Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1924, p. 23

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, ~lARCH 21. 1924 Wilmette's Firat Auto . Salesroom Ia Now Open Th e new sales room of the WillysKnight and Overtand representatives in Wilmette has been open for the past three weeks at 1141 Greenleaf arenue, and is proving very successful , according to the sales made recently the owners announce. It has been opened by C. H. Briggs, who has. been yery successful in the automob1le busmess in Evanston for th e past t~n years. He also has a s~ll~s room m Evanston for the Willys1\nlght and Overland cars. A. C. . Haskamp, who has been with ~[r. Bnggs. for the last three and a half years, IS mani,ger of the Wilmette sa les room. "Every owner is a salesman for the \Villys-Knight and Overland cars," he says. P. G. Gross, who has been in the ~utomobile business for many years, 1s now a salesman for the Wilmette ~a les room, and he too is enthusiastic about the cars. "You can alwavs take orders for good cars," he said. The firm claims to have the first sales r?om in Wilmette, and as indicated, · IS very optimistic as to future prospects. ORUM [ THE PUBLJC F TAXES AND I SAVE THE MARSHES J'hough Gold shoots out its metallic claw fo crush, damage, destroy, And qreed. gulps up with hungry maw W'hatc er g1ves ?thers joy, Spare the Skok1e marshes. And belching smokes and poisonous gases From out the funnels rush All life droops, dry are the' grasses· The Gold and Greed will crush ' But save the Skokie marshes. ' Sweet are t~e !flarshes, joyous and gay, Hum!nmg, smgmg and trilling; Sad _ 1s the Skokie, drab and grey, S.-15hmg, scbbmg and crying; Kmdly are the marshes, sad and sweet. E. FRED LECHLER Wilmette, Ill. ' I FROM A CONGRESSMAN ,,, ~ new ?rganization for boys known as WILMETTE LIFE : I he Kn1ghts of Sir Galahad" is in My dear Illinoisan : process of formation in the parish of As I ' am "Congressman-at-Large," in St. Augustine's Episcopal church. Rev. other words, elected by the whole State F. ] . .~romp, curate of the church is of Illinois, and not by any one District, su£~rv1smg _the organization. ev:cry voter in the State is my confhe Kn1ghts of Sir Galahad" will stituent. have · · . ~gcs m 1ts memI hand you herewith a copy of the bershi boys. of vanc;>Us 111 d~ss1ficatJOns of pages, Congressional Record. As I receive each "S ui/ - q es and kn1ghts. , morning only fifty copies of the Con- ;'Knights of Sir Galahad" New Boys' Organization FAILURES March 14, 1924 Mr. Lloyd Hollister, Publisher, Wilmette, Ill. Dear Mr. Hollister : In the last issue of the local paper, we .were very glad to see you call attention of the taxpayers of the Township to failures in work at the High = School, which resulted in waste of the taxpayers' money. = Tht: to~al failures among the boys and g1rls 1s on the basis of about $36 ()()() of ex~e~se per year. The High School authont1es are doing all within their power to remedy this. Do you think it = would be out of place to call the attention of your readers to the fact that the control of these failures can only be secured by cooperation between the homes ~f the township and the school authorities. A study of these failures indicates that by far the greater proportion of them are not due to lack of ability on ~ the part of the pupils or to excessive reqUirements of work by the High School authorities but rather to lack of application on the part of the pupils and to lack of fitness for work, due to outside activities not under control of the school, which detract from attention to school work. Among such activities are th~ "movies" on s~hoo l n,ig:h,ts, radio in the _ home and soc1al . act1v1ttes not authonzed by or superv1sed by the school. A closer cooperation between the homes of the township and the school might well be expected to lead to a reduction of school failures to a minimum. It is unfair to taxpayers and unfair to the membership of the school as a !!5 whole that any pupil in the school should = maintain an attitude of being unwilling = = = to "pull h1s own weight in the boat." Cordially yours, = = EDWARD ]. PHELPS, President, New Trier Townshi p High School Board of Educat;on. L. F. GATES, Chairman, Finance committee, Board of Education. gre.ssional the publi-1 man every day, for it shows how catJ<,n contammg the da1ly d1scu sion and' of the two Houses of Congress carr·es ?cbate,, I could reach only fi ity voters on its busmess from day to day, in the If I trted to send t~e ~ecord_ every day. effort to prov.de the Country with needBut as Congress IS m session at least ed legislation. two hundr~ da:ys each year, fifty copies One word more : It is a pleasure to per day w1ll brmg me at least 10,000 a every worker who likes his job, to hear year a~d so I can reac~ at least 10,000 1 often from his emplcyer, and sp it is men w1th one ,of these mt~resting docu-, a pleasure to me (for I hke my job) ments-and thts I am trymg to do. I to recetve any suggestions from my emregret I cannot send the Record to every ployers, namely, the people. Therefore, ~~ord, <?ove~nrnent I I ~ = = == = Hangings Ma'de Window Shades Bric-aBrae to Order == = == Etc. - = - = SEE OuR NEW 1924 WALL PAPER STOCK before you decorate = We carry Everything for interior decorating -andEXTERIOR PAINTING Let us figure your WORK and give suggestions INTERIOR DECORATING 1213 WILMETTE AVE. Sterner's Paint store PHONE 2491 ~llllllllllll\ll\llllllllllllllllll\l\lll\l\\ll\lllli\I\I\I\IUli\\UU\I\li\I\I\I\I\I\III1\\I\I\II\\\\\\\U\m\ln\\\\l\l\l\l\l\lll\l\lll\l\l\l\l\l\lml\l\l\\IRft\l\\ll\l\lllllll\lllll\lltiiiiM Let Us Help You With Your Housecleaning! Every one has their curtains, 4rapes and portieres cleaned in the Spring, therefore, it is not a question as to whether or not you'll have your's cl~aned-but who will you have cl~ them? We will not be satisfied with the work until you are. Guarantee on all work except the cleaning of sunburnt articles Not only your drapes and curtains must be cleaned but also your rugs. We are operating our.own plant, and are in a position to handle any or all of your rugs. Don't wait untll you have your home cleaned-send them in now ! I SCHULTZ & NORD I The North Sh· ore 's Leading Tail oN I PHONE 320 1152 CENTRAL AVE.

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