+-------Au~ust WILMETTE Llflt 5. lQli UNIVERSAL Window Supply -I Co. t; I ' I I l ..-I i. i ·~I. ·:·· ; :d.tl.t·in ... ',l RESIDENCE WORK A SPECIALTY 5DAYS SERVICE ·· ' '! ·! .· ,, .!'iil: d · ·l: I !l ··' ,, Harold N Blasiu~ C:t ., ., .. ~ AWNING :ANC·PIES RET.~T£0 I' GARDE!\! b .... !' ' UMBRELI I · ·I (; I' 26 Prout} J- tml! :: WINNETKA, JU Telephone Winnetka 123 Washin~ton S .. WAUKEGAN, ILL ll:l~ \. ' l:· ., i' rc.·l<·phont· Waukegan 20&'1 . d j ' Sp(·cial Ll'agut· July 28, 1927 " ' I ...... GOOD CLOT HES I; I J I t ·. ~ thr kind rh.H fit .1nd gi ·.r: th.1t distinnin· "made -for -vou· · look of wrll dn~S¥( .lltt.llti\'C IH'SS .Hl' '·'., ~ ·I 1 .. I If·. ., ". I · ' .. I '. J)w ay. tn Hl.:. IJ..,;' · ,_,. 1: . . r. , ';J. .J uilorcd dcr. lo indi\·1du,~ ' . ! ' ~ ' : I ". I··: ·. ·, I :J.jJKli .<JU!'S,!:; nn<1 .o: lH·r. i .tc·~s;-,., .reu ')" ·.bi. d,,):· :nofitahlcu<.iuu.gtl-~ , ·roma · .:oul · '(: >) ~..:lln:e::; ofl- ~11 · 1ost i"l'~ lnvcstig.ttl tht _.,. Floor Ciry Satr-. ' . _tT crcd b v our Fo u c f H.:: c rour clothes ; · !'I ... ·I highl~ I '··l. llf";f. ... re.:;p ., ·hil .. · 1 :he :.ch o m-1 :b ·fforde:i l· · dt · ~ Happy For thL girt ,.. } (' 0 ,, , .. .:i.,_h, , Lt Jkp< r...- '1crseU to b~.: th~ happy, dficient m.s· rl.SS of;, S\1CC1..~sful·home· -thew :ue lasse, in , ·cXIl~cn mcnv planning. ":1rkctiP g h.·.-smnking ·lrt needle· ··ork hou: .:nishing arjd interior iecnratioit,.\Tl<1 uwu·: oth~r, ;!JI dc:ignr.;d tu diminar.; ~'<lSted rin,._ anJ ·fiorr fro1n th·· "-..n tinl ' l10'11.::· 1~1 king and tnw :· ;r,· -'1 r I ·nnd ~'·' p}l!:'SIH· $35 $40 $45 udependen · th·~ Good M.il Keeps Goo .d \vays bcs. , o .._;!; .··L ..,_ .~, _! ·· $5 1pportiu~,;. 10m and Jipiom; ·o urb\;~ ill, ret:. I I institurionaltmmagt:m~.:nt, ietctic· ; nJ c-~ff·r··ri·i <'p..!r;ttinr ··r. I: 1:- ~-:--ilabk· ·1 he dcmaua h, ···· i·~t_ ·· .,~ .· uua '-· · 1 thh. nchool 1 ' " fill n:sponsiblc, -,lnried ro··i int. '-,- ···cc.;:dr . '· nppl:. /:i, i. J'U!Ir ol"~url:wit,. tF ,.j'l.v .1/ar; uo1.- to' go into lraini·1z" jo . I I Ij I l )rdr' n OtH hut rhr- .-,(',. ni lk ;nHi ·r,_,ll1 le.rk ; rocit ~·· .l. n l . ( DepL Suo. SclaooloiDoaaeatlcAa-tafiS.leaeee fiN.....Ial&aaalwd.1 ...... Z. 'Ciale. .o richer life! Write to the addrcs !Jc/ow lor cJ /rcc catalog lr·lly d ..: ·ribiur, tlzis sc/Joo/ and r.-hat i; car~ mean to yon. I I. V1n l -·. l'l I I .. ~I I CiTY SAL~S--FOuKTH FLOt1R 3! 9 \\t" cst Van Bur~!". Street · !. t. :, f I. -- -----......... ,·-~ .... ' . -.- p ~- __.;...~- ; ; ; .,-__. . . . ,.; ; ; ;. - _ _j · I I