Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Mar 1924, p. 7

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1924 DEBATERS WIN I PLACE AT N. T. CHAMPIONSHIPS Current Season Late This Month High School" Holda L'o fty Place in Oratory u well as in Athletics Brand , g ue ge r pork ~r moked B1 J . R. New Trier High School's championship teams are not confined to the soccer and swimming squads, although such may seem to be the case from ordinary hearsay. In addition to those two ath letics a,nother tit le-winning activity at the school is debating, which, though it has not yet attained popularity to the extent that the two above-mentioned sports have i~ becoming year after year more in: teresting. The first debate teams the school ever ha.d ~on the champions h ip fo r New Tner 1n 1922, when the iss ue was t he Open Shop. Again last spring the ?ebaters took t he honors by d~feat mg..all. opp~ments on t he q uestion of Phtltppme mdependence. This year find s the squad busy preparing material on the subject of the Unit ed s_tates' en~ rance into the League of ,t-.;attons, wtth each member determined to keep the Suburban League championship at Indian H ill. Compe tition 1.· Keesa The coaches were h1gh ly pleased to ~ce the growing inte rest in tlebate work among t he stude n t body. Last November fifty boys and g irls turned out for the teams, a nd t his unprecedented large number m ade elimination speeches necessary. T he firs t of these cal~ed t he preliminar ies, took place durmg Decembe r, add reduced the aspir.ants to abo ut t wenty. Immediately after t h e Christma s vacation the semi-fina ls were he ld and from the contestants t he twelv~ regulars were chose n . These twelve are div ided into fo ur teams of three members each. Two teams wi ll ta k e the. affirmative side in t h e debates, whtle the remaining two wi ll uphold the negative. Of the three members on each team, II\ o are to actua lly speak on the platfo rm ar the "thfro-rs "Th e manager. ThL J:J m is being used for the first time t his year, and from a ll appearances wi ll prove very efficient. By it the speakers are able to obtain help from the mana~ers. who aid in fi n<ling materia l and in dr ill ing the talkers. Meet LaGranse March Z8 The first clash of the season comes on Friday night. March 28. against LaGrange Hi~h School. As has been mentioned above, the topic for t he debate is: Resolved, That the United ~tates Should Join the League of Natlons. New Trier's negative team will ~tay l~ere and meet the visiting afr~at1ve arguers in the home auditonum; the affirmative speakers will go to LaGrange to battle their opponents there. A T~e s~cond debate will take place .Pnl 2:>, and likewise will be reClproc~l ,-that is, the New Trier affi~matlve and the Waukegan negative wtll ~eet here, while New Trier's n~gatt\'e and Waukegan's affirmative wtll clash in the northern city. A .f ourth member of the League is Prov1so Township High sc hool at Maywood, 111. Although New Trier does not debate Proviso, the latter's record will effect the standing of all four schools. _Due to the desire of each school to w!n it i.s certain that the encounters wtll be ltvely. Excitement will abound eve.n tl~ough it is not the noisy kind which IS found at an athletic contest. NAME ncm TO · OPPOSE ALL fLATS Set Meeting Times For Wilmette Junior Police mee_ting. times for the Wilmette f UlltOr pobce have been announced as follows : First section will m(!et under direction of chief Charles Lundburg on the first and third Friday!\, of the month a.t 7 :30 p. m.; second section, under Lteut. Edmonds, will meet the second and fourth Fridays at 4 :30 in the afternoons; third section will meet under Captain Otto Clepp on the first an d third Fridays at 7:30 p. m.; fourth section will meet on the second and fourth Fridays at 7 :30 p. m. under Lieut. Blasdell. All of the meetings will be held at !he Village ha ll, and the genera l meetmg of a ll of the sect ions wi ll be held t he first Friday evening in the month at 7 o'clock. T~e (Continued from page 1) -------ishne~s. The people who live in apartments can never have the intere~t, in ,.the community that homes possess, he emphas,zed. ..Our offic1 .als h:~.ve taken. from u~ our safeguard and let the cltff dwelling tribe com\: t~ . o~er-r~n the village. All other tl.tvtdl!lg ltn~s a~e down and the enttre VIllage IS untted in trying to safegua~d the hom_e. With the home as an Issue, we Will beat all opposition" he concluded. ' Other speaker included Arthur B 522 Seibold, Fo~e~t av<'nue, who ex~ pre sed the optnton that necessary steps shouiJ be taken to keep apart men~s out of the village as long a~ possible, and Samuel H. Moore, 707 La.urel avenue. who stated that hi s neighborhood was 100 per cent as opP?~ed to apartm~nts, urging that all ctt tzens be advtsed to oppose the movement to "destroy the stronghold of home lovers." . Following the open forum, the sesSIOn v?ted to appoint a Village Ticket comn:uttee to report hack at the same meettng. The ticket of candidates for elect~on t~ the Yillage board at the electton Ill Apnl was nominated as follows: John F. Wiedlin, 120 Park avenue; Clarence E. Drayer, 10J4 Elmwood avenue and John Clark Daker, 347 Maple avenue. R. E. Pattison Kline, 13i 1 Greenwood avenue, expressed approval of a decision to invite the villag:: president, members of the board of trustt-es and members of the Zonmg board to attend an adjourned meeting on Monday evening, March 17, a nd explain reasons for the recent revision of t he bcilding code and action on kindred matters affecting the apartment question. The meeting was adjourned to Manday evening after Chairman Zimmerman was reelected to serve in the -; ame capacity in that session. Frint George Announcea Several Realty Transfers Recent real estate transfers reported at the offices of Frint George and <"Ompany, north shore realtors. include the following: E. G. Osman home at 801 Central aven ue, to Paul L. Roche. of Chicag-o; Dr. Tuttle house at.. 622 Washington avenue. to H. G. Baldwin of Rogers Park; C. W. Cole home at Ill Fourth :; treet. toW. J. Altfilisch of Ch icago; ' 'olton home at 600 Central avenue, 'o A. F. Reichman o{ Wi lmette; ~uhv home '>t 822 Greenleaf avenue, to Charles W. Robh of Chicago; A. S. Hecht home at 833 Greenwood aYenue, to H . A. Finney of Evanston. Vietor Recorda RED SEAL RECORDS Tbe Bard of Armlah (Huah..> Would God I w .. the TeD41er Apple ..... Both b7 Jobn MtCen.cl Victor R-..d No. 983, IO.U.Cil (ia F M inor) Elude in AMDEtude de Concert ("'I'M W U.t.r Wu.d" ) (Lieat) PI- Solu Both by Ipee JaD Pa....._.. V'actor R.co..d No. 6<438, 12-i.ndl UGHT VOCAL SELECTIONS ARouadup LuDaby Royal Dad.. Rounded Up in Glory Royal D.._. Victor Record No. 4Sl87, IO.iacla Victor Rec:onl No. 1922l. IO.iacll Cd Me Back A,aia Nome Maureen Peerleu Q.rw P-a... Q.rw Daddy'a Wooderlul Pal Daya .. y Ntenlay Eliclu · · Victor Record No. 19268.. IO.iacla HeDrJ .... It LoeU Like~ Cemfortin' Gal w-.1 Hal Viator R.cord No. 19270, IO.i.nd. w-..1111 Making Your Car Over '!'hat is what our high grade, perfect-finish auto painting docs for an old model car. All your friends and business acquaintances will surely think you have invested in a new car. And think of the pride and pleasure of riding in a new ly painted car.· MI!IOOIOVS INSTRUMENTAL C.. Back to Erin Horp Solo .U.... s.hl Belirfe Me If AU n- Enc1earint y_., · <AanM Horp Solo Ahrte s.l Vic:tor Record No. 45391, IO.iada My Partner'a Faney--M.dley of lriah 1M .Accortilon Solo John J. K....a The MUd Gil the GI'Mft-M.dleyellrialll!JII It's Now Meyer Coal and Material Co., Inc.. The name W il mette Bui lding Mater ia l company ha s passed into h istory and the con cern wit h offices at Linden a venue a n d Ma in street has been designated th rough reorganization oroceedinp-s. as the Meyer Coal and Materia l Company, Inc. Officers of the new ly incoroorated company will be. Bernard ·Meyer. preside n t; L. A. Jahns. secretary and Josep h A. Wolschon, treasurer. T he company, established only a few yea rs ago, has enjoyed a phenomenal growth huilt upon sou nd business principles . and highly satisfactory service. The officers of the company are well known in the commun ity. :.1T,~~f'vl!'t:r ~~~~~ ~;:.-:-·· J-. Victor Record No. 192~~~. . . . ROBERT W. MciNTYRE Rear of Wilmette State Bank Phone Wil. 684 DANCE RECOm>S Why Dietl Kiaa That Giri?-F· TNt . California. Here I Came-F· Tret (from " Bombo" ) Both by Whiteman and Hia Orcll. Victor R.corcl No. 19267, IO.iada Mindin' My Bua'neu-Fox Trot I'" Got a Crou-Eyed Papa-F· TNt Both by Tho V'~ Victor IUcord No. 19269, IO.iada of cla.. ic:al muaic ia alwa,.. complete North Shore --SSt Ceahr-Si WINNETKA Phone J7D W~lmette Student Wins Place in Oratory Event "'la!l Monroe, brot her . of Eric A. Monroe of 1220 Forest aven ue, won second prize recently in the annual John B. Kirk oratory contest at Nort hwestern university. Monroe's subject was, "The Empire of King Oil, the First." There were eight competitors on the contest. · NCW VIC'I'Oil R£COitD! ONC£AWau £V£RY wau - FRIDAY Increase in Number of Customers SbolYS Company's Growth During 1923 the Company extended service to 32,821 new customers. This is the largest number of new customers obtained in any one - year of the Company's history. The Company now has 252,981 customers receiving its various services, in 202 different communities. While the Company serves an area of 6,.000 square miles 90 per cent of all the electricity required is supplied from four large, efficient modern central stations interconnected by the transmission lines of the Company's super-power system. · White Cash Market 1189 Wilmette Avenue Phones Wilmette 2538-2779 BETTER MEAT AT A CHEAPER PRICE Tha? you have been paying is our slogan. Try tradmg here one month and see the difference. Our phone orders receive aa much attention aa when you come to select the meats yourself. Below are a few apeciala for Saturday, March 15th HAMS-Hormel'a Hickory smoked, "Sweet u a Ni::" -~-. . . ~~·. ~~~~~~ . ............... 21 !c 10 . PuBLIC SERVICE CoMPANY 2 VEAL ROAST SLICED BACON boned and potted, no wute or fat brandt, Lb. ..... . .. . C all 3 pounds . . · 35 Sl oo OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS DU will Serving 6,000 square miles- 202 cities and townswith Gas or Electricity J. S. REESMAN, Diat. Supt. tll Church St., E vanaton Telephone Evanaton 3111 -~ WE DELIVER IN EVANSTON, WILMETIE, KENILWORTH, INDIAN HILL, WINNETKA ;r

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