Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1924, p. 24

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24 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY. FEB RUARY 22, 1924 I '1;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===--======;;;J 0 ll Kenilworth Happenin .ws Mrs. Otto C. Owen, 20.:; Essex road , will be hostess for a luncheon and bridge party at her home on Thursday, February 28. Mr. and ).frs. Charles \\'are arrived home Thursday from Pa adena, California , where they have been spending the winter. Mr. an d ~{rs. John C. Carpenter, 422 Wood stock road, returned home on Monday, from a week's visit in New York city. INew Trier Swimmers Win Four Meets in one Night Xcw Trier High school s wimmers c·r d when they defeated four teams i·1 one night last week . The victims were the Lake View Juniors, 27-17, Lake View Seniors, 36-14, Parker Seniors, 30-14, and Fort v\'ayne. ~~~d iana State champions, 43-10. In ga ming these victories New Trier used four complete teams. It is doubtful whether any other high schoo l can boast of four swimming squads. Fort \Vayne did not prove as formidable as exp ected , our sw immers copping\' trY fir st. Robert on again proved the ace of the evening by winning the 40 yard crawl, the 100 yard swint in the fast time of :59, and swimm.llg on the winning relay team. Welch turned in a neat performance in winning tl. e plunge in :38, as did Stixrud in thr diving. ·rt what is believed to hl' a new rec- -o- Mr. Howard Wells, president of the newly formed North 'hore Chamber music as sociation met with the board of directors last Sunday at the home of Mrs. A. B. Spach, 228 Leicester road, ·it was decided at that meeting to carry on the work for the coming year in a broader way, having four concerts instead of three, as formerly. The Jacques Gordon quartet will give some of the programs. The membership will be limited to two hundred. The meetings are to be held in the Kenilworth Assembly hall on Sunday afternoons. the dates to be announced later. There will be one more program of Chamber music in April of. this year. On the board of directors is Mi o;s Helen Sears, Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart, Mrs. A. B. Spach and Mr. Walter Marx of Kenilwort h, Mrs. Philemon Kohlsa at of Winnetka, Dr. L. Harri son Mettl er of Hubbard Woods, Mrs. Albert Oleson of Glencoe and Mrs. Homer D. Cotton and Mr. William Barnes of Evan ton. -o- -o1!r. Hinman Bisbee, 523 Essex road, enterta :n cd at an evening dancing party at his home on Saturday evening, la,t. -o-).fr. and ~[rs. Fred C. Little, 514 Essex road entertain ed at a tea at their home on Sunday evening, Feb ruary 17. Mr.' and ).frs. ~rt Burns of 615 Essex road are planning a trip to Florida in the near future. -oMr. and Mr s. Woodland and son Georg-e, of 336 Leicester road, left Friday, February 15, for Florida. -oThe Hom e and Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Benjamin H. Bisbee, 523 Essex road, on Monday afternoon. February 18. ~Irs. Walter Corlette of Elmhurst was the speaker. Her subject, "The Little Garden," was rendered particularly intere!\ting by illustrat ing "little gardens" in and around Elmhurst with lantern slides. -oMrs. George P. Nichols. 519 Warwick road, left on Friday, February IS, for a few month's trip abroad. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 COAL You can get immediate deliveries That strapping big new Overland engine has everybody talking. It is all sinew and power. It sends you zooming up the stifiest climbs as nimbly as you please. Tiris is Overland Power. Demonstration week. Come in- take an Overland out and prove to yourself that it is the most automobile in the world for the money. Champion $695 ; Sedan $795, f. o. b. Toledo. -oMrs. Walter A. Knoop, 221 Warwick road , left Monday for Florida, where s he will remain for one month. -oMr. and Mrs. Mark " '· Cresap, 239 Essex road. have taken rooms at the Drake hotel for a few weeks. -o- -oThe Kenilworth Reading club met at ~[r~. Frank W. Cherry, 422 Abbottsthe home of Mrs . Percy B. Eckhart, ford road, is entertaining her Bridge 205 Cumberland road, for luncheon Wednesday. The two books "Eugenie- club at luncheon at her home today. Grandet," and "Pere Goriot" by BalMrs. Robert of the Kenilzac were read. worth Inn entertained the Afternoon -oMr. and Mrs. Carl Keith who have Bridge club on ~ay, February 19. been staying at Tampa, Florida are Mrs. Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road, now on their way to the Isle of Pines where they have a home. Mr. and entertained at ·luncheon and bridge at her home, on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Keith will be at their home, 310 -oWoodstock road, early in March. ~irs. George C. Kingsley, 529 Cum-onor road, entertained her sewing club Mrs. Burt A . Crowe and two children, Barbara Anne and Roger Allen 234 Leicester road, left Thursday, Feb~ . F. Hutchinson was hostess at Mrs. her H home ruary 14, to spend a fortnight with for' luncheon and bridge at her home, Mrs. Crowe's family in Flint, Michi- 515 Abhottsford road, Tuesday. gan. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:11111111111111111 Utlllllltltl. ~es Evanston Building ~aterial Company EVANSTON, !WNOJS Phone Evanston 8906 1320 Simpson St. C. H. BRIGGS 1141 Greenleaf Ave. WD.MEm on~day. -o- r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PUBLIC SERVICE STORES Open daily 8 A. M. to 5:30 P ;. M. 21. -o-Mrs. John Harry Jones of 201 SheriMr. A. W. Hannah of 256 Wood- dan road, was a luncheon hostess last stock road, accompanied by his mother, Friday at her home. .Mrs. A. D. Hannah, left last Thurs--o-~ay, Feb~uary 14. to join his family M rs. James Prentiss of 204 Cumbertn Asheville, North Carolina. land road is now staying at the Manor -oHouse at Asheville. , orth Carolina. Mrs. Fred C. Bulley. 220 Sheridan -oroad, entertained at luncheon at her ~1". and Mrs. Gear~ -Ben l l home precedmg the meetin~o1 - t e children of 522 Essex road left fast "Neighbors," on Thursday, February Friday, February 15, for Florida. -oCiyde P. Ross is spending the week Mrs. Leon M . Allen. 412 Melrose in New York city and Boston. avenue ]eft yesterday for Lexington , Massachu etts. where she will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Dwinnell Slater of that city for one week. -oAfter dancing school on last Friday. Miss Marjorie Skeel. 338 Wood stock avenue, entertained at a dinner party at her home for a number of her little friends. -o- DOLLAR .DAYS SPECIALS Items listed below will be aold for $1 February 26 and £7 Small Silk Shades $1.00 One 3-way Hemco Plug $1.00 Two 2-way Hemco ~iugs $1.00 Busse Lamp $1.00 3 bottlea Double Duty Cleaner $1.00 4 bottlea Clark Jewel Japan $1.00 Table Lamp Shade Holders $1.00 3 pkga. F edera Soap Flakes $1.00 and for $1.00 (firat payment) you can have a wuhing machine delivered to your home. Come in and aee · Cut Flowers for all occasions Phone EVANSTON 632 -oM iss Muriel Badger of Detroit . Michigan. was the week-end guest of Miss Cornelia Keith of 310 Oxford road. Mr. and Mrs . I. A. Bennett and Miss Dorothy Bennett, who left here for a motor trip south some few days ago. have arrived in Miami. Florida. -o- -o-Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Odell rrturned to their home at 329 Warwick road last Sunday, after spending five weeks in Florida. 171Z Sherman AYenue EVANSTON $Days \Ve want you all to know that we are going to have quite a few real bargains for dollar· days. Just take a peek at the few items listed below. Chiffon Hose Value $1.50 ................ . Bloomers, $1.00 value, 2 for ...................... . Aprons $2.00 value ...... ~ ........ ~ . , 50-Children's G.irfgham Wash Dre se.s, re lar $5.00 value. . . Vanity Ca $2.50 \' SI.OO SI 00 st so SI so Sl so · · · theae items They are REAL Dollar Day Specials C $' d.ren's Underwear-Closing Out dtscotmt on any article over $16.00 PuBLIC SERVICE .COMPANY ' OF~ NORT~HERN ILLINOIS Wilmette 2899 1141 Central Avenue If Y< to the School unifor you c: your c band i /Unique Style Shop 11%1 Central Ave. Wilmette %413 . LLOY 1~

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