Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Mar 1924, p. 13

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1924 1:1 ting which . Spach of med which erts during rbs, Evansld Glencoe. ; given this of concert mposers, a r. Howard treasurer, pach, Mrs. If Hubbard Barnes of rt Olson of mcheon on invited as [rs. Edwin Mrs. Mark Winnetka, Sellery of William E. lg of Lake e superin, publicity der and their . Dinner ~i ll enterFo.\lr, and Mrs. David R. DeCamp, 615 Abbotts.Mr. and ~I~s: G~orge Keehn who , Mrs. J. V. Rathbone, 523 Abbottshave been vJsttmg m New York for ford road was hostess to a number ford road, was a luncheon and br~ thre.e weeks with their son and daugh- of her Chicai!'O friends at an evening hostess ·on Thursday. ter-m- law, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Keehn,' bridge last Saturday. returned home on Sunday. -oMORE KINDERGARTENS Kindergartens have been established -oMr. Huber Blocher who has been Mr. and Mrs. Modie ]. Spiegel will :n Kenilworth for the past ten days, in 18 Iowa consolidated schools, loentertain at a costume dancir.g party has returned to his home in Chambers- cated in 15 counties. The population R. J. Henry Welton_ of Eva~ston, well known in Chicago and on the for their son, John, on Thursday eve- burg, Pennsylvania. in these districts ran'e from 150 to north shore for hts exceptiOnally fi_ne tenor voice, will appear in a ning, March 13, at their home, 140 4,100, and in mine d1stricts is fewer -<>concert program on Saturday mornmg March 15 at the Studebaker Melrose avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P . Ross have than 1,000. theat re, with little Viola ' ' --<>~Tone to New Orleans to attend the r.t itchell, · the twelve-year-old CAMP SITES FOR TOURISTS Mrs. Harry H. Hutchinson, SIS Ab- Mardi Gras. Pittsburgh violinist, in a bene· Nearly 200 American cities now bottsford road, entertained at her -o~ t for the Building fund of the have camp sites for the touring car home at a bridge-luncheon on MonMr. Robert Berger, 306 Kenilworth owner. Illinois leads with about 150. 'a tional Kindergarten and day, March 3. avenue, will give a birthday · p arty on Ele mentary college. -o-Saturday afternoon. Mr. Welton, a junior in the Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, 304 Melrose -oTake the Worry Out of Lifll music school of Northwestern, avenue, will entertain a number of Tel··. .·· WilMette S'l' Mrs. William G. Lodwick. 39 Euex won the vocal contest held reher friends at luncheon on Friday, road, was hostess at a dinner and cently by the Society of AmeriMarch 7. bridge at her home on Friday evening. "an Musicians, and with it the -o-· . -o.J. E. IJWIII'T TIDAL ~ onor of appearing as soloist Miss Elizaheth Merrill. 420 Essex The Neighbors Glee club met at the !few York Life Acea· with the Chicago Symphony in road, spent last week-end with her home of Mrs. Warren Pease, 320 101~ C.atftll A.Ye. Wllaette :>ne of the season's popular conrousin, Mrs. \V. S. Carpenter of Oak Leic ester road, on Wednesday. certs. The Music World (ChiPark. cago) says, "Mr. Welton has a -oreal lyric tenor-a real one, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith, 310 Woodwith no apologies-and his work ~ tock road, arrived home on . Friday was of a smooth, finished order. of last week from a month's trip to most sati sfactory tQ lif en to." the Isle of Pines. He sings with exquisite tone -oHE finest jewelry shop quality and interpretation, and ' The Dancing school of Kenilworth on the North Shore, his diction is excellent. He has had a masquerade party for the voung studied with Theodore Harrison children on Friday afternoon, Februmaintaining a repair departand Herman DeVries, and is at ary 29. ment for watches, clocks and oresent studying under the direc-oMr. and Mrs. William H. Smyffie tion of Walter Stultz. jewelry. of 43 Kenilworth avenue, have reViola Mitchell, Mr. Welton's turned to their home from a fortnight's concert partner, has f,·.:en hailed stay in Clearwater, Florida. as a wonder-child and prodigy -oby Leopold Auer, Albert SpaldMiss Alice Shipman and Geor~re ing, Daniel Mayer and other Shioman, Jr., spent the week-end with master musicians of the east. their parents, Mr.. and Mrs. George She has recently become the Shipman, 432 Warwick road. proud possessor of a very WIV.A.NSTON -o1\'0nderful Guarnerius violin, the The· Young Peoples' Bridge club work of Joseph Guarnerius met at the home of Miss Helen Taylor, 1vhose violins took first rank .'HO Cumnor road, on Tuesday evening, among many celebrated ones March 5, at 8:15 o'clock. J. Henry Welton made by the family of Guarneri at Cremona in the year 1710, and she will use this violin. for the c?ncert. Its QUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUOUUUUOVOUUUOUUUOUOUUUOUOUUUUUUOUU~ tone is very distinctive, with a wonderful carrying quahty, exceptionally desirable for solo work. · Among the North Shore sponsors of the concert are: ¥':· and Mrs. Merritt Starr. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Langworthy, Mr. and Mrs. Wtlham Sutherland, Mr. ·~nd Mrs. An~rew MacLeish and Mr. and Mrs. pouglas Smith. Opportunity Given to ·Hear Unusual Artists in Concert I M INSURANCE I T Jlla~a J.rmeltr the Infant tte, met on 4, at the ~ 611 Forest tch was the organization, ~ of officers for the com"immons has Mrs. Rayrman; Mrs. tary ; Mrs. "ive commit'th Mrs. J. arge-or 1:~ ard T. Cuts. Hugh G. Mrs. B. F. and Mrs. of Publicity. wilt be to r board of l:lone will be the Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Frank Friedl were host s at a dinner-dance last Saturday evening, when they entertained ~e venty-five guests at their home, 1334 Isabella street, in honor of Mr. ·Bert Norberg. -o-. Miss Mary Elizabeth Marshall of 1040 Elmwood avenue. and Miss Frances Levi, 730 Forest avenue, have issued invitations for a luncheon which they are giving at the Levi residence on Saturday, March 15. -o-Dr. 3:ltd Mrs. ). -A. Raitnel an daughter, Helen: tormerly of 246 Greenleaf avenue, have returned from California where they spent the winter and are staying temporarily at the Library Plaza hotel. -()- ·~Kenilworth Happentngs i ~rown;~mlanat fum~~ I = 1555 Sherman Ave. = = :> = =-!. · · EVANSTON Tel. Ev. 7904 : ._ ! ._ social hour siness meet1 occur early ·e hcuary 28, eacher ascard ' party here were bridge and were given. I committee the "Kichen c. Part of fair will be the endow- ~ ncil. ical society he home of J Washingkely. Mrs. MacShane, s Adelaide horne, and a very en1 composie year . of f 934 ElmFroeschle Herbert ] . enue, and Elmwood n Milwauguests of merly lived s been in the year, 18 Washmornin~. Clarence G. Hopkins arrived on Monday from Redfield, South Dakota to be with hi! brother, Roy A. Hopkins, 1332 Greenwood avenue, who is very ill with typhoid fever. -o-Mrs. Howard H. Head of Sharon, Wisconsin, and her little daughter, Shirley Jean, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Head!ls motherf Mrs. C. R. Shep· herd of 1531 Centra avenue. -o-Mrs. P. N. Cutler will be hostess at luncheon on Monday wHen she will entertain the members of her sewing club at her residence, 1016 Ashland avenue. -oM iss Beatrice Segsworth of Forest avenue, was hostess last Friday at an Alpha Omicron Pi cozy which was given by the active chapter of Northwestern university. -oMrs. John Segsworth entertained the members of her club at luncheon on Thursday at her home, 1006 Forest avenue. -oThe H and W club will meet for dinner on Saturday evening at the residence of Mrs. ] . G. Wray of 618 Washington avenue. --o-- Mrs. Frank Watt, 338 Melrose avenue Kenilworth , gave a musical and rec~ption on the evening of March 4, :11 in celebration of her husband's birth- Cll day. About fifty of Mr. Watt's most .-, intimate friends were invited to hear ..,... the progra.m which. w~s. in charg~ of :ll Miss Shtrley Vtrgtma Har~tso_n . · evera we nown artists provided' ~ the music. Miss Adelaide Jones, soprano; Miss Hazel Simms, pianist; ::) Miss Shirley Virginia Harrison, con- ,._, tralto and Mr. Allen Faber Schirmer, · baritone, gave a delightful program. -oThe Home and Garden club met at the home of Mrs. John Ol~son, 240 Woodstock road, on Monday afternoon, March 3. Mrs. Walter Baird of Evanston was the speaker. She took as her subject, "Preparation of the ,.., Soil" · . -oMrs. Roy H. Jarrett, 534 Essex road, entertained a number of young people at a dance o~ Saturday evening for · her daughter, Miss Alice Jarrett. Mr. f:» and Mrs. Jarrett have as their house- !:» guest, Mrs. Howard of Indiana. !:» The AfternoonBridge club met for luncheon on Tuesday with Mrs. E. D. Parmelee who is staying at the home of Mrs. W. F. Hypes in Evanston while the Hypes family are in the west. .- c C C· C C _. = = =» = = = = = =» c c c Cl 0 = $87.00 Bea"Htiful . arm chair. Carved solid walnut frame. Wool tape.rt,.y cove,.ing. A very comfortable chai,., $4.95 /'air of .rmoll decorali'flt mirrors; a s .r o ,.. t HU " t of The Entertain~ committee of the Kenilworth club had a very interesting speaker, Captain Norman A. Imrie, traveler, lecturer, scholar, on Monday evening, March 3, at 8:15 Ql o'clock. ~ -oIWll Mrs. Robert 0 . Law, 24 Warwick avenue, who has been in Florida for the past two months, visiting at Palm .-, Beach, Miami and St. Petersburg, re- :: turned to her home last week. · -o- = = = = = = = = = !:» f:» !:» framu. Prictd separately. c c c c c c c c c c c c c e c c c c e · = c tends the ill be in d Sunday. r has ~ke of 526 been season in s to join will take of 1018 · ~n ~mend York and ilmette. 716 L~ke esday for emain 9n- Mr. Harry P. Harrison, 307 AbbottsMrs. Richard Cody, 1001 Greenleaf avenue, invited the members of her ford road, left Saturday evening for ~ Clearwater, Florida, where he will join sewing club to luncheon with her on Mrs. Harrison and their children who Thursday at the Orrington hotel. left here two weeks ago. --o--oMr. Robert E. Kenyon, 1011 GreenThe Kenilworth Reading club held wood avenue, is leaving for Boston its meeting on Wednesday afternoon, to be away for a week. March S, at the home of Mrs. Rufus -o-Stolp, 336 Warwick road. The book Mr. R R. Marquardt of 218 Wood- read was "The Quest of the Absolute" lAdy's clfoi.ro. A uwy will bine street, was called to Downers Grove by Balzac. made chair cowre4 t. higlt last week on account of the death of his -olustre .rattn· ,s,ld with jode mother. Mrs. L. M. Allen, 412 Melrose aveg,.een. DO'Unt rewr.sibu CIISII-o-nue, arrived home on Saturday from ion, May be Jaad ;,. atty color. Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank McClure Boston, where she was the ~uest of and daughter, 219 Broadway, left on her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and W ednesday for the west. Mrs. Dwinnell Slater. -o-o-Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Woodland and Mrs. !'red Cain of Hubbard · Woods tltas a luncheon hosteu On Tuesday to son, George, who have been in Flori~a for the past month, are now m e members of her bridge club. Havana, Cuba, and are expected home --o~rs. Percy Andrews of 411 Lah about March 15.-oavenue, left last week to join her busMrs. Edgar Burchard, 244 Oxford Octagonal Table i,. solid wol1tvt. Too b and, who is in New York. road had as her guest over the weekmuch ca!lnot be .raid ab011t tlu exuf--o-end 'Mrs. H~mon Brcwn of Springtio~Wl wlue of this table. A fi'M ltftrMr. P.err.y L. Smithers, 711 Lake field, Illinois. loom picct at a very mcdwote #ice. avenue, IS an New York on business. -o-oMrs. Fred Bulley, 220 Sheridan road, . Thse Boy Builders are giving a dance will be hoste s at luncheon and bridge =on aturday evening, ~ftft00ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft80ftftft08:QG~81Mit~~Da. .IG at her home on F.riday, March 7. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = · = = = = = $45.00 c c c c c c c c 0 0 c c c c c c c c ·C Cl 0 0 c 0 0 $48.50 c c

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