Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Mar 1924, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1924 = 5000 WILL READ YOUR WA NT AD HERE "' A~TED '1'0 1\E:\'T-.\1'".\Il'I'MEN"' CLASSIFIEP ADVERTISEMENTS General N otices--Ciaaslfled advertisements will be ' charged onlY w ··eshlents of th e district from Evanston to nl.· n<""" lnc-lul'lv e whoP~ F OUR OR FIVE ROOM APARTllriENT or small house for May 1st-not over $!! 0 po:t· month. Addrei!S Life. 100. LT·ltJ) FOR !lENT-APARTMENT Marooned!! names &J)Jlear In the telephone directory, or ~:~~Kar~r rg~~~cJ~b8~~~S~ to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA cents per line In one paper. 20 cents per line In all th rPe t>a tH e· s lii .\ 'U1 Ull CHARGE llllc. Average of flve word s to the linP . No hlack rac e type used . . Rates tor Display type on applicat io n. Rates--10 Deadline for lnsertions-Classlfled advertlsemf'lnts will be ac cepted up to WednP.st'la.y 12 o'clock for tor t h e WINNETKA TALK 11.nt'l Friday 12 o'clock for thP GLENCOE NEWS. Telephonea: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000·2001. thP WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers: Thursdav 12 o'clock v.·m sublet kitc h e ·· e tte apt. and sell n e w and a rtistic fur nishings , used onl~· 3 mo. Rt'nt $60. l e as e to M :.ty 1st, UJ2 5. Own e r· le aving city. posse ssion a l o n cl·. T t' l. W i lm e tt e 2171. L24-ttc FOR RENT-b72 PI:-<E ST. : SIX Rl\f. mod t' t n ftat and garag t'; hot water h e at : r1t·ar transpor·tation . Apply on pre mist"S. Td . Winn. 1720. LTN24-ltc - -- F - OttilliNT-<o .\RAGE IH: J' month . H.lo~ 1 I, F!~'I'ATE \V ,\.STED '1'9 IH' ' ' -REAL ES'l'.\TE North PHIV..\1'1~ PAHTY WANTS TO BUY va<·ant In K t' nllworth for hom , prt·SKOKIE- HERE 1~ A REAL BARgain : 7-room Rtu c co home. Located re r t o d e al <lin·c t with own .. r . Adn t" at· Hk o ki t· s c houls, 10 min. walk clrPss Lit.- 102. L24-ltc to tranH. · Ha !l 3 R. R. anrl 1 bath. A w .. n "rrRnJ"I'<I hous t> with fire- B IJ,OF.H WILL BUY FOFR OR FIVE place. 'Vooded lot. Can be purlots in good neighborhood . Will chas .. d fot· $12,GOO If bought before consid e r frontag e of 50 to 100 feet fo1· each lot. Giv e size, location and April I Rt. HUBBAHD 'voons- 1 1 ~ year old best cash price. Address Wilmette T.tre. A-~fl . L20.trc stucco hom t-. 6 rooms. 3 R. R. and 2 hll the, 1 v t- n · !ann:· Sx12 : pxt. ------- F~.R S .\l,lo:!-HOUSES toilet In basement. Attic partitioned for 2 rooms and bath. Large sun Jlnrl<>t' ami sl e eping porch . Living room 15x26. woodt>ll lot, 2· car gant~..r··. Price $2ri,OOO. .\lso new r. - t·oom br·ic k and tilt· bunKalow at $16,500. INDIAN HfLL Vn.cant- A lot that For snle: House; 643 Walden givt's you trnnAportation :~nrl a real Road. Winnetka, 9-rooms. 3 location . 4 blocks to sta. Has about haths. sun - parlor anrl sleeping Hi large Oak and Elm trees and Is porch . garage tor 2 cars, at· conv t' ni .. nt to the rountry Day tached and heated . Possession school. 116xl32 ft., for one home !\lay 1st. Price $33,000.00 only. House : 61'5 Drexel Ave .. GlenWEST WINNETKA-Remodeled 9coe, new, 7 rooms, 2 porch es room frame, 6 B . R. and 3 baths. brick veneer, vapor heat. Price All room1 large and sunny. 2-car $1!!,000.00. garage. Pear, apple and cherry Four houses at 133, 137, 143 trees. Price $11!,000. and 149 Glenwood Ave., Gl e ncoe. Attractive !'>-room etucco bunga.Each 6-r·ms., 2 baths, 2 JJOrches, ~i';" flO;'It~er~~~place aut! garage. brick veneer. vapor heat. Price 2 north house!'>, $20,000.00 each. We have a client who Is very 2 south houso.·s, $21 ,00!1.00 each. mut h rnten.·sted In renting a furnished homt' at once. Will give a one or two vt>ar I ase. Also hav" client who wants an unfurnished home for J)erlod ot one or two year·s. Must have at least 8 room· . 746 Elm Stt·eet Phone 'VInnetka 62 LTN24-Itc Shore Homes Homesites and FOR \\' 11. 32 lS. RENT- GARA<H; SPACE, 932 Fun·st Ave. Tel. L24-ltc FOit FC>H HENT- FUR~ISHED RMS., ALso housekeeping apt. Tt'l. Wil. 935-M; near all transportation. LT6-ttc Wlnnf'tka Branch 10 C:u·l!on Annt·x Phone Wlnn. 1800 N. K <'or·. Oak at R. H. Wlnn. 1226 LTN24-ltc PERFECTLY ARRANGED 6 ROOM home In fine EAST location near "L" and steam transportation. LARGE LIVING ROOM; sun parlor only -J!' ~!'~\A.;O~ ~~tt~li's: 0 ~. 1!,~ ~~~t~. :F:::O:::R:-~S'":'A-:L-::E~-~EI=-G~H~T---R-O-O--M---H--O-U-8-E ~·' y~~;~.-~o.,. 2 ld ;l !ieautl ully b f - ~oe~~t; :~:· ~!~~~a~f~n~o~n~n~:thu«;,~~~ terms very 348 uu[f ,,.ro ·~" ,,\!~, ... .,,,.,. ""· NEW, BRICK 6 rm. house, south tro11t : latest central hall arrange- land- MCGUIRE & ORR 0 &TI'i'ITI'i'lfilffiiZII~~ reasonable, ,H,800. Wilmette 228 Linden Ave . --------------------L2-·_·_H_c w~~~e~~!o~1~:!tro~~.J~~: dr ~9~~ land Park: not Wlnn. 1781. over U5,000. Tel. LTNU-lte WANTED TO BUY-HOUSEHOLD· LARGE, NEWLY FGRNISHED ROOM; GOODS light; main floor; nr. lake, station; WANTED _ STENOGRAPHER FOR kitchen privileges. Tel. Winn. 1543. general office work. Apply Lloyd _-_llc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L _ T _ N _2 Hollister, Inc ., 1222 Central Ave., _4 FOR RENT- R OM ; LARGE PLEASWllmett..- . LTN2 4 -ltP case; 4 or 5 stctlons. Tel. Wll. 2289. ant front bedroom: g e ntleman J>re- VlANTJ<~O - HOUSEKEEPER OR !121 Oakwood. LTN24-ltc rerred. Tel. WI!. 13-W. L24-ltc young girl for mother's hel1>er : good~~~~~~~=~========= hom... Tel. Wll. 735-R. L24-ltc FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS ROOMS TO RE!'o!T- WITH OR WITHout board : also turnltur· e for sale. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR STORE WK. BABY CHICKS; IN 100 LOTS: ASsorted, $11; leghorns, $12; Barred Tel. Wll . 1183. LT24-ltc Good position; chance tor advanceRocks, S. C. Reds. Anconas, U4; ment tor neatnt'ss and ability. Phone FOR P..ENT- 3 FURN. FRONT ROOMS. Wyandotte&, Burt Orplngtons, MlWilm<;>tte 414. LTG24-ltc separate OJ' in a suite with bath . norcas, $17; postpaid. Catalog free. Tel. Wll. 1940. LTN24-ltc D. T. FARROW CHICKERIES. SITUATION 'VANTED-FF!~1Al·F. PEORIA, ILLINOIS. LTN18;22!_e WAN'I'ED ·ro UENT-ROOl\IS GURLI LAGERGREN FOR SALE-CHEAP; GOOD LUMBER WTDOWER WITH TEN-YEAR-OLD Mt'dlcal Gymnast & Masseuse and bldg. material: also frames, daughter dt'slres a home with Pt·otGt·aduated from Stockholm, doors, etc. Can be seen at 140 Melestant family. Father anxious to Sweden rose Av .. Kenilworth. Tt'l. Winhave child with couple desirous of netka !!3. LT24-ltc Special tr·eatment for cold, th.. companionship of a charming headache. an d constipation. little girl. well dlsclnllned. Want Treatments administered at your party to take motherly Interest In home. Phone Winnetka 1485 child while he Is In Chicago at busiLTN24·tfc ness d urlng the day. Prefer couple without a child or one with child much younget·, and living In private FOR SALJ<::- LEASE EXPIRES MAY home. Good references can be tur1st. 6-t·oom residence, lot 70xl15: nished. Addt·ess Lite A- 100 · AFTERNOON GOWNS AND DRESSES 1 block from school; 2 blocks f : orn LTNZ 4 -ltP a specialty. Reasonable prices. Btatlon; close to lake and J.;·,.lf - - - -Make early appointments. 1534 ~r~o:~~:;n~o~~~~lc'T:l~ltl!~~·~~O.f'~~27 H ..~LP WAN'I'ED-MALE Hlll'hland Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wll. FOR SALE-AIREDALE PUPPY, 6 LTN I·ltC WANTED-REAL ESTATE SALES966-J. L15-tfc months old; gentle; good pet for 2 man. After 40 years ot successful chlldre . $15 T 1 Wll 24 1006 dealings In Evanston, we are t'X· d TO Forest nAve .. · LTN24-1tp 8 one block east ot station, l&T&'e yard; tending our facilities to cover the vQfille, call a:d 'd~ftve~~ lto8ugPral~l~ garden, ·leeplng porch, beautlful North Shore and are looking tor a Avlt., Wll. Tel. Wll. 1351. AlfRroEmDALpEedlgPrUePedPIESandFORre ISsAteLrEed; · .,lt{f.'/te4"fr d l7 >PI-~"'1f'~~-..W.~-IJ~.t;l.lil...llP..I"-'W.....}';*"ttllo~t~WL-\.I:I.,I..~,_--._ n :uv ' 4!cuv Wilmette. 2 735 8 .. uun Applicants must be prepared to WANTED-WASHING AND IRONING Tel. Wll. 886-Y- · LTNU-l FOR SALE-GIRL'S NAVY BLUE EMLTN22-tfc furnish highest references, should to take home, 1 by experienced laun1 0 0 0 broidered cloth coat, size 16, blou·e WANTED TO BUY-HOUSES .. style, fur collar, In good condlt·l on, U. Tel. Wll. 2102. LU-ltp ful man will be given most com- w:-~TF<P.~eR~~~~~t~L~ecti~~L{;'o~~ The Fashion Sewing Shop w:-NTE~l :"~SHIN~S ~AdKE Wllm~tte. ° p~~~ sg!e~~r, T~f. '{:fnn~~~~·~h. ~ - 1Hl Jl"'IJ"' ~CI;IICI;II wuu\Q.L 'ZI'ImJ CC<O)Iffift\elffiftrnill(f;lffift OUR SERVICE WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY. li R. stucco house, slp. pch., front pch. and. garage only '6600. with cash payment of $1500, balance '50 pt'r· month. 6 R. frame bungalow, vet·y deep lot, East location. Owner ieavlng tor Florida. Price $11,500. 7 R. house. H . W . heat, front pch., dining and leeplng J>Ch ., oil burner, large living room, entire house beautifully decorated, lot 75 teet wid .. with many trt>es, shrubs and perennials. 2-car garagt'. Price $24,000. Owno,-t· leaving dty wants reasonable otter'. 10 ACRES AT and Avoca adjolnln~r I !lUI tablw fOil' 1, ·It s. HE1 Slt;N CLARK. IX J~xclusive Agents · oter (f'ormerly W. R. R. Ave.) Winnetka 254 I..TN24-ltr GIRLS' BICYCLES FOR SALE; ambitious man who believes ln the only. Tel. Wilmette 1646. L23-2tp J cheap. Tel. Kenilworth 88, LTN24-ltc future of the North Shore, ls willing to work hard a.nd appreciates the ae- W AN'I'·f' - 'T·--nRY WORK BY THE WANTED TO BUYBEDROOM Mlatance we are able to give. cl · l'el. Wit. 1111-~.. . T":~4-1tp " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!! house: Ea·t elde Evan·ton, WllCall or address North Shore 0.. FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES mettt' or north; '20,000 to U5,000 vnrment. ED MALE AND FEM."LJ!! ~-----------------------CI\Bh. Address Life. A-97. L24-ltp 701 Da~Ya~~~~t & TYSON,~~. J . . . WAMTED-MAN AND WIFE FOR Late model Ford coupe, llke FOR RENT-HOUSE EVANSTON, ILL. LU-Itc f~~ee:.al l'or~~~~~:o~~cel~~ :~:r~y a~~ I new. ·eat covers and tun ettulplodging for two days work each ment. WILL RENT MAY lOth, 6 ROOM RESIweek about house and garden. Worn1 1920 Oakland sedan, $250. d.-nct>. Large l>Orch; 1 block from HALESl\.1 H rGJ\ LUBRICATING OILS pain~ · &xoelleat opport-unity. an will be given board, room and school: 2 blocks from station: clo1e or OOMml·lon. JED OIL AND good wages for full time. Excelto lake and golf grounds; will give Slocum Motor Sales ~l CO~ IT01 Burwell, Cleveland, lent living quarters and working one or two year lease. $125 p r month. 327 Hawthorne Ave. Tel. o. L24-ltp i-~~~~~~~=· wu!:~~~e2i~:. required. Glencoe 98. LTN2t-ltc ATION w .,NTED-HALE- LT24-ttc j WILL RENT FURNISHED FOR 1\ OR FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS 6 monthe from Ma,y lOth at $200 I>er NORTH SHORE HOUSE CLEANING month, 6 room · residence. L:i. 1·ge FOR SALE- ANTIQUES; MOSTLY porch; 2 blocks from station; close WE CLEAN ~ERVICE ALL PAPER. CALC£early American turnlt~re ; In Drop to lake and golf grounds. 327 Hawmine, grass cloth; we wash painted lear tables. setspt 6; also odd chairs. thorn<- Ave. Tel. Glencoe fl . woodwork, and windows as well as sofas, stools, 1 i>alr walnut stools, LT U-ltc ~~lll!h furniture and wax tloore. 1 Ottoman. 2 chest of drawers. small rst c 1ass ret. Edward T . Handy. dresser, 0. G. mirrors, cheval glass, 724 Elm St. Tel. Wlnn. 1128 "TO LET FOR THE SU II·R, PUROffice Tel. Wll. 1647 after 6 P. M. 3 secretaries, 1 Boston rocker, 1 conLTN24-ltc nlshed, 7 ·room howte, porelles Res. Tel. Wll. 685. LT22-ttc sole, spindle and poster bed·, 2 rront and rear, two U.roem·, two WAIT TO HAVE YOUR PAINTwrought Iron lamps, 3 pair old brass sleeping porelaM. v ...table and DON'T lng and decorating done. The candle sticks and various other tlowt>r ...... , w~ let U5x200 spring wages will advance. Let us pieces. 50lS Linden St., Wlnn. 145. ff'el, lle&r ~ Mallon. Inquire do It today. Carl Salo, Northbrook, LTN24-ltc ·rao· phone Glencoe SOME GOOD USED CARS AND AT LTN24-ltc Ill. Box tO. Phone Highland Park FURNITURE FOR SALE-$195 Dll'\· }~;k rf~~!e P;!;~~· too. Come and 896-Y4. LTN18-8tc lng room St't tor $49 .50; comfortable YR ; LARGE FUR"N. doul.>le cot with special mattress: ~~~. sf~~n, good tires, talr condlbouM; garage; tennis court: nr. cabinet base; rockers and chairs; exTel. Wll. 2399. LTN24-ltc cellent condition. Tel. Glencoe 735. f95~~e sedan, 1922, fine condition, LTN24-ltc FOH RENT- 6-RM. HOUSE, MODERN. Dodge touring, 1922. good for sevUpholstering, Draperies, and garag e. Tel. ·wil. 515. L24-l tp FOR SALl-~ - 1::>: GOOD CONDITION: eral years more, '4:i0. golden oak frame leatherette daven· f15ro~ delivery, 1919, good condition, WANTED TO RENT-HOUSio~S Slip Covers port; when opened makes full sized bed ; also mahogany table VIctrola: $12 each . T..-1. WI!. 1977. · L24-ltc ~:"a ~o~~~:.!1~n b~a;~~~!;:-e ~ uc:e :s~ ;~,~s~a"Z!~ c!~ 8~ {-/:"d dellLT2f:'1~ c ~:;:;s ~o~o~~~:~':rop:f,~t:;,·;:v~o t~~= w~~T~~owt"Ys~~r;Gda:~~ ~lJ~!lt; I NEW I Wiilllly~ and (Q)welf' fi~IID cdlJD<e!l.fi<elf~ ··n YES, \\TE HAVE Gaina era Fon/l(:rly with Mandel Bros. 'VP have a responslbl!' part\· wishing to rent an unfut·nlsht>d home In KE-nilworth or North Section ot Wllmt'tt . Tht' houst' must ht> modern, ha.v.. four ot· flvt> bedrooms, hot wat r heat. and two baths. f'osst·sslon AJHII 1st to 15. Part~· will take on or two year lease. DO YOU vVAN'J' C:OOD. NEW BRI<'K HOUSE r'OR f19,500? Excellent location; 3 chamben< : Hun parlor; h . w . ht'at. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone l<'OR SALE- SOLID MAHOG . "CHIPp.-ndal..- pllttt>t·n" dining room suite, unholstererl r·ouch, 3 larK~> chairs. Tel. Wil. 1 ;;a a. 941 ~erldan Roa.<l, Wilmette. LTNH-ltc Do<lgE' Winnetka 16(1 BrothE'Ts and Will Sainte Claire D alers LTN24-ltc w: :~ .c·.:· 2228 J,TN4-ttc \Yilmctte Realty Co. 613 Hh FOR SALE-SET OF PORCH FURNI- DE:fROIT ELECTRIC, COMPLETE, turt>, $25; 1 overstut'ted chair, $10; $.25. C:uaranteed run 'Jess than let> box, $10 ; also 2 dinner gowns 6.000 miles on new batteries. Tires size 40. Tt'i. \\'11. 1016. L24-ltc like new; see It at Village Garag;· Kenilworth. LTN24-ltf Tel. Wll . 1304 L24·ltc WE ARE OFFERING TO A LIMITED numht·r an OllPOrtunlty to purchase homt>slt~o>· or from 1 to 4 ac··a in a v··t·y rhokt- lrJ<'ntion (rt"itrlctlr)ll~). F.n<l "J..." Llndt>n &elhlae~telf' & <G<O)lllb~<elh1 Lake and· Rid e Aves. T I. Wil. 364 LTN24-ltt· venuE' 407-411~ EXP. ~fAN, HOUSE AND WIXDOW cl..-anlng, floor waxing, furniture polishing, and bas ment kalsomlnlng. Also o(!d J>alntlng job~: first <'lass r' t>ft·rent't'B. Walsh. Tel. Wlnn. ~16 . LT7-tfc WOOD J<~<.~{;ah·!\Ar~~i;-a~ he"S;:-o~; ru~~N~:!~ houst·hohl ~o~· oods; reasonable . TPl. WI!. 332. 735 9th St. LTN24-ltc FOH. SALE- OAK LIBRARY TABLE In good conclltion: Garland coal ra!lgl.', ver~ r~asonable. Tel. 'VII. !17u-J. L24-ltp ' LOST AND FOUND . J>hone Wilmette L2~·1tc \\'ILL SEf,L CHOICE HO. 'fF.STTE ON WA 'TEl> Tl) HENT-BUNGALOW OR b autlful winding road. 7Z teet trontag between flne hom s n<>ar ::::~t' n~;.· ~v~:n~~~~ ~~~;n 11is~~ ~~\~ ·tatlon, ·chool· and golf club . Jo'or Juniper 0409 L2' lt · ,_ P Information JlhOnt· 'VInuetkn 'i >-1-J. WANTED TO RENT-SMALL HOUSE, ------------------------~L~T~X24 - ltc no cblldrl'n, moderate rent. Tel. %411 I'ARK PL. N. EVANSTON. AT Wlnn. 1174 . LTN22-tfc 3 ~~ ~~t~: r; :.~on~ ·~;~g:d 1tt~h.(iw!;'. W 1\'TED TO RENT-AP RTMENT r. Ev. 4204; U 7,000, hair cash . LTNU-lte WANTED TO RENT-:-3 RM. APARTment. private bath, ale ping porch; ON HTOHLAND all on on~> floor: 3 or 4 block· steam Tel. Wll. UOZ. ·tatlon. Tel. Wll. 905-W. L14·1tc LU-lte 0 LENGTHS; LOST-GLASSER SHELJ., RIM WITH E:.IPIRE BOOKCASE. gold sldl.'s. Wllmt>tte Country Club; Ui> lots FOR SALE solid mahogany, scroll and flames Saturday night Tel \Vll 728-R · LTN23-4tc ~~n t~1L:. c,~.~~~·et~~-ndwall'\.. ~~d::1~~ rewarrl · · . · L24-lt~ HEf,p WANTED-FEll LE FOH HALE - nr 'lNG R 0!11: 'ET MJS('EI.LANEO;k- - - - wlth buffet Tel. 'Vinn. 631-J. COUPLE OY.' f't'LTURFl AND REWANTED- A l\IAID; EXP.; WHITE: g-en<;>t·al hswk. ; 3 In family· near LTN24-1tc ftne~E'nt <IE'sire ll,;rht housekeeping trans.: ref. reQ. Tel. Kenilworth ::F:::O:::R:-~H':"'A:-:-r-::E:--:--.-~-----.:....:..__;, prlvllP!'l"eR In pa rtlal exchange for 1901. 417 Cum nor Rd., Kt>nllworth. 'T'Pl \vn' r;;;:;- HOt SbHOLD GOODS. N\re of children par time . Phone · · L24-ltc Wil 4'11. Mrs. Flek. LTS24-ltll LTN24-1tc WA::>:TED-WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. 0 hswk. ; also whitt> laundress for 1 The nay each w ek. Tel. Glencoe 41. Nathanlt>l Grossman, belovE-d husband LTN24-1tc WANTED TO llt'Y-SECOND HAND of Edythe Spltser Grossman, express furniturE' and other household goods. their sincere thank!! for the svmpathy WANTED-GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. ; Hlghel!t prlt't' paid for same Crost and klndneee ext niled to them by white: neat; willing; experience unFurniture Sture. 1004-6 Emer~on St. their relatlvea. frlP.nde and neighnect'ssary. Tel. 'Yil letka 383. Evanston, Ill Pnon .. 1 9. bors In their r cent bereav mP"It. LTNU-ltc LTNH-tfc LU-ltc ~~~ebu~~~n~. <~;~:~· ~l~~~~ls"7~. SAWED ANY . ' I ~~-t~~:'i~L~ (i:~Js famtl~Do?Fth~i)ta~;<SAl..xand!"r

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