St. John' s Lutheran W ilmette and Park Avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, M. A. Pastor ·oG Prairie Avenue. Telephone 1896 8ervlee· 9 :30 A. M. Sunday School and Bible cl nss. 9 :45 A. M. First aervlce and sermon. 11 :00 A. M. Second service and 1erm~Jhe Trial anrt Triumph of Faith. 1\liltthew 15. 21-28. Lenten Service Wednesday eve at may be reached at hl1 study during the mornings or by appointment. The thE> Central r. At:. C. A ., 19 South La.j Church office ln charge ot Mila Badger ~alle street. Is open dally except Saturdays trom Monday, 6:30 p. m. Men's Class Din9-6 and !rom 9-12 on Saturdays. The ner. Telephone Mr. .r. R. Harper Church telephone Is Wilmette 2235. < 49-R) for your reservations. 0 0 - I will meet at the home of Mra. Daniel Congregational Church A~~ r~~!.y, ~i~? B~· N~·<;;o~~Ysc~c~~t~a~~ cl~~~~·sday m;~~~nr~day If,~ ,ke tce to nd ter of pee ~ 9 The Annual Adv-ertlslng Exhlbtt or Wilmette merchants will be held today from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Luncheon wlll be served tor 35 cents. An Interesting fashlo h0 t d 1 Pll 1 7 ' ~·1's ~h;:~s\ ~;~;e G~d~phas. halJ will ben o~e ~/ fhgee ou~stan~~n~ Meetlns· Junior Wal- features of this year's atralr. Friday, March H, at 8 Choir rehearsal tonighT, under the th~o~~~~u~nd Friday at 4, Children's direction of Mr. Cain. at 2, Ladles' Mission Work ter, of Troop S, assisted by Messrs. W. W. Osborne and L. E. Matson. Major Bulllvant, Scout Master or Troop 6. Mr. W. C. Folley, lecturer for both troops. - wtflu~~!i· :tpt~·'~~ 4 Kirkpatrick, 1328 Greenwood Avenue. - at 8, The Makrothen club. Thursday at 8· Choir practice. ~~~totr. at :raoyn .Junior Choir 7 rehearsal Saturday o'clock. Mr. Burtner dlMr. Lloyd will give the story ser- vice volume wlll b.: continued. wiTI"eg~l~rt~elr r;gu~!~ ~!~n!~OUTS The Wilmette police court is now ~~o~~~ ~~~~~h~~~n~ ~f~~!~!b~! SE~~~'b~~a~ s:udJ\f ~he w~:Fg~~ ~ j:~e0 Vitt~~~at~~~t, 0 ~n~heb;ps:~u~d~; hofn !hebt!~~ up ~ 5 ~h~ngWU==t~:-ms AJ.~ur~~~·E 2 ~~slio~AR~~o~~¥i Stecker, 423 Eighth Street. Mrs. E. '-'1 UI'IUIIDJar M. Stafford will be 'the asslatlng boatBoya ess. The chaptew In the study book, . "Christian Nurture ln the Church Aftf!r losmg both games to the Harvey School" will be Jiven by Mrs. William boys in the previous week by scores of ~~tf'ethe~.;s·w~il b~aont':i':: 1 t ~!~e:l~~ a rather top-heavy nature, the WitItems. A good attendance Ia expected. mette Grammar school boys' light· weight basket ball quintet came back Thursday, 7 P. JUNIOcf. BtOY strong and defeated the Lincolnwoods SCOUTS, wlth Mr. ontecou, rec or. of Evanston by a score of 30-6 last Fri CHOIR d · Thursday, 8 p. m. SENIOR ay. re~~~~!~~· 8 p. m. THE STANDARD Thursday the two teams meet again, BEARERS wlll prelent a. pa.aea.nt and while today tae alumnae will play the pictures of Japan. local team. A return match at Harvey COURT IN NE W QUARTERS has also been arranged for March 21 Wilme&&e ~"'----- School Defeab Lincolnwood 1 N"· m::~ f~rer::!st~~s a~~f~:~~~ t~~~erth~~~ who listened to the two lectures given by :\Irs. Lawrence Meyer on Wednesday aft e rnoon and Thursday evening of last week. Mrs. Meyer spoke before the Woman's Mission Society and the next day addr'essed "The Builders" :~r~~;;/~t"'~o:a~.ongregatlon Sun- i/ i~o~~~o:~~e~~ the new office for the superintendent were weaken ready for occupancy, :~g~~l~h~~~!i "The Sympathy of Je1us" will be the topic for Mr. Lloyd's Sermon, at the morning service, Sunday, March 16th This Is the tenth of a .series of sermons on "The Life of Jesus." h'Bf'M"?+lM T *' '"""'II" '!MMMMM e "'*"' ," e """ e e '" e h;:e ii0isi~;r~h:!. by a long list of indepart- eg ~al~~~~a~e~!~t~c~l'!.r~ls~~:a2'ut~~~~ The Covenant Class wlll meet In the Missions In and about Hankow where Church Parlor at four o'clock. ~~~era~~e hfe"ctuhr~~ba:dnu~berw~rk~~~ tures were tltrown on the screen to Illustrate the work. Mrs. Meyer ls the niece of Pastor and Mrs. Herman W. Meyer and spent a r~w days visiting at their home. On Sunday morning, March 30, Pastor Lawrence Meyer will deliver the sermons at St. John's anrl those who want to assure themselves of an Interesting and profitable sermon should reserve that date. (Jn Thursday evening, March 20, Dach's St. Matthew Passion, that monumental work by the world's ma.stPr musician will be given by the Apollo Musical Club of Chicago at the special rt>quest of the Lutherans of Chi cago and vicinity. While the work Is of int Prest to all music lovers, Its pr Ps t' ntation should Interest the Lutherans in particular because of the ever rerurri ng sl ngl g of the Lutheran rhorale . It I a stimulus to good ·mn slngln . The enten services at St. John's hM"E' been exceedingly well attended and the audiences will probably claim every available pew before the close of the Lenten season. Next W edne· · day. M:arch 19, Mr. Orlan Galltz will be the soloist at the service. The Sunday Evening Club at 7:30 Sunday evening. eet the dan er· n ce ore ore n- ~~~ on et; the HJ::r~e~hha~~::~~.d ~lflc 1 ~a~:··a~· day meeting at the Church, Tuesday Mll.rch 18th. Luncheon will be s rved at 12:30, Mrs. H. A. Pope In charge. The asslstln~ hostesses are Mrs. Hoyt King, Mrs. F. Scheldenhelm and Mrs Emma Butz. Th& Roosevelt Troop Boy Scouts will meet at Hea<lquarters Tuesday night at 7:15 for their regular meeting. The Midweek Lenten Servlct: will be held Wednesday evening, March 19th, at eight o'clock. The devotions will be conducted by DeacoJJ Bradford !fi Why You Should COME .TO CHURCH The man who is conscious of God, feels that his neighbor and society in general need God, need religion, especially in our own materialistic age. He realizes that it is his duty to belong to and actively aid the only institution engaged in spreading the knowledge of God and re ligion: the Church. One often hears that we can be just as good without being church-members or going to church. It is true that the individual can, and often does, reach a high standard of morality and a close approach to God without belonging to the Church or attending public worship. But that individual 'haa not entered into the fuller relationship with God, because he has left out the social side of his religious nature. Christ said: "He who loses his life shall find it." No man can tul\y li~ .the Uf!! . w rtlL while, nor fully realize his spiritual responsibilities, without Io ing his life by pouring it into the community-life of th Church. Church-going has its suojective value because it brings spiritual uplift through the atmosphere of devotion, and its objective-and more important-value through public adoration, thanksgiving, praise and prayer. Though all these may b'e rendered unto God by means of priYate devotions, man instinctively realizes -even though he does not hold the organic theory of tht: Church-that their value increases and their purpose 1s better accomplished in common prayer and common worship with his fellow-men. The Chnrci. 1s not imposed upon the individual, or placed betwe<.'n him and God, it is rather the expression of the individttal's social-religion side. The Cozy Corner Circle, Mrs. T. F Cook, Chairman, will have an all day meeting at the church, with a "W arEvet· Aluminum Demonstration Lunch eon." Thursday, March 20th, at 1:!:45 by Mr. C. F. Merritt of Highland Park Mrs. D. L. Taylor has charge of the luncheon. Owing to the Guild Lenten Service In the afternoon of this date the Business Session of the Circle will be held at 11 .30. The Woman's Guild Lenten services will be held In the 'burch Parlor at 2 P. M. The subject for study will be the second and third chapter of "The Debt EtE'I·nal." .Mr. Lloyd will lead the devotionals. The Cozy Corner Circle Is In charge or this meeting. ICth th e of hth ella re e t th!' vee 13. urel English Lutheran Greenleaf and Seventh William Guise, pastor Re rvlces tor March 16: Worship with sermon at 11 o'clock. The message for the Second Sunday In Lent will be in harmony with the gen e ral th'eme, "The Journey to the Cr oss." "Crossing a Mighty River" ·wiiJ be the subject for next Sunday. \\'hnt. in your judgment, do you think th e mighty river Is'! "Come and See!" E\' t·ry service during Lent will deep your· spiritual life. This Is true because only the Gospel of Christ ls Prt>ached. ThPrP ls nothlD2" more heiJJ!Ul >11n11.1J ·uti.ll ..u,,(u 'tn·e \.7ospel, ·the good News, the power of God unto salvation to all Who truly believe. Mrs. Fr~d Lechler will sing at this service. P resbyterian Church THE ATTRACTIVENESS OF A TROUBLED WORLD Is the very "dn usuAl and striking subject announced by Dr. Magill for the sermon next Sunday morning. 'Dhls will follow closely the sermons ot the past two Sundays which have caused consider~~~{~rt!~~e~~a~t:- be_e~ ·· ~!~~~ We are now worshipplt'ag in our redecorated ·and carpeted auditorium. A cordial invitation is extended to those who may not be ldentlfled with anBible School at 9:45. Our teachers other church to worship with U8. and oftlcers can take pride In the fact ~~~t b~~~ ~~i~~lfe e:~!.!n~:"{:e 0:nr~~~ ment. Last Sunday the S . S. ti~~·~dhefm o~_put;(\~t~~~a~~ $~hi;~ ~~~ at ~':~oe~~lo~~~vl~e ~::nr~~~oa~ln~ '\~~ Board study course prev_i.Q\181V . a,nllP.uneed.· 1 ' l Wllllagc hence Ave~ tern f the ne of nshlp . ~~~~ !:: 1/o-., , , ot the Woman's so A<'t y HI church council expects to make a pay- having an afternoon party for l <>~ mE>nt of $500 within a few days. The bers of the spoke and friends n._ :t committee on the Easter program was Tuel!day, March 18, at the home of ah10 appointed. Mrs. C. A . Kellar, 820 Greenwood Avenue. 'l'h£> 1\fidwe k Lenten service for Man·h 19 will bE' held at the' home The following spokes wlll meet for of :\fl's. Klemm, 420 Park avenue. Con0 sult tlw printed program for the sub- ~~~:~ 1~: a~d w~f~g{r~': ;,eC~ B~~~~st:rs jpc·t. \Ve anticipate an Inspiring serv- Blmwooll Avenue; 10 with Mrs. J . K ic£' and a good attendance. l'ar·shall, 127 Woodbine Avenue; 11 'l'h ,. work-meeting of the Missionary with Mrs. L . C. Torrey, 1341 Elmwood s o t'it · t~· will h£> hel!l next Thursday, Avenue. l\farch 20, at the home of Mrs. Gash, 527 Central avenue. The annual meeting and installation 'l'h e choir will meet regularly every of otl1cers of the Woman' s Society will Friday ev£'ninK In the church. We be held In the church Tuesday, March tt·ust the good attendance of th last 25, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Tawse wishes m~J tlng will continue until Easter. all or the women to ~·eserve this q_ate. Baptist Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock . Mr· Stifter will preach the third of the March Pre-Dedication Day sermons, speaking on the theme, "The Church-Member's ThreE>fold Duty." The Wilmette Baptist Choral Soeiety will &ing. The themes for the Sermon Series are as follows: , March 2, Attaining the Impossible. March 9, Churchmen and Christians, March 16, The Church-Member's Three-fold Duty. March 23, Naturalizing Religion. March 30, Expanding Without CrackIng. On l lcago f the lmlts eenter south Aveue to l s terly ' ne of line o and g the Its of 11 ln . Co., Mr. J. S. Duncan-Clark will address our young people at thelr Christian Endeavor meeting, Sunday evening March 16, at 6:30 o'clock. This Is the first time Mr. Duncan-Clark has ap peared before the society and we consldet· It a distinct privilege to have him with us. A large attendance Is an llcipated. The Junior Girl Reserves will meet In the church Tuesday afternoon at 3:45. Triangle I ot the Girl Reserves will meet In the church Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. COME TO CHUR ~ The Orchestra will meet tor rehearsal, Thursday afternoon, at 5:30, and The Bl ble School with graded tn- Sunday morning, at 9:30 in the Sun structlon tor all ages, meets at 9:45, day school room to play !or Sunday the Adult convening at ten. school. The Juniors will meet In the southTroop 5 of the Boy Scouts will meet west class room. The Intermediates In the church gymnasium, :Monday will meet In the Assembly Room a.t :;:n::;:etrntg 7~!o t~'~l~~tir;~n~~~r~c~~l~ 3 :SO. day afternoon at 3:45. DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: Fant Congreratioaal Church Lake and W ilm ette Aves. Ml;~eB~!~!~~! ~~::~o~~~ \;tfie~~~~ f~ the Assembly Room at 5:30. Hon. Thomas R. Marshall, former VIce-President of the United State· s Conception of God." Men's Sunday Morning club meets for Bible 1tudy, Sunday morning, at 9:45. Wilmette Presbyterian Church 9th street and Greenleaf avenue Pastor, Rev. George P. Magill, D. D Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Church Service 11:00 a. m. The Fant Metbotlat Oaurch Lake and W ilme tte Aves. ~1~~ !~e~~o a 0tn \~~ ~'tj~~i, ..~v~~!~ meet at Rev. StePhett A. Lloyd Rev. Gilbert StaK.Sell The FD'It Presbyterian Church Ninth and Green leaf St. AapstiDe's Epqeopal a.c1a 1140 Wilmette Ave. Methodist Church Wilmette and Lake Avenues In the pasevening at Rev. George Gilbert Stansell, Pastor Don't !all to attend one or both performances of "QUEEN ESTHER" toThe regular Mid-Week meeting for night and tomorrow night at the Prayer and Praise will be held In the Byron Stolp school, at 8:15. It will Assembly Room on Wednesday evening be worth your while to be present. at 8 o'clock. Rev. George P. Magill Rev. Hwbert Carleton W'U.Ue EaPsb Lutberu O.urch 703 strut. Rev. WilliaM Guise St. Jolm'a Lutheru Oaarcla Wilmette and Park Aves. Rev. HerntaN W. Meyer '1\e WUmeHe Baptist C.urch The First of the Series of Link Sunday, 1l a. m., morning service L uncheonl! will be held today. at dlt- and sermon by Dr. Stansell. 1 rent homes of the Church women. sunday. 5 p. m. Intermediate League. meet at head- Miss Cora Gault, Supervisor. , Forest and Wilmette Aves. Re·z ·. Francis Stifler 1--------------------------------------------------------------------~ ·