Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1924, p. 10

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lO WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1924 _ WITILJMI!Eilil!E (C!H[lU!re.CCIHI NIEW§ ANJD) English Lutheran Gre nl eaf nnrl Seventh William Gulst>, past01· SP.rvlces for February 24. , Worship and serm on at 11 o clock. The pastor will preach on the "Parable of th e Sower." This Is one ot the great parables of the l\1astt!r which He Hims e lf has Interpreted for us. There are priceless treasures of tr·uth In this well-known utterance of J sus. Spe. cia! attention should be given to the Important tact of our attitude toward the Vlord whi c h th e great ::;ower has given to us. What are we doing with it? This parable gives us the k ~y to a. well-rounded and fruitful Chrrstlan character. It will help you In prepar· lng tor Lent. Bible 'chool at 9 :·5. Graded l esso ns are us o::d In a ll th e cla sses. Which class will win th f' banner and hold it during March? ']'he ot!'el'ing by the School last ::;unrla.y was very good. Particular mt>ntion may be made of th e splendid otl'ering of the primary d cpar u11 ent. ·w .. ar,t· always happy to w elcume new and old scholars. A l'n·-Lt·ntt-n dinner will be served In tht· social room ot tho; c hur·ch !'!ext Wedrw t:~clay, Ft·hr·unroy 27, at 6:30 P. M. This dt·li,::;htful alTair will be for members and rr·it-nrls. Tht· dinner Is not served fur· profit :ls tht> price of 75 cents Is <Jrlir sufficient to cove r the cost and ::Wrnt· ncct-ssary eq ull>m .,nt need e d for· !<ucla! pu r·poses. A~l who desire t o attend ,s hould notify, If they hav e not. a lr,.:ul.v done so. some ~em ber of th e commi ttee and espccrally Mr. W illiam l\Iclbyt' who has charge of the tickets. An Pxcell ent lH·ogram of mu~o~ic :\nd adtlrt)Hses will b10 given. The Memory anrt Song c lub will ~~~~~ ~~ ~~{~~~!' n~~t;[ :;h~~~~~fnd th e hi guests of the North End circle at t s meeting. The Rna;d of D;;;:cons anti Trustees together with the other ofllcE;rs of th e chur·ch will h o ld a joint meeting, M~~ clay F Pbruar)· 25, at S o'clock aFt ~ ho~ e of lll~·s. E. H. Burge, 924 ores avenue. JP» AIFU§!HI A WJN(Q)UJNCIE.lM!lENl S P . U.'s will meet at 3 o'clock on day afternoon. ning at 7:30 o'clock. The Junior with l\frs. E. E. Orner, 823 Park a.veH··outs will meet Friday afternoon at pue; 10 with 1\frs. C. ,L. Ricketts, 80'1 }\.shland avenu": 11 with Mrs. E. C. :, :30. Trankler, 622 IOrt'e nleaf street; 12 with The Emerson Street Presbyterla.n Mrs. H. w . w .. Jd, 315 Sunset road, (;ulld will be the guests of Wilm ette vnnnetka. W es tminster Guild at a dinner e vening · program next Tue:-; day, February The Junior Girl Reserves will meet 26, at 6:30 o'clock. Hostesses: )lr~. C. In the church Tuesday afternoon at \ '. Baker, Anne Welch and Sally 3:30. Trlanglt· I will meet Friday at The noosev1 t Troop Boy Scouts ~o~ l~dwar·ds. 3:30. 2 will meet at h eadq uart ers at 7 .LJ The "Spokes" of the Woman's soTuesday even ing. cie t y will meet for luncheon an~ proTh e Union m ee ting or the Baptist l('ram next 'lluesday, Feb rua ry 26, at Congr<>gatlon and the me,mbers ot the th" following homes: Spok e 1 with "Conquering Praye;r" will be the <.:orrgrtegational chur·ch wtll b e h e ld In .M rs. G. 0. Pearson, 2745 Woodbin e ave- them e of Mr. Stifter's sermon at the l 'illlr irn hull, Wednesday night, at 8 nu Evanston; 2 with Mrs. G. E. Mc- morning service, Sunday, February 2t. o'clock. The subject for study wiU Ka~a . 1053 Linden avE'nue ; 3 '_VIII be The Wilmette Baptist Choral society be Christian Nurture, th e ~tth ch~~;p ente rtained by Mrs. F. M. Dtttman, ter· of Dr·. Stowell's book The Chrld l\Tiss Mlrrlam and Mrs. Alfred Hill at will sing. and America's Future." 1411 Gregory avenue; 4 with Mrs. F. The Bible school, with graded ln. R. Eager, 1312 Elmwood avenue: 5 The ladies of th;-Cozy Corner circle with Mrs. W . C. Braun, 807 C e ntral struction tor all ages, meets at 9 :45. will ntertaln their husbands and avenue: 6 with Mrs. H . E. Holm es, 915 the adult classes convening at 10 fr·itmds a t a dinner· Friday nigh~, Feb- Lnke avenue: 7 with Mrs. G. A . Lar- o'clock. ruary 29, at 6:45. A very d e lrghttul son, 419 Gregory avenue; 8 with Mrs. lH·og ram Is being a~· rang ~ by Mrs. J . B. Bartholomew, 104 9th street; 9 The Junior and Intermediate B. Y. \V. A. Kichardson, socral chairman, and her com mittee. s111· "What Is An Education," le tilt theme tor the Senior B. Y. P. u. at their meeting In the As8embly roo 111 ~~e 5i!2d.er~fiss Beatrice Segsworth Ia "Why Translate the New Teata- , ment?" will be the theme of Prot Edgar Goodspeed at the Sunday EYe. nlng club this evening, at the c011 · gregatlonal church. The mueteal numbers will be furnl11hed by MI.. Anna Neyber·g, vlollnst and Miss Clt.ra Louise 'l;'hurston, harpist. The~ quar·ters t t."J'noo n . Baptist Chu rch ~~0 1>0 !'f~e':J~Y maef~~T~~:~.e The Okihl Camp Fire and the Junior church at I .. , The Better Americans will meet with Miss . Beach on Wednesday after. noon at 3.30 In the Assembly Room. The Deacons wiiJ meet a.t 7:30 011 The Vi cated at nnol we!~ pastor, I .... ached 1 lngs or olllce, In o p e n dal and troJll tdephonl St. St. AU8 suppo j c'hlldren Near Ea1 meeting Parish l wh .,n m c!t-scrlblnj J\· Th e ·washingto,-Avenu~ circle, will hold Its Februan· meetrng Frrda~, J<'t>bruar y 2U, at th e home ot Mrs. ~. 13. Crossley, 602 "'rashlng ton avettue. Mr·s. Clin t on .carpenter and Mrs. W . J . King will be th e assisting hos~ esses. Luncheon will be served at 1 o clo.ck. The circle will spend th e day sewrng for th" Infant W e lfare society. ca11vasse1 of the day. ('1 Methodist Church Wilmette and Lake avenues Wilmette, Ill. Rev. George Gilbert Stansell, )>astor At 9:30 sunday mor·ning, the Sunday school will meet in all of its d et>ur·tmcnts. Sunday morning s rvice at 11 A. M. Dr. Htansdl will preach on the theme "What are th e Christian People of Today Going to do about Christ'?" The th es is of this m essage wlll be that the followers of Jesus Christ in our day must either, in their measure, reproduce Christ or acknowledge their pretense. It will be a straight putting o~ the N e w Testament standard of expt:rlence and life made real here and now. Everyone Is heartily Invited to rl!verently listen to the d e livery of this st r·mon . St. John's L utheran Wilmetlt· aud l'ark Av en ues, Wilmette Herman \V . .l\lt>yt>r·, ~1 . A. Pastor tOG Prair·it.J Avenue. Telephone 1396 9:30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible class. 9 :45 A . M. First Service and sermon. 11 A. M. 8econd service and sermon. What part of my life b e longs to God'! Sen·lcelil A Message to Boys and Girls: The Church has always been, and forever will be the best friend that boys and girls have; by attendance they should be glad to support Wiln1ette Churches. They should know that the first Colleges were started by l\1inisters of the Church. Harvard was founded by ] ohn Harvard, a Christian Minister. The second College, \Villian1 and 1\lary, was founded by a preacher, and Yale by a group of them. Atnherst, Dartmouth and scores of others were founded by Church-folk and, for tnany, many years were supported by C{)n-tributions fron1 the Churches. J\I re than half the students in Universities, Colleges and Acaden1i~s are tn Church-supported institutions. Boys and girls who attend Church lend the power of their personal influence through. the Church to those institutions of learning which later will return their tnvestn1ent with cotnpounded interest. St. Aug nlmost tt aim whll ancl amol Dr. Cnr th e paris addressea In Louis Yesterd at St. Au paid for Cochran, I ~ram sho clifl'e r·ent teous com The plcf Chilllren's ruar·y 2 , n·el patrl dr t'n the anti <lil'l'erl th·· ,·arly tnn·. Th ;\lr.· and ~ (~f('I..'JlWOO evt·nlng at 8, Sunday school stafl'. Super·viHor. All members are urged to Tue!<tlay evening at ~. Men' s Fellow· be present for we are to start the shi!hu~~~~~Y at a. the Makrothen Club. sludy of the World ::;ervlce Book. Thursday evening at 7:30, halt hour Sunday, at 6 P. M. Epworth League of lice. cl~~~~uy Monday and l<'rlday, at 4, Children's Meeti n g· L.;'jl~"u~ay.;.,i~lt ~~\M·l\~~s~ 1~~~~mb~~'tt~ ~t'Xt SU tht·re will l'ommunlo A.M. ']~~~~·;~day .. venlng· at 8, Choir prac- llt 2, Opening session Walthl!r' Lt·:tg ue at l!:vauston. l\londay, at 12 :30 Jl. m . th e Lunch Satur·clay at 6, Walther· League ban- clui.J will meet at the Central Y. M. C. A ., 19 South La::;alle street. 4Ut:l ut the Ol'l'lngton. l't:<>ple who arc very willing to ))rofeHs tlwir <.:hristlan faith are sometim.,s very unwilling to assume th e ir Chrh<tiarr duties and r es1>onslbilltles. Ur·anted that cNtaln circumstances rentler a person capable for certain Christian work, and that e very <.:hrlstlan has his work for Chril;t, th e re Is <t\:wa.~at u, .. lll"ohlt-IU of fte "Yes-Hut" Christlau to deal with. ::;unday's ser· mon will 1h·a.l with that question. You an· invited. A vur~· lmpor·tant me e ting of the Suntlay ~orchool stal'l' of l:lC. John's is calletl for· Monday evening, February 2~. and it Is urged UI>On all otllctll'l:l and t t.Jac ht·r·s that they be th e re. Member!! of the cong regation arc also very cordially 1\l!ked to attend this meeting. The Hunduy school Is their or·ganization anti 011 · In whl ·h tht:Y should feel a kt't'll irilt:n:st. l\Ionday, 7 JJ. m. Boy Scouts of AmerIca, In their t·eg ulat· meeting. ""ednesday, 4 :15 Jl. m. Gh·J Scouts \\>Ill hold their regular meeting. On Wednesday evening, from 8 to 9 the1·e Is but one service In the Parish, the ::;er·vtce af Prayer and Praise, and that is In the chapel. HtJre is a duty and a pl'ivil ge-u. duty one owes to one's Inner life, to one's church and the Kingdom of Uod. and a prlvi1"!4'e to t·etunl thanks to thtJ Giver of ever·y goo<l and perft-ct grrt, to eXlll'ess one's rai th and to recer ve from the wealth or th e hour. The subject will b e "The Two Sides to a Christian,-Pr·tde ana Humility ." The r·e will be special musIc. (.oaue! l:laturclu~· ·center." r.;~~~c ':.W bl;s.. ;he:'t;~al "h~~:.~~- at;~: The Plo boys at growing r o und nee two orga will meet Hatur·day or·ganlzatl from 2 to Great cr tot· the gq gnnlzatlon The ape nlng club, be Dr·. Ed or Chicago trot ·;,;7 ne Testament. Translate will bring this everrl and copies Thursday, Is Division Day. Further tllli\Ouncem nt us to the meeting!! will at>Pcllr in the bullet! n. Thoe second rneetln~· of the J\len's J:o'ellowllhlp dub takt·s place on TuesThur·sday, 7 p. m . Junior Boy Scouts da)· tevt·Hing Ill N, and the committee will In t'lrarge JH'Omlses just as good, as tor. met-t. .\fr. Bontecou Is the tllreclnter·estlng and ~ntt!rta.lnlng an ev~ ning a~:~ at thte lu.st meeting. Come Thursday, 7:15 p . m. A Cappella llltJrlliJt.Jrll untl bring your friends. 'holr rehearsal. That half hour of song every Thurs. 'l'hur·sda}·, S p. m, Senior Choir· reday u.t 7:30 vromlses to beco me an ht·arl:lal. ln~titutlon at ::;t. John's. Atteudance haa be n lncrvaslng with each meet· S<·venty-five volumes of the 700In~;, and the lll t' mbt·rs seem to take a gr ·a t Interest In becoming familiar J>age book "The \Vorld Service o! the l\letho<llst Episcopal Church" wer·e "ith Huch hymn tune~:~ us they have never· lear·ned . lt Is the Inte ntion later taken last Sunelay morning. The Pasto t-XIJilll<l the sco)Je of these half tor has twenty-11ve more cot>les, and hour~:~ I.Jy addrng u littl e G mlnut ~ t :\lk they wlil be placed next Sunday, so long as ~hey last. This \Vorld geogon thte histor ·~· of th e author's, and th raphy and Methodist encyclopedia co111posers of the r esiJectlve hymns .:~huuld b e in every Methodist home. and tuu .. s. iJon't remain behind the times, but the latest In the achievements of On \\'t·tlnc!!thl)' evening, !\larc h 5 at havt: lhe chur·ch. i: lv o'dock and continuing throughout thl' Lt·nto;n season, thu·o; wrll be " QUEEN ESTHE!:t," beautifully draregular Lentt·n s r· vic~s at St. John 's. 'rhPI!t· Lt·nten s ·r vlces, whos e sermon~ matrzeo. will be 111 esentcd by the big dt-al wrth tht· htsto1·y ot th., sufl'erlng choir, sup11ortecl by the orchewtra. this anti <lt·ath of our· Lord and not with year·. 1t Is a very ambitious under· and will reJ)r·esent thre~ !!Octal 4Ut·atlons, are designed to lm· taking 111 ea11 n~o;ain Ul·ou us the great question months' hard work undt:r the skilful or tht· Uj.(l'S: What mU!!t 1 do to be ll·adt·t ship of Mr. Orville Jennings auvt-tt·: and to !tad us to the et .. rnal 1\orchers, lllarch 14 and 15 are the unsw .. r· or t:od: Udlevt· on the Lord dates announced. Jt·I:IU,; ('hrlst, and thou !!hall be savetl. You are t·or·dially invlttd to atterHI thoest· \\'t·t!u .. sday evl' ng Lenten St'J'\'Sunday Is the la.~~t day of our speIces. 'J ht· suhJCCts ,,t the s .. r·mons will bt· auuounccd In next week's 1!!- c·iat scr·vicl·s which we have be.,n holdtug for· the past ten days. The preach· ttue of \\' llnu ttc l..lft>. 1ng of Dr. Bayless has made a deep and ·lb ldlng Impression on all who IHLvt· ht"ar·d him. We are expecting ll crowded house to ht>ar Dr. Bayless Th·· choir will mt~et tor· rt:hearsal r n th t· clostng service of the series. at th,· chur·ch this eYt·nlng at 7:30 un- Ills topic for the Sunday morning servder· tht· dtr..,ctlon of ~1r·. Cain. """ will be "The Light of the \Vorld." ihl· flnal senlce will be at 4:30 p. m. l\lr·. J:urtnt·r will mt-et tht- Junior Suhject-"Conttrmation versus Trnnsdwlr for· rehean·al l:laturday '-"'en1ng 1·or·matlon." Everyone invited . u.t 7 u'clock. The 'hrlstian Endt>avor societies anti tr. l~loytl will give tht· Story Sl'r- tht· Boy ::;couts will unite as they did nwn u11 th · " YounK l't"oph;:f Life of last . Sunday In the 4 :3tl p . m. vesper 'hrl><t" on sunday mornht~o; at tht· scrv rce trt>xt Huuda.y. Sever·ai of the lnJunlo .. <'on!;r'el{'atton at 10 :3ll. lt1 nrl!d late Sun<la~· school classes will At tht· utorlllnl> tlcr..,lcea at 11 o'clock prol·ably attt:"lltl In a bully. ou Hu utlay IT. Lloyd will sth·ak on "Th .. Jutt·rces ion ol Jt·I!UII. This 1:s the All those who have heard the mus, 't·nth a.·rmon uf a aeries. This se· k during tht- Jlast wet>k will want r1e11 111 JJruvlniC of l(rt-ate'st inten;s t to to h<·nr ~lr. anll Mrs. Howland alo(aln an lucreaslng numboer of lll'Oillt' ur In the closiug ruettlng Sunda~ aftertiW lhiTI>Ih. noon . Mr. Howland will lead {he music In tht· Sunday school next Sunday 1 ht· Sunday f;v··nln&' club wrll pre- rnornlng. ecnt ae >l)lellkt-r Dr. Edgar J. UoodHl"" d, or th!! Unlvt·relty or Chicago, As a result or th<·~ meetings or the whtJ ltiiH r·· t·enlly IJrought out u n,., past two " et·kl:i It IS t!XiJt'Cte<i that the tratJIIll<lJ OII or tht' N '"' Tcstam cn t. Vr . .-,11dt will be evidt"ncell In our midl;ooUIIi" · ol '\\Ill Htwak on tht· ~UlJject " t·Pk st·rvl<·te this coming \Vt·<hreHda;, ' ' \\'h)· "lmu late thto Blbh·'~" 8J,lcclal 1'\'l·nlng. w .. arc t'X)lecting to gather n,u ... ,. lo) .11 a Nybt>rg, violinist, and up anti orgar\lze th results of thcse , t i111 ~'I.,. a l~uul»~ .& hurHtun . ha t J)I3L. HlHl'ial sen lcc11 through our own mluwt·c k rnt;oeting, 1 h t· ;-\orth End Clrclt-, Mrs. <.:. P. J;, · K. l:hi.U. tt.au, ill IUt t.·l a~ lut· thJtUu 'Ih.- orchestra will meet to play tor uf .llrh tl h. futfnrd , ,3;, l-:lrll\\OO<I Hunuay Sl·hool at !1 :31) Sunda> mol'nil\t'IIU· .lul\d f, Jo ebruar) 2~. LUJI<.'h"'"· aud cor rehearsal Thursday att~r t-<111 \olll "" ., ··· v u at !~:3ft -'·<~!. t( "Mn at r..:ou o'clock. \ \ . _. ..., .. . . . . ,u , ·""' ·· · · .._\i. Bowt a1 ,. 111·· a l&.lll;; llvottll,jell, 'iht· cha.u men T1·ool' 5 of the boy 'couta will mt'~t 11.- otbt:r 'i ll'lt·11 "Ill II·· the n th church gymnasium Monday eve- Come to Church and Sunday School DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: The fll'st Presbyterian Church Ninth and Greenleaf Hev. George P. Magill Presbyterian Church Congregational Church St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1140 Wilmette Ave. Re1.·. Hubert Carleton Walmette English Lutheran Church 730 Greenleaf Ave. Rev. William Guise ft. John's Luther zn Church \Vilmette and Park Aves. R("i.·. H ,·rman W. Meyer The fll'st Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rro. Gilbert Stansell The Wi~meHe Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Aves. Rn~. Francis Stiller - FIJ'st Collll'egational Church .· LAke and \Vilmette Aves. Rev. Stephcll A. Llo)·d

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