Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Mar 1924, p. 24

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24 WILMETTE LIFE, FRJD.\Y. ~lARCH 7, 1924 .. . than $10,0JO an I , " h. and in :: drl: t icn, SO per ern ! {li t hL' to t':ll tax ~· v :· de d. If the un ckr -to~ll llll'nt IS due : o neg-ligence but w it hn t· ' atte mpt to d :·f rau<l. there is add l'll 3 per cent of ' he lotal amount of the de "·,nry plus inter ·· st at the rate o i I Jl l'r re nt a month until paid. DANGERS OF ALCOHOL '\ s a I' · r· "' r hl· tra ~ning ~or health f! i; en in ; IJ, , , li ools ~~ Latv1a, a new at the to p. The "kr y" of this S?lo , Green, \Vhite, and Oran g e. mcanmg ; hat th i, form consis t ' of the se t!tree color s mingled in many proportt.o n s. Th <· a Clom paniment to th i' >Olo IS a Jo uh lc io rm, two forn h . one a ppear1 g nn ea cll side of -th e , ol o. These ,~ con rl ary form advann·. r ece de , and ro ta t e a nd their "key" is Green, _ Biu'e , and \\"h itc. lt is very much hk c a Recital at Winnetka Shows mo\·ing- picture except th a t _the only hum an < lem ent 111 tht· cl a \·ilux proPossibilities of Light u ie ct ion 1 the idea of . th e c;mt prh l'_r . a Fine Art Th tn. tc ·' ' the new art IS ka l_c tdo:,c<· plc n natur e· hut the com_hJn a tiOns _111a de · I \. 111 , ,,n, of the clavtlux are lllt cn(onal. not merely chance. \\' ., 1d, ca nnot clcscrihe t hesc colors ··nd ior nh . rising, d~ s ccnding, .mta t ng , m i n J.~; lin l{ ~ adYan~mg, retr e atJ n~ ? n · he scr <r n. Compan son s of the M' J) ICAudience Amazed at Wilfred ·urc, with flowe r s, t< o lcanocs: anJ,~;I.'l s . ·t c .. a rc mi , leadin g , because. 1t I' the Performance ·o mpo sn 's idea to p revent J _ dea >. not co ncrete iornh . S tl' th · rec1tal yo ur>clf and you will have been pre ,;c nt Rl'l' entl.\· in la nr l'unp· ·t>h ei me r i\[_e - ·t wl·at mav turn out to be The B tr!h morial hall . \' ' 'n 1H' 1 k '·. Thorn ~7 Wil - of a New Art. fred ga \1' a "li .. ht ~ ,·r ~tal" of h1~ own comno ~iti on~ . Tn h1 ~ mt~oductory remarks ~.fr. Wilfred explamed the New Art of Li ~ ht . outlining past attempts, prt'~ent cflo \'l'lonnH·nts . anti future po~ sibilities of Light as a fine art. Official Information, Bureau of In the art of mu sic. said Mr. Wil!ntrrnal Revenue frcrl. we han· a w<'ll -devrlopNt art which appeal. to thr car. Tn the art The neriod for filing incomc· -t;n: of lig-ht we have a ver) new art which makes appeal~ to th eye . Tust · cturns for the calendar year 1923 ends 'It midnight of March 15, 1924. Heavy a~ there arc mmical compositions which with mcloclv. harmony. and nrnalt ies are provided hy the revenue rhythm exprc~~ the fcelinl!s and ·tct for per~ons who fail or "willfully thou.r:rhts of the romposer ~o there are refu , <'" to makr a return or pay thl' already livht comno~ition~. the work tax on time. of Mr. Wilfred, which :with colors and For failure to 11nkc a return a tax forms. moving- more le ss rhythm- paver becomes liable to a penalty of ically. exorP~S thP feelings and <lil.OOO. and a further penalty of 25 per thoughts of Mr. Wilfred, who is the c-ent of the amount of the tax. unle~s a sole composer in this nl'w firlrl. later return is filed and it is satisfacThis new art'~ . imlrt1111Cnt. the ·orily shown that the delinquency wn< elavi\ux. -is menlv a complicated ar- due to reasonable came and not to n.n~ement of livhts. colored nlat··s. willful neg-lect . and kcyhoard; the purpose of the For willful refusal to make a return machine hrin·r to permit the plnver or pay the tax on time a taxnavrr he to control and proiect on a ~creen tht' comrs liable to a ncnaltv of $10.000 or irfin ite romhin:>tions of the seven col- " "~" \'<'ar'· imnrisonm r nt. or both or~ of the rainhow. toP"ether with the co:.t of ·~ro s ccution . Let's see one clavilux number. It is nnd an added JWn~lty of 25 per cent Opus 8 hv Wilfr,..rl pl:1ved hy th(' com- o f ·h" amount of the tax. posC'r. We sl"e first the <olo. or central ff in an income-tax rrtnrn attemnt pattern. a siPI!Ir form appearing- at ;, t11:1flc to l'\'ad·· or dcf,.,t thc tax, the the hottom of the 'Cr<'·'n and t hPIH'l' offc'11d··r is liahil' to imnrisonm<'nt not slowly rising nnd rotatin.r:r to d i appear <' .·ccedinr;r one year and to a fine of not CLAVILUX IS WONDER ORGAN TIRE COMPETITION KEEN The several extensive _Austral:aa tin~ manufacturers are satd to find keen competition from foreign makes. ln Adelaide a French-made casing it now reported as the most popular · with the tires of an American make j close second. · ·It g-ae~s of r ·q u 1 r , 'IJ.-t ruct10n on the danalc nl ol. The Mi!lister of Public Instru c 11 .,n ·nus t re\'l _ s e !he sch?ol program ,, iJ'ci udc th1s mstructJOn within a ytar. ], La Seek State Honors in and 1),., r·i cl<l Sh ields High school eager -;, \\·,. , prepa red to make its mar k thi , 1\ ·l' kend in the tournament g :llli L' s j ,., th e Illinois scholastic title. . Thl' local preps have !w id the nnrt hern d i-; trict title thre e \l'a r s >traig h and figure to take a s t~ p hiRh <.:r th is sea son . The tournam ent is lJL· i n ~ · I ' ,,., at Deerfield - Shields H igh school. <i ~f eated Rockior~ \'OL. Th~ NewB~~~re~le~~!\~,-iJ,~~~~:~ I ball t('am which last \,·ee k dn·J , icl~· ESTABLISHED 1854 C. H. JORDAN .& COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS FOR 69 YEARS 612 Davis Street, Eoanaton, Ill. Phone Eva aton 449 164 N. Michigan Ave. Phone· Randolph 1346-1347 APPEAL TO THE EYE ' MA NE IS I I II Ill It II Ill I I II I I II I I I II I I I I II 'l I I I I I I North In Income Tax Facts "'tl' Better Furniture For Better Homes There is no special week set aside here for better homes week. Every week is better homes week. The kind of furniture we sell is the kind that will make homes bright, cheery and comfortable. It the kind of a home that you wtll be -· proud to have. Furthermor here C "Mary ers will year of t with Mrs Macy of leading p in Skokie and 29. The gu of twcntie tinuing its ful plays ron of ran for fiv York and biggest sue ed on the but did no ranked by ten best p synop is of Louise Hu picture wo the Third Miss C~Q People," Journey," htho. '-:ij "J of Us," a ~111-. ~~~~~---= ~~-:r.:-~ y~o~u·a~r~e ~~~= "Mary t ern marria riage in t prulugue i First marr ural basis; the other value for your dollars. Folks who have come to us year after year know that we always satisfy our customers and that the furniture we sell is of the kind we mentioned above - furniture of quality· and beauty. LET US PROVE IT TO YOU A great many people wonder how we can sell high grade furniture so reasonable. The answer is we . are a branch of a chain of stores and our large buying power enables us to buy furniture at a considerable saving to the public. Right now we are offering rugs, living room and bed room furniture at about 25% below the regular retall price and' you can make purchases of these articles on our extended credit plan. R:O SEAL REC Madri~ale (Simonetti) Violin Solo ·' :-'imhalist} Petite sere:tade (Gulciste'in-Bethier) V"~ · · &rem 2 tmbalist 1177 · Ay-A!·Ay (Creole Song) (P~rea-F · ) I· $pantJa Tdo Schipa Canc10n Andaluza (A Grllllllda·'-Tec...da.) (Palacios) W1. lnSpuniJa ' Tdo Schipa \ucco- Tu sulla §«llmm<e 1 ~J?ir~t!~n). 'I -· .., ...,..ti (Thou Who Granteet lrtll.tlan o! (Sicilian Veepers- Oh. (V..di) 10 811~_- ;~:~a2,u Palermo!) w~~-~~ttfra· t.\Jtni S·cth~r.l-0 t. J~se Mardonea l l 988 10 . In to going groping m to try an them both mination in the mar the Secon married r 25 years from Grar manner i Mary the upon · the s 6423 IZ I! 6434 ftt,~~g.o~tta, of Normandy-Selection (Planquette) ~-:.a'S\~~nd Peasant-OTerture Jose Mardones MELODIOUS INSTRUMENTAL ln Italian (von Suppe) Pryor's Band J35738 IZ Pryor's Band AJRal.EI<dl 1157 Wilmette VOCAL SELEtiiOI'JS iver (Negro Spiritual) (Arr. Burleigh) Marian Andersor· ] y'a Cloudy (Negro Spiritual) (Arr. Burleigh) ----rnia Here I Come (fl'om"Bombo"') 0 Georgie Price with The Manhattan Merrymakks South (f rom "Bombo") 19%61 10 than a" Georgie Price with The V"trginiana 11 ~r , \l.tr. Radio Man l.ewia James } 19Z62 10 lfll{Y Walchin' the Moon Rise Peerleaa Quartet TEN AC·R·E'o'm' Indian H '"' JMhr Marian Anderson l 19Z27 10 5' DANCE RECORDS Revue of 1924") Paul WJVteman and Hia Orcheatra 192:64 10 B You'D Come Back-Fo~ Trot The Vir&iaiana Do Doodle Oo.-Fo1 Trot Pina'a New Orleana Orcheatra} 19ZSS 10 Welt Indies Bluea-Fo1 Trot Piron'a New Orlean. Orcheatra I Wbo'a Dancint W'db You To-N".,bt-Fox Trot Joe and Hia Ordtulra 1tz61 10 Are You Loaelrt-Fa Tret The a- Orcbellra of Chicap LiiDehouae Blues-Fox Trot (from .. Andre Charlot'· w.- Ra,...... I l JUST ARRIVED! A. Complete Stock of CLASSICAL SHEET MUSIC Doea Your Victrola Need Repairina? Call Ua. North Shore Talkiq Machine Co. -DAVIS ST. EVANSTON PHON£ 4W 554 CENTER ST. WINNETKA PHONE 1713 S. ROSENBAUM CO. Fountain Square, Evanston 3120-22 Lincoln Ave. Chicago Stores: Phone 5023 5228 No. Clark St. N.., Vietor Record·, Once a Weelr, ~Aery W~Friday ·

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