Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Mar 1924, p. 12

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,.., \VlLMETTE LIFE, FRID.\ Y, MARCH 7, 1924 Distinctive Merchandise ' Fountain Square Evanston CTMTIES Six Suburbs Have Chamber Music Society OCIAL NEW enterpri se has just been sponsored at a meeting which was held recentl y at the home of Mrs. Amuel B. Spach of A Kenil worth . The Chamber Music society has been formed wh.ich will undertake the giving .of four Sun.day ~ftern<?on concerts dunng he sea son in a hall accesstble to the stx netghbormg suburbs, Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Hubbard. Woods and 9"lenco~. o,· .,.ing to the success of the Chamber Mu stc concerts gtven thts >ea w n, and because of the interest sh?~n in this kind of concert whi ch offers so me ,of the best compostttons of great composers, a ., umber of music lovers have founded this society. Mr. Howard \IVell s i th e president, Mr. Walter Marx, secretary and treasurer, while the board of directors includes Mrs. Amuel B. Spach, Mrs. P hilemon Kohl saat of Winnetka, Dr. Harrison Mettler of Hubbard Woods, Mrs. Homer Cotton of Evanston, Mrs. William Barnes of E vanst o n, Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart of Kenilworth, Mr. Albert Olson of Glen coe, and Miss Helen Sears of Kenilworth. Opp Unu == A nnouncing the Advance Showing of ~pring's )Favorite ]fashions Mrs. J. './. Siddall Luncheon Hostess RS. J.}. Siddall, Jr., of Glencoe will be hostes s at luncheon on M Tuesdav next , March 11, at her home. She has invited as he r twelve g u'e sts, Mrs. Lloyd Smith Shaw of Chicago, Mrs. Edwin Sherman of Evanston, Mrs. Leslie F. Gates of Wilmette, Mrs. Mark W . Cre sap of Kenilw,orth, Mrs. Marcus D. Richards of Winnetka, Mr s. Franci s E. Miller of Glencoe, Mrs. Harry A. Sellery of Ravi ~ia, Mrs. Harold C. G~fford of Highland Park, Mrs. William E. Ca sselberry of Lake Forest, and Mrs. Otto A. Kreutzberg of Lake Bluff the Arden Shore town chairmen, Miss Ferrier, the superintend~nt, and Mrs. Frank Warner Kingsley of Evanston, publicity chairman. Cabaret Dinner-Dance On March Calender HE Ouilmette Country club offers to its members and their T guests a cabaret dinner-dance on Saturday evening. Dinner will be served at 7. During the dinner hour R.adio stars will entertain with favored selections. Jerry Sullivan, The Melody Fo_ \]r, and ')thers will aid in making this a gala night. Mrs. Philemon B. Kohlsaat led a round tahle discu ss ion on " Music for Younll hidrf'n" at the monthly lunch"on of the North ~hore alumnae of the National Kind ergarten and E lementary collCR"C he ld at the North "horf' hotel, Evan ston , on Saturday. March I. Mrs. Kohl saa t gave valuable sugges·ions for leading a child to a true appreciation and love for music, us in~ in illustra tion simple melodies and simple technique. ' .~.:."~ '1...u .... the atre, . 1 ~ I itchell, t Pitt sburgh r, t for the E ~a t iona I Ele mentary Mr. Welt mus ic scho, wo n the vo cently by t b can Musici ~ honor of ~ wit h the Cl :m e of th e s cer ts . The cago) sa ys, real lyric with no a po was of a sn most sati s£1 He si ngs quality an d h is diction studied wit! and H erma ore se nt stud tion of w~ Viol a Mi conc ert par 1 as a wond1 by Leopold ing, Danie mas ter mu She has r proud pos 1\"0nderful ~ work of whose viol among m ~ made by t at Cremom tone is ver sirahle for Among Merritt St land. Mr. Mr. and hosts at a da y evenin . eventy-fiv l sabella str Norberg. · Miss Ma 'al months of careful planning, A FTER in readiness for your careful inspection. · everything is Every woman is cordially invited to attend this great event to view the new arts of fashion and verify the authentic fashion forecasts for this gay season. March 11th to 15th, 1924 -========================: - · APPAR EL With Much of Fashion Interest High-lights of Spring are reflected in the dusky depths of black satin frocks. Knitted or flannel sport dresses are leaders in playtime outfits. Many distinctive g-owns are seen for evening wear. Coats show new cape line and many modes adopt fur bands for trimming. To be tailored is to be modish this season when it comes to suits. MILLIN E RY In Fascinating New Styles Hats are as bewitching and capricious as Spring herself, no two shapes are trimmed the same, no two brims are tilted alike. As for trimmings, they take every sort of flower, feather, straw or ribbon to make them so enchantingly fresh and Springlike. Every hat need has been anticipated and special displays will greet you during our advanced Spring showing. FLATTERING ACCESSORI ES Everyone knows the value of well chosen accessories and will ~eadily r.ecognize the qu~lity and fashion-rightness of every article m our dtsplay. We won t even try to mention all accessories here but such things as gloves, neckwear, handkerchiefs, jewelry, shoe~ and hose have their particular duty to perform and may just as well harmonize with the costume. the college, reviewed some of the out·' anding mes sages of the Superintendents meeting of the National Educa tion a ssociation which was held in Chicago during the pa st week. Mi ss Bertha Rhode s sooke of the Child Labor law, house bill, 35, senate, 131. urging that personal letters be ~cnt to our legislators endorsing the arne . Mr s. Harry Phillips, chairman of the orogram committee, announced Dr. John W . Clement of Northwestern universi ty a s the sepaker for the next mcetinj:!' to he held at the North Shorr hot el, April 5. -o--oOn Thursday evening, February 28, The Friends of the Chicago Junior the Logan School Parent -Teach.er asschool are giving a dance this eve - sociation entertained at a card party ning at the Sovereign hotel. An at- given in Library hall. There were tractive prograrri ha s been arranged about sixty guests playing bridge and for thi ~ occ a sion 'which will he a lar~e five-hundred , and prizes were given. social function. Th e Children's Ballet. The women of the Social committee under the direction of Miss Morgan, serv ed refreshment s. and the "Kichen a special feature by the Duncan sis- orchestra" furni shed music. Part of tcr s. and Stanlv Price. }osenh Green - the proceeds from the affair will be wald, and G. W. Sharpe of the "Abie's toward the payment of the endow Iri sh Rose" company. will delight the ment fund to the state council. vuest s. After the dance Mr s. Elwood -o-Ankrum will he a dinner hoste ss to The North Shore Musical society one hundred persons. The hosts and met on February 25, at the home of hostP sses a s isting that evening will Mrs. Harold Sherman. 714 Washinghe the members of the North Sharf' ton avenue. Mrs. Nate Akely. Mrs. br a nch which includes a number of Harold Sherman. Mr . MacShane, Wilmette re idents. Mrs . Ross Stewart, Mi s s Adelaide -oTones. Mrs. Frances C'opthorne, and .The North Shore and Evanston dis- Miss Evelyn Dirks gave a very entricts of Gamma Phi Beta sorority will joyable program of mu sical composihave their rel!"ular monthlv meeting at tions wr i·ten between the year . of the home of Mrs. Ernest Barbour, 1704 1809 and 1862. Asbury avenue, Evanston, on Monday, -o-March 10, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Charles L. Wachs of 934 ElmAll visiting Gamma Phis are welcome. wood avenue, Mrs. W . F . Froeschle The Chicago Alumnae Chapter of of 136 Maole avenue, Mrs. Herbert } . Gamma Phi Beta sorority will have its LPach. 630 Washington avenue, and monthly meeting Saturday. March 8, at Miss Marjorie Day, 1233 Elmwood 12:30 o'clock, at Marshall Field and avenue, spent Wednesdav in Milwaucompany's south grill room. kee where they were the guests of -oMrs . George Truitt who formerly lived Ae-ne ~ ~.fathis Cherry. a ciPver dra- in Wilmette. matic reader. with ability for char-oacter portraval, who i now living in Mr. J. G. Wray, who has been in Evanston, will give a readin~ of "The St>attle· since the first of the vear, Fool" monday evening at the Wilson will return to his home at 618 WashAvenue Y. M . C. A. On Thursday she ington avenuP on Saturday mornin~. ;~ offerine- thl' ~amP pro~ram at the fics Alice Wr!>v who attends the Sears, Roebuck Y. M. C. A. TTniversity of Wisconsin, will be in -oWilmette over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mr~ . John Friese who have -o-been guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. WilMr~. Charles Sanford Clarke of 526 lison of 1011 Greenleaf avenue, have Washine-ton avenue. who has been returned to their home in St. Cloud, ~nending part of the winter season in Minnesota. Mr. Friese who is the CIParwat~"r. Florida, expects to join c,·nerintf'ndent of the St. Cloud Hivh ~evPral of her friends who will take school, was one of the speakers at the a short trip to Cuba. -o-Teacher's convention held in Chicago. -oMrs. Walter A Hanna of 1018 4 .Mr. and Mrs. Haye~ McKinney, 815 F,l,.venth ~treet. who h;~s been ~oend Lmden avenue, left Thursday to spend = nf>" !'Pvf'r~l wPeks in New York and several weeks at the Hotel Miramar, Boston , has returnl'd to Wilmette. Pass Christian, Mississippi. -o-oMr. anrt Mrc;. T . nuis C'l:trk. 716 L;~ke Tomorrow evenin~ Mr. and Mrs. "V"'"'lf'. departe.d last Wednesday for Fran~ Bro:-vn are to be dinner hosts r.,.tiforni:-. whl'r'" they will remain ~n at thetr restdence on Michigan avenue. til early in April. -u. "Lcl" " ' · ,..-.:;.;ru..-.t. '\J. The Junior Auxiliary of the Infant Welfare board of Wilmette, met on Tuesday afternoon, March 4, at the home of Mrs. W. ]. King, 611 Forest avenue. This meeting, which was the second held hy this new organization, was devoted to the election of officers and to the making of plans for the coming work. Mrs. Donald F . Simmons has been made chairman, with Mrs. Raymond D. Taylor, vice-chairman; Mrs. Raymond ~heelock, secret~ry; M~s. Marshall Otvtes, treasurer. ~1ve commtttees have belf_n formed, w~th M~ Bar:ett Sca~oorough m c argeSoctal commtttee, .Mrs1· Howard T. Cutler, .Work commtttee, . Mrs. Hugh G. Bers.1e, Schedule co mmtt~ce, Mrs. B. F. Lewts, Jr., Membe.rshtp; and ~rs. ¥atthew Beaton, chatr~n of ~ubltctty. 1 he work o~ the Auxtlt~ry wtll be to coC!perate wtth the ~emor boar~ of Wtlmette. ~nd the se~Vlng done wt.ll be for the Wtlmette st~t10n of the Chicago Infant 'Yelfare s octe~y. . Tea was served durmg the soctal hour which followed after the husiness meeting. The next meeting will occur early in April . Jrie 1 ces Levi, 7 sued in vital they are g· on Saturda Dr. ~d daughter, Greenleaf California ter and ar Library PI 1040 E lmwo Clarence day from ~ with his br{ Greenwood typhoid fev Mrs. Ho Wisconsin, 1 ley Jean, Mrs. Head herd of 153 Mrs. P. luncheon entertain t club at h avenue. Miss Be avenue, w· an Alpha given by t western u avenue. The H < dinner on residence Washingto Mrs. Ri avenue, in' sewing cluJ Thursday a Mr. Robe wood aven to be awaJ Mr. and and daught Wednesday Mrs. Fre1 was a lund the membe ~rs. Pet avenue, le£1 band, who I Mr. Per avenue, is The Boy on Saturd;

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