Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Mar 1924, p. 2

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WILMETTE FRIDAY MARCH 14 19M ITHE PUBLIC FORUM I .\farch 12. 1924. v \\'ilmette Life, To the People oi \\'ilm ette: [n connection with the public meeting l.e ' d last l'\'ening at the Byron C. Stolp · hool and called to make an organizul appeh l to the re~idcnt!> of Wilmette to oppo~e apartment construction, I would like to call attention to a few ,·,.ry important facts whjch were entirely onrlooked. wilfully or otherwi e. hy those conducting the meeting. The entire method of. proceedure ?·ld hasis of complaint or criticism of the Wilmette Village officials is ·base d on ignorance or refu sal to consider these facts. 1. The old building code d id allow Real. li,·e models. garhed in the thr construction of orofitahle apart- laH·st sprimr and summer creations ment building!.. This wa~ demon- ""ill be ,·iewrd at th" Vill'lge thcatn· strated d_urin!l the past yea r by the Thursrlav afternoon , 'March 20. in the constructiOn of the Brown apartment ~t>coml Annual Style show of the :,rcJ-··ilclmg on l ~ l e\'<' nth street south of Ailister-Worthen company. loc<tl drvCentral a\·enu". and hy the Nelson !{Oocls concern, locate d at 1148 \\'ilhuildin g on Cl' ntral avcnul' which IT:<"t!e a \'t·nuc. latter building has stores on 't he first A special program of mu sic has Roor and apartments above. Z. Anyone ~ho will read and will """11 arran !led for th e style show which hegin s at 2:15 o'clork and take th e time to intelligently compare will continue until early evening. the n ew building code with the old Last ve'lr's stv le s h()w nroved an code will recog-nize without argument nnri1111 lified ;ucces~ anrl McAlli sterthat on the whole the new code is \-\'orthen h;~ve made a supreme effort much more careful of public welfare to Prlipse thPir solendid achievement~ a.s to sa nit~ry conditions and general in that exhibition. llvmg ~ondltwns. and further permits Leadi.ng concPrns will he repre the bu1.ld~r to usc for beautifying the the bUJldlllg, the money which form- se nted m the Style s how including th(' Gossard rompany and several other e_rly would go toward old code prac tical hut unnece~sarily se l'c r c· con- recognized leaders in women's wear. Every woman in Wilmette is cordistruction. ~· The application for building per- ally invited to visit the style show and to enjoy the progr:~m of music as nllt !or the new 58-apartment building at ~~1fth and Linden avenue was made gue. ts of the M cAIIister- \Vorthen dunn.g December 192J and was refused company. pendmg the completion of the new o.rclinance whi~h was under prepara- Father of Paul Soule tion at that t1me . This is why the Dies at Winnetka Home passage of the new ordinance was fol<;:harles P. Soule. 555 Cherrv street. lowe~ closely by the issuance of the perm1t. Wmnetka. father of Paul R. Soule of 4. The building at Fifth and J.inden 807 F?rest avenue, passed away Friwould hav~ heen constructed in ac - dav lliP'ht, March 7. the vicrfm of a C?r.danc~ Wtth the old ordinance pro - Paralytic stroke. Masonic services VISIOns _1f the new ordin.ance had not were hf'ld at Rosehill on Monday, ht>~n paqsed, and would have bern March 10. !lUIIt ;~t Practically the s me rost hut Mr.. Sou lc was a pioneer resiclt>n t mstead of o':'tting $25.000 in cut stone. of Wmnetka and a member of thl' orn.arnetytal 1ron, etc .. OP thL· cx lc ·rior. Glencoe Masonic lod~e. as ~~ helllg- done. this s tu n \\ot!ld ha,,,. he.en spent on concrete second "nrl EXHIBIT O IL · PAINTINGS tlmd . tory Roor ~, in comuliancc with The \Vilrn!'ltc Paint d Glass old code specifications \.\' k 1 an . h .'l. The;e is no c.,tcst.i f . · or. s oratcc1 Ill t. c NP·I'?'~ building . _, . r· on o rezontn'!' 011 ( entr~J aH'IlUl' 1s exhtllltlll" a ('OI uno 1,·eu ·n constru 01 the hu'ld I· t' f · · · ., ins.r at Fifth and I -~ ( c Jon ~ !ntercstmg otl and water 6 Tl1 V 1 'll . color pamtmgs, the work of Sister t · e agf :re ent1tled M. Chrr"'lim of the 0 s p of Wil ° tan ap_o 10 ,fl;Y r ·Jonsors of mette . The painting-s ~re ·als'o offerecl 1as evenmg s ·se of re- for sale. flection s cast by peopl e who have not the public welfare at heart enough to interest themselves in attendi111r council meetings or Jook: ng up till· facts hciore standing up hef o re an audil'nce s uch as la st e,·ening' s and ma ki ng the statements which were made . The intention of last c\·c·ning-'s meet ing tn keep apartment s from spreading to residence sections i.; laudable . hut th l· personalities and innuendos which were indulged in were very much t< · the contrary. Respectfully yours. Richard T. Da1 i,. Invest As You Would Save! BIG STYLE SHOW WITH LIVE MODELS COMING y ol. can purchase bonds by n1akAnd your ing a ·mall deposit and paying a little each week or m onth. money hears· interest at the rate the securitY pays, fron1 the day you deposit it! This 1s the best and safest way of tnaking your savings work for you. Ask u tnore about it by phone, letter or 111 person. N18bt and Mornln8 Healthy-.r-J"~l~ U t h ey T i r e, Itch, Smart, Burn or Discharge if Sore, lrri· tated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine often. R e/re$he·. Soothe3. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all L.ll111gglL~K-t~· _ _ __..__ HaY~ cr~an, HRI ...... McAllister-Warthen Co. WILMETTE, ILL. y ou have heard it said, perhaps, that beauty is one-quarter nature and three-quarters care. No truer statement was ever made. True beauty does not reside in t he features, but in the velvety softness and attractive coloring of a healthy skin, t he glory of healthy hair becomingly dressed, and the universal charm of well-kept hands and nails. Every woman is endowed by nature with these attractions or can acquire t hem through t he regular practice of proper care and the employment of simple and reliable beauty aids. ~ture:J aids ~to »eauly Special Sale of: Ruffled Curtains While a limited quantity last, we will have on sale an excellent quality of ruffled curtains, made from dotted marqui ette. These curtains are full 234 yards in length, white only, and each pair have tie-back· to match. Special- We will consider it a privilege to advise w it h any woman on such matter . And we absolutely guarantee t he toilet requisites we recommend. SPECIAL ~tric Curling lrona, Guaranteed for One Year 98c !; P~~;c~~. ~~~- ...... :. SJ.69 Phone Orders Filled Promptly Phone Wilmette ~We Deliver enneckar Drug Co. WILMETTE, ILL.

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