Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1924, p. 19

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~t 10:80 e Severcontraet fi e Symlg eervIt in the Sunday at 7:30, 2 Boy ih Tuea- 1k ~rat ~lfe Lentby Mr. will and ·m have of "The 1ject for n Serv2 P.M. 11 A meeting was hel<f on Thursday March IJ, at the home of Mrs. Me: rs. Burt A. Crowe entertained the Sprina Building Brinaa Ashland avenue; Thom a s Meyer, Dougal for the purpose of organizinu members of her bndge club at lunch$33,000 two- tory dwellinR at 1028 Th e Washington Aven·Je Circle, Mrs. " eon on Tuesday at her home 334 Several New Reaidenc:ea Ralph Hutr, chairman, will have their a. Jun ior guild in Kenilworth. All Raleigh road. ' Chestnut avenue ; and J. B. Whiddcr:, rt>gular monthly meeting and lunch--eon at the home of Mrs. C. A. Car- gt~l~ of high school age and over are Building permits for Wilmette were a garage, value $600, at 1246 Gregory penter, 601 Washington avenue. The eltgtble for membership and a most Mrs. Joseph J. 'white, 159 Sheridan assisting hostesses are Mrs. George ent~usi~st!c response from the young road entertained at a bridge-tea at issued to the following during the street. t:pson and .Mrs. S. L. \Villiams. L'-lnch · ladtes t~dtcated a large organization . . her home on Thursday of last week. past week: eon will be served at one o'clqck. The gutld will meet on alternate SatT. E. Johnson, a two-story dwelling urday mornings for sewing, and will Glorious Time aa Scouts ilt 346 Green leaf avenue, value $9,000 ; divide its efforts between work for · 1Dl ·t· t" C. H. Brethold, a $500 garage, at 724 Infant Welfare, visiting Nurse, and H0 ld The1r I& IODI Arden Shore. The !!iris will also as Sixteen Kenilworth Scouts, mem~ist two Tuesday afternoons a month bers of Troop 1, arc happier and wiser Miss Sara B. Place, superintend- !n the. work at the Economy Shop ~oys as a .r~ ! ~i!t_ cf Tuesday night's ent. of 1he _Infant Welfare society of tn Wtlmette, thereby dividing the mformal tnttlatlon. At that time Chtcago, wtll be the speaker at the yearly donation to Infant Welfare they thought they didn't have a friend meet\ng of the Neighbors club on with Wilmette. The following officers in the world, according to those wllo Thursday at the clubhouse, it was were e 1ected for this year: Miss Emily witnessed the· proceedings. Yells, Wilmette, Ill .. 1163 Wllaette AYe. announced by Mrs. M. Vol. C'resap. Foresman, prl'sident. Miss Helen C're- crys, shrieks, accompanied their futile Tent h St. aad Central AYe. president of the cluh. This meeting sap, vice-president, Miss Phyllis Ruf efforts to please. Each scout initiatHours: is in preparation for Kenilworth's an- treasurer. Miss Virginia LittJe wili ed was compelled to make his own imServices: Daily (except Wt"dnesday a nd nual drive for funds for its share of do the purchasin~ of materials and plement of torture-a paddle. The Sunday at 11 A. M . . Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. the support of the New Trier station. Miss Elizabeth Merrill will be chair- details of the evening's festivities were Wednesday: 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting T he campaign wit! commence April 1. man of a committee to plan the work. many and varied, but to the new Saturday: 9 A. M . to 9 P. M. at 8 P.M. scouts the ice cream and cookies were This yl·ar, according to an announce-oThe Bible and W ol' ka b )' J4&J')' no doubt the most pleasing features . Sunday School 9 :45 A. M. ment by Mrs. Robert 0. Berger, chairBaker Edd y and a ll oth er au thor· Mr. Grant Ridgeway, 207 CumberScouts are very busy passing their man of the Infant Welfare committee Subject of the Lesson Sermon lzo:d Cht·latlan S<-lencti Literature ·uay he road, uorruwed or pur· of the c lub, Kenii}Yorth expects to land road, left Saturday, March 15, tests at this time. Twelve scouts in March· %3, " Matter" chased. raise $2,000. In the past the New for two weeks of golf at Orlando, sets of two each set out Saturday morninJr to fulfill the first class reTile Pllblle le e ordlall7 la"¥lted to attead tile c.·llaftll Serdeee ··· 'YIIIlt Trier station has heen sunported bv Florida. tlte Readlaa R - ·· quirement which makes it incumbent Glencoe, Wilmette and Kenilworth. -oon them to take a 14-mile h ike. H owever, Glencoe has arranged to Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Jarrett of Zest is added to the passing of these suport the Mary Crane st:~tion by itself, and Kenilworth and Wilmette Essex road will have as their house tests by the fact that the patrols are will raise the entire $6.000, Wilmette guest, Mr. Jarrett 's sister. Miss Minnie in a contest for points, and passing Jarrett of Quincy, Illinois. the requirements means many poin ts. raising $4,000 of this amount. discussion. Mr. Llord will 1 dei'Otionals. = WILMETTE LIF:b;, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1924 nu the 19 Lailworth Happeainp Read The News First Church of Christ, Scientist, Christian Science Reading Room The other mrmbers of the c~mmit tee assisting Mrs. Berger are : Mrs. Claude Burnham, Mrs. E. F. Snydacker, Mrs. J. K. Farley, Jr., Mrs. Hugh Foresman, Mrs. E. R. Erwin, Mrs. Robert Watt, Mrs. Helen Hepburn, Mrs. J. F. Backus, Mrs. H . Vissering and Mrs. Mars hall D::.vies. Music will be furnished by "Three Famous \Vomen in Song and Poetry." RECORDS ON APPROVAL We are always pleased to send record out on appr.oval. This enables you to make a selection in your own home, which is often times more satisfactory than doing so in our store. We welcome charge accounts with responsible people. V\1e will deliver anywhere on the north shore. -oMrs. T. D. Flood of 133 Kenilworth avenue, left on Friday of last week for a fortnight's visit in New York as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Weeks of Virginia. -oThe reading club met at t h e home of Mrs. Robert 0. Berger. 306 Kenilw orth avenue, on Wednesday. "Mar-j c us the Epicurean," by Walter Paller, I w as read. · Wilmette Music Shop Phone 3006 Orian A. Galitz 1179 Wilmette Ave. PubUe Service Stores Open 8:00 a.m. fo 5:30 p.m. "It Lights Itself" Radiantfire Bungalow Type '10!! DoWD '&lance Monthly 'Uiitla Sernce Statement Storage type automatic ps water heater. Have hot water always on band and in abun· dance. This heater operates automat ically; needs no atten· $J!!!DoWD &14nce Monthly with S~ice Statement Black enamel with brass trim· mings. For fireplace openings 20 to 30 in. wide. Connected free; 25ft. pipe if necessary. wait any longer for the weather tc break. You will do well to call u now; then \\'c \\'ill be able to have the work back to you by the time you '\rc through with your house cleaning. D ~·T Attachments FREE $J!!0oWD &lance Monthly with SeM'ice Statement Let the F e deral li&hten your housework. Phone for FREE trial. Attachments free. tion. Investigate. In the Public Servia Stqres you will find d isplaye4 the lwuselwld aPPlian ces, which we know will enable yON w get the most out of the servia we are rendering the public. Canton Clothes Dryer ~ Down $ _. Balance Monthly rwith Serrice St4tement We will deliver a Dover Six Elec· tric Iron for a Monda,y to Mon· tloy convince youreelf trial. When you are convinced - and we know you will be - keep the iron and we will add $1!! amonth for 6 S~ke Mont/as to Your Statement "I'm Safe and Sound, Mother, and I Had a Splendid Trip!" WHEN you reach your journey's end call home by long distance telephone and let the home folks know that you arrived safely. It relieves their anxiety and will make your visit more pleasant. ILL IN OI S BE LL TELE PHON E 'COMPA N Y Your clothes dried and ready to iron in 30 minutes with a Canton Clothes Dryer. Your clothes come out of it sweet and clean; satisfaction in every way. The coat for gas is only 15 to 20 cents a week for the average famUy. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS J. S. REESMAN, Diat. Supt. til Claarcla St., EYaaaton Telephoae EYanaton 3110 . BELL SYSTEM OrN Polley · 0.. s,.n.,. . Urtltlflnul ~

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