: Delayed by ·Fire Salea of All TjpM in 1923 Sprinpeld "· Exceed Previoua Year of the 1923-19,24 Illin<>is Blue Book has just been refrom Secretary of State, Louis , who publishers the nially. It is intended for purposes and its nine hunthirty-nine pages are crowdfact s about the State of Illito a fire in the bindery of where the book is being livery in quantities has been until some additional forms run. The book received by is one of the few which the fire. present edition follows tlte I style adopted in the 1921 -1922 but is more elaborate both as · ect matter and illustrations. the new features which have d in the present volume may tioned particularly the followMany Facta'· · giving the names of the and city clerks, the populaude above the sea level and government of every incorcity, town and village in the COS M -AS QUALITY Phone ·RELIABILITY Oppoaite The Village Theatre SERVICE Phone teer of all the rivers and streams in the State, showing length, the county in which they d the stream into which they le giving basic facts relative ainage and land reclamation in the State. s RE s ZSc 29c 29c prehensive article by the tendcnt of Highways on the ed $100,000,000 road bond issue, wi t!. a list and description routes in the proposed system a map showing the principal covered by the system. explanation of the New State and game code, together with a showing the three game zones Wilmette Rebekah Lodge, No. 610. · hed by the game code. I. 0. 0. F ., held its installation of officers recently at which Ida E. Sherman, past president of the Rebekah State ~ssembly,conducted the insta~ ini' 1(!eretnonies, tssisted by other officers of the local district . lntereatina llluatrationa Officers installed at the impressive the illustrations of the pres - ceremonies were: in addition to the usual Alma Mergenthaler, noble grand; s of the State officials and Mattie Kurz, vice-grand; Hannah s of the legislature are: a fron- Lange, chaplain; Katherine Herberholz showing the landscaping of recording secretary; Kathryn Klemm. te Capitol Grounds with the financial secretary'; Elsie Cunningham, ntennial Building in the back- treasurer; Fred Thompson, warden; , several views of the exterior Alice Bailey, conductQ.t; Minnie L. terior of the Centennial Build- Kuelzow, right supporter ta noble ews of beauty spots in Illinois grand; Laura Hill, left supporter to have been selected as suitable noble grand; Della Kruppa, right tate parks. scenes in State in- supporter to vice-grand; Elizabeth and State normal schools, Krysanitz. left supporter to vice -grand; view of the University of Florence Ward, inside guardian; Vic' pictures of the new statues of tor Hill, outside guardian; Gertrude Governor Richard Yates, John Knobel, musician. · mer, and several others. Minnie L. Kuelzow, retiring noble book is elaborately indexed . In grand and past noble grand of Banner on to the name index covering ' Lodge, received a beautiful token of the thousands of names ~PP..e~r-1 esteem presented . .bY the installing the hook, there is a subject 111- officers. each rehnng officer of the an index to former Blue lodge received a recognit ion pin, and all outgoing and incoming officers e forepart of the book is a wP"f' ('"iven many gifts. The Wilmette lodge has experience·'l ensive article giving facts reto the State in brief a com- a rcm ;~ rkahle rrowth since its institution on Ao;>ril 11, 1923. as possible. That sales, shipment s and deliveries of Cadillac cars during 1923 all surpassed the high records of 1922, and that the first four months of sales of the new V-63 surpassed by more than 70 per cent the corresponding period in the sales of the type 61, is the summary of a statement by Jay W . Dunivan, manager of distribution of the C.adil.lac Motor Car company, in rev·ewmg the company's activities for the past year. "Our record.s compiled at the close of the year show that 1923 sales shipments and deliveries have all' made ga~ns over 19~, an_ d mark the highest pomt yet attamed 111 Cadill ac history" states Mr. Dunivan. "From the outs~t of the year, sales of the type 61 were excellent, and after the introduction of the V -63 in September they began mounting in an increasing ratio over sales in the corresponding period of the earlier type, and continued to do so throughout the remaining months of the year. "The growth in sales has been accompanied by a strengthening of our dealer organization, improvements itt service facilities, the erection of many new buildings by distributors and dealers, and closer factory co-operation with them through an increase in district supervision. "The economic outlook for 1924 is good. With few exceptions, most sections of the country are prosperous. The new V-63 Cadillac has been accorded the greatest reception of any Cadillac, and our distributors and dealers throughout the country in the new year will be operating on quotas consideraWy advanced over those of 1923." Wilmette 2694 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES We Deliver Any Amount A· Far North A· Glencoe Wilmette 2693 WE . ASK Are yoa .worried by. the hiah coat f)( liviq ?. ~re you cliapatecl by bacl aerrice? Do yoa wonder if the gooda are fresh? Let us ellllliDate your worries. We guarantee deulineu, service and fresh goods. YOU DON'T MISS. THIS SALE! FRUITS Sweet Florida Oranges, 2 doz. ........ 2Sc Fancy Apples, by the box ... . ....... $1.il ~~~ clo&. ·...···········...···. 35c Taq~ per doa. ................. 35c y awberries, per quart ....... . 3tc Bananas, per doa. ................... 35c Grapefruit, finest, sweet and juicy, 8 for 2Sc, by the ease $3.75 VEGETABLES Best Button Mushrooms, pe( lb·........ Sic Cauliftower, .................. 2Sc and ap Beets and Carrots, large bunch ........ tOe Sweet Potatoes, 3 lba. ................ 25c Green Beans, per quart .............. lSc Spinach, pel' peck ...·.........··.·... Jtc New Cabbage, 31bs. .................. ~ Brussela Sprouts, per quart ....·..... ZSc ARTICHOKES, TOMATOES, CUCUMBERS FRENCH ENDIVE, RADISHES AND GREEN ONIONS AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES POTATOES P~anb:c $2.85 Don't Forget, If lt'a a Fruit or Vegetable WE HAVE IT. . IDAHO~=:. $3.45 There b Only One COSMAS STORE in Wilmette Fancy Celery Hearts, Lar·e bunches .... 2Sc INSTAU OFFICERS OF REBEKAH LODGE UQRTH SHORt 11 LINE .1._ Carrying Safety Messages · to Communities ~N I as 89c 25c 25c McGUIRE &: ORR The active Spring market is approach"ng; in fact, the advance guard of those look:ng for homes, has already arr:ved. If you plan to put your home or vacant on the market th is year. · ~u will have no better opport~nity to make use of our far-reaching serv:ce and cxtens :ve advertising. If you are undec:ded and wish to talk the matter over, our manager will be pleased to call upon you in response to a note or telephone call: this without any sort of obligation to you. We are also receiving m:wy inquiries for rentals. LIST WITH US NOW! AVENUE The Cherlee .A. Collin Medel awerded to the North Shore Line for diati,~uiahed contribution to the tl-velopmen' of .,/ecttJca/ tranaportation for the conrenience o(the public and the t..nefif or the induatry. 75c 75c &9c $1.00 $1.45 $1.45 $1.30 annual lecture course on safety is provided for public and parochial schools, in the com.. munities served by this company. Last year 584 safety lectures were given before 22,548 school children. Carrying the message of accident prevention to children and the public generally is an important part of this company's Safety Service program. It is an interesting fact that 707 safety precautio.ns, suggested by en1ployees of the company, were made effective on the North Shore Line last year. We cordially invite and will appreciate safety suggestions from patrons. 75c 19c $1.79 Z9c The Nortlt ::,/wTe Li~ is the direct ·r oNte fro"' Chiugo to Milwaukee-through the scenic rwrth shore coun· try. It is the quiclt, clurJ, ccmwrtimt wa1 to trnel and you can get a train wlrmner you warat 011e. Chicago N orth Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Wilmette Passenger Station .. 24c : Telephone Wilmet~e 2514