Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1924, p. 20

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]II \\.1 Ll\1 ETTE LIFE, FRID.\ Y, ~IARCH 21, 1924 cTI:eLANWCA..Ps DtPARfMENT &T CVJHIN<I JMflH.MI:A: ~===~ nuals . J ' ~~ ~ ~~;~· ~11 ·' - · -'1.[ . , .£. ··~ ::~~ ". , .',· 1 tt .. ~ I SHRUBS FOR OUR CLIMATIC CONDITIONS Were I a Landscape Painter in search of inspiration I wou ld seek a spot from say later. Try to select shrubs for which as I passed hy from day to day, their continuity of bloom, and avoid a spirit had reached out to me. I would :xotic material which is usually a mere fain reproduce that impression, that oddity and as such is not in good taste. elusive perfection which so thrilled me. While plant names like those of people As a Landscape Artist our paint- mean little to us unless we a re acquainted ings arc to be seen from various with them, I venture to name a iew points of \'itw . \Ve are now work- shrubs which wi ll thrive under our cliing with materials. with pigments if you matic conditions, and give us a continu· will, which arc constantly changing in ity of bloom during the entire season outline, in height, in beauty from early Some Su.reationa sunny morning to the dark of evening, For early Spring bloom even before changing in colors of foliage and of flowers. We now have no one vantage the leaves appear, there are the Flowerpoint, no one place for inspiration, but ing Dogwood, Golden-Bell, the early many inviting nooks, which call for in- Fragrant Honeysuckle, the Flowering trospection, and for quiet thought. Every Plum, and the Bridal Wreath. After man should commune alone with God the leaves appear in the Spring the delieach day, and where can more heaven- cate white blooms of the White Fringe sent repose be found than among the are welcomed, as are the varieties of living, growing plants. Bu rrough'~ Thorn-Apples, Japanese Bush Honeygreat genius flowered and sent its f ra· suckle, many varieties of Lilacs, and the grance to us in the pictures which he Single Snowball. Shrubs producing painted of the nature which he alone blooms in t he early summer are the saw, in its simplicity, and in its gran· Mock Orange, t he Weigelia, Roses in variety, many Viburnums, and the E lderdeur. How Place ia Determined berry whose luscious fruit is so acceptAs a landscape painter lays out his able in grandmother's pie. In late sumperspecti'fc, so we must make a study, mer, fewer varieties are avai lable, among a design, in which our shrubs, fl owers them the Hydrangeas, the Rose of and trees have been carefully selected Sharon, and the Tamarisk with its arch£or their integral part in our picture. ing rose-colored. branches. The place of each shrub on the canvas Better properly prepare the planting of our now vacant lot is determined by areas if you would save much disaptheir height, their variety, whether they pointment and loss of plant life later in are to act as a sdeen for' unsightly ob- the season. It is a fallacy to believe jects, or to frame a vista of unusual that a mere guarantee that your plants beauty, or to act as a background or wi ll live will give you the effect which setting for an architectura l feature of yc1u seck. Without proper care and our plan. maintenance even the most successfu l Shrubs in their great variety, in their planting becomrs a snare and a delusion. wide difference in leai texture. in twig, A Few Don't· leaf and flower color, in their height, in A iew "don'ts" in planting may not he density, in adaptability to various soils,l·tmi~s at this time. (I) Don't plant toC' and to degree~ uf shade and sun endur - n.any varieties of plants on a small lot; rather plant a large enough quantity · · of a few good varieties. (2) Don't plant too many shrubs in a gi\'en planting area; remember that a shrub event/ ually eight feet tall will have a spread ,Ji irom five to eight feet, and thus in order to mature properly shou ltl be planted from three to ftvc feet fr cm its Office T eltphone HIGHLAND P ARK 36 nearest neighbor. Perenniais ~nd anwill· remedy the otherwtse bare !>pOts in the first few vcars. (3) Don't neglect to water the. newly planted shrubs. ( 4) Don't forget that this is your lot and not that of your neighbOrs, and try to have the design show something of your individuality. Blue Spruce or Weepmg Mulberry or even Salvia may be in sty le today, but fortunate!~· that does not make them indispensable plants for you to use. F. A. CUSHING SMITH. \Vilmette, March 8th, 1924. .~;;;;;S~~!?IJ!!?IJ!!?IJ!!?ll.!!?ll.!·mmmem:?m!Z!IZ!IZ!IZ!i'ZI.Ili'Zlilli'ZI.Ilal'll.li'ZI.IIPa"'i VQTE JT Sl'RAJGHT Swimm1 GOOD GOVERNMENT Read the Want-Ads ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, LEAGUE For Supervisor Frank Borovicka P lenty of Potted Plants and Fresh Cut F lower s always on hand . · For Clerk All Varieties of Perennials, Annuals and Shrubs. For Assessor Gladiola Bulbs Wholesale price when called for. 74S Center St. Phone Z83 WINNETKA 0 0 0 JOHN J. PETERS 1S19 Washington Ave., Wilmette For Collector ! "Say it with Flowers" i : : : · : : : + + ·························· · · We carry a complete line of Shrubs and Trees. We also grow o ur own Perennials and Annuals. Estimates furni~h ed on Landscape Gardening, P lanting, Lawns a nd \ Vindow Boxes. : : : · : : : · · GEORGE H. MILLER 1433 Scott Ave., Winnetka For Highway CoJDmissioner NorthWCi swimming training, f1 'fen honor be pointed the nationa races at At Purple coa meet with now trying ninth so tf east with I to swim d enter ~is comers on pool, thus journey. North we the intercl napolis th ' for Olymp at Annapq told, will dianapolis ipate in a will si ft o ican swim the Stars a abroad the ' NATHANIEL F. WEBB Glenview Rd., f(ew Trier Township For Constable (To fill vacancy) ! F. MUELLER i : : + Floriat and Landacape Gardener + Cut Flowera and Pot Planta. S cott and Linden Ave. HUBBARD WOODS Phone W innetka 437 BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME : + + : FLORAL DECORATOR : I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~ + + + : + 0 LEWIS C. CONRAD 276 Glencoe Road, Glencoe For School Trustee + + Nuraeriea Telephone HIGHLAND PARK S8 [l ¥The Good G·avernme~t League heartily endorses Gertrude M. Thurston for re-election as Supervisor and Margare~ S. Pierson for re-election as Clerk. RAVINIA NURSERIES . F. D. Clavey & Sons EVERGREENS TREES SHRUBS HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. We Plant and Accurate Eatimatea Guarantee Submitted NURSERIES ONE MILE WEST OF RAVINIA PARK Spirea , Lila ca, White Pine ance form a v.·idc range of material without which a landscape architect wou ld be at a loss to mature his plans. 'Would you re-create a bit of woodland, naturalistic in ' its charm-use na· tivc plants, which in their informality will but lend themselves to such a scene. Would you select plant for usc in a forma l garden, or as a protective screen about its borders-usc shrubs more regular in habit, and some which are gar· denesquc in character with a profusion of bloom, fo llowed by brilliant fruit upon their arching branches. Good Taate Euential In adopting shrubs for texture values, use the same good taste which every woman should use in choosing her wardrobe. Plants of coarse texture would be placed at the borders of the property, except where an accent is desired, where their rough, irregula r habit and largr leaves will be less objectionable when een at a distance. Use those of · more refined texture nearer the house, for these will be viewed from the living room windows. Of the leaf and twig color values and of flower colors we will have more to u GOOD GOVERNMENT LEAGUE D 0 Protect Your Beautiful Shade Trees From Their \.Yorst Enemies-Oyster Shell-San Jose-Cottony Maple Scale Lake Foreat 1323 w~7:.:: ~:THOMAS J. LYNCH :p~~~~~ TREE SURGERY SURGERY 2 Prouty Annex, Winnetka 01:10 oao BEDDING VEGETABLE SEEDS PLANTS 01:10 01:10~ I e 0 i Town of New Trier Stands for: Economy in running Township affairs. Equality in Taxation and lower Taxes. Service and Courtesy to the People in doing the most amount of work for the least amount of money expended. Efficiency m all offices of the Township. Vote for all the Candidates on this Ticket in order to secure your Rights CANNAS DAHLIAS GLADIOLI MANURE FERTILIZERS BLACK DIRT West Kenilworth Nursery Shrubs, Trees, Everareena, and PLANTING SEASON IS NEAR Inquiries solicited and estimates gladly given . Only first class stock used and everything guaranteed . . surance years, 1.) know n the city; well ta has alw ities in He 1 t he par li sh a W indso1 la ke fr< improve w ide, h ~ untiring Mr. F Hardy Perenniala LANDSCAPE WORK AND ALL ITS BRANCHES Doae By N......,. oa Railroad A·-ue, Statio· % hJoclu aortla of Keailwortla Greenwood Nursery Pbaae WiD. 2118 HUBBARD WOODS Plio.. K..Uwortli I AU Shrubs a nd trees g uaranteed TOWNSHIP ELECTION, APRIL 1 Scot ia i cit y wh and live His f: S.Ociatio the Ma! 4, B. l Loyal ( of Pyth Club ar cago, , Chelten sociatio dent , Chi cage other t associ a

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