Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Mar 1924, p. 20

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20 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY. MARCH 14, 1924 LOOKSWA BUSY SEASON minter Passes As Our Prexy Comes to The Fore-Front CONDUCT MUSIC TESTS MARCH 29 Wilmette Pupils Seek to Re- Well sir, the Put and Take club tJ came out of its long months of hibertain i e nation one day last week, when things lo ked like spring, and started the In the first six weeks of 1924 the old troub les over again. At 2:15 o'clock Saturday afternoon, connected load of n ew electric power First off, the boys had to be nice, March 29, at Orchestra Hall, Chicago, contracts made by the Public Service (<lifficul~ as it W<!-S) because J oncsy, the third annual Music memory concompany footed up in terms of horse- the 's llCI~ of Kenilworth, was fl'l\'JOg test will be held under the auspices of power an amount about 175 per cent ~ r eal blow-out_; a fare~ell splurge' the Orchestral association of Chicago in excess of the total of similar con- m commemoration of his cont~m- and Yicinity and the Wilmette schools tracts obtained in the corresponding plated departure for Sout~ Am en_ca. will he represen ted by a team of five period of 1923. ~ven Prexy Larson ~as mce (which children. Much hard work and en5 another way of saymg he was not thusia sm has gone into the preparation The 1924 figures are in excess of 1 5,500 horsepower. The chief item in too lucky.) for the event for in the first contest the li st is an addition of over 1,100 Speaking of the Prexy recalls a Wilmette wa~ awarded second place horsepower to the present large in- recent turbulent session of the Put in the judging, while in the contest stallation in an important steel work- and Takers at which it was proposed held last year the local schools took ing plant of the company's territory. by th e Legislative committee. that his first place. The estimates of new power busi- Excellency be . asked t~ resl.gn as. a The music judging contests are held nes s to be obtained in 1924 were com- result . of. certam p~culatiOns, mvolvmg vearly throughout all parts of the 111 1 5 pleted some weeks ago as to all the the . k _ng (rapidly) fu!ld of. ~he United States and are designed to give districts. Two or three of them have club, 111 011 (not T. P. D .) msecuntles. the masses of the school children an come to the front with excellent Prexy, upon hearing the base acquaintanceship with the works of starts, though it's early. charges declared he would not re- the great composers. Parts of operas, House wiring is also well under sign, but, on the contrary, would face sonatas etc. and other well known way. aetwcen January I and Fcbru- any inv.cstigation the honorab)e mem- musical colr:positions are played and ary 16 the number of residences equip- he.rs miR:ht prop<;>se . . Emulatmg ccr- explained to the pupils. Later these ped by electric light by the company tam Ca~meteers 'In .thi s regard ,_ Prexy same pieces are played over a~¥ain, and and outside contractors was in excess felt QUite the hernes and he IS even the children are ranked b the n umher of those reported for the sa me time now going the rounds of the club per- nf the rompositions re .'.~in 1923. It was nearly twice greater sonnet emitting vociferous, albeit high nize . Jn this way the t· 1or the than the number wired in 1923. pitch~d merrie ~la , ha's. collectively big contest in Ch i~iio is chosen. The Employes' Benefit association dcsc~lbed as eqUJ.ne laughter . . S~y <M.....ra to Pla y composed f 1 f h p bl " As1de from th1 s Prexy's ex1stence T h .. m h. o emp oyes o t e u IC si nce the hibernation has been ' th.I l \lP~ m~mory conte.st t IS vear Service company in the year of 1923 out incident, except that e i· . 1.\-- il. f>«' held Wlth th~ Ch1cago Symha_ ndled 344 ca es of disability. Of leged to have "placed" on the Mor ~ d;...a ph,)ny <?rchestra ylaym~ fraP'mentc; of th1s number, 329 were sic kne ss cases ...-n .... I ff t d tl hoot and the remain in ~; fifteen were caused against the Brinkiel at th ;e D etttDan onany <I eren Pl~ces. an le sc by accidents while the members were alleys last week, aftuAavin c been te!lm s th_at rero P"n·zc the most of them ff faithful to the BrinWs for lo, these w111 he aw~udcd fir st place. ,., o duty. These disability ca ses re- many month s. /' The mus1c deoartmc>nt of ~he. W 1 suite~ i~ the los s of 7,493 days and the . '"'Pttc schools feels that th1s 1s an as oc1atJon oaid out on account o But, afte~ _,.411: that's a mere trifle, honor quite worthy of the time being disability $27,606.20. wh n onj: · cons1ders how. shamefully out in on preparation. and reQuests The membership of the associatioe 'Y J:thted the Prexy JU St a fort- that as many Wilmette people as was ver, greatly increased dur· lll·tl::=:.'l~£ ago. It was most shameful. possible he present at the contest, year. there being 2,340 mem those who swear they ·in ce the Orchestral association has cemher 31. 1923. The ave (not glycerine) tears. hren mo st kind in donating the halt bership throughout the year w fnr thP furtht>rancr of the apnrcc:atinn p~r _cent of those emplaoye. w were Preachers Write Church . . f good music :tnd deserve the backell.l!lhle. ;,/ ing of the people whom they are try. The income~ otlte ~jation dur Ad During Lent Season ing to serve. lllll tl!c yrar a e4 10 2B.4SJ.09. \Vhile the judges are making their ~ur!ng the h that the as\Villllctte mini sters have turned ad decisionc; the Symphony orchestra will soclatiOn_ has fn operation, it writers for the Lenten season. r ~'n der a program apart from the has re~·e1 dues $52.27.'i.S6. and Beginning with this week's issue pieces to he played for the benefit of has pa1d .ben~fits $44.2J6.SO. a nd continuing through the Lenten the conte sta nts. season the Community Church adver-------tiscment on the Church Page of Wn,Fellows ~~u ·n: LIFe will he prepared by the · ministe rs of the seve n Protestant co\ on Sunday churches combined in the Wilmette old; ,:clt:, the only one hurch Union, each church heing rep:::~::!.q·. 1 !las been organ'l'o meet a distinct need fot< a -car af nston and wilf meet every n-~cnled at I a~t onee uring the period. Sund Y e1·ening. at 8 o'clock. at 'the convenient size that would comfortably The advertisements will not hear ~at four people, Dodge Brothers de~orne of Hugh Robert Orr. 1417 Oak th s ignature of the copy writer, so igned and produced their new four-pasavenue. _Two hooks already discu sse d by the it will remaiu for the parishioner to senger coupe. Orders .taken have' alc·rcle are Booth "Tarking-ton's "Mid- <letcrminc which piece of copy is pre- ready reached the point where they are 1andcr" and "The King of the Black pared by his minister. taxing the facilities of the factory. Isles." The body of the coupe, which is of Upon occasions ...the Church adverOn Sunday, March 16. the circle will tisement has been prepared by a composite construction, is one of the read Joseph Conrad's "Rover." minister. Uusally. however , the mater- finest examples of coach builders' art., All Book Fellow on the north ial is submitted by trained adver- It is explained. The seating arrangement shore, as well as other interested per - ti ing men who arc members of the ts staggered, with a scat of folding desons, are invited to the e meetin!l:s. \Vilmette Church council. sign at the side of the driver. One Public Service Gets Many Contracts T feature is j, u'.tcl in the fact ·that the driver sits din:c dy behind the steering wheel - not at an angle. Four passengers can be seated 11 irh the utmost comfort. · Also, the door5 arc extra wide, allowing ease of mon mcnt in getting in and out. The body, 1rhich is P.aint~d a deep blue with a yellow trim-stnpe, IS up~olstt:red in genuine mohair velvet. Moha1r velvet has long bel'n recognized as . ": material which for beauty and durab1hty stands premier. It cleans easily and its rich!less is at once apparent to all who us~ tt. Disc wheels are standard equ1pment on the new coupe, as are window regulators a dome light and hardware of Dodg~ Brothers own design. For those who demand more complete equiPtnent Dodge Brothers set aside a certain num~ ber of these coupe~ to ~ specially equipped. The spec1al equtpment includes a nickeled radiator shell, cowl lights, nickeled front and rear bumpers special striping on the louvers of th~ hood ; motometer and lock, automatic windshield wiper, balloon tires, etc. The four-passenger coupe is attracti~ in appearance and conforms in every detail to modern design. Dodge Brothers chassis lends itself admirably to this type of car, which is an attractive addition to the types which the company has been producing for some time. VOL. XI First Church of Christ, Scientist, Christian Science Reading Room Wilmette, Ill., 1113 Wilmette AYe. Tenth St. and Central An. Hours: Services: Dai ly (except Wed nesd ay and Sunday at 11 A. M. Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P,. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting W.e.sJ.:.es~.::y: 9 A: M. to 7 :45 P. M. · at 8 P. M. ·~ Saturday: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. LAU~ Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Subject of the ~son Sermon hoed Ch ristian Science Literature -. " m·a y be read, borro wed or pur·~ o 16, " Subatance cha~:~ed. T to.f Pa'blle J· e ordln ll y la v lte cl to at1e·cl tile C llare ll !!lerdeu aad 1'11tlt IBat~; ~~':;; :~3 a1To~~~erb>;_u~~Z:. Not New, Just Dry Cleaned FO 't/' tlae R e adl·· Roo-. Two Til in AJ T FORES A LMOST thought the suit was new when he got it back from DeLuxe Cleaners. You'll be surprised when you sec the wonderful results we achieve with our special processes which retains the fabric and destroys the dirt. Good Wan There ' fight in Town ele when th DeLuxe Cleaners 1105 CENTRAL AVENUE Phone Wilmette 690 DODGE 4 PASSENGER COUPE JS POPULAR WORRY! Kills more people than work YOU SHOULD WORRYafter· listing your property.;with us Phone league he ing towa candidate ship offic "times h the app candidate! Good Go lated a fe of citizen! with ce Citizens ) Now t of a . reaV remain in the town on April The C dorsed c exception the firm the pres ducted t ship in h ner and ~ ing of re thorough ate of th launched which, it election its ticket , 1304 Wilmette Hangings Made to Order Window Shades Eric-aBrae A. J. WOODCOCK, Prop. c John R. hecn appoi paign com eve ry sec gospel of ment prog mittee tha league sh support o league is c who arc tage. but welfare of end, in s 35 Years' Experience Phone Wilmette 2600 Etc. 721 Main Street WILMm'E, Dl. MOTORS SERVICE, Inc. SEE OuR N E W 1924 WALL PAPER STOCK before you decorate We carry Everything for interior decorating -and- Everything lor the Automobile ALL CAR OWNERS ARE . INTERESTED IN BALLOON TIRES For-They improve the riding qualities of any car wonderfully. Agai~st-Side EXTERIOR PAINTING Let us figure your WORK and give suggestions sway is increased, but is only troub lesom e a t h1gh speeds. Stearing is harder, but this is only troublesome when parking or on short turns: Life-We hear they have gone as much as 17,000 miles. 1 NJf%Jf!:trmG Stern~r'S Paint store . 1 General-To equip an old car with full balloon tires, special wheels are necessary. To equip with semi balloons the old wheels and rims are used. 75% of the balloon effect may be obtained with semi balloon tires. Cost-From $5.00 to $25.00 over cost of standard tires. We will be glad to explain individual cases and give estimates. 1213 WILMETTE AVE. PHONE 2491 ..... . .. .. .. .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B iillll11UU J. C. Slown A. B. VanDeusen

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