Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1924, p. 26

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26 " WILMETTE LI FRIDAY MARCH 21 1924 DERS. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General N otices--~~a~~~~~n~:v~:t't"::~~!~r 1~t 11fr~~ c~~~~~~o;n~~ Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone 4lrectcry, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on appllqatton. WILMETTE. OWNER WILL RACRItice beautiful 6 room solid brick. tile root, large sun parlor with tireplace, ftne view of lake, accept reasonable otrer. WINNETKA. Excellent 8 room frame, 2 baths, 60 ft. lot, good conultion, bargain $12,&00. pERtr:IKS, WHAT ARE. ~OV OOIH0? 'flJNtH6 U~ ON QHE Of 1"ttfM (A0ARETS cents per Une In one paper. 20 cents per line In all three R "'tes-10 .. papers. t'IINIMUM CHARGE 50c. Aver&&'e of ftve wotds to Deadline advertlsemf'lnts ~Ill be acto WednP.s.,ay 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three paper·; Tburadav 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday lZ o'clock for th~ GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA %000·2001. for I nsertions-Classlfted cepted up Wo <Go §tta<C~:f £ (C(Q)o . REALTORS 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 LTN25-ltc FOR 8Al.I~REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE N(Q)utlhl §Ihl<IDrr~ CCJr<e~tt North Shore Homes Homesites and For sale: House; 643 Walden Road, Winnetka, 9-rooma, 3 baths, sun-parlor and sleeping porch, garage for 2 cars, attached and heated. Possession May lat. Price $33,000.00 House; 605 Drexel Ave., Glencoe, new, 7 rooms, 2 porches brfck veneer, vapor heat. Price $18,000.00. Four houaea at 133, 137, 143 and 149 Glenwood Ave., Glencoe. Each 6-rms., 2 baths, 2 porches, brick veneer, vapor heat. Price 2. north houses, $20,000.00 each. 2 south houses, U1,000.00 each. A SUBDIVISION OF CHOICE LOTS at wholesale prices. avet·aglng $Sl! per foot. Including sidewalk; only a few left. Call or write for detailed Information. SKOKIE-HERE IS A REAL BARgain: 7-room stucco home. Located near Skokie schools, 10 mln. walk to tran1. Has 3 B. R. and 1 bath. A well arranged bouse with fireplace. Wooded lot. Can be pur1chased for $12,500 If bought before ·April lat. HUBBARD WOODB-tl,i year oltJ stucco home, 6 rooms, 3 B. R. and 2 baths, 1 very large . 8x12; ext. toilet In basement. Attic partitioned for 2 rooms and bath. Large sua parlor and sleeping porch. Llvlng room 15x26, wooded lot, 2-car garage. Price $26,000. Also new 6-room brick and tile bungalow at ,16,500. INDIAN HILL Vacant-A lot that .glvea you transportation and a real location. · bloc'ks to 1ta. Has about 15 large Oak an4 Elm treea and Ia convenient to the Country Day school. 116x132 ft., for one home only. Attractive &-room stucco bungalow wUh fireplace and garage. Ul,OOO. Terms. Ll1t your home for aummer rental with us now. 909 Ridge Ave. Tel. Wll. 364 LTN25-ltc CHOICE VA CANT- LAKE A VENUE, near 6th St, \VIlmette. Make offer. Linden Ave., business vacant, near "L" terminal, 50xl9fi ft. at $350.00 · per ft. Investigate this. MITCHELL BROTHERS Cent. & W. R. R. Ave. Ev. 961 L25-ltc FOR RENT-ROOMS I I 746 Elm Street Phone Winnetka 62 LTN25-1tc Service You Will Like The Spring Days are fast approaching and now Is the time to cancel your lease and buy a home. Read the following: Exceptionally good buy In 6 rm. house, well developed lot, near one of the best subdivisions on north shore, ex. trans. Price only H,500.00 5 R. brick bungalow, water heat, tile bath, 2-car garage, convenient location. Snap at $12,600.00. 7 R. stucco house, front and alp. porches, water heat, large living room, lot 50x209, with beau. trees and shrubs, excellent east location. Price $20,000.00. JE:Jgo§fcunll~~<e&JityCC<IDc N. E. Cor. Oak at R. R. Winnetka Branch 10 Carlton .Annex Phone Wlnn. 1800 Wlnn. 12:!8 LTN25-1tc §<IDmrnce ~<e!!.ll lffiuny~ 7-Rooms, $12,$00 Surrounded by big elms In beautiful N. Evanston-7 rms. stucco In A-1 condition, redecorated and painted inside and out; 4 blocks to transp 1167 Wilmette Ave. i~Y c~:;~.~eat this for the money: AomloEcdlcdliiim~fc(Q)IID&C<t» Tel. 640 L25-ltc WANTED-GENT. TO SHARE LAROE front room, twin beds, with refined OURLI LAGERGREN WILL SELL CHOICE HOMESITE ON gent., nr. all transp. 1046 Linden, Medical Gymnast & Masseuse beautiful winding road. 72 feet corner 11th, Wilmette. L25-ltc Graduated from Stockholm, frontage between tine homes near Sweden station, schools and golf club. For Special treatment for cold, Information phone Winnetka 581-J. FOR RENT--3 FURN. FRONT ROOMS, LTN25-ltc separate or In a suite, with bath. headache, and constipation. Tel. Wll. 1940. LTN25-ltc Treatments administered at your FOR SALE- EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT-LIGHT HSKPO. ROOMS, home.. Phone Winnetka 1486 one block east of station, large yard; and l-ear garage. Tel. WI!. 1183. LTN24-tfc garden, sleeping porch, beautiful L25-ltc neighborhood; occupation after April first. Owner, Preston Boyden, 725 RooMs FOR RENT-WITH oR Pine Street. Tel. Winnetka 356. without board; also turn. for sale. LTN22-tfc Tel. Wll. 1183. L25-ltc AFTERNOON GOW:!'fS AND DRESSES a specialty. Reasonable prlceL FOR SALE-WINNETKA; ATTRACTSITUATION WAYTED-MALE Make early appointments. 1634 Ive stucco bungalow, In east elde loHighland Ave., Wilmette. Tel. WIL cation; spacious living and dining 966-J. L16-ttc rooms; large screened porch; 2 bedrooms down stairs; large attic and WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL OF· maid's room upstairs; $12,500. 792 flee work; must be able to take a Foxdale Ave. LTN25-ltc small amount of dictation. ExcelUpholstering, Draperies, lent opportunity for advancement for right party. Tel. Wll. 1920. Slip Covers LTN25-ltp BEAUTIFUL 8-RM. STUCCO HOUSE In N. E. Wilmette. Two baths; WANTED- POSITION BY EXP'D lavatory on 1st fioor; steam heat; 2 bus! ness woman; highest ref.; capcar garage. Anxious to make quick able of holding a good position. sale. Tel. Wilmette 1365. Address C. C., 1026 Pine St., WinFormerly with Mendel Bros. LTN26-1tc netka. L25-ltp I::===============~ · SITUATION WAlfTEi>--FEMALE I The Fashion Sewing Shop Sacrifice Sale 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 J,TN4-tfc $8,<XX> With Easy Terms takes 6 rm. shingle house; · blocks --ter~an11.\"lfl:r:-IQ:f'M1fnlr pJ ttlfl!i tY s for $100. Quick action necessary. WANTED-GEN. HSWK.; PERMA· nent poe. In small family or work by the day. Tel. Glencoe 770, or address 765 Vernon, Glencoe. LT25-ltp Northeast Wilmette Modern 7 rm. house on large wooded lot surrounded by $30,000 to $50,000 houses. Excellent condition. 4 blocks to Kenilworth station. A buy for $19,000. Excellent stucco construction; 4 chambers; 2 baths; sun and alp. pchs.; h. w. heat. Exclusive N. E. location. Co11venlent to schools and 348 Linden Ave. transp. For appointment telephone COMPETENT LAUNDRESS WISHES work where waahlng machine It used. Tel. Winnetka 650-R. LT25-ltp Wilmette 228 L25-ltc , WANTED-TYPEWRITING OR CLER· DON T WAIT TO HAVE YOUR PAINT-J teal work for afternoons Tel Ev· lng and decorating done. The anston 2146. · LTN25-ltP FOR RENT - WILMETTE HOUSE, · ~~rll~g t~~~~s Cal~: ::lo~n~~rth'b~~o'ks c1entr%1 wes~ 61ocatlon to steam sta~ 111. Box 40. Phone Highland Park E~~!?.. \~~~s~~~~RF;Td~~:s NEW AND STRICTLY MODERN ~oounth f~~~;' uo(t~:ra~o~~~\ p~rc!: 896-Y4. LTN18-8tc anston 3434-R. LT25-ltc bungalow on cor. lot; 4 blcks from depot; 2 chambers; sun parlor; bath ~~!~: ~3~~==~0 'Lit!P~~1 . SOth d~~tf~ NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND EXP'D DRESSMAKER WILL DO with glazed tile walls; bullt-ln tub; GARDEN SERVICE sewing In the home. Tel. WI!. 1177 Wilmette Ave. vapor heat; unusually fine Interior Wilmette 1750 House and window cleaning, floor ~94- Y -2. L25-ltp FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE, finish; only $16,500. LTN25-ltc waxing, lawn and garden work, fiut WHmette, for one year; 10 rooms; HELP WANTED--MALE AND class references. Walsh. Tel. Wlnn. 2 baths; porches; garage; tennis FOR SALE-2 LARGE LOTS; CHOICE FEMALE 816 or 1035 (after 6 P.M.) LT26-tfc court; rent $250. Apply owner 788 section Hubbard Woods; sacrifice for QUick salt-. Address Talk, A-lOt. 11th St. Tel. Wll. 11. LTN25-ltc 513 Hh Tel. Wll. 1304 SITU .A TION WANTED-CHAUFFEUR LTN25-lp LTN25-ltc or gen. work by A-1 dopendable FUR RENT-HOUSE, 9 ROOMS, married man; 20 yrs. exp.; good mebaths, A-1 condition, hot water heat, furnished ot· unfurnished Tel. Wll. chanic; city and north shore ref. 839-W. . LT25-ltc Tel. Glencoe !1'12. LTN25-ltc SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND KENILWORTH- 8-ROOM HOUSE; WOOD SAWED ANY LENGTHS· FEMALE turn.; hot water heat; $200 per trees taken down, cleaning up lots for building. Tel. Wll. 1579. month. Tel. Mrs. Mars, Kenilworth SWEDISH COUPLE WANT POSI167. LTN25-ltc LTN23-4tc tions; man as chautreur; wife, general work. Tel. Ravenswood 3170. FOR RENT- 5-ROOM BUNGALOW WANTED- WORK OF CLEANING LT25-ltp with large garage, reasonable. Tel. rugs and washing windows, · rugs cleaned on rack. Tel. Evanston 7845. Kenilworth 862. LTN25-ltc FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS L25-ltp FOR RENT-FURN. HSE., 7 RMS, 2 FOR SALE-OAK DININO ROOM baths; May let or l!ith. Miller, 936 HELP WANTED-MALE table and 6 chairs, $30; white Iron Elm St., Wlnn. LT25-ltc bed, mattress, dresser, $30; gas stove, $35; Ice box, $25; mahogany WANTED-REAL ESTATE SALESWANTED ·ro RENT-HOUSES hall seat and long mirror, $16; man. After 40 years of successful stair carpet, $8: couch pad. $2.50; dealings In Evanston, we are exWANTED TO RENT-6-ROOM HOUSE to tending our facilities to cover the or bungalow, unfurnished, near :~~~~~g's ~h!~~: '~~ tt~~[er 1 a.s~3Po !~~ North Shore and are looking tor a school, May 1st, long lease. Tel. all day Sunday. WI!. 1142. 1522 high grade man to represent us In Rogers Park 7126. L25-ltp Forest Ave. L25-ltp Wilmette . .Applicants must be prepared to WANTED TO RENT-UNFURN. FOR furnish highest references, should FOR SALE-1 COMPLETE MAPLE 1 yr.; 8 or 9 rm. hse. In Kenilworth. bedroom set, twlrt beds, box springs own a car and be willing to work on Tel. Kenilworth 429. L25-ltc and hair mattress; 2 mahogany en4 a commission basis. The successful tables; 1 white enameled wooden bed, man will be given most complete coFOR RENT-APARTMENTS box spring, and hair mattress; single operation. We believe this offers an will Iron bed. Tel. Wlnn. 206. unusual opportunity to the ambitious FOR RENT-SHERIDAN RD., FACLTN25-1tc man who believes In the future of Ing lake, 2 furn. rooms; with kitchfriend]~ the North Shore, Ia willing to work en; private bath and private enhard and appreciates the aulstance FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS INtrance; $18 per week. Tel. WI!. 1070. cluding living room, dining ~oom, we are able to give. LTN25-ltc bedroom furniture, V· l ctrola and Call or address North Shore Dedishes; also garden Implements. partment. WILL RENT TO COUPLE, 4-ROOM Actio~?Tl>l. Wlnn. 1495. LTN25-2tc turn. apt., from Hay 1st to Sept. 1st; QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. best east aide location, Wilmette; Phone 2600 FOR SALE -TAPESTRY DAVENconv. to tra.nsp. Tel. wn. 766-J. 701 Davie Street, Evanston, 111. port, 3-ptece Ivory porch set, Ivory L24-ltc L24-2tc and mahogany ferneries, 3 electric lamps. Tel Wlnn. 2153. LTN25-1tc & FOR RENT-ROOMS WANTED - EX PERT MECHANICS. expertnced with V type, 8 cylinder SALE-GOOD GAS RANGE, DIN· UNFURNISHED ROOMS, TO REengines, needed at once; steady FOR lng table, couches. 322 Oak Circle, sponsible party, with kitchen priviwork, good pay. Apply Service Wilmette. LJ6-1tP leges; also large room turnlahe«. Dept., Cadillac Motor Car Co., 1810 suitable for two. Phone Wil. 2398. Ridge Ave., Evanston. Tel. Evanston ALASKA REFRIGERATOR-100 LB. & L25-tlc 8600. See Mr. Hebln. LTN25-ltc ice capacity, $5.00. 817 Central Ave., Wilmette. Phone 368. L25-ltp FOR RENT-FURNISHED RMS AL- WANTED-YOUNG & MAN, EXPERIso housekeeping apt. Tel." WIL enced In tool and stock room; apply FOR SALE- MAHOGANY BOOK 935 -M; near all transportation. Cadillac Motor Co., 1810 Ridge Ave. case; oak hall tree; leather turkish LT6-tfc Tel. Evanston 8600. See Mr. Hebln. rocker. Tel. Wll. 1611. LTN25-lte D. LTN25-ltc CENTRAL HOTEL-ROOMS· LIGHT WANTED TO BUY & outside rooms; steam; hot' and cold WANTED- MAN FOR JANITOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS running water. 629 Main St. Tel. work; steady; no heavy work. Tel. Wil. 10 0. LTl-tfc Wll. 1920. LTN25-1tp WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Jfrmbrrs of THE NORTH SHORE REAL ESTATE buys and sella rugs. stoves, autos, ROOM FOR RENT-cOMFORTABLY BOARD of Suburban Chicago, wlrich Board is a membl'r HELP WANTED--FEMALE pianos. anything useful. 808 Oak furn; light, airy room; 1 or 1 genSt. LTNl-tfc ~1 both the National and Illinois associations of Real Estate tlemen; 2 blocks from N W R R WANTED-GIRL FOR OEN HSWK · Tet. wu. uss. · L26·-1te will consider one lnexp'd. 'Tel. Wlr{~ WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND Boards. netka 1474. LTNJ6-1tc furniture Rnd other household goods. LARG~. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM; Hl&'beat price paid for aaml". Croet light, main floor; 11r. lake. atatlon; Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emenon St. kitchen privileges. Tel. Wlnn. lUI. Evanston, lll. Phone 1St. LTN%6-lte netka 1741. LTNU-ltc LTNU-tto W aJlll&<C<e lffio ((:ll(Q)lf~pJJlf o & C<t»o For Sale T:ro::. 6 Wiillmiil®tttt~~<e!!.llttyCC<r»o the taxic porat mette 27th The title of REAL TOR signifies that the user · is an active member of an organization whose methods have elevated the real estate business the plane of a dignified profession: that he is pledged on his honor to abide by a "GOLDEN RULE CODE of ETHICS;" that he will render his clients the best service an experienced and honest broker should render; and that he cultivate a relationship and respect for all worthy competttors. . For Service and on your property, List wtth the following "REALTORS:" ·. Dodg HUDSOl' soo. e Lloyd C. Ayres A. R. Eddington Heinsen & Clark A. D. Herrmann Hill & Stone HiJI & Wheeler Gilbert D. Johnson ·& Bro. R. 1\.1. John ton & Co. Murray 'ferry Clark T. Northrop Frank A. Reid Schaefer Golbach W. G. Stacey Co. Frederick B. Thomas Mrs. E. Wink Wyatt Coons - aage f tires, RamsJ DeLu Johns1 and p au tom vision fectlo1 cash. Kenlh F OR s, Pertec many Addre FOR To St1 Pl1 lor t ash. Tel. 'f~l!i~Naew1~g b~the~~~P.IN-:!1. ~~re

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