Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1928, p. 60

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· .. WILMB'TTB LIPB GABDBlfiNG September 28. 1928 GBlfBBA.L BBPAJB8 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ~-----· N ·· Cla811lfle4 advert1Mmellt8 wW be cha....-4 0D17 UC'IK'I"III OdCI- to re81denta of the dllltl'lct from Bv&DBlOn to GleDoue IDcluadn whOM namea apJ)tS&r In the tel~phone dlrectoey, or wbo an np1ar nbiiCrtbera to either WIUIETTBJLlFB. WINNETKA TALK or QLBNCOE NEWS. . On all cub with order adverUaemenUI wben brotqrht to Central Ave., Wilmette, or 66t ~In Ave., Winnetka.. Ratn-:: ::::: 1:~-:,e a!n ;f~=~pe~ ce~t;.~JW:. ~.a:L::OJ&.:: A ve.,..e of lve worde to the Un~ Nu black face type uaecl. 10~ dlBCOUDt OWLftllfll JEWELRY REPAIRING AND REmodeling by a craftsman of rare abilIty. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette A venue. Phone Wilmette · 6. 50L34-ttc -with the aid of the experienced landscape gardener alone can give that mellowed appearance ~o a house whlc~ .t WUDUW t..H.ADI£~ changes It to a "Home Sweet Home. :.:..---------:---:----A small investment in shrubs, trees, Garden A: Beacb Umbrellu etc., placed under the guldanc~ of our Drapery Hard··are sktlled workmen will add much to th~ ' Canopies ~n~ed Yalue and appearance of the home. AWDIDP A Window Sb~ea SHRUBBERY Trees and Time L. odice at lUI . ·. , ~~~· D'·"'~ !~'~' SOt t· Claaslfted adverttsemepta will be ac" ··lit tODI-cepted up to Wedneeday 6 o'clock tor tbe \\'I LMETTE LIFE or all three papers, Thursday i o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 o'clock for the GLENC(IJD NEWS. Telepbonu: Wllm~tte 4300 or Winnetka !000-2001. J.. Architectural Landscaping Lawn Rejuvenating Tree Surgery Maintenance Gardening 2311 Lake Ave. ... Wilmette 561 20LTN1-ltc BLACK LANDSCAPE GARDENING, soil, manure. Tel. Wil. 891-Y-1. 20LTN51-4tp !3 J. TH·A·LMAN lHlu«»llcdlNoiRUiiua<C<O>. 16 Prouty Annex Winnetka 1125 Waukegan Oftlce 302 S. GeneseE" St. Waukegan 2087 ·,2 SlT..T'-729-tf~ FOR SALE-AUTOS FOR SALE-AUTOS ELECTRICAL REPAIRS ~--------------------------WINDOW WASHING, FLOOR WAX- WINDOW WASHING GOOD USED CARS DODGE SEDAN . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ... $325 Rebuilt-Real buy DODGE SEDAN . ... ... . 450 Reconditioned A-1 ® WJf@ (C(Q)iUll ®.~ _!a_ _ _ IN..._ST_R_uc_T_Io_N_ __ DODGE COUPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 Overhauled-Guaranteed A FORMER COLLEGE TEACHER WILL DODG]l': .. FASTEST 4" SEDAN . . . 785 tutor Algebra, Latin, Arithmetic, A Wonderful Car 'rf>nn ffi'l ffi'l ll.ffi'l (OJ J?'t)@JID ll\tll@lffi Geometry, English, French and Ger~ man. WillJam R. Morrow, 5530 WinCHANDLER SEDAN . . . . . . .... .. $175 u ~ L1L1 L1L1 L1L1 ~ Going at a Bargain throp Ave.. Chicago. Ph. Long beach DODGE 1'0N TRUCK . ......... .. . 125 IPiffio 3900. 25L~T1-2tp Too Good to Last DODGE % TON TRUCK . . . . . .. 165 PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS, TUTORING Worth $200.00 in primary subj~cts. Reasonable rates DODGE % TON TRUCK ......... . . 275 5)(Q)~c Ph. Wilmette 116 after 2. 25L1-ltc In Fine Shape DODGE % TON TRUCK .. .. ... . .. . 95 INTERIOR DECORATING Extra Long Body FORD 1 TON TRUCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Large Body CHANDLER 7 PASS. ALL NEW tires. 1 year old, fully equipped and guaranteed. Wilmette 224 Special price ... . ........ .. .. . ... . ... $685 ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL AL1019 Davis St. 4LTN1-ltc '27 Ford Coupe, good condition .... . . 185 ways react to the appeal of beauty. A '23 Marmon Phaeton, new tires .... 145 room Is attractive when Its lamps and shades are In perfect harmony. Wtstudy your home and carefully analyze 1819 Ridge Ave. Open Evenings Green. 50 YOUR lighting needs. Vases wired. 4Lt-1tc 1928 Oakland A til American :> pass. sedan, run less than 6,000 miles. $300 ~fannon Greenleaf 816 632 Church St., Evanston down payment. 27LTN1-ltc SEDAN. SPECIAL BARGAIN. ROAD1928 Master Six 5 pass. sedan, driven ster, only 4 months old. These cars less than 8,000 miles. $500 down. are same as new. A real Saving. We at · LOASS 1927 Buick Master Six Brougham Sedan, have a number of good used cars at looks like new car, carries our usual bargain prices. Come in and look them Gold Seal 90 day guar. $460 down, over. balance 12 months. 1927 Big Six Studebaker Brougham, special bargain. $320 down 1st and 2nd Mortgages 1035 DaJvls St. University 6800 1927 5 pass Buick sedan, $370 down 545 Main St., Wilmette Tel. 66 4LTN1-ltc 1927 7 pass. Buick sedan, $460 down For rent-7 rm. apt., H. W. Ht., 2 1926 70 Chrysler sedan, $290 dow· USED DODGE CAR GIVES THE MOST miles for the least money ; let us show baths, close to trans. WILL ACCEPT OLD CAR AS CASH you some good buys. 30L17-tfc TOWARD DOWN PAYMENT cc lhl CLOCKS REPAIRED BY EXPERT. Clocks called for and delivered. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette . 6. 23L34-tfc ing painting, calcimining, white-washing' basements and odd jobs. Ph. Wil. mette 4492. 52LTN1-ltp LOST AND FOUND LOSJi'-IRISH SETTER DOG, ANswers to name of Pat. Leather collar with no name. Tel. Wlnn. 1865. 55LTN1-ltc with diamond clasp somewhere in Wilmette. Finder please call Wilmette 219. · 55Ll-ltc n®tt fP) o cdlo o ---------------------------·---LOST-STRING OF REAL PEARLS i6 HELP WTD.-FE.MALE * ·wniiDIID®ttllK<51 W A FAMILY SEDAN C. M. IvlcDONALD PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER WANTED-EXPERIENCED SWITCHboard operator to take full charge of board. Prefer one with knowledg~ of typewriting. Apply at Lloyd Hollister Inc 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. ., 66LTN1-ltJ1 .~\lAID STOP! LOOK! It Costs No More TOM HAY & SON, INC. Demonstrators FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, WHITE, GOOD COOK, NO WASHING OWN ROOM AND BATH. 422 WOODSTOCK AVE., KENILWORTH. 56L1-ltc GOODRICH STUDIO GIRL, WHITE, GENERAL HOUSE. work no laundry. ' Own room and bath. 303 Fairview Ave. Ph. Winnetka 852. 56LTN1-ltc WHITE WOMAN, GENERAL HOUSEwork family of 3, Wilmette 1129. I 66LTN1-ltp EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR GENER~L housework; no washing; small famtly. Ph. Wilmette 3972. 56L1-ltc WTD., WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Ph. Wilmette 799. 56Ll-ltc HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO CARE FOR children 3 to 5 :50. Call Winnetka 989. 56LT1-ltc WTD.-WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Ph. Wilmette ::rTN 52 _2tc WHITE MAID-PROTESTANT-GENeral housework In adult family. Ph. Kenilworth 1299. 66Ll_-_u_c WANTED- GIRL, GEN. HSWK:o white, refs., go home nights. Tet. Winn. 2766. 66LTN1-ltc WILL EXCHANGE RM. & BOARD ~OR part time services; ref. req. Tel. Wmn. 66Ll-ltp 1028. housework, small family. Ph. Winnetka 1057. 56LT~ YOUNG GIRL AS MOTHER'S HELPER 584· Drexel Ave., Glencoe. 56Ll-ltp WTD.-WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN FOR light housework mornings, 2 in famlly. Ph, Wilmette 1059. 56Ll~ NEAT, WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. No laundry, ref. Ph. Kenilworth 544. 56LT1-ltp EXP. WHITE M.t\ID FOR GEN. HSWK. Call Glencoe 12~1. 66LTN1-1tc EXP. WOMAN AS' COMP. FOR ELDERly lady. Tel. Wlnn. lU"t. 56LTN1-ltc ~~ Rav :rvietz Marmon Co. Charles H. Brethold Winnetka 1027 DAVIS ST. WILMETTE 3750 562 Lincoln Ave. 4LTN1-ttc LOA~r Open Evenings and Sundays 4LTN1-ltc _ _,...,..~----------- ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES SED.~N at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, LATE 1927 MODEL : USED VERY confidential service. little; low mileage; looks like new. Owner. $775. 247 Church St. Tel. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston Unlv. 838:' Wlnn. 2069. 4Ll-ltp 30 LTN&t- 4tp ~LECTRIC CAR IN EXCELLENT CONliUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Hap{))T ditton with or without charger. Ph. Si Wilmette 1527. 4Ll-ltp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '26 Star Roadster .... .. . . . . $125 down ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- C MELODY SAXOPHONE, LIKE NEW. 'J6 Oldsmobile Roadster .. ... . $158 down ,J BlTILDI~G AND ('OWTRAf"fl"iG $60. Tel. Winn. 2170. 35LTN1-ltc Nash sedan, beautiful car .... $140 down 'J5 Oakland Coach, new tires . . $140 down CARPENTER ANO OENERAL 39 PETS 'J6 Dodge Sedan, driven little $1SO down CONTRACTOR HIGHLY PEDIGREED DOVERMANN'J6 'Studebaker Sedan, big six $260 down Pinscher puppies. Both liver colored '26 Oakland Sedan . ... . ... .. . . $200 down · 0 0 and black. Very reas. Ph. Northbrook ·zs Easex Coach .. . . .. . . . ... . $240 down 116-J. 39LTN1-ltc '%6 Chevrolet Landau .. ... .... . $125 down ~creen&-Storm Sub C Ore U Garage&-Porche&-Addltlons FOR SALE-PEDIGREED IRISH SETter pups, best American stock. E. T. 1010 Chicago Ave. University 59 Expert CablnPt Wor). Coolidge. Ph. Highland Park 892- Y-4. 4LTN1-ltc 175J Httfhland Ave., wn. Ph wn ,,.,, 39LTN1-3tp --~------------11LTN1-ttc FOR ADOPTION, 3 PRETTY BLACK & CLUB MEMBERSHIP 11 white kittens. 503 Hawthorne Lane. HUPMOBILE SPORT RDSTR., 6 WIRE Tel. Wlnn. 395. 39L1-ltp wheels eQUipped. New car guarantee 'MEMBERSHIP IN OLYMPIC GOLF & and ·vlng of se ral hundred dollars. C. C., $100. Phone Lake View 8018. '!6 Nub, 4 doofl' an. A-1 con18l. TN1-1t<' 'I BAD IOS cllUon .... . . .. .. .. .. . . ... . $500 --------------'J'l . ~rryoblle SPdan, perfect t; DRESSMAKING FOR SALE-LABORATORY BUILT ~t, tires and motor $711 radio set with Ultra ftne tone quality ·s·· · ·c· 'JRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY or will exchange for small closed car. · , · Coats relined: children's clothes. Will Will demonstrate, call radio engineer. 548 Lincoln Ave. Wlnnetkll 309r go out or take work home. Tel. Wlnn. Ph. WilmPHe 721-M. 42LTN1-ltc 4LTN1-lte 26.74. 17LTN1-2tc ll REPAIRING .t .REFINISHINQ North Shore Buick Co. Wersted Motor Co. MONEY TO BUICK MASTER . These Good Used cars Will Make Their Ne\V o,vners ! McKENDRY REALTY CO. t iF J JHIaellKelf ----------------------·---WTD. WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL L a k Sh A to Sa1 es DEMONSTRATOR . GOULD C DAV.I ·I·N· · I aaa ~ou Waat Ad ID -.~oa. too This Of&ct will acctpt dassifitd advertising to bt ran iD , THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16.000 fami~ lia in E·an1ton. REVIEW copy must bt in by 5 p.m. OD Taaclay. · - HELP WTD-liALE .t PEMALB WATCH REPAIRING DONE pert. Watches cleaned and Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 A VP'lue. Phone Wttmette 6. BY EX- KENILWORTH EMPLOY M: ENT adjusted Agency-Over Kenilworth Poet Oftlce, Wllmette good posl ttons for domestic help. Ph. 43L34-tfc Kentlwortb 1847. 51LTN51-2tc iA 8ILVBB PLATING .. 8IT. WTD-FBXALB T elephoae Wilmette 4 300 or Winnetka 2000 - SILVER PLATING - lJ AVE ~OUR ELDERLY EDUCATED WOMAN JUST good old pleees renewed at a rea.on· over from Europe, looklnc tor position able price. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1115 as A-1 German or French cook. Prefen Wilmette Avenue. }#bone Whm~tte ti German epeakln&' people. Call WU45A-J~4-ttc mette Jlt1, aak. tor Ida. ·Lt-ttp

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