~ WILMETTE FRIDAY MARCH 1924 ~IUIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUffHIIHHIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHH.uiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIImiiHH-IIIUU~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIDIIIIIOIIIIUIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~Difl-~lftiRIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIHHIIIUIIUIHI.I e · = 5 ~ === I· ANNUAL tOWN MEETING AND ELECTION ·"WJ'i' ('j./j";', ·· :111 H,;,, 1, J,, · Sixth W inl I I I & I§ Notice is hereby given to the Legal Voters, residents of th~ Township of New Trier, County of Cook, Illinois, that the Annual Township Meeting' and Electi.on of Officers of said Township will take place . TUESDAY, the 1st Day of April proximo, being the first Tuesday tn said month. ' The Election will begin at the hour of 7 A. nated as follows: · Dl·trld 1. Commencing at the lnteraectlon ot the County line and Lake Michigan, thence running southeasterly along shore line ot Lake Michigan to Park Avenue : thence southwesterly along center line of Park Avenue to South Avenue; thence west along center line South Avenue to the center line of Section 12; thence north along th e center line of Section 12 to the south line of Section 1 ; thence west along the south line of Section 1 to the west line of Section 1: thence north along the west line of Sec tion 1 to the County line ; thence east along the County line to the place of beginning, Polllas Pl·cet Glencoe Union Ch.urch, Glencoe, Ill. Dl·trlct ::. Commencing at the Intersection of the western boundary line of Lake Michigan and Park Avenue; . thence southwesterly along the center line of Park Avenue to the center line of South Avenue; thence west along the center line of South Avenue to the west line of New Trier Township; thence south along the west line of New Trier Township to the southwest corner of the southeast one-quarte r of Section 12; thence east along the south line or the I!OUthea11t one-quarter of Section 12 and said line produced easterly In Jackson Avenue to the center line of Grove Street; thence north along the center line of Grove Street to the center line of Madison Avenue ; thence east along the center line of Madl11on Avenue to the center line of Lake Street; thence south along the center line of Lake Street to the center line of Harbor Street; thence northeasterly along the center line of Harbor Street to the western boundary line of Lake Michigan; thence along the western boundary line of Lake Michigan to the place of beginning. PoiiiDI( Placet Flre Station, Vlllage Hall, Glencoe·, Ill . Dlatrlct 3. Commencing at the Intersection o! the Western boundary line of Lake Michigan and Harbor Street; thence southwesterly along the center line of Harbor Street to the center line of Lake Street; thence northerly along th e center line of Lake Street to the center line of Madison Avenue: th ence westerly along the center lin e of Madison Avenue to the center line of Grove Street; th ence south along the center lin e of Grove Street to Jackson Avenue; th ence westerly along Jackson Avenue to the southw!'st corn e r of Section 7; th ence south along the New Tri er Township lfne to the South Glencoe VIllage line; thenC'e easterly alo ng the South Glencoe VIllage line to the F.ast Glencoe Village line; thence north along the East Glencoe VIllage line to the center line of Harbor Street; thence east on Harbor Street to th e place of beg-Inning. Polling Pl·ee· North Shore Ice Co. office, 803 Scott Avenue, Glencoe, Ill. Dl·trlct 4. Beginning at the Intersection ot Harbor Street and th e north and south cent£>r lin e of Section 8; th t>nce south along the north and south center line o! Section 8 to the south line of VIllage of Glencoe; thence west along the Ro uth line of the VIllage of Glencoe to the west lin e of Section 18 ; th E>nce "uth west line of Section 18 to the center line of orth venue; thence east along the center line or North A v~:nue to the center line of Gordon Tt>rrace; th nee north along the center line of Gordon 1'errace to th <' center line of Gage Street; thence north and easterly along th e center line of Gage Street to the center line of th P hlcago and North Western Railroad; th t> nct> southeast£>t'ly along the center line of the Chicago and North Western Railroad to the center line of North Avenue; thence east along th e center line of North Avenue and the center line of North Avenue If extended to Lake Michigan; thence northwesterly along shore line of Lake Michigan to the center line of Harbor Street If extended· th ence southwesterly along the center line of Harbor Street to the point of beginning . All In Township 42, Range 13. Hur~!~d'~rw~~~~~'nf:· o. Restow's Store, 9H Linden Ave . · M. and close at 5 P. M. Standard Central Tin1~ in the places desigDl·trlct 18. Beginning at the shore of Lake Michigan and the center line of Lake Avenue In the VIllage of Wilmette; thence southeasterly along the center line of Lake Avenue to the center line of Michigan Avenue: thence northwesterly along the center line of Michigan Avenue to the center line of Forest Ave nue; thence southwesterly and west along the center line of Forest Avenue to the center line of Ninth Street; thence south along the center line of Ninth Street to a point opposite the center line of Lots 9 and 10 In Block 23 In Wilmette VIllage Subdivision; thence west through the main entrance to the north building on the school property to the center line of Tenth Street; thence south along the center line of Tenth Street to the center line of Greenleaf Avenue; thence east along the center line of Greenleaf Avenue to the center line of Eighth Street; thence north along the center line of Eighth Street to the center line or Central Avenue; thence east along the center line of Central Avenue to the center line of Sheridan Road; thence southeasterly along the center line of SherIdan Road to the center of the North Shore Channel; thence northeasterly along the North Shore Channel to the Shore of Lake Michigan; thence northwesterly along the shore of Lake Michigan to the point of beginning. All In Township 42, Range 13. PoiiiDir Placet Byron Stolp School, Wilmette, Ill. Dl.trlct 1T. Beginning at the shore line of Lake MichIgan and the center line of the North Shore Channel; thence southwesterly along the center line of the North Shore Channel to the center line of Sheridan Road; thence northwesterly along the center line of Sheridan Road to the center line of Central Avenue; thence west along the center line ot: Central Avenue to the center line or Fifth su·eet; thence south along the center line of Flfth Street to the south line of the VIllage of Wilmette; thence east along the south line of the VIllage of Wilmette to the shore of Lake Michigan; thence northwesterly along the Shore of Lake Michigan to the point of beginning. All In Township 42, Range 13. PolliDa Place· 4.21 4th St., Wilmette, Ill. DIBtrlct 18. Beginning at the Intersection of Fifth Street and Central Avenue; thence west along the center line of Central Avenue to the center line of Eighth Street; thence south along the center line of Eighth Street and Woodbine Avenue to the center line of Isabella Street; thence east along the center line of Isabella Street to the center line of Fl!th Street; thence north along the center line of Fifth Street to the center line of Central Avenue, the point of beginning. All In Township 42, Range 13. Polling Placet School House, corner 7th and Laurel Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Dl·trlct 19. Beginning at the Intersection of Eighth Street and Greenleaf Avenue; thence west along th e center line of Greenleaf Avenue to the center line of the Chicago and North Western Railroad; thence southeasterly along to the south limits of the Vlllage of Wilmette; thence eahst along th e south limits of th e Village of Wilmette to t e center line ot Woodbine Avenue; thence north along the center line of Woodbine Ave nue and Eighth Street to the center line of Greenleaf Avenue, the point of beginning. All In Township 42, Range 13. Polllag Placet 1133 Greenleaf Avenue, Wilmette, Ill. Dlatrlct 20. Beginning at the Intersection of the Chicago and North Western Railroad and Wilmette Avenue; thence southwesterly along the center line of Wilmette Avenue to the center line of Ridge Avenue; thence south along the center line of Ridge Ave nue to the south limits of the VIllage of Wilmette; thence east along the south limits of the VIllage of Wilmette to the center line of the Chicago and North Western Railroad; the nce northwesterly along the center line of the Chicago and North W estern Railroad to the center line of Wilmette Avenue th e point of beginning. All In Township 42, Range 13. Polllas Place· 1217 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Dlatrlct :u. Beginning at the Intersection of the Chicago and North Wester n Railroad and the center line of Charles Street ; thence west along the center lin e o! Charles Street to the center or Park Ave nue ; thence northwesterly along the center line of Park Avenue to the center line o! Lake Avenue ; thence west along the center line of Lake Avenue to the west limits of the VIllage of Wilmette; thence south along the west limits of the VIllage of Wilm ette to the center line of Wilmette Avenue; thence east and northeast along the center line of Wilmette Avenue to the center line of the Chicago and North Western Railroad; thence northwesterly along th e <'enter line of the Chicago and North Western Railroad to the center line of Charles Street, the point of beginning. All In Township Range 13. Pollia!( Placet Public Llhra.ry, Wilmette, Ill. i to the west line of Section 17 : thence south along the center line of Sectlona 17 and 20 to the cent er line of Elm Street; thence east along the center line of Elm Street to the center line of the Chicago and North W estern Railroad; thence northwesterly along the Chicago and North Western Railroad to the center lin e of Fig Street, the point of beginning, all In Township 42, Range 13. Polllnlf Pl·eet C. T . Northrop's Office, 656 Center St., Winnetka, Ill. Dl·trlct ~ Beginning at tne Intersection of the Chicago and North Western R. R . and the center line of Elm Street: the nce west long the center line of Elm Street to. the west line of Section 20: thence south along the west line of S<,ctlon 20 to the center line of Willow Street; thence east along the center line of Willow Street to the center line of the Chicago and North Western R. R. : thence northwesterly along the Chicago and North Western R. R. to the center line of Elm Street, the point of beginning. All in Township 42, Range 13. Polllas Pl·cet Parish House, Oak and Linden Sts., Winnetka, Ill. Dl·trlet 9, Beginning at the shore line of Lake MichIgan and the center line of Elm Street; thence ' west along the center line o( Elm Street to the Chicago and North Western R. R.; thence Southwesterly along the Chicago and North Weetern R. R . to the center line of Willow Street; thence east along the center line of Willow Street to the Shore line of Lake Michigan; thence north along the Shore line of Lake Michigan to the center of Elm Street. All In Township 42, Range 13. Polllns Placea Masonic Temple, Winnetka, Ill. Dl·trlet .to. Beginning at the Intersection of the Chicago and North Western R. R. and the center line of Willow Street: thence weet along the center line of Willow Street to the west line of Section 20: thence north along the west line of Section 20 to the North West Corner thereof: thence west along the north line of Sec tion 19 to the North West Corner thereof; thence south along the west line of Section 19 to the South W est Corner of said Section 19; thence east along the South line of Sections 19, 20 and 21 to the center lin e of the Chicago and North Western R. R.: thence northwesterly along the center line of the Chicago and North W es tern R . R. to the center line of Willow Street, the point ot beginning. All In Township 42, Range 13. PolllDK Place: North Shore Country Dal· School, Winnetka, Ill. Dll!ltrlct 11. Beginning at the shore line of Lake MichIgan and the Center line of Wlllow Street; thence west a l ong the center line of Willow Street to the center line of the Chicago and North Western R. R .; th e nce southeasterly along the Chicago and North Western R. R. to the south line of the Templ e's Subdivision; thence east a.long the south line of TeiiJl)le's Subdivision to the center line of Essex Road; thence north on the center line of s e o d t center line of W ·i nne a venue an nne a Avenue produced northeasterly to the shore line of Lake Michigan; thE-nce north along th e shore line of Lake Michigan to the center lin e of \Villow Street, the point of beginning. All In Township 42, Range 13. PoiiiDK Plaeea C. N. S. & ~~ El ectric, Indian Hill Station, Winnetka, Ill. · Dl111trlet 12. All that part of th e Vtllage of Kenilworth and that part of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast 114 of Section 28 lying west of the Chicago and North ~e~!~rlw~r~·. a~~l ~~rt~o~'ns\~\~ s o ~t~~~~i ~~. the Vllla.ge PolllaiJ Placea Kenilworth Store, Kenilworth, Ill. Dl·trlet 13. Beginntng at the intersection of the Chicago and North Western R. R. and center line of Twelfth Street In the VIllage of Wilmette produced south; th ence northwesterly along the Chicago and North Western R . R. to Its Intersection with the North limits of the Vlll.age of Wilmette ; thence eut a1on~r aald north limits line to the East line of Section 28, thence north along the East line of Section 28 to the East and west center line of Section 27; thence east along said East and West center line ()f Section 27 to the center llne of Twelfth Street In the VIllage of Wilmette ; thence south along the center line of Twe lfth Street and said Twelfth Street produced to the Chicago and North Western R . R., the point of beginning. All In Township ·2, Range 13. PoiiiDs Place· VIllage Hall, Wilmette. Ill. Dl·trlet 14. Beginning at tbe north line of the VIllage of Wilmette and T e nth Street: thence west along the north lin e of the VIllage of Wilmette to the center line of Twelfth Street; thence south along the center line of Twelfth Street and Tw e lfth Stre-et produced south to the center line of Greenleaf Avenue; thence east along the center line of Greenleaf Avenue to the center line of Tenth Street ; thence north along th e center line of Tenth Street to the north line of th e VIllage of Wilmette, the point of beglnnPng. All In Township 42, Range 13. Polll·· Placet VIllage Hall. Wilmette, Ill. Dl·trlct 13. Beginning at the shore line of Lake MichIgan and the north limits of th e VIllage of Wilmette; thence west along the north limits of the VIllage of Wilmette to the center line of Tenth Street; thence south along the center line of Tenth Street to a point opposite the main entrance to the building on the School Property being the east and west center line of Lots 9 and 10 In Block 23, VIllage of Wilmette Subdivision; thence east on a line through the main entrance to the north building on the School Property to the center line of Ninth Street; thence north along the center line of Ninth Street to the center line of Forest Avenue ; thence eut and northeasterly along the center line of Forest Avenue to the Ct'nter line ot MichIgan Avenue; thence southeasterly along the center Une of Michigan Avenue to the center line of Lake Avenue thence northeasterly along the c e nter line of Lake Avenue to the Shore of Lake Michigan; thence northwesterly alone the shore of Lake Michigan, the place of beginning. All In Township 42, Range 18. Polllas Place· Bryon Stolp School, Wilmette, Ill. 'Twas a the asseml Monday e were there his Little sent the l concerts. lighted wJ playing w hearty app Probably contained surpassing opening n Homage posed in King Lud1 the score abounds pleasin~ especially in this fan Followi · masterly a musical dramatic present th necessary of the 01 audie nce a on the sta \'ear wh musicians. The las of {ivc the move "Rustic own o;~rtl a weddin ~e renade, To descril) dra in on ingenious, yrr..t.b.e a e of sal 42 Dl·trlct 3. Beginning at the Intersection of Prospect Avt>nu and North Avenue; th ence west along the · center lin e of Notlth Avenue to the center line of the Chlca!fo and North Western RaJ I road; thence northwesterly along the center line of the Chicago and North Western Railroad to th e center line of Gage Street; thence southwesterly along the cen ter line of Gage Street to the center line of Gordon Terrace; thence south along the center line of Gordon Terrace to the ce.nter line of North Avenue; thence west along the center line of North Avenue to the w est line of Section 18; thence south along the west line of Section 18 to the southwest corner of Section 18; thence east along the south line of Section 18 to the southeast corner of Section 18: then ce north along the east line of said Section 18 to the center line ot Fig Street; thence east along the center line of Fig Street to the center line of the Chicago and North Western Railroad; thence northwesterly along the Chicago and North Western Railroad to the center line of Eldorado Stree t; thl'nce northeasterly along the center line of Eldorado Street to the center line of Prospect Avenue; thence northwesterly along the center line of Prospect Avenue to the point of beginning. All In Township 42, Range 13. PoliiDS Pl·cet Dlnl Bros. Confectionery, Linden Ave. and Gage St.. Hubbard Woods, Ill. Dlatrlct 8. Beginning at the shore line of Lake MichIgan and the center line of North Avenue, If extended; thence weat along the center line of North Avenue, It extended, to the center line of Prospect Avenue; thence southeasterly along the center line of Prospect Avenue to the center line of Eldorado Street: thence southwesterly along the center line of Eldorado Street to the center line of Chicago and North Western Railroad ; thence southeasterly along the center line of the Chicago and North We11tern Railroad to the center line of Elm Street : thence east along the center line of Elm Street to the shore line of Lake Michigan; tht!nce northeasterly along the shore line of Lake tf!~~:a1~. to the point of beginning, all In Township 42, P·lll·· Plaee1 Community House, Pine and Lincoln Sts., Winnetka, Ill. cago and North Western Railroad and the center line Qf Fltr Street; thence west along the center line of Fig Street Da.trtet '1. Beginning at the Intersection of the Chi- ·2. Township 42, Range 13. Polllas Placea Flre Station, Lake Ave. and W. R. R. Co., Wilmette, Ill. 1 tlo~ 2:.r·a:. ~i a~~e ar.e:~~~h-eh~~s~t o~~C:.~~u ~8i ~~1ct~~n8 ~~~ All 1n Township 42, Range 13. PoUtas Placet Vlllage Hall, Grose Point, Ill. f:~ctt~a~~d olf fc~~tfwe~:f~~ t~! ~g~~~ ~ f t~eegr~~~~g. mliT f~ Dl.trlct 22. Beginning at the center line of the Chicago and North Western Railroad: and the south limits of the VIllage of Kenilworth; thence west along the south limits of the Village of Kenllworth to the north and south center line of Section 28; thence south along the north and south center line of Section 28 to the center llne of Lake Avenue; thence east along the center line of Lake Avenue to the center line of Park Av~nue; thence southeasterly along the center line of Park Avenue to the center line of Charles Street; thence northeasterly along the center line of Charles Street to the center line of the Chicago and North Western RaHroad; thence northwesterly along the 0 1 0 11 Yo· in, The Officers to be elected are: one Supervisor, one Township Clerk, one Collector, one Assessor, one Commissioner of Highways, one Constable to fill vacancy, and one School Trustee. The Town Meeting will open in Winnetka Community House at the hour of 2 P. M., and after choosing a Moderator will proceed to hear and consider reports of officers, to appropriate money to defray the necessary expenses of the township, and to deliberate and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of law, come before the meeting. Given under my hand this 14th day of March, A. D., 1924. the Re< of · in 1 rna int 1 La' use A. 35 GERTRUDE M. THURSTON Township Treasurer MARGARET S. PIERSON · Town Clerk