Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1924, p. 11

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\\"ILMETTE L FRIDAY, M.\RCH 21, 1924 fiHI~lElE ·Miss Marian Roberts Gifted Young Pi~iat Change in Date for in Recital on Sunday Wilmette Art Exhibit Will Give Program EONARD Shure, who has been H E Art and Literature departAt WinnetkfZ Club called by those who have heard ment of the Wilmette Woman's 'GS iiiiiii club had scheduled an exhibition of ISS Marian Roberts will give the News, Chicago. program for the next meeting of the work of 'Vilmctte ani , ts for April 1159 Wilmette Ave., Glover-Brown Bldg. the Music department of the II, 12 and 13, but owing to the fact that Wilmette \\'innetka Woman's club on Thursday this exhibit would conflict . with one to For appointments telephone Wilmette 29Z2 afte rnoon, March 27, at 3 o'clock. be held at the Evanston \\" .man's club l\[ :ss Robert s who is a member of during the same week, a change of date the facu ltv of the American Conservis announced to April 18, 19 and 20. ntorv of Music was winner la st year in the state and district contest for piano given by the North Shore FederHigh School Debaters to al ion of Music clubs. Her program Open Season on March 28 is as follows : lWei. Muntoc:h Interscholastic debating in the SubConcert A llegro ............ Scarlatti &.Co. have urban High School league will bt"gin (transcribed by Brahms) ecrvecl qualitv Friday evenin~. l\larch 28, when th e foods to Tamhourin ...... .. . ........ . Rameau New Trier teams will compete with AmcrlCIIU (transcribed by Brahms) representati ves of La Grange High bomeafor70 yean Rhapsody in E flat ..... .. ...Brahms srhool. The subject in debate will he : Etude. Opus 25, No. 9 (Butterfly) "Resolved , that the United States sha ll ............. . .. ..... ... ..... Chopin enter the League of Nations." Tr;;IMU Ballade G minor .. . .......... Chopin The one-man judging ystem wil t MONARCH GolliwoJTgs' Cake Walk .... Debussy be introduced in the league debating /a-"UI Minstrels . . ...... ............ Debussy this year. One person. instead of the Cocoa L'isle Joyeuse ........ . ..... . Deuhssy customary three, will render the deTeo Sweet Pickles Forest Murmurs ... .... . ... ..... Liszt cision s. Sweet R.cl.iah Etude F sharp ......... . .... Arensky Catsup Cuckoo .......... ... .. . .. .... Arenskv ChiliSauc:. l'retervea Concert Etude ............. Ster n berg Mince Mcll Prelude F minor ..... Marian Roberts · MayoDDAiec A Cat Dance .... ... . Marian Roberts DrnaiDc Rhapsody in C major ...... Dohnanyi JOOOialud or Drc11in1 The program is in charge of the whole beaD Pork and Bcana Music committee oi which Mrs. Nor-~ Peanut Butter 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Pzepored man Harri s is chairman. Assisting Muatard her arc Mrs. Ruclolph Matz. M rs. C. Crape}uke Colton Dau f.?' haday, M iss Augusta Fruit Salad Pille apple Fengt-r and Mrs. F~ederick Cope land . , Clina Peacbea :\frs. R. Floyd Clmch, Mrs. Henry Sliced Peacha T~nney, ~ rs. Preston Boyden, Mrs. Leonard Shure \\ . H. Kmg, Mrs. Arthur S. Coffin LocanberriH and l\frs. C. Colton Daughaday will he · C · . · · · h 1\ed 1\upberriH the hostesses pouring for the tea which m h~cago h1s r~putatton IS even furt ~r Sttawberriea will be sen·ed during the soc ial hour 1establtshed by h1s con~ert work, by ~IS BlackberriH followin g the afternoon ' performance at the Ch1cago thea tre w1th Cheniee Beett s concert . ~the Symphony orchestra and by several Red Kidoey lllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllll of these Sunday recitals which he ha BcaJUO Th ree S1)eakera Share gtVcn. UmaBeana The press has been enthusiastic in its Aapant&UI Tipe Wilmette Club P rogram praise We guarantee Yacht Club Com of his unusual talents: in the full the equal in quality of any Tomatoet "T""~R EE speakers with messages of smoothness of his tone, in his clear Pcu nationallyadvenieed Cotlee d1v.erse appeal will appear on the technique, in hi s grasp oi the music, all HomiDy Except MONARCH WJ!mette Woman's club program carried with astonishing 1,.,,-;e, which is Pumpkin Slrin&le11 8e1111 for Wednesday, March 26. In the morn - nothing s hort of extraordinary. Sweet Pot»IOft REID, MURDOCH ~~g Miss ~nn Guthrie ,:viii ta~k ab?ut He has selected the following numbers SauerKraut Ma1~ners m .th e Home, a_ top1c whtch for his Sunday afterndbn program: &Co. Spinach Salmon prom·.ses to g tve many ~olut 10ns for eas1. Mozart-Fan ta~ie in C minor Ma-f·ct·rn-· lm#HWfft'l Millr. Enabli·hed 1853 mg d1scordan! notes wh1ch .o~cur in even Schubert-Impromptu op. 90 · Chicago Boaton QUAUTY the most amtc.a ble of f~mtltes.- LunchBeethoven-Rondo G major op. 51 New York Pittaburah eon and a busmess meettng wtll precede 2. Schumann-Sonat e in G minor op. 22 the afternoon's session commencing at 2 o'clock with a non-partisan political PrestoH 0 A N 0 N 0 N B T H E A K speech by Miss Esther Dun shee of WilAndantinomettc. M;..~ Dunsltce, <r ·c::,iuettl of the !;;cherzovillage si'!ce childhood, is a very able Rondolawyer wtdely known throughout the J. Debussy-Reflects dans l'cau country by her lectures on ."Laws for Chopin-Fantasie Impromptu Packard Motor Car Co., Women." Liszt- Etude in F minor 2357 S. Michigan Aw., She has had the distinction of being Liszt-Liebestrau.m . Chicago. . one of the few women lawyers permitted 4. Lt szt-Concerto m E flat maJor Gentlemen: to try her cases before the supreme Karl Rcckzeh at the Second Piano. court, and has broadcast her talks from I haw driwn can 1ince 1905, and lwwe fuad a lftdt dedi of experience with ftdl the Daily News station. Senrice Departments and allqed Semce ~ts. I caa cmudenriotul~ say dwlc on Laat March Events At this meeting she will di scuss the ,our smrice is not onl~ Teal but the best within~ experience. The StandaTdited Cha,...e political situation and will emphasize Library Club Calendar is the most satisfactory thing I have run into, and in my case J.as worlced ~ much to the importance of all women voting at ISS Mary McDowell was the my liking. It eLiminates all complaint of OCJercha,...~, Maich is a mtaeh de.si1'ed result. the primaries. speaker at the meeting of the YOla'l w:ry C:nl!y, H. C. EDMONDS. At the conclusion of her address, Mr. Glencoe \\'oman's Library club Sterling McDonald will come from on Thursday, March 20. Having reK arpen's equipped with a few pieces cently returned from abroad where she of furniture and draperies to offer sug- made a careful study of the European gestions about arranging furniture and <;ituation , she told nf her resulting conmaking the best of the interior furnish- clusions. Mi ss McDowell chose as the ings one has. Coming at this season suhj ect of her talk, "Shall America Coof the year when housewives are in busy operate with Europe?" preparation for the annual spring cleanAnother card party for the benefit of ing and eager to rearrange and brighten the Club Bui lding fund will be given their homes after the lnng winter, what on Thursday evening, March 27, at 8 Mr. Sterling has to say will be most o'c lock at Hawthorne school. The comtimely. mittee in charge, of which Mrs. Chesley R. Perry is chairman, plans to make thi s affair a festive occasion as the men are Mrs. Marc Fowler to to he guests. Those }>laying cards will Discuss Indian Problem pivot rather than progress. Tickets may H E next meeting of the \Voman's lw pr ocured from Mrs. Perry, Glenccoe costs Catholic club of Wilmette , on Fri- 697. day, March 28, will be devoted to PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY of CHICAGO the interests of the Indian. Mr s. ] . Northwestern Glee Club Marc Fowler, state chairman of Indian A 1H C ( Evanaton Branch) Welfare, will he the guest of honor, In nnua ome oncert 1629 Orrington Ave. Evanston 710 and will explain at that time how club H E thirty-third annual home co·lwomen can help the situation now existcert given by the Northwestern ing among these people. Gke cluh on Friday evenin)!. 1farch Attired in the Indian's native garb, 14. at the Vloma n's cluh of E\'anston. Mrs. Verne Harris will give a lecture Special numbers includin~ ~haractcr recital of Indian folk songs, assisted in sketches violin solos. and . mgmg lly a her song illustration by Mrs. Rothing male qt;artet were combined with the who also will appear in costume. regu lar program by cluh meml~er~ to Miss Best, a sister of Mr. A. Starr provide the evening's entertamment. Best of Chicago, is coming to the city Dancing followed the concert. in the interests of the Labor bureau, and she wi ll be at the club that after- ·;~~~~~~JeiiH._..~, .-..·t· noon to discuss "\Vomen in Indu try." Phonea 4 Carlton Bldg. Mrs. A. C. Tisdelle, Mrs. P. ). Vandcnorth and Mrs . George E. Tarnow Wilmette 727 Winnetka will be the hostesse for the meeting which will commence promptly at 2 Winnetka 727 lllinoia o'clo~:k, and for the social hour which will follow . M h'm at the piano, the "eleven year ch:ld prodigy,'~ is appearing in re· c.tal at Kimball hall on Sunday, March 2 . at 3 o'clock, under the presentation of Karl Reckz,eh. This young boy, who has done concert work since he was five years of age, is well known to music patrons along the north shore for he has been a solo:st at Ravinia Park and . L :d JANE POLSON SPEARIN Teacher of SiDaiDa T " Mrs. Sp~arin has troi~d thn~ sit~g~rs to o rnnarkably good styl~ of siMging"-Music Note These Amazing Coffee Values! ~oNARclt' co COAL Are.:'· Know the truth about Coffeecompare the whole bean ~r ~t,t\T Evans ton Building Material Company EVANSTON, !UINOIS Phone Evanston 8906 1320 Simpson St. s c:o···· CLQ ~ 40c .,_. ·*" w w s M J. T Talk with any Packard-Six owner, and you will be impressed by his h!gh praise of the downright economy of his car. He will ·tell you of its deer-like pick .. up, its ability to carry him in comfort for hundreds of miles with as little mechanical attention as if he were a passenger on a trans-continental express, and other phases of its extraordina.ry performance. He will always dwell withgreatestemphasis,however,on how amazingly little his Packard... Six to own, and to operate. T 'i I i ~ Goucher Club Plana to · Meet in Evanston Monthly Chicago chapter of the Goucher ~o llege almunae, associa· tion met on $a~urday of last week for luncheon in Car on, Pirie Scott and CMom~ny's tea room. Miss Virginia erntt s on "Vocational Work in Schools." Mrs. DeGOIJn' the Eva ....... of tile club on Tuesday afternoon of a.t at he~ home on Hudson avenue. At tbat t1me plans were tnade for regular monthly meetings. John B. Nazarian I Excluaive Cleanera and Repairera of Oriental and Domeatic Rat·· T HE I ,. ' Expert Carpet Layin1. PACKARD SIX

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