Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1924, p. 1

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Fo.-riJ Tlae Lake Shore News VOL. XIII, NO. 21 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1924 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS DOLLAR DAYS IN WILME E FEB. 26 GUY MAIER iN . freely and frankly discussed at a session of the New Trier Citizen's league Author of New Translation at the City club, Chicago, on Tuesday Fourth Semi-Annual Dollar Famous American Pianist to Total ..... . .. . .......... $15M of this week, and the meetin(f terminPre.,.iou.ly acknowlecl·ed $1,310.11 Of New Testament to Speak ated by the selection of candtdates for Days Sponaored by ComBe Heard at New Trier various offices to be voted on at the Hall, March 5 mercial Auociation forthcoming town election in April. Grand Total ....... , .. $1,375.11 The following candidates were enThe fund to secure uniforms for EXHIBIT OF BIBLES dorsed by the representative group : of the New Trier High Township Supervisor, Gertrude M. STRETCH THE DOLLARS BENEFIT members ORCHESTRA School band now totals $1,375.06. It Thurston (incumbent) Winnetka. is $624.94 short of the goal of $2.000. Township Clerk, Margaret Pierson, the sum necessary to equip the entire Special Program of Music Wilmette. with uniforms . Program Designed to Inter- band Ia Arranged Township Assessor, George R. Har- Merchanb Arrana'e AttracLloyd Hollister, Inc., has been con ba'u gh (incumbent), Wilmette. tive Display for Event est Young and Old ducting the fund campaign for three Township Collector, Sanborn Hale, months and many individuals and Winnetka. Patrons of the Wilmette Sunday Evegroups h;ive contributed liberally. Township Highway Co~missioner, If you have not as yet contributed, ning club are promised a unique pro~y Maier, American pianist, is to The jar over the mantel, the gram for February 24 in the appear- H . H. Sherer, (incumbent) Glencoe. appear in concert at New Trier Town- we will welcome your check ad- ance of Dr. Ed,ar J. Goodspeed of the There was considerable discussion cookie crock on the pantry shdf ship High school Wednesday after- dres~ed to University of Chicago who recently relative to a suitable candidate for the NEW TRIER BAND FUND, noon , March 5, which is to be in the brought out a new translation of the office of townihip collector, now held or whatever receptacle the n\Q4.;. LLOYD HOLLISTER. INC., nature of a benefit for the High school New Testament. Dr. Goodspeed will by Hoyt King, who, it was stated had em housewife employs fol' tb'at . 1222 CENTRAL A VENUE, orchestra. speak on the subject, "Why Translate declined to be a candidate for reelecWILMETTE, ILL. "extra change" every household the New Testament?" Mr. Maier is best known in Chition. The lecture will be illustrated with By a close vote Sanborn Hale won accumulates as the weeks roll ancient copies of the Bible and old manu- the endorsement over Lea J. Orr of ·along, will be in for a strenuous scripts. In order to properly display Wilmette. investigation about Tuesday these a table 26 feet long will be arranged on the platform and it will be morning of next week when Wilnecessary to use a dray to haul the books mette's shopping public hies to and manuscripts to the church. the commercial centers to indulge Create· Much Comment in some smart bargaining on the Dr. Goodspeed's translation . of the Community Club Outlines New Testament has been running serialocrasion of Dollar Days. ly in a leading Chicago daily. Parts of Its Purposes Yes, )'uesday and Wednesday it have also been broadcasted every Sunof next week- February 26 and day evening for several weeks past. It Splendid Casta Selected for has caused a great deal of comment 2i if you want to mark them on Formal dedication of the new throughout the religious world, Dr. Performances the calendar-are the Dollar Days ~choolhouse in District 37, located Goodspeed having been both critici ed in the Wilmette shopping cenwest of the north shore on Avoca and prais r the work. There is certers. They represent the road just west of Locust road. will tain to be ide interest in his address Succ ess of thL' [,;st (Jeriormance by semi-annual Dollar Days in b,· ob:;;:rv::c! or. Thursday. en.ning, before tf1 ~Viltnette Sund«y EvL"ning the Wilmette Operatic and Dramatic I February 28, according to an announce- club. village and, if previou similar } m ent made this week hy the ComThe music. on Sunday will also be of society given Thursday at the Wilmunity cluh of the district. Speakers considerable interest. Miss Clara Louise mette Woman's club for the benefit of events are a criterion, the store for the ceremonies will be Edward Thurston, harpist, will be accompanied the New Trier Township High School and shop keepers are in for a Tohin . Cook County superintendent of by Miss Anna Nyberg, violinist, and the Band fund, ha s encouraged members time that will remind one of the schools. and Frederick Edson Clrrk, pipe organ, a particularly pleasing musi - and friend s of the society to antici - weeks immediately preceding the pate the large st attendance at the oC 111l.f'Tintrnrlrnt of the New Trier cal combination. second benefit performance tomorrow Christmas holidays. Town ship High school. The children Mi ss Jane Addams was greeted by a of the school will provide a special \lrgc audience on last Sunday evening night since the inception of the organWhat Dollar Daya Mean ization a few years ago. Guy Maier program for the occasion . A ·hen she discussed "Social and Politipollar Days are described, The second performance will be a The evening entertainment will he cal Problems in the Orient." duplicate of the Thursday night pre - bnefly but comprehensively, in cago through his association with Mr. preceded hy an old-fashioned chicken sentation and the ticket holders are the accompanying Jetter sent out Lee Pattison in their two- piano per- supper served by women members of assured a program of 1 are quality. to merchants by a oommittee of formances. They have appeared for the Community club, it is announced, New Parking Regulations of the «' tirl proceeds will three consecutive seasons with the and residents of the north shore com Pointed Out By Denman One-third directed into the Ne" Trier Band the New Trier Commercial asChicago Symphony orcflestra. the la~t munities are invited to gather about Among the new traffic regulations he fund for new uniforms now being sociation, spon or of the event: time being a week ago when, with the festive hoard and remain for th e which went into effect February 1, rai~ed l>y Lloyd Hollister, Inc. "We want every merchant in WilMr. Arthur Shattuck. they played a evenin.l!"'s program. Superintendent , of Police D~nman Tickets may be secured from any Bach concerto written for three pianos. Or·anized A Month Aao calls attention to those relat111g to member of the society or hy phoning mette to join in making these two days, Wilmette's biggest and most The Community club of School Dis- parking in the business section, espe "Mr. Maier," say those who are Wilmette 875-M. The performance succe sful Dollar Days. spon sQring the New Trier conq:rt, "!~ trict 37 was organized about a month ciaUv the following : begins at 8 :IS o'clock. "You merchants who have been not only a hrilliant pianist, but hts ajlO by the patrons and friends of the l~rs parking on Wilmette avenue Three-part Pro·r·m y.oith u.s k.now the value of Dollar Days programs for young people and chil- -;chool. lts initial purpose. the mem- will park on the west side with right The three-part program will include: ht>rs point out, is "to make the District m brmgmg the pople of Wilmette dren stand in a class by themselves. wheels to the curb. while cars parking A farce l>y Helen Boags, entitled face to face with the merchandise Tltese concerts are so popular in east- 37 school the best in Ceok county." on the opposite side of the street will "The Uninvited Guest ;" a comedy by "This purpose will he accomplished." park nosed in at an angle. On Cen they can profitably buy in their home ern cities that the demand for tickets Morrison and Sargent taken from the exceeds the seating capacity of even they believe. "throullh cooperation of tral avenue the cars parking on the well known hook , "Tales of Mean stores ; their value in creating a "buy ,· chool officials. teachers and club at home" spirit amon.i--customers; and the larger auditoriums. Mr. Maier says south side will park parallel to the the se programs are for children up to meml>ers. The result of such coopera- curb. as will the cars parking on the Street;" and a Gilbert and Sullivan their value in attracting"'trade to the 80 years of age. His story-telling tion will he manifold. In a material we st side ·of Main street, hut cars operetta bearing th.e name. "Trial hy various stores. that can be done in no better way than an 'Every)>ody pull gift which is both verbal and pianistic way it will provide the District 37 parking on the north side of Central Jury." All the players are Wilmette artists , tollether' effort by all merchants in transports both young and old to the ~chool with the best workin~ eonip- and the ea st side of Main will nose most of whom have had rich exper mcnt dt>signed for rural schools." Wilmette. land of dreams come true." in at an angle. ience in dramatic s and opera. Among Fotter Community Life Major Denman also states that ap· them are Miss Mabel McCreadie. Mis s Broad Applicatioa All the proceeds from this concert, "The secondary purpose of the Com - proximately sixty motorists were ahove expenses, will be given to the "To the new merchants who have Katherine Shaw. Mrs. McNau~hton , munity club." it is further stated. will warned by the police last week be· New Trier High school orchestra. he to furnish a new social stimulus to cause they did not have 1924 lictmes Miss Dorothy Rose, 1iss Edith White- just come to Wilmette, we will ay Ticket· Coinr Fa·t its meml>ers , thereby cre'lting a unit for their cars. He reQuests that every- hill. Mr . Roy Best. Mrs. Grant, Ed- that 'Dollar Days' are not an experiTickets are being sold rapidly so of family and school. With the n:w one attend to this matter now, and ward Challinor, Ewart Cook, Dick ment. Th~y are merchandising events Shanahan. Mr . W . E. Beazley. F.d that have been proved successful in that in order to obtain seats it is ad- huildin!l" serving as a real commun1tv thus avoid arrest and prosecution. Winze), Warren Sh:1.w. Mrs. William Wilmette, Evanston. and other provisable to secure tickets within the home the members of the club will Hamilton, Geonre Leal. Chester Law- gressive communitie . They are sucnext few days, it is said. Tickets meet 'twice a month for business dis-tlCe, George Rose, Mayland Challi- cessful_ in any kind of hu iness,m~y be secured from the followinr cu<;sions and recreation. nor. Miss Dorothy Rae and Mis!! grocerte , hard,ware, dry goods; men' persons: · Residents of the district interested wear, dress shops, meat market , elecFlorence Rae. Wilmette-Miss Ethel Flentye. 729 in identifyin.l!" themselves with the club tores, The production staff includes Mr~ . tric.a l stores, flori ts. drug Lake avenue, and Wilmette Music are requested to communicate with L. E . Ashley. stage furnishing : Miss vanety store . home furni hing , paint Shop. Kenilworth- Miss Florence on,. of the following officers: stores, bakeri,s. laundries, tailor -in Dorothy Ro se. costumes at1d flower~: Mrs. Carl Braun. oresid,.nt; Mn;. Newport, 520 Abbottsford road, and ~~iss Mabel McCreadie. treasurr r : fact all kind of husine. dealing diMrs. Ernest Fleischman. 325 Leicester Louis Witt. vice -president: Miss ElizCharles Whitehill, ~ecretarv: Mr~. M c- - rectly with the buying public. road . Winnetka-Mrs. Ernst Von ~· · pth Ashford. secretary, and Antol' Naup-hton, chairman of ticket cQmmit "If your bu ine . is . uch that you Ammon, 420 Elder lane: Mrs. P . B . Thalmann. treasurer . tce; Mrs. W . E. Beazley, stage direc- cannot offer a li t or an attractive Xohlsaat. Woodland avenue. and tor; W . E. Beazl ey, mus ·r d irector : numb r of articles or several at $1 Mt;tsic clul> of New Trier High school . Robert Stoildard H"'ada Chcllter Lawrenct·. settings. (on.e dollar) a number of different Glencoe-Mrs. George E. Orr. 755 a.rttcle may he comh inrd where pracNew Boat:.. of Appeals Crave street. Daughter of C. N. Roberta ttcal. and offered at the dollar priee. The Wilmette Vi41age board this ~Iany store. feature a dollar reducweek confirmed the aopointment of a Dies at Albuquerque, N. M. tion on these days for certain pricf'd Start Enlargement of new Board of Apne:~ls on Zoninq for Mrs. Helen Robert s Gknnon, wife good·. or good~ sold on time pavment,, Villa~e with Rohert Stoddard a ~ Police Headquarters tl,e of Charle s Phillips Glennon of Al - are featured with $1 as first payment ch:>irman. htwuerqu r . New Mexico, and daul{hter on these day . Work was started Wednesday of Memher~ with Mr. Stoddard arl' of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Roberts. this week on the enlan!'ement of polire F.lm,.r S: Beckf>r.. F. T. N"wy. Fr an k Urre Genuine Effort 1014 Lakt- a venu . Wilmette. died FOI: ug:-:T- 7- ROOM HOllSE, headquarters at the Village hall. The C. Huffman and G. T . Hellmuth. "The l>ig thing to remember i the Tue day. F ebruary J2. at Albuquerque, o n~ uath. tb :·ee porclwa. threeimprovement was authorized hv the The hoard is aooointed in accnrcl yell !' lei\AI', April or :\lay. Can wJ,,.re she ha~ re. l~ed for four yearo;. f~ct that you obtain r" ults in proporVilla11e hoard on Tuesday evenin~ of ance with provi1dons of the new Znnpartl :; furnish If desired. Tel. Nlrs. Gle nnon'. health had improved tiOn to the effort . put in. and in prothi week and the con·nu·t for th" inrr law ""~rted at th" most rl"c r nt Wlnn t- tka 2193. ·o vre:~ tly that her death. which came portion to the variety and att ractive:>lter:~tions <lwardt'd to rharlPs H. session of the State Legislature. of the articlt>s offered. after four day s' illnes . . w:~s entirelv De Brethold. well known local builder. "Now e\'eryhody g et together. offer "npxpe rt,.cl. Funeral services were TE4CHER JS JLL When the improvement is completed WANT ADS held at M ,. morial Park on Saturday. value. that will hring peopl to W :\:f ~s . Mollir Fore ... ,. n is nnahlc to the police court will be located on mette and to your torr. Let u Fr"n·:o rv lo. the upper floor of the building, while ·~arr P"" rlaococ th; , "'~'"k :- t th ,. Besid ,. ~ her parents :~nd husband. Tue. day and \\'edne day, ""1"""'·'",. w~ll g~t you the pr~sent court room will be con- Joseph Sears school. Kenilworth . lv·Mr~ . GIPnnon i urvived by her " nd Z7. Wilmette', big e t and ~~~~ vuted into offices f<'r the superinten- r~use of a slight indispo<>ition, wh:JI' broth~r . Keith Rohertc; of W:Imette. Df\ll:~r Dav. I ~ A GOOD HOME den~ of , police and the desk sergeant. Miss Robinson is able to he ahout her Look good f r the · .,....,.... and her i ter. Mr . Marion Robert Thl' Orl'sent ll<>'i,.,. he-.d·:JUarters wilt work once JTIOre after h<~ving been out , ~h. wh t. Austin of Evanston. of school the last week. I he used a a s,q uad room. GOODSPEED AT LEAGUE NAIES SLATE REAL CONCERT HERE s!OF~N!~o ~~T~AL SUNDAY CLUB ~.~'!,~~~~~~~ IS THE SLOGAN BAND FUND NOW $624 Anon)'mout ...... .. ...... . .. $10.01 A. H. Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 DEDICATE NEW RURAL SCHOOL OPERETIAS TO HELP OUR BAND Home To Rent in Winnetka A TOWN ' OF GOOD HOMES rftttY

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