Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Mar 1924, p. 21

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1924 21 which rei are urged ately to the o that they linquent by TAX ~cur HELPS ,. MOTOR PUBLIC ( New Service Charge Syste1n, Big Success, Officers Declare ~!feet standard,~ed service charges with a cash l~a,Is of payment has bct:tt in For let~ month s Cadillac's system of field deputy Mabel Reinhat many reng that they or last year nconvenience rs if the re- A,u tomobile Clubs Foresee Immense Saving "A saving of $25,000,000 annually to th.e motorists of the country, which ll'ill result from concurrence of the l.'11it,.d States enat with action of the House of Representatives on the war excise tax on motor vehicles provision of the revenue hill has been the direct. result of the work of local <Jutomobile clubs affiliated with the AmPrira11 Antomohile Association," sa1d Mr. H. M. Brown. General M:.n;>r<Pr of the Chica~ro Motor club. The Chicavo :Motor cluh ha~ had an active p~rt in the fip-ht for the relief which tho House of Rt>nrr~entatives has p-i,.,n <>nd which we hPiieve the Senate will also endorse. Fortunately our Cons:rressmen have shown a rradv ,,,:p ;,J!!IH'.S to com,. to the assistanc-e of the motori~ts of thl· nation . "\Yhen SecrPtan· of the Treasurer 1\1 nlJon marie his recommendations for rerl·1ction in taxes, no mention was ll';l"" of the fi,·e per crnt ta"X on automohilrs. tires, arcessorif's and repair p:nts or moto; trucks. Thr \V ays and Mrans CommtttPe of the House, lar~<r 1~· adopted the Mellon recommrndatlons and when the tax hill wa~ l>··ou~ht to th,.. floor of the House tlll'.r<' wa~ still no mrntion of anv rf'hrf for motori~t~. The American ~utomohile as~ociation has heen conttnnon~lv ?n the joh to securr !'Omr rcdurt·on 1f not the elimination of thi~ '" " · SnlPtHiid roonPration was givPn 1'" thr. local cl.uh~ in Ci!rrying- on the c,~tnP.at':"n of mformation as to thr c.t·r.TJn·m:~tor-· f<'atnrr· of thi~ war p-...r·.~,. t;Jv. Action of Con·Trr~s in rf' dl""'ll"' tl~e t:~ · on tires arc"ssories . ;>nd rep;11r parts from fiyr prr crnt to 1\,·o ;u'!l :~ half nrr cent and th" r<'1110','al of t~H' t;-~" on the motor truck rfn,sts. co tmg- less than $1.000 was th<' rrsult. "Th.i~ ;.ction of Cnnrrrr~s will l!'i,·e a 1 <'rv snh~t:'lntial rpJinf to thr far.mrr and hn,inPss 111<'n who 11<e a small tr:·l'k in their !)IJ~ines~. All motori t~ \\'11.1 hrnefit hy this rrduction in tht' lltmilncr taxp~ on tires. accessoriPs <1nd rrpair p:1rt~. \Vp are honeful that tlw Senat<> wilt concur in this actiofl." ce:, BRITAIN ent of casings' tain in 1923 Jnited Stat~s. ort of inner rdom. arrorclvs service. '-RK 58 1 phone !RUBS imates ed lK 1 all Cadillac Service station-. tn · htc~go, and the expression s of sahs~actton from Cadillac owners have defi~Jtely established the fact that the '.erv1ce rendered them has been rnttrely satisfactorx in every way. Nu:nerou~ unsolicited letters commenrln ~ Cadillac service as well as a numh.er of personal expressions of satisfac: JOn ~lave come to the office of th t: ~uperm tendent of the central statio n 2301 South :Michigan ave., and to th ~ offices of the manag-ers of th e four Cadillac community. branches. Under the standardized 5nv icr charge sy tem, the owner is appraised of the actual cost to him of all service work h.e authorizes before any of that work t~ started. He is met at the 'loor of the service station by a tester who, after: recommending the neces;;ary sen-tce work. tells the owner what the amount of his hill will he. L'pon rer~i,· it~g- the owner\ signature :1s authonzatton of that work, th car ts sent to the shop. · . Skilled Cadillac craftsmen. s pccial "ll'd experts in their own particular part of the sen·icc work. perform thr !II lll'Ces~a ry operations. The e men compl..·tl' the work in the minimum time con~i~te nt with the high stan dard re<1ttired. \\'hen the job is completed the 'ame tester who reccin~d the car from tltt· owner takes it out for the final test. The owner is notified when his car is ready for him. \\'hen he arrives. the bill is waiting and he can pay it without any _inconvenient delay, ot>:a = n the recetpt and relea se for his r ar. and rlrive away immcdiatclv. This freNiom from statements at the end of the month is apprrciated by all the ow ners using- the service station s, reports from satisfied patrons indicate . An added feature of protection to the owner' interest is a system of rhec k in!! the recommended operations ··fH·r the car has heen sent up to the sen·ire hop. \Vh l'n additional work is found necessarv. the owner is in formrcl of it ~ nattirt· and cost hy telt· · ohone. lf he aut horizcs it. it is clone. Tf he dot·s not feel it necessary or dc,irahle. it is not done. · 1\tmlRUmJA\Jt{ IRllDJ@ 5 CJiu Amtocmt qfAmerictm;. W'illms that are being nationally adver, tised in leading magazines and W E carry a fUll line of the famous Karn.ak Rugs riewspapen. Stop in and see the marvelously beautiful Karnak designs and colorings patterned after the rarest Oriental rugs of antiquity. The finest materials and the finest manship insure a lifetime of wear. S. Rosenbawn &Co. Fountain Square EVANSTON Phone Evan. 5023 AUTOMOBILES IN ALASKA Alaska has approximately 500 cars ~ n(l 275 truck s on its highways at thi s date; the anary Islands. 1,500 ;~ nrl 250 rcspectiH·Iy; Egypt, 4,000 and 450: L'r uguay, U.OOO and 500; _Liberia onlv 25 automobiles. accordmg to 1920 return s, the late st figurrs avail- · able. ~------------------------------------------·········· · ~ room Colonial sit~ated on easterly end of lot wit.h We sp.ecialize in sufficient room to butld another home. Grounds beauttfully landscaped. Lot 60x200. East side. $25,000. Terms. HIGI-I GRADE HOMES LOTS. ACRES and ESTATES From EVANSTO . to LAKE FOREST List your property with us and receive the benefit of our 40 years of North Shore Real Estate experience. A letter or tekphonc call will bring our representative for a conlidential discussion of your problem. i room Stucco English Cottage; 2 baths, sun parlor. ,"arage attached. ~<rlor $20,000. ---75x137. $21,000. Terms. () room Shingle Colonial; 2 baths, hot water heat; sun and sle eping porch. .. · · I I I WALTER P. SMITH & CO. 332 PARK AVE. Phone Glencoe 410 I · · I I I GL NCOE, ILL. Quinlan & Tyson FOUNT IN SQUARE, EVANSTON Telephone Winnetka 2199 Tekphonc Evan, ton 2600 'I I · · · =········~················· e ·························' Novel Stunt in Shifting Gears Shown at Detroit ~;, il )<c:"dr" n~ Tl5second or o;econd to low .at hig-h speeds is so unheard of that tt is a decided novelty. I C,om11.umit y Model .... $420 Suburba1t ... RPcentl~· at SP<'<'d tests conducted hv the L111coln Park, Detroit. police depa~tment, a Paive driver dPmonstratm~ the car to the officials shift<'d f~om hurh to second at 48 miles per hour. ~II of the police officials wanted to Jump out immrdiatrlv. Thev thoug-ht the trammission would jump from the car, they said later. The :~ hift was nothing unusual for the Pa,ge, according to the eng-i11eers of the Paige-Detroit Motor Car compam·. Tll'Cy said that it is one featurr wl11ch makes the car such a remarkahl.l· easv .automobile to take on longtour-.. Gomg down the steepest !till t'. nrrfectly safe and accomplishrd Wlthottt the least wear on brake banrl.:; a~ the rngine can he made to hold h?ck the car through the manipulation ot the gears. ModC'l .... $495 Countrv Seat M ocrcl .. .'. $600 Wfritr H ortsc Model .... $700 Nationally Priced The prices are the same to everybody, everywhere ir. the U.S. Thrco A Quarur{y illailing if Dr~·idend CAeclt .'ito(kholdcrsoftlre Ameritan Tdephone and 1jtlrgu;p/r t:Ampany. lo tire 3<lU,00(J mode lea Nationwide Ownership in the scope of its service, the N Hell System is nationwide also in the distribution of its securities. ATIONW!DE Easy to Play So caty to pcd·l a baby an do h. But aJ10 cuy tu tk<J ...IJ-...Ith cxprcttloo Saw Blade Steel in New Paige and Jewett Clutch Innovations in motor car manuf~c tl're have cau~<ht the public eye. One o_f the g-reatest advances in conventiOnal manufacture is in the clutch of the Paige and Jewett. In the vital part of t'he mechani~m of these ' two six-c:vlinder cars mav he found a plate of saw blade steel. l.t is t!1<> driven memher. As it is very ~~~h.t tt s lows down rapidly. Its flcxthtltty gives it the power to gi\·e and take very quickly in answrr to the demands of the other two plates which art as the driving members. Thr building of clutchrs with saw blade steel plates makes thf' old-time steel plate clutch obsolete, according to officials of the Paige-Drtroit Motor Car company. Who Buy Gulbransens ? Those who love music but lack the ability to play. 'l'hose who play the piano by hand, but who e ability is limited. Those whv are capable musicians, but \\'ish to increase their repertoire. Those who like to sing and dance to piano music. Those who ha,·e found that the Gulbran. en ..is more than a playerpiano a. ordinarily known; that it is an artistic musical in. trumcnt 1 capab"c of duplicating hand-playing. ROOFING over the I In street car, at church, at theatre, at grocery store counter you rub elbows with its owners. They differ as widely in occupation and in wealth as do thf' more than 1 s,ooo,ooo subscribers served by the system. But as Bell subscribers are united by a common means of inter(communication, so Bell owners are united by a common characteristic-t/zrift. Other forms of thrift have very properly attracted the savings of thousands of A mericans, but none of them more truly illustrates an investment democracy and none more directly serves the public. Three hundred thousand persons have made common property of their savings in order to maintain this great national public uttilty. Their dollars serve them and serve the nation. Old Shingles ESTIMATES FREE OPE' Patterson Bros. TI'J·:S D\Y, THURSD\\ ,\ND S.\TURDAY rtJell System One Po!icy · One Umversal Serv1ce EVENINGS 828 Davia Stte( NROOF CRAFI'ERS Incorporated ORTH SHORE 342 Park Ave. Glenc:oe EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Phon e·: Evan. 654 and 7120 Wilmette SZ6 ~ystem ~ ~~ !/; ®._,~'<'-',$ ~1\!!S; And All Direcred Towards Better Service 804 Davia St. Evanat'on Phone 71Zt Illinois Bell Telephone Company Phone 1M

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