Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Mar 1924, p. 18

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1924 J. Orr , 1004 Greenleaf avenue. Wilmette 557 and unburden your soul and chest. ln all probability it can be remedied and your gric\·ance and suggestion become of great profit to all of us. Who knows. Come on Buddy. give us the low down. \\'e sure need For God and cotmtry, we associate you right now. Of4rsdves together for the following purposl's: To uphold and defend the It i~ with deep sorrow that we re ConstitutilJn of the United States of rord the death of Mrs. E11cn N. JorAmerica; to ma.i11tai'~ law and order; to dan mother of the Auxiliary's presifoster ami perpelttale a one hundred per dent, ~Irs. Kathleen Morsl'. We excent Americanism; to preserve the mem- tend our sincere and heartfelt symories and incide1~ts of our associatio~t ii1 pathy to the members of the family. the Great War; to incttlcate a sense of individual obligation to the commrmity, "Stn·e" Sparr-We extend to you state and natio11; to combat the autocracy of both classes, ami tire masses; to our since rest sympathy in your great make right the master of might; to pro- sorrow. mote peace a'td good will on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity tire Letter from the Post have gone principles of justice, freedom aiUi democ- forward to our senators and repre cntracy; to COIISencrale a11d sa,ctify our atives at pringfield- and Washington comradeship by our devoti011 to mutual urging the appointment of Ralph C. helpfulness.-Prcamble to Constitution Moore as keeper of the Grosse Point of The American Legion. Ligh.t house, to succeed his father. Capt. Edward ]. ~1oore, who passed The meeting of March 17 has been away last wt'e k after more than 40 postponed in view of the fact that the years of faithful service at the "light." greater portion of talent required and We feel that the mother and son are contemplated to make this meeting entitled to consideration on the hasis what it should he, cannot be booked of long and dear association and resifor that particular night. We r.egret dence at that point, his willingness to this action but the committee is going carry on his father's work and the ahead with their plans and the meet- mother's desire to spend her remaining date will be announced later. A ing years surrounded hy the memories bigger and better meeting is promi ed. so near and dear to her. Ralph is a .Your ,kind indulgence is appreciated. world war veteran . tire adopted as standard by the trade, chiefly because it gives the air cush ion effect in riding and has longer life with less possibility of puncture.· Jordan M ra. Ellen N· , I ::::::: Wllmette Legion Bulletins Pioneer, Puaea Away DEDICATE ·NEW SCHOOL HOUSE District N~ 37 Holda Housewarming Regular Post meetin~ in St. Augustine's Parish House Monday evening, March 10, at 8 :IS o'clock. Speaker Lieut. Col. Albert L. Denman "D.C.I." and Wilmette superintendent of Police, on "Reminiscences of the A. E. F." Tn addition to their standard types M u_sical program. Smokes and reof cars, Dodge Brothers are now profreshments . ducing a special type-A sedan, special Shove off, ~uddy-Monday night. touring car, special roadster and special 4-passenger coupe. The following wire was sent at the The standard types consist of the instance of your executive committee touring car, roadster. business coupe, in regular session Tuesday evening 4-passen):!f'r coupe, type-A sedan and March 4. ' type-B sedan. State Auditor. Dodge Brothers believe there is a Mr. Andrew Russell distinct demand, especially in metroSoringfield. Ill. ' politan ccnt!'rs, for a type of car with Wil!l'ettl' Post Forty Six. American morf' complete equipment than that Le~tOn sincer~ ly commends your rarried by the standard types. They actiOn and att1tude with respect to have therefore arranged to equip as speeding up of payment of State special their typt;!.-A sedan. 4-passenger Bonus claim. :tlso your rxception to coup<', touring car. and roadster. In the sale. at this time, of the next in- handling the special equipment, they stallment of the State Bonus Bonds in have been very careful to introduce view of present funds available from only such features as w\11 increase the previous bond sales. heauty and comfort of the standard Wilmette Post No. 46. t,ypes without reactin)Z' unfaV'Orah ly American Legion. on Dodge Brothers cars in the secondhand market. , Bon voy'llle.,"Doc': ~ee. With the For these special types, Dodge . But~,her Boys we JOtn you in sing- tBrothers have adopted equipment conmg. Where thP. heart lies the lungs sisting of nicHed radiator shell. cowl ~Q~e by. Vtenna ..· Merrv ULUlov·· 1;o~·f .,1r1rJP[1 f,·n"'t ...... rt -o.2 .. 'h ..,,..,no..-Q and, oh yes, post graduate course. spectal stnpmg on hody and louvers We are a littJ, late, Doc, but-take of the hood. rear view mirror, autokeer o' yourself." matic windshield wiper, scuff plates. 'llOtf'lmeter and lock, special blue IBuddv! If you feel that you cannot leather upholstery in touring car and and will not join our post on account roadster, and disc wheels with 6-ply of. management, policy or any form of 5.75 inch balloon tires. IHtevance best known to yourself Dod11;e Brothers contf'nd that the won't you in justice to the Legio~ soecia I 6-ply 5.75 inch balloon type tire ~"~use and to voursel£ tell us about it. adopted by them embodies features Phone or write the Commander, Lea which make it superior to the balloon DODGE BROTHERS BRING vOUT SPECIAL TYPE CAR On Thursday evening, February 28. three hundred triends of District School 37 enjoyed the exercises dedicating- the new brick building, which hereafter will be the school home of the children living in the neighborhood of the northern section of Gross Point. Supper was served by the School Community cluh at six o'clock. To say that the halls and dining room were crowded would be a mild way of stating the fact . They were jammed so tight that individuals could move only hy dec:reasing their bodily width. That helped some. The supper wa..~ a good one and well erved by the ladies of the club. Everybody was happy and hungry; and the chicken, salad, ice cream, and cake melted away faster than ice and snow under the warm February sun. In fact before all had been served the food supplies were almost completely exhausted. But it was a jolly multitude. At eight sharp began the ex~r ises in the assembly hall. The pr ram opened with an address by P ncipal Clerk of New Trier high school.. In it he made a strong argument in favor of higher education adducing in support of his contention an array of convincing statistics. After him appeared the school children in recitations, drills and SOfWS. Intermingled with the numbers given by the pupils was much singing by the audience under the direction of Mr ~A. E. Paul. A speach on Our Material Progress was made hy Edward J. Tobin. county superintendent of schools. A little after midnight the exercises terminated. Mrs. Elle n \. Jordan,. SO5 Maple av enue, a re ~u.:.:nt of Wtlmette· for · the past 38 yea r, , passed away at St. l!rancis ho'p ~ tal Sunday, March 2, after a brief dlncss. Services were held Wedhesday, March 5, from the residence and burial was at Rosehil l. Mrs. Jordan was b?rn in Little Marlow, Buckinghamshtre, Englan.d, ?O years ago, where she was marned m the communit y to Hubert Jordan on March 31, 1885. They came to the United Stato in the same year and settled in \V ilme tte where Mrs. Jordan has resided ever since. Mr. Jordan died some years ago. Foremost among the community activities In which Mrs. Jordan was keenly interested was "Ye Olde Towne Folkes," an organization of Wilmette pioneers interested. primarily in pre:" serving for postenty documents and articles reminiscent of the earlier days in the village. Mrs. Jordan had nine children , ~ven of whom survive her: Harrj W. jordan, of Detroit, Mich.; Lynn T., Mrs. Lester Morse, Mrs. John A. McCarthy, Constance, Hubert D., and Donald W . Jordan. --------- Post-Co If you're driving north try out .the new Milwaukee avenue pavement mto Libertyville. The road, noted of old as one of the worst in the middle west, is now paved and open into Libertyville, and the Rockland road, running east from there, has been repaired to make pleasat:tt going to its con!'ection with the Mtlwaukee-Waukegan htghway pavement.-Jlli,wis Motorist, Official Pt~bli cation of the Illinois A11tomobile Club. Road, Once the Worst, I N Am th B t a OW ong e el Ne4 WILL YS-KNIGHT-OVERLAND $1,175.00 F. 0 . B. Toledo $495.00 SALES- ROOM AND SERVICE -STATION 1141 Green leaf Ave., W ilmette Phone E Tanlton 140 rl ti R t C. C.~ 721 Main Street Phone Wilmette 2600 WILMmE, Ill. MOTORS SERVICE, Inc. Everything for the Automobile Arch B. ice, Inc., V following t "The sn~ so was ver did not p< seemed to roads very were used · badly shak~ "Local g; every day nuts which the di fferet suggested care of, thl themselves age done b "The ex1 also especi and many breaks wer but in the c were broke to find un sought. If the slight consequenc in the end, entire spri "The col caused an from the a line from the crank IF WINTER GOES We hope and expect to be rushed, but until then we will f>e just comfortably busy. Some of our friends think they may need a little work done on their car this spring. Please look into it now. Some know they must have some work done. Please bring · it in now. F,or the next few weeks we can take care of you immediately. Later there will surely be delays. Mother of Mrs. Lourie Diea in Arizona City Mrs. t\ellie Carpenter of Evanston. mother of Mrs. L. S. Lourie, 1023 Lake avenue. died very suddenly Saturday morning. March 1. at Castle Hot Springs. Arizona, where she had been for one week. The services were held ~\.u.;t'-.'\4.)', ),{d.a \...\~ (· at once, done. "With will proba a reasonab light lubr' should no what heavi lubrication "This sar cant leads grease in entials. I wh;ch wi weather, thin in ·... cv·...... uiJu.,, C'..l."·'t'· Mrs. Carpenter ~d many friends in the village, havit. 1 5 at one time made her home here with her daughter. Mr~. Lourie is her sole survivor. J. C. Slown _ A. B. Van Deuaen FOLKS WILL THINK you ordered a new car when they see your old one come from our hands all spick and span with new paint and enamel finish. Our auto painting does make a wonderful difference. And the skill with which we apply our high grade paint is responsihle. I · ROBERT W. MciNTYRE R-r of W ilmette State Bank Phone ·WO. 114 Whatever tu Circumstances tile ...... eoartay--tbe ame 1aelpful Mrric:e Ia . .ll&liac all perplaiq cletaile--ve acCorded ,.,. wlaether yo · delire aa walu.itecl apncUtare or whether eirwlllltaDcll IUftelt that ,.. refraia tro. Ever}r spring the demand for Ford Cars is sev~ral hundred thousand greater than she available supply. Place your order immediately, to avoid delay in delivery. ' e ~AIL1Frw-~ '=- · ::::;/ ('{5 ~U:lt. Mic~ NOTE : A small payment down pun your name on the preferred delivery 1i8t. udae eMta. See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer

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