Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Feb 1924, p. 10

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W lllL Jt.W IE 1I' 1I' IE CIH!l!J JR CC lHl lNl JE, W§ A N JD) !!»AIR TI § lHI A NN(()) 1IJ NCE IW lE MlS ·howlng the making of the American New Trier and Evansto n H i- Y Clubs. n·u' and other Instanc es of the Revth" Olde·· Boys' Council an rl the Ev- olutionary period, yeste rdar afternoon Y . )f. C. A. Ev E> !')' boy of six- in St. Augustine's Parish house. The Wllmett .. and 11\rk Avt·nues, Wilmette anston teen and over Is urgE'd to attend. ··icture was provided b~· )1r. and Mrs. Herman W. Mey .. r, l\1. A. Pastor 406 Prairie Avenue. Tt'lt!l>hone 1396 Bov ~<'OUt Troo-;;-s 3 and 6. :\!r. C. H. E. Kenyon of 1011 Greenwo~d SERVICES N. Stokes, for two years S c outma~:~ter avenue. 9 :30 A. J\(. Sunday school and Bible of Troot· 3, has been compell ed to reclass. .; lgn his work because of new pre s8 :30 A . 111. Pt·eparatot-y service for JUre upon his time at New Trier. :\11'. communicants. B. N . Co x has been apllointed ScoutThe choir will meet tor r eh earsal 9:~5 A. M. l<'lrst service an<l Holy mast.. ,· of TrOO!l 3. to succeed Mr. this evening at 7:30, under th e direcCommunion . Stokes, and l\lr. John Emrich has be e r~ tion ot Mr. Cain . 11 :00 A. l\1. Sec ond sPrvlce and sermon . .Ljl}Joln t e<l Chairman of the Cltl:z;ens Speak et·: Pastor Fred Rates of Commlttet' tor Troop 3, to succeed Mr. Junior choir reh~rsal. undeJ' th e diWatf'rtown . Wis. Cox. ~lr . \V. W. Osborne has been 7 :45 P . l\f. Wedn~sday, March 5, Lent- appoint ed Assistant ScoutrnasteJ', and r ection of Mr. Burtner, 7 o'clock. en service. Mr. 1~. E. ~Iatson, a member of the )!r. Lloyd will give another of a . MEETPNr.S T1 ·o o p Committee has also bee n ap- ser·les of sermons on The Young PeoFriday evo;, Feb. 29, Leap Year Party. ·lOint t> rl Assistant Sc outmast e r . Th ese pl e s' Story of Jesus at the Junior Con, Monday and Friday, at 4, Children's ;.,.,wl y appointed men are exp erfpnced gregation at 10 :30 Sunda}· morning. classes. Sc out work ers, but will be ro>glst e ··ed At 11 o' clock Sunda)· morning the immedlatt.'lY in N .. w York undt'r the ir Sacrament of the Lord' s Supper wlll Tuesday at 8, Church Council. classification . Major Tho mas he administered. The Communion adWednesday at 2, Ladles' Aid and n e w Mission. llullivant Is the Scoutmaster for Troop dress will be given by Mr. Lloyd. . Wednesday at 3, Address, Mrs. Law- 6 and ho; Is assist e d bl' two of the 1'he Sunday Evening club at 7 :30 rence Mt>yer. ~ost ht..:·hly devt>lop!'d Scouts in TrOOI> "'u 11 day evenlna-. Mr. W . c. Folley, on the edlto··hl Thursda~· at 3, Th., lila kt·othen club. 3. staff or on., of the Scout magazines, Thursday at i :30. Choir JJractice. Thursda~· at ~ . Htrlltler·s Y . P . S.- IS appoint d lectur"r for the two Walth.,,· h·a~:ru e. Troops', pr·esentlng subject mattt'r leading to merit badges In several subj cts. The large Boys' Work ComThe Lor·tl' s Hupper will b e lltlmlnlstered dur·in!( the first s .. rvlce on Sun- mittee. (composed of fifteen men) is day mornlnK In which H .. v . Fred Rates giving Its enthusiastic sUPI>Ort to both of Watertown. \VIs., will deliver the the Junior Scouts and Bo>· Scouts of sermon. H .. will alrw speak In the sec- both Troops. One of the practical t>viond servicP. Tht' confessional or pre- dences of this support Is the "Winter paratory St'I' Vi('t' for· communicants be- Picnic" for bo)·s and men tomorrow gins at !1:311 o 'clock. Those wishing afternoon, at the Glenview Forest Preto receive th .. Sacrament m·e asked serve. to announce on Satut·day. 10 \\"I L:\IETTE LIFE, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 29, 1924 St. John's Lutheran Congregational Church The Roost>velt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts will have their regular meetIng at headquarters Tuesday evening Mr. Stifter will commence a ser1 at 7:15 . ot ftve Pre-Dedication eermona at : March Communion service neat Ita The Union !itudy Class of the Bap- day morning at 11 o'clock . Tlle wu' tist and Congregational churches will mette Baptist Choral society will alai meet at 7:30 tor the closing lesson or Fo~fo~~;lcs for th~ sermon serlu are 11 the studies of Dr. Stowell's book "The Child and America's lo'uture." March 2. At 8 :30 the congregations will asAttaining the Impossible. semble In tht> auditorium where Mrs. March 9. Swift will giv e her lecture on The Churchmen and Christiana. · Passion Play of Ob~rammergau. March 16. The Church-Member's The Cozy Corner circle, Mrs. T. F. Duty. Cook, chairman, will have their regu- March 23. lar meeting at the church Thursday, Naturallz.lng Religion. March 6. March 30. Expanding Without Cracking, The Central Avenut> circle, Mrs. The Bible school with graded lnRussell .Smith, chairman, wlll meet at the home of Mrs. W. H. Shellman, 727 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Frank Wilson ~~~u~~~~ t f~~s:!~ ~~~~e::l~~ts aft Is assisting. Luncheon will be served The Junior B. Y. at 1 o'clock. Baptist Church - t:i"· The p,.,. of Prl Friday, Ma ish l\tl' tho our chureti Jl) OJ'Ilillg I,UJl ClH'On 12 :30 the tmmelliate.J then go ' Church f which pro l est and ol J. Lon g Jto~ · AI On Tuesday evening the Church Council will have Its regular meeting. The executlvo;s of the vat·lous l'hurch organization!! have been Invited to this meeting to1· the purpose ot discussing and regulating various matters of much lmpor·tanc .. to the general work ot thE' chur··h . All OIH<:et·s of organizations are expected to attend. What promises to IJt> a ve1·y Interesting and lnstructlv~: me~:tlng will be held on Wednesday afternoon, when Mrs. Lawrence Meyer, at present on leave with her hueband, from the Lutheran mission at Hankow China wlll give an lllustrated ll!ctur~ on th~ work there. Mrs. Meyer herself has taken a very active part In missionary work ~or the past seven years. The women s socletl!'s of the Lutheran churche11 of Evanston, Glencoe and Highland l'a··k hav11 been Invited to ~eect~~~. guest11 of St. John's for this Presbyterian Church SERMON SUBJECT: "The Challenge of the Unfinished Task." Our present church auditorium Is being re-decorated and carpeted, makln~ It necessary to hold our regular church servIces next Sunday morning In the new Sunday school auditorium . The Christian Endeavor societies will meet as usual this next Sunday afternoon-the Juniors at 3:30 o'clock and the Seniors at 5:30 o'clock. The topic for the older group Is "What Jesus said about Happiness." Ruth Davidson Is the leader. and th·· It lllllOilg th York , will pt>cted th eon will that we th t' blcssir SPJ·vlce. Happy Childhood Days: Fragrant tnetnories of childhood include fatniliar hyn1ns, helpful verses and stirring Bible stories. Lessons learned then have never left even those who have wandered far. 'I'lw Wol th·· c hu(ch Friday evening, March 7, at 6:30 p. m. the Boy Scouts, Fathers and Men's Club dinner will be held In th., church. Both Troop 5 and the Junior · Scouts will attend and every parent Is Invited to be present. Both groups will give short exhibitions. Mr. Walter H . Gunn, Boy Scout Commissioner for the North Shore District Pastor Fr·ed Hat .. s who Is to speak will be the principal speaker. at St. John's on Sunday, 111 the field The Orchestra will meet to pia)' for secretary of tho; Luth~;ran Home tor sunday 9:30 o'clock Sunday the Feeble Mlnclt,(] and Epileptic at morning, school anrl for rehearsal Thursday Watertown , Wis., and will address the afternoon at 5:00 o'clock. congrel(atlon on the work being done at that institution, t-speclally In a The Junior Girl Reserves will meet ~~~;t~fin . way, l~ver~· membet· should at the church Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock Instead of Wednesday as heretofort>. Triangle I will meet at On Ft·iclay evt'n~g, Febr·uary 29- the church Friday afternoon at 3:30 that Is today-the young people are o'clock. giving a Leap Yt'ar j)arty to which a g.,neral Invitation hus been extendNearly one hundred a.ncL ftft'y womed. In orde·· to harmonize with the en attended the several "!!p~ke" lunchdate of the unusual day and admls- eons ot the Woman's Society last ~~~i~~~gll of 29 Cllnts the person will Tues<lay. Reports w .er! heard and new . ola:~,: .a elected fbr the coming y ~ ·u·. 11astor, Re1 r each ed at lngs or· by otlice in ch dally !rom . da~ · s . Th mette 2235 ~wcl Tht· Will cnt ed on 'l welco ~ E11 Gr· w: Service!! \Yorship The mess day will b passage In these lll~ achieveme power but fully the !! th~; sprea quests of ponrler co manlfestat 'fht> vital ~~~~;I.st; t Let's Go Every Sunday _ ._ .,.,. day schools in \Vihnette are training young people-and older ones-in ways of right~~-M~'-""...."'~~.-~... rt:,.....-_._ Sunday school eld01n go wrong. ·Their characters are woven through with a high degree of regard for right. Our Sunday school are worthy of your fullest active support. Test next Sunday the welcome awaiting you at one of the undersigned places of worship. ---- "!'..ENTJi!N ~ K.·:t<;s wlil - be held- at St. ~Johns every Wednesday evening at · :~!i o'doek, \.leglnnln,_ \Vednesday March G. The pa~:~tor will deliver 11er!es of Lentt-n sermons on the Passion of Christ which It Is expected ever·y mt'mber will hear. The subj ct of this serleH Ill: "Christ FOR Ut< and fhrlst IN Us," Ev.,ry one Is cordially bnvlt d to hear tht>s" sermons which ear on the fundamentals or the Chrl~:~tlan Doctrl nt' and th~; ess., 11 tlala ot th" Christian Life. the \Vednesday Midweek a structlve which It Is believed will be and Interesting. A new I>lan Is being Inaugurated for sPrvil'es, both 1n- The Ml.'n's Sunday Mot·nlng club meets tor Bible study In the Men's Club room at 9:~5 Sunday morning. Mr. R. H . Durham Is the leader of the discussions and Is creating very marked Interest by his unique methods. Fine attendance last Sunda)·. Wilmette Prebyterlan church 9th and Greenleaf Pastor, H.Pv. George P. Magill, D. D. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Church Service 11:00 a. m. Junior C. E. 3:30 p, m . Senior C. E. 5:30 p, m. Midweek Service-Wed. 8:00 M ethodist Church Wllmt-ttto and Lake Avenues Rever·end Georg" Gilbert Stansell Pa!'llor ' .~··day ~'~o;r"lc·u ·ad Meeti·IJ· 9.30 a . m . Sunday School meets an<J there Ia a IJlace In some departme t tor every mernl.Jer· ··f tho; Parish Co n g~~o~{~ll tak;, an active part in t~! 11 :00 a. m. Morning Service D Stansell'" St'rmon will be "The ·8 r. of.,,John \Ve~:~ley's Power-What It · and the tt.·xt Is "Thero; was J~~~ ti~6~ Got! whose name was ~o~:.!! The 1111 Thut·sday, The meet church. urged to Is deslrfld. St. Augustine's P arish On Ash Wednesday, March 5, the flr!lt day or Lent, there will be the following services : Holy Communion at 6:30 A. M. PenPLentlal Office 10 A. l\1 . Evening Prayer 8 P. M. e';:; C:OO p, rn . Junior holr R h tot· "QUJ<JI';N E THER., e earsa1 C 5:00 p, m. Jntermedhit,. LPague 1\flss ora Gault, SUJJt'rVISOJ', Study of th W orld Se··vlce Book will be contln e ~~~tl~;l. particular the "Central Sta~:~: On the Wednesd;y evenings during Lent, beginning next Wednesday March 5. there will be at 8 o'clock a short service of worship In the church . At 8:20 thE' congregation will adjourn to the Parish House where the rector will give a short Illustrated talk on There will be .. G:OO JJ. m . Epworth League Topic: the lite of St. Paul. Methodism tn the World;, Luke alx such services and lllustrat d talks ~rng~t. ,:a~!n~n th Wednesday eve::~~~~27. Further World· Service Holy ommunlon each Sunday at Cl~~O 1>. m. Wllm;,tte Sunday Evo;nlng of 8 A. l\1., and each Thut·sday at 7 A 1\.f Monda)·, 12 :30 P-:-m. Lunch Club at C entral Y. M. c. A . Monday, 7:00 11 m Bo S America will '"""t, b~th frooc;suts ot M!!f{;,~~Y, IS :Oo tJ. m. Official Board "Q7U:lE5ENp. Em . Senior · .STHER." Rehearsal for During Lent th;;;e will be services Come to Church ilnd Sunday School DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: 1\e Fant Presbyterian Oturch Ninth and Greenleaf eBpeclally for thos going to the 'city to work, and each Friday at 10 A . :-or. ach member o! this <:ommltte:usf' 8 urged to be Prt·sen t. w;rre~ne~~~a)·, 4 : l!i p, m. Girls Scouts Wednesday, 6 :30 p 111 Sunda S h Board and tt'achers 'wtil m .. et ~ 0 / rh'r, dand a dlsucusslon of plans and e velopment ot the School vo'tfo~~~e·:::~lc~ 00 jl' m . Mldwe~k Delnaplratlonal me'ssage~o~hlg~ayer and forth atronger for !If 'II duty. send all wlTlhu,;;s~~_Y· Th Ladles' Aid Society Thursday, 7:00 p. m Junlo Sc~~t.a hr their rt>gular ;..,eetlngr Boy R he~~:~~y, 8 :00 Jl. m. Senior' Choir ~lttee will rnet'l In the l'arl~h hCom- Tuesday' · :00 Jl. m. Gl rlH' W rk df;:1 Last Saturday night Boy Scout Troop No. 4 of St. Augustine's presented Scoutmaster and Mrs. Clark Lea<'h with a llver mug, fork and spoon tor their baby, Refreshments were provided for the occasion by Mr and Mrs. H . L . Leach of 630 Washing~ ton avenue. The presentation was by Linus Smith and accepted by he~~~f.day, 7:30 p. m. Orchestra Re- made the scoutmaster on behalf of M:ra. Leach. , E ··~· - · Geaeral N otell be b Y ot f rayer tor Mlsslona Will Dr. Hub rt Carleton rector of St 1 Mar~h s;~va~ J ~ :ll·~e:te on Friday, Augustine's, addressed' the tea.cher~ :-ld lnt rdenorninatlonai ~detl!fil w~l and omcers of the North Side Eplaco· In thla Church Good e llal church schools at the Church of Saviour on Tuesday evening on : : : :ftc 11 ·nt music· will be ~~~~~j~~ Our "The Church School Teacher and ReIDYited t~o~:ennd~r tht~ community are ligious Education." 0 On the sevt>n Th-;;;.sdays In Lent the bo~·s and girls attending the Children's Fret' Movl~~ at 3. 4:30 nad 7:30, will bt; show~ The Holy Bible In Motion Ptcturl's, 4 to 5 reels at a time. Next Thursd~y, March 6, tht> pictures will show, Th' Creation," "The Story of Cain amf Abel," "The Story of Noah and the Flood" and "The Tower of HniJel." These Rlble pictures were pro~uced In Italy at a coat of $3,000,000 and aro; the finest picturE's procurable of the Bible. Next Thursday's pictures will be provided by Roberta and Jack Hope, 1526 Washington avenue. St. AU~~Dtiae's ~al Oaurch 1140 Wilmette Ave. Rev. Hub~rt Ca.rleto" Rev. G~org~ P. Magill Yralmette EaPsh Latheru Oturch 730 Greenleaf Ave. Rro. William Gwis~ St. Jolm's Lutberu Omrch Wilmette and Park Aves. Rev. H e,u~" W. M ~y~r :::-o.,. 1\e Fant MetWst Oturch Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rro. Gilbert StGKSell Forest and Wilmette Aves. Rro. FraKcil Stifler ol-'~~S~ 111. RESERVE ONE The rector of Augustine's omchoir, SUPIJI~m!~'lli~G~h Our full elated at the funeral of Mrs. Harry kew s on Wedne~ay morning and WUl ~rea nt "QUEEN ESTHEJi~~lltra, Rev. L. H. Danforth and Rev. F. J. Tromp at the funeral of M:ra Yountr MlHS THIS RARE Tr:;.t~· ~~~h:: :~t~~~o~ L. Mldelbu~g. Wed~ al North· ::-e ~ T~e Fou~th Annu~ enc will held at tb ~s ConferVery lar~re atte;danc a of cblldr·n at Cburell tJnd r the a~ep~l:. ":l'~ wer· dell~rhted wltb th· tllr·· abowln~ra of "Bet.y RoN" a patriotic drama ··· St. Fant CoDIJ'etatioul O.urch Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rev. StepheK A. Lloyd :r~.~ eBlo:dh::.~tp ~~ ~~r o':lu~ ·J'~:: DO..: 141

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