Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Mar 1924, p. 4

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4 1 · WILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1924 Kenilworth Happenings I The l~ e,·. f. :- !ancl H obart Daniorth, rt·ctor 01 the Church oi the Holy 1 omiortLr, in rco,pon~e to a request f o:n the Bro t herhood o f St. Andrew · nd irom a numhcr of o ther parish ionc.:r,, that ht· f1ave each \Vednesd~ nigh t during th e ~easo n of Lent, not the usual outsidt· guesh from the ranb of the c lcrgy, hut rather C\ · hort ~en· it:l· fo ll owed hv a lecture n the Epi~copal church; ha s iss ued t he fo llowing sc hedule of topic-; to I e discussed: Sunday. ~lar c h 2, Tht Purp oo;e of Lent. A s h 'vVcdn es<lay, ~I arc h .i. \\' hy \Ve Believe in God. Sunday. ~l arch 9, Th l' Begi nning of Religion . 'vVednesday, ~[ arch 12. The Begin njng of the Church ( ·atholic. ~unday. ~I ar c h J(,, The Ri . e of Th e Papacy. \Vedn e~dar. \I arch 19. Th e Reform - · ~1 r . and M r ~. Georg-~ ~~ o od y of 2-B \Varwick road , sai l Saturday for the On Thursday morning, 1I an·h 13. West lndies. -oth e Art and Literature departm ent of The Kenilworth rluh will t;ive a the Neighbors met at the hom t' of lt·ncheon and hr idg ,· on Thur ,day. :.rrs . Harry Vi s~e ring, 257 Keni lworth March 20, at 1 o'clock . avenue. Mr. Mori. an authority o n Japanese art gave a talk. LOCAL CAGERS WIN - oTh<> Boys' cluh ha ~ kethall teatn of at ion . Mr. and :.rr~. Georg e W . Ben son the Wilmette Parish :\1 ct hodi st church unda1·. \larch Ll. Tht· English returned on W e dnesda y. Mar c h 5. .Tuesday of thi s we~k defeated the: Church l'atholic. from a four week's sojourn at Miami Evanston Triangles by the score ot Wedne sdav. ~1ar rh 2fi. The Ameri· and Palm Beach. They will occtlPY 16 to 11. can Chmch Catholic the Parm e lee re s id Pnce ·a t 534 Roslyn Sundar, ~larch 30. Th~ Power of road until about May I. The Sacram e nt s. -o\Vednesda v, April 2, The Praye r Book and Prayer. :\I r ~. Burt A . Crowe and daughter, Sunday. April 6. Significance of Barbara, and son. Roger Allen, reColor s. \'e ; tmcnt s and Oruament~ . tmned home Sunday from Fli n t, Sundav. Anril 13. The \ 'alue o f :\lichi)lan. where they have been Church ~fl'miler:. hin . '<Jlt'IHiin~ a month with :\Irs. Crowe's \Ve rlnesday, Anril 9. The J~itual of par<'nts . thP Eoio;coJHtl Church . -oWf"<ln esday, April 16. The Pa s.,io n The K e nilworth Gardt·n cluh met of Christ. at t h home of Mrs. V . K. Spi cer, Easter Sunday, April 20, The Risen ~38 E >'>e'< road. on Monday afternoon. Christ. ~larch 10. Announcement of the Good Friday -aservice witt he made later . 11rs. SydnPy Y. Ball entertained the -o-memher s of her bridge club at lunch ¥rs . T. Helm and daughter. ::\fiss co n at her rPsidcnce . 207 Wood s tock A ll ee S·11art. who havr he <" n the avenue. on \Vednesday. l' "eSt <: of ~ l r and Mr -;. B. C. Hawk!'<; -oof 1<;7 Kt·nilwort h a ve nue . for the The Sewing dub wa' t·ntc:rtained n;t<;t fortni)!l ·t. return,..d to thPir homr hy ~frs. John Roberts . .128 \Varwick in Kan,as ity on Sundav last. road. at luncheon on Monday of thi" l\fr. Bclkn a n kt·s M Clen'land week . spent the wt·ek -t·t1fl with h is parents. --o- oThe T~Pading- Stud1· classc:s witl \li .. s Dilro thv Fon·sqJan who IJ :t, meet at tht' home of Mr s. George B . heen in tlw <·ast for the JP.,t m n nth Dryden. J:H4 Hid g-t· avenue. 1-:vansr··turned h o nlt' on Saturclav. ~fi, .~ ton, on \ Vedne sdavs during- Lent. Fore s m <J n \\il' thr guest of :\!is s -oMarr :\!ills :1 nd Mis s Ruth ~furra v :VIr. and 1.frs . Grant Keehn are whilt· in \ ' ew York . On hcr retqrn spendin(!' a month in Florida. They jou;m·~ s hP l'isitrcl Mrs. nurton Tre- are planning to go to Ashevi ll e a litt le ,.,.,:une 111 Clt·ve land, Ohio. I la te r. :Mrs . Robert 0 . Berger, chairman of the Infant Welfare committee of the Neighbors announ cl'~ a drive for fund~ for the support of the Ne~v Trier Infant 'vVelfarc ~tat i on on Apnl 1. The station locat ecl at Chicago avenue and Noble street. will be s up ported entirely this year hy the Krn ~ l worth and Wilmette auxiliaries. \Vtl· mette raising $4,000 and Ke n'ilworth $2,1XXJ. The GLencoe auxiliary "hich has helped support the New Trier station in the past, is arrangin\!'. to support a station by itself. aecord111g to a sta ten:'~nt , m~dc ,by Miss Glad~s Spry. pres1dcnt . of the W nm an s Auxiliarv of the Infant \\'t·lfare soc iety ·of Chicago. On Thu r,d ay, Ma rrh 13, at the home of Mr s. Al fred ~r. \f c Dougal, 325 Abhottsforrl road, a m ee ting was called to organize a Junior league in Kenilworth . Mr. and Mrs. Mark \\' . _Cre ap have ret u rned to their ho1m a I tcr a month spent in Chicago at tlw Drake hotel. Mrs. Hugh Forc,II J.tll. ~l:i Essex road, was hostess io r ltlltl'h,t~On and ~lah Jongg at her hon11· on 1 uesday . -o- -oThe evening bridge duh di n ,·<.l with Mrs. George Keehn at th<' O rr mgton hotel 6n 6f~s<hly of thi s w,·~k. -oAnother of the bridg<' clu h' wa s entertairted by Mrs . Fran k \\' . l'he rry on Thursday. Mrs. Frank P.Ei;, .J().i 1-: e Jll hl ortlr avenue, was hostess at lunch l'on a nci bridge at her home on Saturday . Thrn· i> a buyer for every fairly priced property; either vacant or 1 f 111 pro1·o: d. on the North Shore. \\" o: a n: getting in touch daily ~ith a number o earnest h.o!lJc ·t·ck· r·. If you have not listed with us these people are fa1hng 10 ~c,· your property. IJu·c i; a n example of some of the real buy we offer: Three hloclts from tAKE an-a PARK best northeast location, six room stucco home. W o oded l ot SOx I 50. ~arage .. Most c.onv~n i ent to all transportation and s~hools. Qu1ck actiOn requ1red to ~t· curc this snap at $16,000. Eas1ly financed. 348 Linden Avenue Tel. Wilmette zza -o- -a- Food-Saver-Ice-Saver-Work-Saver Leonard CLEANABLE Refrigerator Call and see the Leonard. It embodies the latest and best ideas in food refrigeration. It gives perfect protection to food with greatest economy of ice. It has ten insulating walls, a one-piece, porcelain lined food -chamber, and many other superiorities that make it the ideal refrigerator for , your home. ··----~-i Another fo r the nor evening th Trier To" ttok subscl the 1924-2l to insure the associa next to di and notwi great manJ because of present apm · the conuni1 As was I week, the 1 be raised f next year, the price 1 April 21, t the season not presen1 ity to sign a large ~ 8'uests at I have signCI ing list, a~ son tickets scarce ne the past. tions for be begun f Watch for I I t Noted l Is ~frs. B See our full line Befor e yo u buy, see the Leonard. Co rne in and le t u s demonstrate its superiority and economy. W e ha ve the s ty le and si ze that j us t suits yo u r needs. P r ces are very reasonable. W hy not <.all today? H"" : SPEED 0'DAY John Millen ulf It's Hardware,· Millen Has It" Phones Wilmette 3060-3061 1219-21 Wilmette Ave. Mrs. S. H Inn, passe was at M Mrs. Gn ing t he ~ well kno many of churches. induced b1 ous brcal<i ago when ·was a pa bandit ga wcst of t l :Mrs. M also survi St. Pat ~~ II Wll~ ii,'J YS-KNJGHT-QV£RLAND fJ. <'. !. rotedo $495.00 --:¥.,...,...._ SALES-ROOM AND SERVICE-STATION Phone Wilmette 1850 IBRAUN BROS. 1 723 Oak St., Winnetka _ _P - ho_ n_ e -156 _5__ - BCJ Beautiful Oil and Water Color Paintings by Sister M. Cherubim f The so club of ~ give a S 3:30 o'cl 17. Proceed rected int of th e sc 1141 Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette - C. H. BRIGGS- o of 0. S. F. of \ Vilm ette. sal e a t our store. No w on display and fo r Th Come and see the beautif ul wo rks of a rt. AUTO GLASS PLATE and · WINDOW GLASS- MIRRORS PAINTS WHOLESALE-RETAIL Wilmette Glass and Paint Works , ' 1133 Central Avenue I Phone Wilmette 2508 "An abundance of hot water" You want hot water, and you want lots of it. a T ha t 's what you' ll get if we ins tall Rl:l:D .\ C1'01\1ATIC in your home. STOR.\ GE ~\'STE::.\1 Wall Tapestry $40.00 .\'otflinq is more dtYorati~·e than a beautiful tapestry lrcwginy. T lzis is an cx('('1/rnt rcproductiou of a Flemish antique. 56 iu. x 76 i11. SKILLED SANITARY PLUMBING PAUL KEMPE 619 Main St. Phone Wilmette 125

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