Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Mar 1924, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE, FRlD.\ Y. :\1.-\RCH 14, 1924 ::::: Vio Building Fund To Benefit By Card Party OCIAL CTIVITIES In( A House· Phone Wilmette 1100 c_) ~ . \">QlIes Phone Wilmette 1100 PPW~CI.\TlNG the demand for a larger clubhouse t~at will entertain more successfully visiting clu~s as well as tts own· increasin " membership which at the present ttme numbers 6(X), the u ' · fnl) ·r..,ctors of the Wilmette Woman's club has started an ouan.1 o t ', · · · f d 0 tctiYe ca1!1paign in an eff~rt to _mcr~ase the butldmg un . ne of ·1 fi ·t -,tcps the Hoard t takmg ts to announce a card party on : \l>rt'l 30 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the Woman's . \l'e d rs 1 \ e ne s< <l' . · · · d h · 'I ·luh. l\lt<. Hl<inche Wan~er who h~s been appomte c atrman wtl >e assisted by the followmg: commtttee: . M . I{ E. Pattison Klme, Mrs. H. S. Cn wold, Mrs. D. M. ~~allie, r~irs.· Charles McCue. Mrs. William H. Holmes, Mrs. J.. M. Cam cion, ~Irs . H. R. 11 itch cock, Mrs. Harold J. Newton, Mrs. Frederick Tilt, :\Irs. Arthur C. Hammond, Mrs. Warren C~)Zzens, Mrs. : \ . W. Lev,·. l\1r s. Oliver C. Dennis, Mrs .. H. H . Kt~hl, Mrs. Edward .\ . Kracke· and Mrs. Loui s Becker. An Annual Spring Event Wetre ~eady!-with. thousands of new first quality kitchen and household needs that ~til s.ave rou ttme, effort and labor. Practically every item is new and every Item ts pnced so low that this sale. like preceding ones, will be the talk of the North Shore. We urge an early selection. Milan Lusk To Appear In Farewell Concert N Japanese Cups and Saucers Set of Six 4 $1.19 $1.25 Famous Blue Jay House Brooms Of Selected Corn Straw Janitor'a Brooms Strong Stock-Heavy \Veight $1.50 Four-Piece Pantry Seta White Enan1eled Canisters-Flour, Sugar, Tea, Coffee 69c set Willow Clothes Hampers I " --.- .: Splendidly Constructed-Two Sizes $2.85 --- ------$3:35 - -:--·-.$6.95 White Enameled Hampers ORTl f shore patrons of musical programs are .expected ~o welcome with enthusiasm the appearance of Mtlan Lnsk tn a popular farewell concert at the First Congregational church of Wilmette on the evening .o f St. Patrick's DaY March 17. The concer't' on that evening will mark his final appearance on the north shore prior to an extended tour of the Continent. The Crescent circle of the church is sponsoring the program. Mr. Lusk will return after seven years' absence, to the scene of his early concerts in Eur.o pe where he appeared in Vienna and Prague as soloist with the Prague Philharmonic orche tra. The following program will be given by Mr. Lusk, assisted by Miss Brown: Andante, Mendelssohn; Gavotte, Dach-Kreisler; Milan Luak Mr. Lusk. Etude, Chopin (Paderewski); Second Mazurka, Godard; :Minuet L'Antico, Seeboeck; Miss Brown. 0n the Wings of Song, Mendelssohn-Achron; Hungarian Rhapsody, Hubay; Mr. Lusk. - - 8Jn-on1c ~.Farrta":.ie, Dvorak-Kret'sfel'; Prfz~. 3htg frtolhr· 'LJie Meistersinger," Wagner; Bohemienne, Smetana; Mr. Lusk. Liebestraum, Liszt (Eugene D'Albert); Miss Brown. Gypsy Serenade, Valdez; Gypsy Airs, Sarasate; Mr. Lusk. RS. Ma Vi< will be gu luncheon o al Kinder~ to be held , hall Field l\farch IS more have eon, whic in which Studebaket morning. 'pices ot ~ benefit for lege, and n tronesses Mrs. H~n Dtxon, M! Gregory, Austin Cit and Mrs. North Sh are: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Will Andrew 1 las Smith, Bradstreet M:ss H i en the fa Viola is done with is handled She is ha other chit which she sary part Welton wi Sonata J Theme Bist du Du bist If with $5.25 Philanthropy Day At Woman's Club Friday -:,..,' . . ,., " r::;77'=· 7 .,r) ~l . SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS Very Specially Priced Pinta .45c Quarts 85c 1h Gallons $1.59 Gallon~ $2.95 American Family Soap, 6 bars 3Sc Lin1it of Six-No Phone or l\1 ail Orders O -~ ·:-~.x... N Friday morning of next week, the women of the villa'ge are asked to meet at the Wilmette Woman's club at 10 o'clock to continue the sewing for the Mary Bartelme home. The women have been at work fitting out suitcases for the girls of this home. Luncheon will be served. It is hoped that a large number of workers ' will be present. A St. Patrick's day party will be given on Monday afternoon, March 17. in the St. Francis Xavier school hall for the Woman's Catholic club. Mrs. Ludwig ha s been appointed as chairman of the arrangements. The .,~ trn--r ; es for the afternoon are: Mesdames Theodore Adams, W. L. Dallard. C. A. Barton. A. W. Boylston. John Boylston, John Budinger, Charles Bunte, Theodore Breyer, H. Vo/. Betting-haus, Martin Callaghan, J. S. Cook, N.]. Conrad, C. J. Curra .. , L. W. Crush. John Hoffman, R. F. Holmes. P. ]. Joyce, F. A. Kolb, James Krafthefer. A. E. Lamkey. B. W. Lynch, G. E. Ludwig, Walter Millpr, John Millen. J. J. Moran, F. J. Ulrich, Toseph O'Neil. W. J. O'Connell, Frank Seng, A. C. Tisdelle, John J . Tracy, P . .T. Vandenorth, J. C. Wharton and 'Miss Emma Donnerberger. The Infant Welfare society of Wilmette again wishes to announce that the annual drive for funds for Wilmette's share of the support of the New Trier Infant Welfare station will begin on Monday, April 7. The New Trier station is one of twenty-seven operated by the Infant Welfare society, and is located at Chicago ave· enue and Noble street. This station has been supported in the past by Glencoe, Kenilwor'th, and Wilmette, hut this year Glencoe will support a station of its own, and Kenilworth and Wilmette will raise the entire $6.000 for the support of the New Trier station. Large Size Gold Dust, 23c Li1nit of Six-No Phone or Mail Orders Biasel Carpet Sweepers, $3.65 Oak or ~lahogany. Regular $4.95 Value 100 Feet of Clothes Line, 95c Of Solid-Braided Cotton Sash Cord -oThe Travel class met at the home of Mrs. William Panushka, 1041 Forest avenue. on Tuesday of this week. After the luncheon was served Miss Bertha \Vheelock entertained the class with a reading an "Portuguese Afric;~ ." The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. Helen Gage, pre:; ident; Mrs. F. L. Joy. vice-or~~ident; Mrs. Charlcs G. Haskin of Glencoe, secretary and treasurer. Glass Water Tumblers In Pretty Grape Destgn -oMrs. John F. White of Kenilworth has issued invitations for an afternoon bridge which she is giving at hq.r home on Thursday, March 20. for her sister-in- law, Mrs. Hugh Patterson of Evanston, and Miss Margaret Paterson of Chestnut avenue whose marriage to William W. White will take place in the near future. $1.10 doz. Wear-Ever Aluminum Griddles Require no Greasing-Will not stnoke up the hou -e -oMr. T. R. Bentley, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Bentley of 804 Elmwood avenue, who has been associated in business with the American Seating company. is lea vin~ on Sunday evening for Los Angeles where he has tak~>n a year's position with the Weber comoan ,., distributors for the American Seating company. -oMr. and ).frs. M. ]. P. Barrett and ),fiss Marv Bnrett of 533 forest averue wer~>- called away for most of this week on account of the death of Mr. Barrett's brother, Mr. M. L. Barrett. $1.35 O'Cedar· Mops, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 O'Cedar \Vall Dusters, $1.25 -oRobert Sto<ldard of 524 Lake avenue. i in New York. he left for the ca-;t on Tuesday of last week to be with rer hrother who is a phyo;ician . ~he ha, not hccn well for some time. ),fr~. Heavy Wire Rubbish Burners, $3.25 Bottotn doe not touch ground-special -o- 32-Piece Breakfast Seta, $4.95 During tlz; Spring Sale we are offering the e J;v·rl 32-piece Breakfa t Sets at ~:son ~~hey're o.f a plendid quality ) 1 charn1mg pattern -Gold . or Gold and Blue last. . . . . · $4 95 Mrs. :Martin f. Healey of 925 ~lich igan an·nuc, !{as been. very ill with pneumonia for the last two weeks. She is in Chicago at t. Joseph's hospital. -aThe 0. G. cluh held a dinner-dance recently in honor of Mis Marjorie Mr . \lart>nce-E. Draver of 10.)4 mith and 1[iss Helena Bradford. the Flmwno 11 :~,·en·te is ill at the Evan~ ·wo new _member~ who were initiated ton h(HPital. H<'r rnnther . Mrs Lamat that tune. h"rt of C'lrvt>land, Ohio. is staying at -othe Dra\·er home. 1Irs. Helen Gage of 1134 Elmwood · -o~venue. ~1rs .. tan ley Gage, 1_428 Sher-I 'l'J·,. ~"'" ller ouoils nf. Mrs ..Ermau tdan road, and her son, Btlly, have Rlvth" Alr .. lv aoryearrrt m recttal l'n left for Florida to 's pend several :\f "'ld:>v a ft~>rnoon ;tt her home , at 61S months at t. Petersburg. Lake avenue.

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