Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Mar 1924, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LIFE, FldD.\ Y, MARCH 7, 1924 'fhe welling C\'er so sligh tly. On the H o n d u r a s honcvsuckle-bush ~igns of May bloom. arc already in evidence. The gull.; are soaring here and yon in a restless fa shion as if anticipating the coming beach parties, \\'hen the sand will he st rewn with many a choice old wurst .or sardine. ·E\'cry day the sun comes ~outh a. little further and get up a little hit earlier, retiring a little hit later. This is a notable case of burning the candle at both ends ancl ought to be stopped. The moon alsd is waxing and waning with her well-known regularitv. \Ve don't blame her. as. apart- from causing the tides, <;he ha s nothing else of importance to do. And so on. ahle to describe herself. WILMETTE LIFE ' ing huds on the shad-bmh are (JI'ormerlv The Lake Shore Newa) TilE WII. :U ..:'I'T"; I.OCAL NEl\'S ~Mht.hlh<¥d 1898 " ' lth whic-h is eomblnerl EstaiJiish"tl 1912 I '""l ' ..:O 1222 Central Ave .. Wilmette. Ill. , "1'·1·.-llo·· ............· Wilmette FRIDA,, Of' EACH l\'EEK by I . I ,Ol' D ROI, l.JST .. ": R. I~C. , 192ft tatTR<lCRIPTION "Trn All communications mu~<t be accomPilnled by the name an<'l address ot the .,..,.lt,.r. Articles tor publication should """"h tht> !'ditor by Wednt>a<'lay noon to hu·ur· appearance In current Issue. R4'1!0lutlnnA of condolence. cards of ·to11nka. oblt·1ar:v. poPtry, notices of ent .. rtalnments or other al'ralrs whert> <~n altmlttanc· chargt> will be made or a rollt-ctl'ln takt>n. will be charged at regular advertlslnl!:' rates. ~ntered at thP postofflce at Wilmette. rlllnole. M mllil matt·r of the lecond ,.lal!lll. un<1t>r tht> aet of March 3, 1879. On the Railroad ~epends ·the Life of the Nation t p ;lj Foreign tun· and c a much ne1 familiar st< 1\'ifl'. temp< hu ... hand. f one Don Serafin. al charm'. B i' killed suicide. The hus something accurate k fuse~ to 11 sticks to t Taken well work to >;Ct' IH'n th<'m it mil aero...... . (, band. cloe! some time alh· in thi m;;kf'~ an and ~oah 1 nt·arcr fitti ('h ;llH'V. as tirula rl~· in FRfDA Y. ~1AR Se(Jarate the Grades. F.nforce the Traffic Laws. Ruild till' Truck Road. T'ote at J:~·r· n· Election. - 'H 7. 1924 BYRON B. SMITH 1'hc death of Byron B. mith, one of Wilmette's best known citizens, wa a seriou s los s. Only tho!'e who have lost a father can really appreciate· what the going of Mr. Smith mean to his wife and sons. What relatives and ot her friends can -do for them at such a time will be truly appreciated, but how . light such aid must necessarily he, compared with the heavy loss! May ~ve, as in a sense representing the ent ire communitv extend to the family our si nce;~ sympathy? JIKE a spider's vveb, a great net-work of railroad L lines radiate from Chicago to the farther-most ends of the country. IT'S YOUR PRIVILEGE! On this web depend the life, prosperity and growth of our Nation. Everywhere along the separate strands of this structure are great cities, enormous industriesbig producing centers. Their birth, growth and present wealth are due to the presence of the railroad. And because they grew and prospered, railroad service improved, prog'ressed and expanded. The Charles A. Coffin Medal awarded to the North Shore Line for distintuiahed contri· bution to the developmen1 of electrtcal tran sporla fton for the co,venrence of the pub/to 11nd the benefit Mavhe \ ' (Jtt don't think so. hut it is, 'anyhow! l\Iake up yonr mind now to cast your vote at every one of the April elections. Tt is the real privilege of every American citizen to cho.ose his 0\\'11 public servants. It is your privilege to choose your own representatives. If you are a little uncertain as to how much you think of this privilege, just imagine the protest HYMN OF HATE vou'cl make if somehodv tried to take it a\\'a\' from vou.- l'se this I'm g-oing to set rluwn here the name· of thing-s I hate privilege. · You're happy to he living on From things I don't much like to those I heartily de _pise. the North Shore. You can make don't like snow to come and it a still more desirable district. spoi l my well-swept walks: l f it can he said in the public do not like to rise before the p. ess that uinet_v per cent of moon goes down ; Torth Shore \'Oters were present like a little less to build the at the April polls what a tribute furnace fire; that will he to the civic loyalty o£ !\orth Shore citizens! · I muc~ dislike to add Ill\" monthly btlls; .· FREEDOM AND And much I loa he to think of R bills unpaid. ESPONSIBILITY I _do~· t all to .hear a of the indus try. Numbered among the myriad threads of this great web is the North Shore Line which has proved an important factor in the industrial, civic and financial development of the territory from Chicago, along the north shore to Milwaukee. Today)..,.this territory is a thriving, prosperous section of·more than 4,000,000 people and the richest, healthiest market in the world. "The B' 1110\'<'!l to t in tr larP"e ~nee . Jt three wee in <pitc ofi ye<Jr<; <1(!'0 tinuopc; pr n·corrls 1 sinn·. L "" ' 8 Firs .ll... quite }.[arir Pr: do th<' "e material. th, olrt f pine~c; a responst ta two must always go tocannot relish turnips, gether. The only man who can beans, or kraut; be safely trusted with freedom nd ice-co ld baths at break-oi the respon ible man. The man dawn-0, how they chill my who is free ought to be held rehide! sponsible. The man who can do At just this poin(I'm going to as he thinks best must be held sing of things I frankly hate. a,nswerable for \\'hat he does. Th~ I hate to lop along in slush; man who must answer· for what [ hate to lind on Monday morn' he does must he free. A real man when I am on the .train is free AND responsible, respon- That my much needed ticket is sible i\ND free. in my Sunday coat; Young people clo not learn this 1 hate to know that in a week les son easilY. They want to be or so free, but they are- not eager to 1'11 have to hust my bank account he respon ·ible. \\'hat they really and buy a suit of clothes! desire i-, license, not liberty. Somcho"· or other they hope to AMERICA'S FOUNDATION escape the unpleasant consequen. \merica's foundation is the ('Cs of tlwir free actions. A young public school. On that solid basis man legally assume · citizenship is built our country's welfare. at twenty-one. He assumes real \Vhat we older people have acmanhood. when he Jearn. that he quired cannot he transmitted to who is truly free is responsible. our children. Our habits, g.ood \\'e hold nobody responsible and had. will die with u s. In who is not able to improve. . and of themsel vcs, merely, our lunatic can not improve himself. institutions are of no value. Apart lJ e can not be re pon. ibk You from the effect that have on ought, th ref re, to feel com- human beings they might better plimented if you are held respon- not he at all. So what profit is . ible because it means that there there if America's citizens have is still hope for you. President formed good habits and developed Coolidge recently assumed re- splendid institutions? ~ponsibility for the control of hi s ~o valu unles these habits cabinet member .. \\'t· were proud and institutions are so brought of him for so acting. The act to hear upon the young as to . bowed · him a really free man. bring about in them good habits. He fr e ND RE P N lBLE! Teachers cannot really inculcate anything into the pupils. The THE GREEN TICKET mo-;t they can do i to put before The March ticket i. green. their pupils objects that will For two rca . ons-the 17th and stimulate in them valuable reac-the 21st. This is d1e month of tions. which will in turn lead to th · Irish and the Spring Poet. the formation of good habits. If And so th ticket is green, hue this occurs then the habits of the of the Emerald Jsl and of all elders and the tradition~\ iu titufre . h young things. There' tions will really have been worth nothing else green this time-o- whit e. ·vear. Lt i in the free public schools · At the pre nt writing we don't that these reaction should occur know whether March will he a most frequently and in the greatlamb or a lion. It mav he a est number of boys and girls. spring lamb with mint auce or .\nd only a good habits are an equinoctial )iQon without sauce. formed in young Americans will In either ca e it will be March. the future of the our country he That statement shows that we ecure. A the education of our believe in the uniformity of coming citizens develops America her elf develops. nature. America's foundation is the We now go on to describe nature, the dear old thing not be- public · chool. The North Shore Line is the direct route between the central business di'stricts of Chicago and Milwaukee and int~mediate points. Its fast, frequent service provides a most convenient means of transportation. ere zs a razn w enever you wan one. want thi wh Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 would seet anticipati cent of th In this rich hov :> ried he.r "l:>dv" alo ~ristocrati futility of to he rPs \IP ~ave~ h 'l'he hri pro('J'ram a th ~>ir "Sy '· 890 LINDEN AVENUE Hubbard W oocls Hubbard Woods PHONES WINNETKA 'GROCERY AND MARKET 1700-1701 1702 viJJ,. hill staid criti ment. M OP'r:toh re lertlon. le ponular so self :1 mi tht> Kauf here. har flunn an the com tht>v nrov "' reallv a f~>aturf. i fhp other during th o~r Aim is to Satisfy our Customers · We try in every way to satisfy our customers, because we kn~w that on their satisfaction depends our success. So we aim to sell the best groceries and meats at the lowest possible prices. Our customers will tell you how \vell we have succeeded in doing this . PRICES ON SPECIALS Keep track of our sale on special goods. Vve have then1 frequently. Buy a tack of goods at these sales. You'll save money.

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