Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1924, p. 19

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WILMETTE LIF.E, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1924 AN ORDINANCE ··~ rl!" work giving at the ~Street on proofed steel the or Iron floorftr line abovt> first beams story carried by maaonrv walla as above and provided how e ver Amending s ections 261 , 272, 321, 478, apeoifie<l; that In th l"ee st.ory' tenement 482, 48 4, 486, 487, 488, 491, 492, 493, 494, buildings having a store or stores In 495, 496. 49 7, 498, 601 , 6.05, 506, 508. and the first story or a building of this 518 of Chapte r 20 of th e Wilmette Code class, a masonry dividing wall beof 1917 adopted March 20, 1917. twe e n apartme nts may begin at a secBe It orcl alned by the President and ond story flo or line It such dividing Hua rd of Trustees of the Village of wall Ia supported 0 ~ ftreproo!ed steel or Iron beam s carried by masonry; \\' ilm e tte : s ec tion 1. That Section 261 of the !lnd provided further, that such dlvldrng wall may be reduced to the thickWil rnt> tte cod e of March 20, 1917 be n ess or eight Inch es, If supported at a m t> nrl ed to read as follows : each floor line above the first story on ::111. CLASSIFICATION OF BUILD - fir e proofed stee l or Iron beams carried D IGS. ] 161. As a means of refe r e nce b y masonry. And provided that In in th is chapte ·· all bulldlnKS e r ect ed wi thi n said village shall be divide d i n - buildings of fir e proofed construction the partitions b etw ee n apartments and to cla s ses d esign a t ed as follows, to ""\t.: l nss 1. which shall embrace all buil<li ngs us ed or d esign ed to be used in the sal e, storage or manufacture of me rchandise ; or as live ry, boarding or sale s t a bles, or public garages or pri vate s tabl e s or private garages exct-<dl ng 600 square f e et area. Class 2, which shall embrace, (A) a ll te n eme nt buildings and all buildi 11 g~ U l>.~d or d esign ed to be us ed as n·side nce for two OJ' more families, (B) hot els. boarding or lodging houses U('('U p it-d b y 20 or more persons; sanitari ums, hospitals, asylums and ofti c·· buildings. Class 3, whic h shal mbrace all det aC"hed buildings use or designed to be used as r esidences for one family, n ot excee ding three stories, buement an d at ti c In hPight, and all buildings used a s private stables or garages not t> xceed ing 600 square feet area, Class 4, which shall embrace all buildi ngs used or designed to be used a s assembly halls tor gatherings of 100 or m or e people, whether for pur_ p oses o r worship, discussion, Instruct io n or entertainme nt. S..ctlon 11. That Section 272 o! the Wilm e tte code of March 20, 1917, be am end ed to read as. follows : ::1::. DEFTH OF FOUNDATIONS.] §72. F oundation walls, piers or footings for buildings must In all cases extend at least five feet below the surfa<·<· of th e ground on which they are bu ilt and In case of buildings tort~· -five ft·e t or more In height, foundations sh a ll extend at least to the depth drain ed b y the street sewers In the neighboring streets or all eys, but It su ch s e wers are more than ten feet b t' low the grade o! th e building for whic h th e foundations are being built, such foundations need not ex t e nd to more than t e n feet below said grad e, provided that sound hard soil Is round at that depth. · Section Ill. That Section 321 ot the Wilmette code or March 20, 1917, be amended to read as follows: :i::l. INTERIOR SUP P 0 R TIN G WALLS OF BUILDINGS IN CLASS 2.] §1 21. 1(, In buildings o! class 2, the distance IJe tween th e e nclosing wails Is more than 25 tee t In the clear, th er e sh a ll be Intermediate supports for th e jois ts, which supports shall be e ither bric k walls or Iron or steel columns OJ' beams. It brick walls are used for this purpose . they may, In all cases wh ere the thickness o! walls Is give n in the table, as sixteen Inches or more, b E' made !our Inches less In thickness than th e dim e nsions stated in the tabl e. Seetlon IV. That Section 478 of the Wilm e tte code o! March 20, 1917, be am e nd ed to read a11 follows : 47N, NEW TENEMENT HOUSF;sH OW TO DE CONSTRUCTED.] §278. Ev e r~· new tenement house more than thr ee sto··ies and basement high shall corner lot, but sha11 b El subj ~N to tho~ II provialona of an Interior lo r. anA"l~tterPJ:efot.~~an a corn ~>~ lot 18 The front of a lot is t hat hounury line which borders on the l!tr·~e t. In th e case of & corner lot bo!·d 't·ln g on two or more streets, th e o wn e r may elect by statement on his ul:l. ns whic h street boun~ary line shall be the front . to T~ee r~:-~ntf a lot Ia th e side opposite In the case of a triangular or gore 1 1 th b ot, the rear s e oundary line not bordering on a street. The. depth of a lot Is the dimension measured from the front of the lot to the extrem t~ r ear line of the lot. In the case of ~~ilfu~:r t:~:~.ed lots the m~an dep th llllll·············llllll·llllll··~~~~~~~~~··· l!!!l·ll)il)l· ~ D~YS ~ $1.00 . 111 .. . BUY JT l'AT WL'r AI1C'1T£ I..IDC. A. S. ·Van Deuse SELL£R OF GOOD FOOD tette 2 r- (e Ltl tore Street or ··equlred thickness as provided for by Section 312 of the Wilmette Cod e from the basement floor level to a point not less than three f eet above th e high est part or th e root. No ope n lngs will be permitted In any such fir e proof wall unless provided with doors or windows approved by th e National Board or Fire Underwrite rs. Seetloa vn. That Section 486 ot the Wilmette Cod e ot March 1917 be amended to read as follows ~ ' 4841. STAIRS AND STAIR HALLS IN NE\V: TENEMENT HOUSES.] 1286. 1 ~~~~ ~~ri\~,e~~h:t~~~lltebee~~~;trbu~f~d ~~rp~s~ ~!n!~:nrd';:~iee, t:£al~elg~: 11~--------------!"'""-.o.----------------· not less than three inches In thickn ess or r e inforced concrete partitions not less than four Inches In thl c kn ss . ( b) Fire walls of solid masonry ot thickness a s provided for by Section 312 of the Wilmette Cod e shall b e construc ted so as to separate each tour apartm e nts In two story ten em e nt buildings, and each elx apart8 ~~~~u~~ o~~~~s n~~~o!bu~ftbPeu~it:;~ putf,~ trheor~~~~~~e otth~~~~ s<e3~t:o1ee~ OJ' more In width shall bt> c onslder~d a street, and any public thoroughfare l ess than thirty t eet ·I n width shall b e consid e r e d an alley. Seetloa XI. That s ection 492 of the Wilmett e Code of 1917 be amended to r ead as follows: '\19:.:. THE NEW TENEMENT H OUSEs-HEIGHT. ] §292. For the CENTRAL AVE. AND 12TH ST. EXTRA SPECIAL PRICE SALE Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 26-27 SUGAR, Fine Can~ Granulated \Vith an or.der only, 10 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . · I the p e rp e ndicular distance measured from th e curb le vel to th e highest point on the roo! ; except that where th e building Is situated on sloping ground th e height shall be measured rrom the m ean ot th e ground as 6nally graded, to th e highest point ot the roof Immediately above such point. Jo~or the purposes of this section, the cut·l> l e vel shall b e the level of the established street curb In front of th e building, measured at the center s1 oo ~is s~~~n t~~~!blls~e~er~h~o v~~~~e ~~;~ ;'e~ee~!~ {\~~:e sst~~~e~a~~~rl~s a~~ ~::'a ~~lslt:e:~~~~alent c~~~·EJ2.~~~IR~~~AR H~6"nc:;s - REAR 1287. In height may b e of ordinary c onstructlon. Sectlom: VIII. That Section 487 of the Wilmette Code of March, 1917, btl amended to read as follows : STAIR CONSTRUCTION .] r>f the (a) Stalre and stair halls, on a floor, serving more than one apartment on a floor ·In new ten e ment buildings shall be enclosed on all sides by solid masonry of the dlmenslons as r e quired In Section 312 of the Wilmette Code or 1917. (b) Rear porches and rear stairs may be supported on brick piers of at lea.st twenty Inches face and twelve lnches thick, angle shaped at corners and piers between corners of at least sixteen Inches by sixteen inches or twelve Inches by twenty-tour Inches. The ope nings betwee n piers shall be filled In compl e t e ly or p .·rtially by brick or hollow til e curtn . n walls of at least eight Inches Jl! thickness properly supported on ~; .,· el or r e inforced concrete beams. \Vh<'r e openings are only partiall j· :. d ed In w· ln dow frames and !<a;m .nay be lmu·rt > d when not lnterfc . iug with the prop e r venti~tion of an .: )Jt. . t. ~ .. of th" t en ument bulllling. (c) The por·c h fl oo rs a nll stairs may be of wood and wood fram e consLructlon ,,.,slgn e u to can·y" elgh ty pounds live load Ptl l' S<.JUar e foot. (d) R ear ext erior stait·s and pon·h es may bt> erecte d on tenement buildlngs or th .·ec stori es In h lght if constructed u f Incombustibl e mate rial . ( e ) All windows In stair halls e x cept where same open Into a stree t, re e stories and basement in height may be of ordinary construction provid ed th e floor construction of th e first story be or fireproof construction as defined by the Wilmette Code and provided further that the roof there of Is covered with slate, tile, composition of felt and g·rav e l or oth e r incombustibl e mate rials approv ed b y th e commissioner of public works. Apartment buildings of two stories In h e ight and having not more than one apartment on each floor may be ~=w of'C~~~fn'"too{o~~~s!~~e~e:~g~ a- of s:'cM~':r~. c~~!\r~;~~n;n 482 or the Wilmette Code ot March , 1917, be am ended to read as follows: 4!ol::. STAIRWAYS AND ENTRAJ~o;CE HALLS,] §282. Every new t e nement house shall have at least two flights of stairs, which shall extend from the entrance floor to th e top story, and w . ch shall b e as tar apart as pr·actl<"abl e. Such stairs in eve1·y tenem e nt house shall each be at least thre e f e t wid e In the clear ll'nd' no such stairs shall have any winders. Eve ry apartm ent shall be dl r e ctly accesslbh· from both such flights of stairs wlthou't going through any other apartm Pnt. In a ftrepr·oofed building, whe r e a public corridor serving two or more apartments leads directly to a stairway such corridor and stairway will b e credited as one of the two refJUir ed stairways. It any existing ten ement house be so altered as to Increase the number of apartments ther·eln or It · such buildings be Increased In height, or If the halls or stairs thereln be damaged by tire or othe rwise to an extent greater than on e -half the valu e thereof, the entrance stair halls, entrance halls and other public halls or the buildings so damaged or altered shall be made to conform to the requirements or the Wilmette Code ot 1917 relating to new ten ement houses. 411 enclosed stairs in every tenement house shall have at least one hand rail, and where the Width of such stairs Is greater than four teet, such stairs shall have a hand rail on each side thereof. All open stairs shall be provided with sui table and substan tlal hand ralls on each side. All openings from the I.Ja>~ement to any enclosed stairway or entrance hall In tenement buildings or three stories or more In height and in two story tenement buildings havIng four or more apartments shall be provided with tire windows, sash and frames or doors and frames approved by the National Board of Fire Underwrlte'· s. Section ~· 1. That Section 484 of Wilmette Code of March, 1917, be to read as follows: ' tl+l. DIVIDING WALLS OF MA ,SONRY.] 1284 . In evc .y new t<.nt:t houst" (a) there shall be a wall solid masonry, of thickness as re_ gulred In Section 312, Chapter 20, of WUmette Code, extending from the basement floor or the first floor to the roo( between each set of apartments and around each court and each light shat~. exce pt as hereinafter provided; provrded however, that a wall between apartments and extending from th e main stair hall to the outer wall of the building may be ot'fset at the second story floor line to some point nearer the center of the building, or ot the g~oup of apartments, to admit, ot an e\ en distribution of space In the rooms adjacent to such walls, If such wall Is supported at the second story floor llnhel ohn fireproofed steel or Iron beams w c . extend from the brick wall sur·roundmg the main stair hall to the oute r wall or the building; and provided, further, that auch ot'faet wa!l may be reduced to the thlckne a of eight Inches If supported t each wlr.,.. -glas.t.- -'l'hhl rettnlr"ment shalt .Jtouo~ shall ht,.·eat te·· be erecteu o,· not apply to tenement buildings which enuu· ged nor shall Its lot be diminar·e not more than three stories ano lbhed, so that the rPar line uf th E' basem ent In height with only one I.Julldlng on such lot aJ!fJI'Oach es nea··apartment on each floor. e r than ten teet to the rear line o! Section IX. That Section 41!8 of the th e lot, unless tht> rear o! the lot Wilmette Code of March, 1917, be upon which it stands abuts upon a amended to r e ad as follows: public alley, In which case the rtla. 4!oll<l. MAIN ENTRANCE HALLS.] il11e ot such building shall be not leois §21:.b. ~!:v e ry main entrance hall In a than e ight t ee t from th e c e nter of r.e w t e n e m e nt house shall b e at l east ~ -It all.,y . thr t>!' fl'et six in c h t>s wide In th e cl ear Where a t e nement house stands upfrom the entrance up to and lnclud- on othtlL' than a corn.,r· Jot, nu oU· ~ · . ng th e s.alr enclosure and beyond separate tenement house ahall be this point, at least three fi·Pt wide In built or placed UJ!On the front or rear the clea1·. In very new non-fireproof of the same lot. ten e m e nt house, except In two story, Section XIII. That Section 494 o! two apartment buildings, such en- the Wilmette Code of 1917 be amended trance hall shall b e enclosed with solid to read as follows : llld t:~ Onr)' walls and with ceilings cov494. NEW TENEMENT HOUSE8ered with metal lath and cement C 0 l1 RIT S AND PORCHES.] §294. plaster or equivalent and shall com- Whet·e po··ches are constructed In IllY with all the conditions or the fol- courts or now existing or new 'tenewwing sections of this ordinance as ment houses, the amount of area of co the construction of stair halls. It unobstructed space In such courts such main entrance hall is the only shall be exclusive of space occupied e ntr·ance to more than one ftlght o! by stairs and porches. No additional stairs, the seve ral portions or such ··ear porch shnll be constructed on any main entrance hall which sepa1·ates "···::tllng tt-J~o.. m e nt hous,; In such a way t he entrance of the building from the that th e buildings on the lot with all seve··al flights or stairs, respectively. their porches shall occupy a greater shall be Increased ··e spectlvely at portion ot the lot than is permitted In leut one foot In width for each add!· this Ordinance. No rear porch on any .unal flight o! stalrL existing tenement house where the Section X. 'l'hat s .. ctlon 491 o! the total ar·ea ot I.Juildlngs and all porches Wilmette Code of March, 1917, be exc~::ediS the proportion ot the lot per~ m ·llueo to ··ead as follows: mltted In this Ordinance shall be re4tn. NEW' TENEMI<JNT HOUSEs- constructed until the plan tor such ['Ji:RCENTAGE OF LOTS THEY MAY .econstructlon shall have been sub· O<.;CU PY .] §291. No existing tene - mit ted to und approved by the Bulldment house shall hereafter be en- lng Commissioner. No rear po··ch larged or its lot diminished, or other uullt of combustible materials and buildings be placed on Its lot, or no mor·e than eight feet In width, t-xce,Jltenement house hereafter erected shall lng stairways, shall be constructed on occupy either alone or with other an y n.,w Ltlllement house nor auUed to, buildings a greater percentage or the nol' reconstructed 011 any exllltll lk area of the lot than as folio" s : ·t nem e nt hous e. (a) In the case o! corner lots, not lo'ront porches or buildings In exist · more than 70 per centum; ence at ln., ume of the pai!ISagc or (b) In the case of Interior lots, not Lhls code m ny be l'nclos.,J temporarilj more than 60 per centum ; f· om the nrst day or o'Jovember· I·· (c) In the case of a lot, triangular eac h year to the ltrst day of th ~:: !o! or lrregula1· in shape bounded on two wwrng May with wood sash ·lazeo or more sides by a Mtreet and hli.VIng wHh v· u ...... Y ~ ...... 11 , 1.1· vviu... u th ... , 111~:: a number of lineal teet strt'et frontage glass area shall be as large as lb exceeding one-twentieth or the uum... ,,.;t .. nt with good construction and ber of square teet In the area oC su<;h the orcllnances of th e v ""LKe, "-·· ~ lot, it shall not be necessary t'> l om- further provided, that th e s.a sh, 11 ar, ply with the conditions of this f!fC- fitted with hinges or hung 111 IIU<'h ~.o tion as to percentage o! lot whi<'h manner as to allow thtm to open a , may be covered . No measur.- nwut < h H. U>~t halLway oc theu· a··ea. 01· that lot area shall Include any IJOrtlon of one-hat! ot all sash lnMtalled are B<J 11treet or alley. tltted or hung as to open their euu . \d) lo' lre escape!! or stairs or land- a.·eu., and the area of such open aash ings const··ucteu ancl erecte<l accord· shall be at leut twice the a· ea ot ..... ing to law which project not mort> wmdows trom adjacent rooms opening chan tour feet from the building shall UtJon porches so enclosed, unless such not be considered as part o! the build- r·oom adjomlng said porch shall have mg o1· occuvied area or yards, but windows OJ!emng Into a street, alley, .sh.1ll be so considered in the case of )'Rrd or court of J)rope r legal dlmenad <·ourts. Cornices which project In- s ·ons as required by this code for .... .... r outer court or from the sides of habitable rooms In adultlon to \he tenement houses !or a distance of wuHiow" Ol)enlng onto the porch, in morl' than eighteen Inches shall be \\ hlch cast- thtl amount of movable considered as part o! the buUding. ~<HSh In porch enclosure shall be not A cornice which projects Into an Inner l"'ss than ten per cent of the floo, court or lot line aourt to any extent ar"'a ot said porch and In no case ltl.ss shall be considered as part of th e than ten square feet of glass area. a· ta occupied by the building. F or ·~ea . JJU· l' hes and side porcheiS of the purposes of this ordinance, th e hulldlngll In I!XLstence at the time ot measurements shall be taken at th t· th e pas11age of this code, where every ground lllvel, except that in the ca s..- l, a . t of :.alo porch 11'1 at ltJast ten uf a building- wher·t> there Is a 11to r" t'Pt.-t dist a nt from any other building, 'lr offices or entrance story, In whi ch ,,.., r ch or ,..~ . ..rctu··e wcateu upon t " case measurements may be takl'n a t samt.- lo t "'lth the I.Julldlng of wh1ch lh t' top of such story. a ." pur c h . II! a part, rna}' be enclosed rly " cot ner lot" is meant a lot situ - t t> mpura r il ) f··om th e 11 . st day O[ at e u at the junction or two stret> tS ,, uvemi.J,·r 111 t>ach y ear· to the hrst da J , , o f a s t l'eet and public alley s.t leas t u t tht· rollowrng Ma)' wiLh woo,r sa , n thirty (30) teet wide, provided th a t ~pa~ " u "1th ot·dlnal'y glaws; provided It su ch atley be less than thirty ( 30 1 .ha, th <· glass area or the enclosun, teet wide, and the lot be estimated on s hall IJ <· as large a.s Is consistent wtth a 1. n t' thirtY (3U) fe et from the OJ)po-,1 good co nstruction and th e ordinance.:~ site Ki<h· ot th e alley, such lot may I.Je j' o r tht' VII ge; anu tur·ther prov1deu. consi<lt'll!d a cor ner lot. Any portion that t lH' .tUUI}\~o ar fitted w ith hlngt·S oi the width of such lot distant mo r·· or bung t :Auch a manner as to auuw than ft! .y feet Crom auch Juncti on I .... :>nUnued on rag 2 3 ) shall not be regarded as part of ~ ~~~i\ of~~~~e~o'i·~td o~a~·~rdgl~~~~ ~~~~ houtu~L!HI 18th~~:~~ o~~·e~~"i'~·h ~~ ~~:~~~:~~ gln eer may establish such curb level !or th e purpose o! 'l'hls definition shall not be con_ strued to prevent a building ·'stepping up" on sloping ground to follow the slope of ground as finally graded; pr·ovlded no part of the building shall b~c~~~s ~hr~ur:~~~~um height allowed S~tlon XII. That Section 493 o! th e Wllme te Code of 1917 be amended to r ead as follows: 4U:I. NEW TENEMENT HOUSEsYARD8-HPACE BETWEEN.] §293. At thtl r ear ot eve l'y lot containing a t e n e ment house, ther·e shall be a yard (e x L· ndlng across the entire width ot th e lot) ope n and unobstructed from th e earth to the sky, except by ftre escape s not more than tour feet wide, constructed and tlrected according to law, unless the rear ot such lot abuts upon a public alley at least tt>n teet wrde, In which case the rea·· line of such building shall be not less than eight feet from the '" nter ot such alley; every part of such yard shall be directly accessible f r om eve1·y other part thereof; such yard shall have au area o! at least eight per centum of the superficial ar e a of the lot on corner lots, except as otherwise provided In this section; and on other loti!, such }·ards shall have an ar·ea of at least ten per centum or the superficial area ol the lot. No tenement houst> shall htll'eafter be erected nea··er to any existing tenemtlnt house than six f eet ; provided, however, that this shall not prevent uurlding UJi to three feet from thtdh'ldlng lint' of an adjoining lot, no·· .,ha.l any t e nement house b e buill 11 ll.l'tr than thretl feet In any cast! to th t' dlvltllng line between the adjoining s~~~~?.~~ -~~.~.~~-I~~-~~~ ...... Sl.OO N~~~~~- ~~~. ~~~~-~~.~~~~······· Sl.OO N~1!;~ -~~~-~~~~~- ~~~~~~~ ....... Sl.OO AMERICAN FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAP. Large 10 oz. bars. 16 bars . . . SUPERIOR FAMILy LAUNDRY SOAP. Large 10 oz. bars. 22 bars IV~!:e ~~~~ bars. SI · 00 sI·00 bars .. .. .. .. .. . . S 1.00 CHIPSO. Proctor & Gambles' ·~ Soap Chips. 4 2-lb pkgs. . . . . . . ..... ~ · oo A~~~~~I!~ ~~~~ -~~~~~- ........ With 7 cans of Kitchen Klenzer FREE. LIQUID VENEER OR TOBEY'S FURNITURE $1.00 ~~!~~·.. ~~r.~e. ·1·2--~~: -~~t.t~~s: ....... s1.00 COTTON CREPE TOILET PAPER Splendid quality. Large roll 12 rolls .......................... . CAMPBELL'S CONDENSED SOUPS 9 cans FERGUSON ORANGE MARMALADE 4 1-lb. jars ........................ . APRICOTS Fancy Blenheim. 4 lbs. . .......... . PRUNES. Fancy Santa Clara 40-50 size. 6 lbs ................. . BAKER'S BREAKFAST COCOA 5 0-lb. cans ....................... . RICE. Extra fancy head 9 lbs .............................. . SUNBEAM CONCORD GRAPE JUICE 2 quart bottles ........... . CORAL REEF TUNA FISH Fancy No. 1 can. 4 cans ............. . SIGYN ·NORWEGIAN SMOKED SARDINES. ~ size cans. 6 cans .... REDWOOD ALASKA SALMON The finest produced. No. 2 can. 4 cans REPUBLIC RED PITTED CHERRIES Very tine. No.2 can. 4 cans ......... . SUTTER CLUB PEACHES. Yellow cJ;ng. l<..xtra quality. 4 cans ..... . . . ~4·a·r~·e· ~-~·. ~~ -~~~- ..... SCOTTISH CHIEF HAWAllAN SLICED PINE... 4 SI.OO $1.00 SI.OO .. Sl.OO .. Sl.OO Sl.OO SI.OO Sl.OO Sl.OO SI.OO SI.OO SI.OO SJ.OO ~:n~L::·~;n~e~~~: .r.i~~. ~~~~1~· ~~· ~ s 1.00 FALCON PEARS. Tender fruit. Rich s1.00 syrup. Large No. 20 can. cans ... SCOTTISH CHIEF APRICOTS. Sl · 00 quality. Large No. 20 cans. cans. . . . SUN~~~~!. B;~~~~~~~~.~-........... s 1.00 RI~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ........ Sl.OO MONSOON PUMPKIN Makes better pies than fresh pumpkin. Large No. 2;6 can. g cans .......... . Sl.OO VIRGIN CORN. Fancy. tender Illinois. 9 cans ........ . SI.OO BABY STUART SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEAS. A bargain. Tender, wect. SI.OO PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOES .. ·o. 2 can. cans .................. . SI.OO .. .. Fancy 4 can: H "'· "'

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