Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Mar 1924, p. 11

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1924 cffieLJ\NoJCA.PS D£PAP.TMENT &T CVJHINQ- JMilH.M·~~ TREES OF BEAUTY FOR THE NORTH SHORE GIVE me a tree to shade my door, Be it cottage or mansiott fine, For a tree lws rugged perfection Which to ma1~ oft seems sublime. Will~ the flowing sap in the Springtinu Buds whisper of blossonts to be, Atrd I rise to my task with new courage Which God's trees have given to me. Home Grounds without a Tree are like lives without stars of inspiration, and only those who are familiar with the wide expanses of prairie country can well appreciate the added perfection which the full-grown forest trees bring to our North Shore section. It matters not what kind of a tree we may possess, so long as the years have been )<ind to its growth. Ortr Natural Resources. In these days of waste in our forests, in the gradual loss of our fine old stands of t imber for a myriad of uses, man's greatest ·gift to his generation would be · in a 0 ?mall wa>:' mg a natwn.s f!"Patest .tl<l~ut:.:~l r£~ource.- s~ wl-!i~h _i~~-·..!.~ CX1~M·!fle~~~--1-1 already s*rtficed to mans av~nce. professional Landscape Arch itects have t? . . . do h1s part m replemsh- not attempt to grow Rhododendrons Azaleast, or other broad-leaved evet": green shrubs, for they will not survive here. T~u Families. From experience, sad at t1mes, we can learn much from the native trees. Could we but pause long enough in our touring fever, to learn that trees and shrubs, like ourselves thrive best in families, to learn that there are varieties which best grow under our soil and climatic conditions much real sorrow and failure might b~ averted. Effect of Moisture. In the Skokie VaHey or in moist ground we find species which upon drainage of the site for building purposes sicken and die. Other varieties must therefore be selected for their places. P lattting of Evergreens. In the case of evergreens, do not overplant, for they are expensive playthings, and but few thrive here, among them the yew, hemlock, junipers, some of the spr,qces, and the red cedar. Under carefuT protection others such as the Arbor Vitae will live and mature. Do not be misled in the planting to select an evergreen tree because today it is the size you now see, for tomor row it may be ~en, yes, fifty feet in height, and a t ree once planted is like a tooth-difficult to sacrifice. Best Time for PlaJ£ting. Much advice is yearly give~ as to the best time for transplanting trees. Large trees for immediate effect should be moved in the wi n~ e r with a large f rozen balJ of earth, and t heir planting should only be undertaken with adequate equipment, and under trained supervision. Evergreens are dormant both in the Fa11 and in the early Spring, and shou ld be moved with a ball of earth about the toots. Proper transplanting, constant watering, spraying where necessary, good pruning and cultivation are the grow-words for every tree of whatever size. Where l.o Buy. P urchase your trees only from reliab le sources, select by name where possible rather than from a colored print in a cata logue, or because the variety is different than that of your neighbor and choose only tree painng and rebu ilding of t he town - Under the present plan it i po ible ship roads on t he other. to secure immediate attention to reH shoud oe noted that no expensive quests for service in the township. equipment and machinery has been Road and bridge conditions a re purchased by the present commission·- carefully checked at very frequent. (Continued from page 10) er. The trucks employed in the work intervals. A budget system for ent traffic conditions th is is safer and regularly are army trucks rented to finances has been employed for tho adds much to the appearance of the the township at $100 per year each. past six years a well a a Long time The township contracts to keep the plan for the work as a whole which roads. Following are the comparative state- trucks in a condition satisfactory to .has been invaluable in showing the ments of receipts and expenditures of the state inspector who mll.kes regu- amounts necessary to be set a$ide for lar reports and recommendations con- investment of the fu nds in permanent the years 1922 and 1923: cerning their condition. road construction as well as for the 1t2Z .The highway commissioner for six less permanent though vitally necesGeneral Road Drag years has maintained an office at t he sary maintenance. Fund Fund village hall at Glencoe w here the Road work today requ ires far greatBal. on hand Road and Bridge meetings a re h eld er k nowledge and study than it did January 1 $17,000.17 $ 0.00 throughout th e year, at least once a ten or even five years ago. The comReceipts 45,866.49 558.39 week. Besides by the phone at the missioner, by study a nd observat ioa Total 62,866.66 558.39 office, the commissioner may be reach- and full discussion with authorities on road matters, has tried to obtain for Disbursements 29.140.37 558.39 ed at his home in Glencoe. The endeavor of the commission er New Trier the best road information possible and put it into practice in t he has been to run the townsh ip road Bal. on hand and bridge work in a .b usinesslik e way, sanest and most economical way. T he December 31 $33,726.29 $ 0.00 making himself accessible at all times entire administrative expense in 1923 1923 General Road Drag to anyone who wishes, for any was less than 6 per cent of the cost reason, to get in touch with him. of township road work . Fund Fund Bal. on hand January 1 $33,726.29 $ 0.00 Receipts 44,610.33 1,329.88 Highway Commisaion Makes Annu·l Report Total Dishursements 78,336.62 67,648.47 1,329.88 1,329.88 Bal. on hand December 31 $10.688.15 $ 0.00 The disbursements in 1923 were near ly equally divided between the oermanent road construct ion on Willow road and one-half of the cost of the concrete bridge on the one hand and the road dragging. ditching, weed cutting, snow plowing and re- Whatever thl Circumstances the Nme courtesy-the ame helpful Hnice Ia . .a.aaiac all perplmag detalt.-.-are accorded 70U wbether yo a deaire aa aalimited expeaditure or whether clrcumatancea auggeat that you refraia trom andue c:o.ta. · i · + : : + : : : ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Say it with Flowers" We carry a complet e line of Shrubs and Trees. We also grow our own Peren nials and Annuals. Estimates furnis hed on Landscape Gardening, P lanting, Law ns and W indow Boxes. · ! · + : : + · ! F. MUELLER ! : + FLORAL DECORATOR Florist and Landacape Gardener Cut Flowera and Pot Planta. : Scott and Linden Ave. + HUBBARD WOODS : Phone Winnetka 437 + BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME : + · : : : · + + + : + : + ·························· ---~~ -- + · Phone Wilmette 654 Wilmette ....... -- ---------- -· - Growth of Tr.ces. 9rowth m trees, been found to best mature on the North as m human bemgs, ts slow, and yet Shore. "Plan to P lant Another Tree." how sure, every rustle of the brapches, F. A. CUSHING SMITH. every wh1sper of the leaves tells of another ring of strong cells upon the rugged trunk. It has often been a surprise to the . writer that men of "getrich-quick Wallingford" proclivities have not undertaken reforestation in some form, for here is one business which works, builds up, even while we may remain idle. P lenty of Potted Plants .Vorth Shore Flora. The native flora and Fresh Cut Flowers of the North Shore district is rich in tree species, the American Elm, several always on hand. varieties of Oak, the shag-bark Hickory, Butternut, Ash, a few Maples, and All Varieties of Perennials, among the flowering and fruiting trees Annuals and Shrubs. are the crab-apples with their brilliant blossoms, wi ld cherries, hawthorns, a ll of which make our Spring woodlands a canvas of georgeous color. Of the evergreens, but few seem to thrive in the exposed lake-front condiWholeaale price when called for. tions, and under the difficult soi l with 746 Center St. Phone 283 which we are confronted. Some hemWINNETKA lock, a few Red Cedars, and further north some Arbor Vitae and a few Junipers seem to complete the list. Do A Word about Florida Oranges Mtd Grapefruit by Charles R. Erwin -ef Kenilworth Frank Borovicka Gladiola Bulbs Office Telephone HIGHLAND PARK 36 Nuraeriea Telephone HIGHLAND PARK 58 RAVINIA NURSERIES We Plant and Guarantee EVERGREENS TREES HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. F. D. Clavey & Sons SHRUBS Accurate Eatimatea Submitted NURSERIES ONE MILE WEST OF RAVINIA PARK In many years of raising ~itrus fruits, and many more of eating them, I have never seen or tasted such oranges and grapefruit as we have at Erwin Groves this year. It seems as if every tree had borne its.best-big, firm, juicy fruit, with the Florida sunshine in its color and its flavor. Tree-ripened, every one, picked with a gardener's care, hand-sorted, washed, expertly wrapped and sized, these oranges and grapefruit are shipped straight from the orchard to your table. You can get these finest products of The Erwin Groves at prices less than you are paying for artificially-ripened fruit. My personal choice is the medium size-grapefruit that ~omes 46 to 80 in a box; oranges, 150 to 216. An assortment of both, if you prefer. GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES Full Box -------······-···-·-···········- $4\00 Full Box ---··-·-··-·····------·········· $4.00 Aseorted Grapefruit and Oranges............Full Box, $4.00 All pricu are F. 0. B. Winter Haven SPRAY YOUR TREES FOR SCf.LE NOW! "An Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure" Protect Your Beautiful Shade Trees From Their Worst E nemies-Oyster Shell-San Jose-Cottony Maple Scale Winnetka lZM Glenc- 514 Lake Foreat 1323 ~1 The ER\ t THOMAS J · LYNCH TREE SURGERY 2 Prouty Annes, Winnetka PRUNING SPRAYING SURGERY tcS Winter H~'TE AVE., wi1.D A er- \" ~ (}ROVES

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