Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1924, p. 18

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18 WIL~fETTE 1924 THRIFTY PEOPLE USE THE W.&l'ITIID TO BIJY--B011SEHOLD GOODS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · 'classified advertlsemen ts will be charged only General Nottces-to residents or the di str ic t from Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive whose names app ear WlniL~iT~~epl!;:: diViN~EffK~ who are regular subscribers to either · TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. WANTJIID TO BUY-COLONIAL 4post be4.. Tel. Wilmette 19Z5L17-ltc WINNETKA FURNITURE STOltE lluys and sells rugs, stoves, ,auJ~~ nfa nos, anything useful. L80~..,. t-ttt· ~ t. 1. 10 cents pe r line In one paper. 20 cents per line In all three Rates-.--papers. MINUtU i'tl CHAKG·J 50e. Average ot nv.e words to the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. Classified ad ve rtiseme nts will be acfor lnserttons-cepted up to W edn esday 12 o 'c lock for th e WILM E TTE LIFE or a ll threl! paJJers; Thursday 12 o'c l~~ ~:fu~hs WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock !or the GLENC · Telephones : WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. N. FELL-DEALER IN NEW \ ND used house hold goods. 1644 ~I:L pl t,o Ave., Evanston. Phone 1,; vt'i~~ 1_1~~c 1 Deadlme · · FOR SAL~HOUSEHOLD Jt~URNITUIUJ FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FOH SALE-RELIABLE GAS STOVE, 2 oven s ; looks llke new, $30.00. P h one Winn etka 596-M. LTNl ·ltc 7 FOR SALE-1 MAHOGANY BOOKcas e with leaded black doors, $10,; 1 oak bookcase with glass door s, $S . Tel. Mrs. Aldrich, Wlnn e t'L'!rJ~~~ ltc FOR 8ALE-M18CELLANE011S FUll RENT-ROOMS FOR RENT-FURNISHED RMS.; Ar.LSO_ house k eepi ng apt. T el. Wll. 93a-M , LT6-ttc nea1· all transportation . TO CLOSE ESTATE. HEIRS OFFER VERY DESIRABLE SOUTH FRONT fine eas t Winn etka bo·.n e at Z5% dbroom for two adults, hot water heat, cou nt. Rt>a u. lge, livmg room, Coprivate home. 1046 Linden, Willonial 11tah·case, 3 baths, slpg. mette. L15-tfc pch garage, Ige. grounds. Fi'ne Hrick and stucco home, east, CENTRAL HOTEL-ROOMS; LIGHT, 4 br., 2 baths. lge. lot, nr. schools outside rooms ; steam h eat; hot and cold running water. Price ranging an~o/r~~~~~ct~~~; 5 ~~d furth e r Infor- from $6 to $8. 629 Main St. Tel. mation see Wilmette 1080. LT1-tfc IEoiEo§ttl!Jlll~~e&llttyCC(O). 790 E lm St., Winnetka, Tel. W£~~ \~~~ 1 FOR RENT-2 WARM, WELL- FURN. front rooms, so. windows,. nr. trans. East side. Tel. Wll. 194~TN17-1tc FOR SALE-AUTOS FOR SALE-DRESSES, SIZE 16, LIKE new, cheap, late models, suitable for young women or school girls. Tel. Wilmette 2715. LT17-ltc FOR SALE-FINE NEW WESTINGhouse radio set (crystal) . Tel. WI!. 983-R. L17-ltc FOR SALE-cANTON CREPE DRESS, only worn a few times. Orlg·lnal coat $40, will sell for $15. Telephone Wilmette 848. LTN17-ltp FOR SALE- REASONABLE PRICE; Membership In a local golf club. Gentiles only. M. McWhirter, P . 0. Box 43, Evanston. LTN17-1tc FOR 8ALE-A11TOI 6 ROOM FRAME BUNG. CONY. EAST FOR Ao~olE<dlcdiiirro!ftCO>Im&CCca Tel. WI!. UO RENT-NEWLY FURN. ROOM, location. $11,600.00. light, main fioor, nr. lake, station, very attractive 6 R. stucco house, couple employed pref. Tel. Winsun parlor, water heat, all modern netka 1543. LTN 1 7-1tc conveniences, one- car garage, In FOR RENT-FURN. ROOM NEAR high class neighborhood adjacent statlon and restaurant. 960 Linden to transportation and schools. Snap Ave. Tel. Winnetka 2U.LTNl ·ltc 0 7 at 9 "i:: ~~:!.~ bouse, a blocka from lake, ~ block· from school, 6~ from WANTED TO RENT-ROOMS 4·pot, 1 b ..tha, wa.ter heat, l-ear caraa·. an excellent buy at WANTED TO RENT-ROOMS OVER garage or small fiat by mother and high clal8 houaea from son, both employed , rent reas. Moth$25,000.00 up. er willing to work to help pay rent. Son can drive car eve. Tel. W · lnnetka 1423. LTN17-1tc . u~:~~~~~· CCA[))lllLlLA(CP§ lUJ§E[)) CA~ The Used Car Department of the Evanston Cadillac Branch otl'era an unusual assortment or good uaed cars In both Cadlllacs and miscellaneous makes. To the prospective purchaser of a new automobile In the $%,000-$1,600 class, who would not ordinarily consider the purchase of a used car, we wish particularly to call attention to our late model, reconditioned Cadlllacs. These cars will attract the buyer who demands dependability, superlor performance, and, above all, the satisfaction that comes from owning a car whose quality and prestige are ul'llversally acknowledged. Our selections are continually changing, and you will ftnd here at an attractive price a car that aulta ~our needs. Balearoom open eveninga. P~::;.ef:[esent car accepted In part Cadillac's Housewarming at its new . LOST-LARGE GRIP, CONTAINING Evanston home, 1810 Ridge avenue, · brushes, overalls, etc; also dripGARDENER, SOME cloth. $5 reward. Evanston Decor- which starte<l last Saturday, continued ating Company. Tel. Evanston 181. FOR SALE- HUBBARD WOODS, 6hawk . Ret. Tel. Wlnn. 42. until Thursday, January 24. Since room modern frame house, large LTN17-ltc LT17-ltp porch , near depot, $7,760. Frank A. Open House night on January 19, Reid, 956 Linden Avenue, Hubbard SITUATION WANTED-MALE PIANO TUNING many Evanston and north shore Woods. Open Sundays. Tel. Winn. ::::-:::::::::-=--::-::.-:-.:~----------1 motorists and their friends have visited 1300. LTN17-ltc t;JXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIRthe new building, and in"'pected not lng. L. W. Foster, plano maker. .., Call your home tuner. Tel. Wtnn . only the IPlant and its service 609-J'. LTN7-ttc facilities, ~ut also the display of new Upholstering, Draperies, 1 choice acre tracts in New V-63 Cad11lac models on the sales I11 a letter directed to the Slip Covers room floor. . Wilmette Life this week Trier and Northfi~ld townOn the first evenmg of the house- Ra hb ' warming, when for the first time, the .t _one, congressman at ships at very reasonable The. Ameri~an Railway associ:>tion recently completed branch was thrown Ilhnots, announces his cand prices. comm1ttee on the Prevention of HighFormerly with Ma11del Bros. open to the public, festivities held re-nomination at the wa~ Crossing Accidents, announces a sway For further information until midnight. The dispfay fall. nattonal contest with cash prizes for :oom, the Used Car department, front417 Fourth Street, Wilmette see th~ best design of poster and :nost .ng on Lyons street, was turned into "I deeply appreciate the high Phone Wilmette 2228 su1table slogan applicable to crossinp a ball room, and those who cared to LTN4·tfc accident prevention, for its 1924 cam- do so, danced there to the music of that has been conferred upon 111 paign. th e people of Illinois and the 909 RIDGE AVENUE Husk O'Hare's Syncopated Aces. Phone 364 . The de~ign is to be 21 inches by 33 Refreshments for the dancers, and fidence they have placed in me. WILMETTE ILLINOIS LTN17-Ltc r HAVE RECEIVED MY 192( SAMPLE tnches w1de an<l to be in four colors. coffee and wafers for the other guests my earnest desire to serve book and am prepared to show you The ~loRan must be brief, catchy and were served. On the second floor in people to the very best of my this beautiful line of the very latest practical. Ji'OR 8ALIC-HOUIE8 a temporarily erected motion picture I feel that my work has only In wall covering at reasonable prlcea. A. P. Hilts, Painting a.nd All designs and slogans should be theate~, a special picture performance gun, as the first session of FOR SALE-OWNER LEAVING, MUST Decorating, 1422 Wilmette Ave. Tel. aell attractl,v e 7-room east aide Wilforwarded to the New York office, 90 was g1ven. A novel specialty and a during my term of office Wll. 2718, LTN17-ltc mette home. 4 chambers, alpg. and on December 23, 1923. In eun porcbea garage U6 600 for EXP MAN HOUSE AND WINDOW Wes,t s~reet, not later than February selected comedy ~~de up the program. I think I may ask to be Among the exhtbtts shown this week quick sale. Tel. wtimette 1304. I 1. 1t IS announced. It is expected office in order that I may be L17-ltc polishing, and basement kalsomln- that many artists wiiJ send in posters. "!'ere newly designed labor-saving <le- reasonable opportunity to lng, Also odd painting jobs; first The campaign conducted last year vtces for use in. t~e service de.partment, WANTED '1'0 BVY-BOVIEI!I ~asa references. Walsh. Tel. Wlnn. hy . the Chicago and Northwestern one _ of the ortgmal 1904 one-cylind~r I have visited every county 1116. LT7-tfc Ca~tllac runabouts and an open model state and have met many t W .ANTED-sMALL HOUSE IN WIL~a1lway, attracted considerable atten- datmg from 1910. its citizens. 'The people mette. Will pay $10.000 to ,ll,tOO. TUTOR, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER, !10n an~ produced excellent results Acldren Wilmette Life, A-10. yeara' ellperlence. rates reaaona.ble. m reducmg the number of accide,nts. I~ the salesroom, a variety of· b~y know ~e .and I rely upon Tel. Evanaton 1198-R Llli·lte LU-tfc destgns of the V -63 .were displayed, re-nommatrOII." PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT surrounded by appropnate settings and Mr. Rathbone it a well lcnoWI WANTED '1'0 Rllll'IT-IIOIJ8111 EMPLOYED by large mercantile house TALIC BY INDIAN CIRL decorations. Members of the Evans- cago attorney whote home is in In loop baa spare time to close WANTED TO RENT-WITH OPTION and open ~on Cadillac organization were in at- worth. For the put several The Woman's society of the Wil· booka, prepare to buy, In Wilmette, e or 1-room ftnanclal atatement.s and Federal modern home, unturnlahed, nr-. lake. tax reports. Char~es ,.,~tte Pn·shvterian chu:-ch is to enter- tendance every evening to accompany haa beea .-nicularl,. int re&IIOft&ble. Address Posae.. lon May lat. Phone Lincoln · Wllmette L te, ~am the WestminstC"r ,...ni'd coml'ris - cuests through the building. promoting the ieia-e1ta of the A-%7. uoo. L17-2tp LTN17·2tc ~" young women of the pari~h. at a St. LawteiiCe-:-Galf Waterway IIT(;A'I'IO.N W A NTII:D-JIALiil timner and evening pro17ram Tues<lay I'Oa KBNT-GARAGICI He is a woederf·1 tpeaker AND JI'EMALIIC Ta.nua,ry 29. ~iss Grace ~eetzar, ~ Pl'obably belt lrocnm u an a FOR RENT-SPACE IN DOUBLE fu .J-b oodcd IndJ :J n. w ·ll l'e the spe"tkWHITE COUPLE AS aar .... e. 011 the life of A.,....... Liecela. 1017 Elmwood Ave. cnoK AND er. Tel. Wilmette 7U-M. butler, be11t references. Tel. L17-ltc Evanstnn 31411-VV. LT17-1tp 7 DIPHTHERIA DANCER LESS FOR IALE-HOUIEBOLD GOODI POR RB'N'r-llE.ATT'Y'IFTTLLY FURN. Dip_ h theria is four per cent less fatal &pt., eaat aide Wllmette. Unuauallv OIL f'AINTINGS BT AllERICAN ARTl&rae rooma, Including kitchen an;, lste, at a sacrlftce; alao· Mission than 1t. was three years ago in Illinois, hall clock, library taf>le, Yocker. accordmg to offic1al statistics. Where .-t'r.ielu':: 'i:te~h:ea..t;n~~~t bookcases, booka, Morrla chair, recases out. of each 100 terminated ·~!1-W. L1i -ltc trlgeratQr &nd ot!Jer IIOUaebol ·t tn death, Prtor to 1921, now only 6 gooda. Tel . Glencoe 115. · out of each 100 result fatally. 7 1 --------------L-T_N __ l _-__tc·i WANTED-EXP. ~~=r~~rtype~r~ie~. e~~. ~1~. :ro~o~ ~==:=:=:=:=:=:=::::::::~~==~~ E_D---R-E~F-IN ft~~'ng A:~~~.ti":it1"r~~';e hg~:~ia~~:g~ w~E 1J~2e3~ homLi7~~~ ~:l~~he$is.~o~~~. g~~~~r~e f~77 q'Mf~ ~==~H~E~L=P~W~A=N=T~E=D-~=M=A=L=E~~~ ~trf'et . Tel. Winnetka 1689. 1167 Wilmette Ave. HELP WANTED-FEMALE FOR SALE-SECOND HAND CANON 17 L ·1tc WANTED-MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. ball heating stove; also furnaces. A. '"o_P_P_O_R_T_U __ N_I""T'"'Y::---:'N:':O:':W:::"--:K:-::N::O~C:'K:;::S;-1169 Chatfield Rd. Tel. Win n. 1004. C. Woltr. Wll. 168. LTN17-ltc Chance to buy Wilme tte 40 ft . frontLTN17-tc FOR SALE-A lTTO'MOBILE!I age lot, zon ed for bu sin ess and WANTED_ RELIABLE GIRL OR apartments, 1 $7 5 p er ft. Easy terms. woman to care for children Wed. FOR SALE-NEW 7 PASS. TOUR. Should 1 e & i~~~~~IER P. M. from 12 to 5. Tel. Wlnn. 1781. with Ansted motor, 6 disc wheels, Packard blue body, Spanish leather Wilm e tte Phone 93. L17 -ltc I =====~~~~~~!!!!!!!~=L==Tl=7-~l=t=c upholstering, bumpers, trunk with suit cases, and all other equipment. SI'I'UATION WANTED-FEMALE Car worth $3,500; will take $1,700 for GOOD VALUES quick sale. Can be seen at Terminal 1341 Asbury Avenue is to be sold 'rhe Fashion Sewing Shop Garage, 4th near Linden Ave.. or before F e b. 1. Inspect this home telephone Wilmette 636. Ask for the AFTERNOON QOWNS AN)) DRESSES today. South front lot 60x159. Hecht car. L17-1tc a specialty. Reasonable prices. Price $13,500. Make early appointments. 1634 Scott Avenue lot 50x159 tor InCADILLAC MODEL 53, ENGJ NE REHighland Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wll. vestment. UO per toot until Febcently overhauled and put In good 9416-J. L15-tfc ruary 1; then $70. running condition, all rew glass Lincoln Avenu e home with curtains, four new Urea, 11pot tight, DRESSMAKING. AFTERNOON EVEwooded and landacaped ground., otrered at $(00. .Robert 1... Johnson, ning and wedding dresses a special125x150. Nine rooms; 2 baths; hot Deerfteld. LTN16-ttc ty. Ma.ke appointments early. Tel. water h eat. Ellceptlonal value. Wilmette 2718. LTN17-ltc WILLYS-KNIGHT 7-PASS. TOUR., blocks southeast or NorthDodge tour., Franklin sedan, ChiEXP. LAUNDRESS, let CLASS REF. western station; on attractive cago electric. Come and see them. Tel. Kenwood 5804. LTN17-ltp property 113x187 ; 7- room stucco; Tel. Wlnn. 165. Wersted Motor Co. two porch es. Call personally for WANTED-YOUNG LADY FOR GEN. LTN17-ltc details. 1 LOST AND F011ND Exclusive Agents work, good hours. HILL & STONE, L 0 S T - AMETHYST PIN, GOLD Highland Park LTN17-1tc scroll setting, laat Friday between Gilbert D. Johnson & Bro. 110 S. Dearborn Street WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL OF;~~~~:to~l~~e. ~~~~~~. ;:l~ V: \~ 664 Lincoln Ave. Wlnn. 3H mette 61. L17-1te LTN17-ltc LTN17-1tp FOUND-PAIR OF SHELL-RIMMED _W_A_N_T __ __ E_D ___W __ O_M __ A_N __F_O ___ R FOR SALE- ,VINNETKA. NEAR DEgeneral housework, family ol 3, one phoning Wll. 215 and paying for children, good this ad. L17-ltc J t'i;> $3~~~~; ~~;! :d~ek. O:r~f:,~t~. st~npf!!~~~ Evanston Branch 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston Evanston 8600 Ro&ers 1 s~:cb~~!r 0~a~e~~~ ~~~ ~;· t~~~~ Cadillac Housewarming Attracb Large Crowds 'RAmB011£ lll' RE N OMINA 1 Congreuman at Large I Haa· R---.... -·- WE HAVE SOME VERY Railway Aaaoc:iation to Conduct Safety Contest ~lhl!le~<elf & G(Q)lllb~<elhl .......... ·~· ,....... '"'""""J · ... -·or-aoo·· - ;:r ·- !G - --

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