. Knight and Arthur E. Osborne Jr., both of Wilmette, have become vice presidents of Chicago firms. Mr. Knight, 1034 Illinois Rd., has been named executive vice president of Lester B. Knight and Associates, Inc., a Chicago firm of management consultants and consulting engineers. He also serves as president of · Consider establishing an ex- Lester B. Knight International addict group, such as New York's Corp., and has spent several years "Daytop Village" program. This in Europe organizing new diviprogram helps addicts help them- sions of the firm in Germany and selves stay off drugs and become Switzerland. socially useful human beings. Mr. Knight is a director of the · Establish a short-term detoxification facility as entry to a rehabilitation program. · Co-ordinate and mobilize public and private resources to meet Mr. and Mrs. Paul Plunkett, 1220 Illinois addiction problems. Rep. Moran said legislation will Westview Rd., Glenview, will hold be introduced in the next session of an open house at 8 p.m. Sunday for the General Assembly to permit Mr. and Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson enforcement authorities and the III of Chicago. The event, sponsored by the courts to co-operate in the treatNorthfield Township Independent ment and rehabilition program. "Although narcotics addicts are Citizens for Stevenson Committee, very seldom involved in crimes of is designed to permit area voters violence, addiction is responsible to meet the Democratic candidate for a substantial proportion of prop- for state treasurer. Barry Freeman Jr. of Northbrook erty crimes," Rep. Moran said. is chairman of the Northfield comGives Statistics mittee. The committee's executive "Illinois is known to have in staff includes Mr. and Mrs. Freeexcess of 7,000 addicts and the man, Mr. and Mrs. James Friednumber may be more than double. man of Northbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Approximately a quarter of the William Wineberg, Mr. and Mrs. total prison population are addicts. Ned Simon, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter While strict controls on distribution Dammann, all of Northfield, and of narcotics are essential, we Mr. and Mrs. Plunkett. · Provide facilities for group therapy, social referral services, and a probation and parole office. · Establish a continuing research and evaluation program, using existing research centers, to evaluate experimental neighborhood programs and to assist in determining what programs should be initiated in other neighborhoods. Open House Set For Stevenson Admissions Counselor To Visit Area Schools The admissions counselor of California Western University, San Diego, will visit area high schools Wednesday on a four-state trip. He will be at New Trier East at 8:30 a.m.; Glenbrook South, 10:45 a.m.; Glenbrook North, 1 p.m.; and North Shore Country Day School, 2:30 p.m. WINNETKAN ENROLLED Nicholas C. Babson of Winnetka is enrolled at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. A junior, Mr. Babson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Arthur Babson, 153 Sheridan Rd. 75 O c t o b e r 20, 1966

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