Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Mar 1924, p. 13

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= WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1924 Mr. Harry Atwood will speak on Sunday, March 23, at the Masonic Temple in Rogers Park. His talk will be on the "Constitution," the same subject he discu ssed at the SunJay Evening club in Wilmette. His speech has created a great deal of interest. -oMrs. Arthur M. Tich t>no r of Los Angeles is visiting her si ster, Mrs. James J. Rowley of 826 Elmwood avenue. On Saturday Mrs. Gerald Child of 479 Adams ave.nue. Glencoe, will entertain at luncheon in her honor. -o:\1iss Mary Elizabeth Marshall and Miss Frances Levi will be hostesse s tomorrow at lun cheon at the Levi re side nce on Forest avenue. Mr. Alexander Hannah returned to 1 ~==============~ his home on Woodstock avenue on · Saturday from Asheville, North tina . Mrs. Hannah and the fantily will remain in Asheville for the remainder of the winter. Viola Mitchell, He1zry lifelton In Concert Saturday Morning that ,s its own ·s 600, the ·tarted an Caro-l -o- l. One of l party on Woman's irman will [rs. D. M. lirs. J.· M. Mrs. Fred..:ens, Mrs. 's. Edward tcert village are 0 o'clock to IT'he women this home. number of ociety of Witannounce that unds for Wilpport of the re station will 7. The New twenty-seven t Welfare soChicago aveThis station the past by nd Wilmette, will support nd Kenilworth se the entire of the New l at the home anushka, 1041 tesday of this on was served k entertained g an "Portulowing officers ensuing year: ident; Mrs. F. · Mrs. Charles secretary and 1\JfRS. NORMAN STORER, Miss ,.ll' .1. Margaret Horne, and her pupil, Viola Mitchell, of Pittsburgh, will be gue~ts of honor at the monthly luncheon of the alumnae of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college to be held on the Narcissus Bridge, Mar~ hall Fields, at one o'clock on Saturday, March 15. Reservations for 60 or more have been made for the luncheon, which will follow the concert in which Viola will appear at the Studebaker theatre earlier in the morning. The concert, under the- aus'piccs oi Jhe Alumnae association, is a benefit )or the Build,ng fund of the college, ana numbers among its Chicago patronesses, Mrs. Phihp D. Armour, HI, Mrs. Homer L. Dixon, Mrs. William Dtxon, Mrs. Philip Reed, Mrs. Stephen Gregory, Jr., Mrs. Robert . Orr, Mrs. Austin Clements, Mrs. John Bryant, Jr., and Mrs. Stanley Rickcords. Among the North Shore sponsors ot the concert are: Mr. and Mrs. M:erritt Starr, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Langworthy, Mr. and Mrs. William Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MacLeish. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Smith. and Mr. and Mrs. P. W . llra<.lstreet. M iss Horne has laid particular stress en the fact that, rather than a prodigy Viola is a fine example of what can ~ done with a normal, healthy chi:J who i~ handled wisely and carefully taught. Sh!! is having a normal school life with other children, and the f cw concerts in which she is appearing are a very necessary part of her training. She and Mr. W elton will give the following program: Sonata in G. Minor . . . . . . Tartini Theme an.d Variations ..... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corelli Tartini Viola Mitchell Bist du bei mir .. .. .. .. .. .. Bach Du bist vie ein Blume . · Schumann If with all your Hearts .·.·...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mendelssohn . Henry Welton Concerto E. Minor . . Mendelssohn Allegro Appassionata Andante Allegretto Finale-Allegro Motto Vivace Viola Mitchell The Crying of Waters .. Campbell I Would Give All ...... Berwald Tears of God . . . . . . Dent Mowrey To You, Dear Heart ............· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. Morris Class Oh f For a Breath of the Moorlands . . . . . . . . . . . . Benjamin Whelpley ). Henry Welton V_iennese Melndv . .,---. _ Kriealer Count,Y ·Dance ..... Weber-Elman Waltz in A Major . . . . . . Brahms Zapateado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarasate Viola Mitchell -o-Dolls of all ages, costumes and degrees of talkativeness graced the performance last Saturday of "Grand Bazar Parisien," a short play given by the pupib in. French of Mrs. Henry Justin Smith. The playlet was acted in the home of Mrs. J. Melville Brown, 738 Eleventh street. The piece dramatizes the efforts of a French lady temporarily in America to sell to residents of "the land whose streets are paved with gold" her celebrated dolls, said to have been endowed with voices and intelligence by Edison. In the end an elderly customer of .whom little is expected purchases the enttre stock. The cast: Merchant- Mrs. Sumner Mason Customers-Mrs. Thos. Carpenter, Mrs. Harry A. Hooker, Mrs. Everett Marsh, Mrs. Morton Mergentheim, Mrs. H. B. Mulford, Mrs. Ralph Potter, Mrs. L. W. Strong. Dolls-Miss Gertrude Abramson, Mrs. Herman Brasserj, Mrs. Harold Foster, Miss HeTen Hall, Miss Adelaide Jones, Page Mergent he i m, Elizabeth Potter, Eleanor Potter, Coralte Whitsett Mrs. Donald Simmons. ' Stage Hands-Robert Brown, Morton Mergentheim, Jr. As incidental music Miss Jones sang Gounod's "Serenade," and Massenet's "Elegie." Miss Hall, in her role of doll, played piano solos, and Page Mergentheim sang "Au Clair de Ia Lune." An enthusiastic audience applauded the P.crforma.ncc, and admired the stage settmg, whtch rivaled a State street show window. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller. 627 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware, who Lake avenue He heing congratnlated made a flying visit home, returned to Pasadena on Tuesday to remain ·tpon the birth of a son on March until about June. 7, at the Evanston hosoital. Little -------Jean Frances Miller, who has heen staying with her grandmother. Mrs. f R ubi" ~era 0 ep leaD Hervey E. Keeler of 610 Forest aveClub to Be in Wilmette nue. is recovering from an attack of tonsilitis. . All women interested are invited -oto se t aside the next three Monday .,...h,. .~,.ml-,.r ~ of the Whi st cluh Phone EVANSTON 63~ afte rnoons to hear speakers from '"il l divirie during- the next meetin~ot the Woman's Roosevelt Republican in true Ot·::tker style, the women to club of Chicago. On Monday after1712 Shenuaa A·emae meet on Monday evening, March 17. noon, March 17, Miss Mary Bailey -o"' the home of Mrs. Lottis Stark Pl. talk at 2 :30 o'clock at the EVANSTON Members of her bridge club will will give 925 Oakwootl avenue. while the mf'n home of Mrs. Robert Taylor, 423 ~~~ t .,,;q, Mr. Andrew Mouat, 616 111cct for luncheon with · Mrs. R. M. Central avenue, Wilmette. Tordan, 1012 Greenwood avenue, on Lake avenue. Tuesday, March 18. -of -oT :>!'t ""ntl:.v Howard E. Pre~ton . Mrs. George L . Martin of 1046 Elmhas~. who h:>o ri'CI'ntly romp tn Wil mettl', and who resides ~t 1031 Grl"l'tl - wood avenue, is at the Evanston hoswood avenue, app~ared in concert pital. ,.,:th Sinrrfried F.. GuPn ste in. or!!an:r+ thP First Pre~hyterian church of T "k7 Forest. at the Musical Vespers servtce. A -oTh~ G :>ncl M hricl!!l' club P'avf' a Mrs. Robert McNeil Burns, 64 ·11rorisP f'VPni nP" of hriclve and Mah Tongg on Saturrlay la·t in honor of Essex road entertained at a birthday Mr. ;.nd Mro. F :> tnn G. Osman who dinner and movie party on Friday of are planninn- to leavr this w~>ck for last week in honor of her son, Robert, T os ;~-.,..,.,.Jcs where they will makt· Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Burns left Saturday for an extended trip, visiting Palm their home. IN PRICES Beach, Miami and St. Petersburg, -o' The Home and Garden club will Florida, later I!'Oinp on to New York 'lleet at the residence of Mrs. Rich- and Philadelphia. They will be away OF THE :~rd Tohn ston on Melrose avenue. about two months. --o-Mr>nday, March 17. Dana Pierce of In an effort to interest the women C"hicap-o will soeak on the "Garrlens of Lonl! lsland." and Mrs. John Lind of Kenilworth in the Woman's Roosevelt club of Chicago, Mrs. E. F. Snyon "Cold Frames." dacker and Mrs. Walter Shattuck -<>Mrs. \Villiam H. Holmes Of ()22 were hostesses at a Political tea on C:entral avenue, who has been in Or- Thursday afternoon, . March n. :~t for MPn lancio, Florida since the last of Tan- 'he home of Mrs. Shattuck. 338 Keniltt:>~v. i· now visiting her daughter. worth avenue. Mrs. Fletcher Dobyns of Chicago was the speaker. Women Mrs. Todd who lives in S'llishury. -oMaryland. Mrs. Holmes will return :\[r. and Mrs. I. A. Bennett anrl to her home about April 1. daughter, Dorot]ly. 185 Sheridan road. -<>STARTING The Delta Gamma alumnae of whq have been in Florida for the Northwestern university are soomor- o:> st two months, are now in Tampa ing a subscription dance to he P'iven ,,.h.,re they will remain until the end in the Ball room of the North Shore of March. -ohotel on Friday evening. March 21, M iss Helen Taylor, .310 Cumnor for the purpose of raising house roarl, was hostess to her evening funds . hridrre clul> at her home on Tuesday -<>evening. Mrs. Hubl'r Blockf'r and small ·on who have been ~tavinq- with Mrs. Blocker's oarPnts. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin~ot W. Woodward, for the past six weeks tt:;, ;..,, ,;.,..:~ .... .pme in hambersburg, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, - s--L Cut Flowers for all occasions Keoilworth Happeninp ANNO.U NCING -REDUCTION e,. THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 13 North Shore Bootery Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kittermaster of Evanston are reveiving congratu. lations upon the birth of a daughter on Saturday. March 8, at the Evanston hospital. Mrs. Rufus K. Porter of 420 Cumnor road who has been ill for the past two weeks with pneumonia is reported to be convalescing satisfactorily. Mrs. Frank rington hotel hospital. The time residents Gallagher of the Oris ill at the Evanston Gallaghers were at one of the village. -<>- ~. B. IIIWJJI'T TEAL New Yorlll: LJio 1017' Ceatl'lll ATe. A.a"e·· WU..ette -<>- Matrons and Young Women are invited to attend -<>- A DEMONSTRATION · of Mr. and Mrs. E. A Kaumeyer of 601 Linden avenue, have returned from a southern journey which included Havana and Miami. -<>- -oMr. and Mrs. H. C. Borden have been called to Worcester, Massachusetts on account of the death of Mr. Borden's mother. Mrs. Wooden of Davenport, Iowa. is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding, 1004 Greenwood avenue. Gossard Front-Lacing Corse try together with -<>- -oOn Thursday of this week Mrs. Richard Pattillo of 620 Forest avenue. entertained the members of her bridge club at luncheon. A STYLE SHOW of -oM r. and Mrs. Munroe Cole of 911 Greenwood avenue, are now residing in Evanston where they have taken an apartment. Another Tuesday club met during the week with Mrs. E. P. Fatch at her residence, 611 Washington avenue. --o- Women's Ready-to-Wear and Millinery on on of Mr. and 804 Elmwood associated in erican Seating n Sunday evewhere he has ion with the butors for the pany. P. Barrett anrl 533 Forest avefor most of of the rleath er, Mr. M. L. 'Mrs. A. W. Levy, 700 Greenwood -oavenue. entertained at tea on Friday A series of dinner-dances which afternoon of last week. cc;>mmenccd on Thursday last will be -<>gtven by thl man age ment of the Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Patcr~on North Shore hotel. After a dinner of Chestnut avenue returned last Satich will be scn·ed from 6 until 8 urday from Florida. cing- for the hotel g-uests and din~ -oguests will follow at 8:30. Rohcrt Adam , son of :\fr. and :\fr -oTht·odore Adams , 115 Ninth strret, has 'M r. and :\frs . Reed Landis will hcen ill during this past week. Yacate their home in Glencoe on Fri-o<1ay, March 14, and will reside at the The Reading rluh will meet for 0rrington 'hotel until their new home luncheon nrxt Tuesrlay with ~rrs . 111 Decrfirld is completed. Frederick Bowes of Kenilworth. -<>- THURSDAY, MARCH at 2:15 p. m. ~ili VILLAGE THEATRE, WILMETTE Admission only by ticket. Tickets may be obtained fr~e of charge by phoning or calling at our store. raver of 10. 14 at the Evamher. Mrs. Lamo. is staying at JANE POLSON SPEARIN Teacher of Sin.in· In a remarkably good Speariu has trained . tlt~se.. singe~s style of smgmg -Mustc News, Chicago. 1159 Wilmette Ave .· Glover-Brown Bldg. Wilmette For appointments telephone Wilmette 2922 "Mrs. The McAllister-Worthen Co. 1146 WILMETTE AVE., WILMETTE I

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