Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1924, p. 27

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= WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1924 27 Child Welfare . A,.niver8arY Brir:aga Renewal · O f Pledge. Local Parent·Teacher Groupa 1 in Solemn Vow to I "Carry On" The Wilmette Parent-Teacher asrociations of the Central and Logan schools, ' toget})er with the Mothq' club of the Laurel school only recently comme~ orated the 28th anniversary of the National Congress and Parent-Teacher as· sedations. Anniversary month was February and the meetings of the various groups devoted a generous portion of the J)rograms to a review of the principles of the Child Welfare movement which is at the basis of Parent-Teacher activity. The Wilmette mothers in this con- l nection pledged them elves anew to the ~ purpose of not only "strength ninr 1 Child Welfare work at home but, in · the spirit of wider fellowship which comes from the love for all children everywhere, to lend a helping hand" in the establishment of Parent-Teacher and Mothers club units in communities in every state in the union. The mothers also asked themselves some pertinent questions gleaned from recent issues of the Child Welfare magazine and which merit passing on to every parent in the community: Queatioaa For Pareate "Do you visit the school to inquire about your child's progress and deportment and to see if you can ·help the teacher to help the child? "Do you send your child to bed in time so that he will be rested and fit for study? "Do you provide plain, nouri hin1 food and see that your child is up in time to eat a good breakfast? "Do you teach your child to read the papers and find out the best in them, and do you encourage an interest in public affairs? "Do you uoid 1ossip and the teJIing of incidents which may be misinterpreted by your children? "Do you encourage helpful con· venation at the table? "Do you interest younelf in ,our child's sports and atn\IICMCI\ts ancl friendships? Quatioas For a Motlaer And a set of questions for a mother to ask herself. "Is my child disobedient? Why? "Do I make sure that he under.. stands what I want him to " do? "Do I neglect my part in seeina that he does what he is told to do? "Do I change my mind because be frets about doing what he is told t. do? "Do I excuse or punish for disobedience according to my convertience or mood? · "Do I punish a disobedience todaJ and overlook it tomorrow? "Do I bribe him to do as he is bidden? ' "Do .J speak of his disobedience before him, saying 'Johnny ne.er does as he is told ?' "Do I tell in his presence of my inability to manage him : 'I can do nothing with Johnny?' "Do I condemn him for disobedi· ence but fail to give him a word o{ appreciation when he is obedient?" I I. I alOh c CHILDREN It is comparatively easy to indulge one's pride too much in the matter of smoothing the way for children. It takes strong winds to make strong trees, and problems and struggles are necessary for the production of stron~ characters. Childhood habits are vitally im~t. Give your children practise in the formation of good habits-open an account for them here, and by precept and eumple help them keep it growing. ·. laseeuse ~EN ~kholm, Cor cold, etlpatlon. d at your l:etka 1485 LTN24-tfc I lished in Wn,tUTT~ LJPl last week in which it was stated that our recent victory over the Kenilworth troop was very unsatisfactory to our honorable opponents, we wish to advise them that in all points of conflict regarding the rules and regulations to govern the various events, this troop gave way. The meet was run strictly according to Kenilworth's desires and New Trier in lntencbolaaticl wishes, and furthermore, of the five M t tN U judges appointed for the evening, two ee a · · Wilmette men voted a tie and one Wilmette man and the two judges representing Kenilworth voted to .The annual inter-scholastic meet at award the meet to our troop. It ap- Northwestern university, scheduled pears, then, that the Kenilworth judges were unanimously in favor of for Friday and Saturday of this week the Wilmette troop. bids fair to be the most largely-atOur heavyweight basket hall team tended of any indoor athletic meet1 has secured a game with a team in ever held on the north shore. Up to The Home of Saoinp Depoaiton Rogers Park to be played in Rogers Park tonight. We are txperiencing late last Tuesdav nillht, Don Harker, difficulty in securing .games for ?Ur manager of the meet, had 375 entries, heavyweights and w1sh to rem1.nd with additional names coming in rapidthose interested that we have an 111- ly. Atlantic City High school entere<t vitation out to meet any scout team eight men in the afternoon whil· on the north shore. The team con- word came from Waukegan that some sists of boys weighing 115 pounds or of the brightest stars in their local over. constellation will also try for honors The ·Black Bear patrol has won the at Patten gymnasium. "right of the line," a position awarded Last year's meet was a recordto the p~trol having the ~ighest per- \breaker. with 351 h_igh school ath. letes ccntage m attendance durtng the reg- competing but thts year already is \liar meetings of the preceding month. considerably ahead of last. Some of --the stars who have entered are the Troop 5 best in their olass in the United States. FOR 8ALE-MISCI':LLANEOU8 FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Our Boy Scout-Men's club ~inner at Johns, a P<?le-.va~lt champion from FOR SALE- EFFlCIENT CRYSTAL 11ete ftnd 2,000 ohm headsets at U .60 the Presbyterian church last Fnday eve· ~a Sail~, lthno1s, ts ~n entry and. o per set. Address E. Bersch, 1716 ninq: was a huge success. A large turn- ts Jeffries of the bt~ Central ht h AUCTION Walnut Ave., Wll., or Tel. WI!. 30&0. out of fathers and mothers further school of Detroit, a mtd-distance runLTN26-1tc helped to make the c:vening suc~essful. ner. Cedar. Rapids will send ~hirtten Bakers I will sell at Public Auction to A miniature fire dnll was carrted off runners, JUmper and wtmmers, S. C. Anconal!, pullets, yearlings, FOR SALE- MJSSER STLK LINED the highest bidder, One Dodge cockerels, yearling cocks, from 218 Hprlng coat, else 16, $10; spring suit, in fine shape. From the blowing of while various Chicago and suburban t!gg strain. $1.60 per bird. $5.00 : several dresses cheap. 680 ,"fire call" by Bugler Borncaml? until high school will contribute a big taxicab at Motors Service IncorHollvwood Central Ave. Tel. Wll. 417. L25-1tc the bandaged ~tients were. camed off Quota. Le!'no~. Oak Pa~k, hackporated, 721 Main Street, WilS. C. White Le~horn . -J<~:_o_R __ S_A_L_E __ _ A_L_E_X_A_N-'D_E_R __H_AM_I_L-- in improvised htters, the hme elapsed stroke swtmmmg expert, 1s entere~ mette at 3 o'clock P. M. on the ton Institute books, 24 volumes- was only .three minute.s: Firem~n's lif,~ and so is Bl~nkley, a star swimmer Famous Hollywood Stock 27th day of March. latest edition, Including supple- and jumpmg were ut1hzed to rescue from Scnn h1~h school. Other well direct from Hollywood farm , 100 mente, new, price '50.00. Address Scouts from a "burning" building. k11own competitors will be : Rittig, per cent pure blood. pullets. yearlings, cockerels, yearling cocks from Life. A-107. LTN26-ltc The Wolf patrol won the monthly Lake View, track star; Kennedy, New Peter Schildgen 279 egg strain, U.OO to U.OO per bird . WAN'I'ED 'I'() BUY-MISCELLANEOUS patrol contest and prizes were awarded Trier, swimmer; Crookes and BiJiingCoustable Pape cach member of the patrol. The high er, Englewood, wimmers ; Ball, S. C. black mammoth Mlnorca, pul- wANTED - SECOND-HAND WARD- individual point winner was Scout Gib- Evanston, track; McCullough, PrQLT25-ltc ltlts, yearlings, cockerels. yearling robe trunk, full size, In good condl- son. The new trek cart made by Scouts viso, half-miler: Mevers, Oak Park, cocks, from 246eegg strain, $1.60 to ~trowelne~ad:;.nn. 27 on Mt"TNfu~~~c Gibson and Cornell was exhibited and dash man; and Tannehill, Senn, $2.50 per bird All pullets and cockerels are March pronounced a splendid piece of work- runner. and April hatch. All birds have heen Be It Ever So Little J,OST AND FOUND manship. . The hi(Chschools that have entered vaccln.tted and are guarante d to be The Junior Scouts, Mr. Ryerson 111 crack athletes besides tho e mentionImmune from any disease. It Will Buy You A Car This stock can n~~.be purchased J,<~re:-;.J'~fr!Hc~t:a;r~~d ;~.?tf:A~~er~~~~ charge, went through a snappy o·qra~y ed follow: Tilden Tech. Chicago, THE RESALE PRICES ON THE USED elsewhere for less trmn ~om '10 to automobiles now In our stock put ot ll!th: from Greenleaf and lOth, drill and made an excellent pyramtd 111 Enylewood High, Chica~o: New Trier $25 per bird. Above price In etrect them within the reach of almost Wllmt>tte: answers to name of record time. High; Hinsdale Town hip; Rockford to April 20th only. anybody. Small down payment and Patey; nnder please call Wlnn. 104. A short talk was made by Scout- High school; Kokomo High school; balance on terme. 26 -tc master Shaw touching on various prob- Lake View High , Chicago; Plymouth Reward. LTN Come and 1ook them over. wn<fYWif BOSTON BULL TERHlER, nRINDLE lems of the.tr<>?P· its progress, sumlner (Ind.) High; Parker High, Chicago; brown, ears taped : n·ward. w. J. camp, orgamzat1on of Seas~outs, etc. \.Va ~ hington Hiah. Cedar Rapid ; f!\Irmn1 Worcester. Tel. Evanston 4926. The speaker of the evenmg was Mr. Ct'ntral High, Minneapolis; Urbana LTN25-ltP Winnetka ltli Tel. Glenview 34-J-1 LT26-ltc . F . D. Chadwick, Deputy Regional Hi~h. rbana , JIJ.; Gridlev (Ill.) Dodge Brothers and Wills Sainte G-J;J_R_M_A_N_P_O_L_IC_E_D_O_G_,_B_L_A-,. ~-:-·_c_o_L- I Scout e~ecutive whose splendid address High; Hyde Park High. Chicago; Claire Dealers VICKERY KENNELS, BARRINGTON, LTN25-lto Jar, license number 60, named on scoutmg was a feat~re. of. the eve- Lane Tech, Chicago; art Schurz, Ill., wire haired fox terriers Dober"Fritz"; liberal reward. Tel. Wil- ning. His talk was an msp1ratton to all Chicago; Evanston High: Elgin High; man's plnchers alredales for sale. mette 2141. LTN26-ltc present and the fact that he traveled Lindblom Hiio!h; !lliles (Mich.) High; . HUDSON COACH, 1923, MILEAGE 13,All registered 11tock. Dogs boarded tiOO, excellent mechanical condition, and cared for. . Phone Barrington FOUND-AT RENNECKAR DRUG over 400 miles to be present at t~c Central High. Kalamazoo: Main aage green paint last spring, 5 cord 110- Y. Mrs. F. M . Cappeller·SchwarL, C'o., two black hair side pieces. dinner was most appreciated by those 111 Town. hip, De Plaines: Northwe tern, tires, extra Lovejoy shock absorbers, Mang. LTN2 5·2 tp Owner may have by calling here charge. Southwe tern, V·le tern Central, Ramepr-lng bumpers front and rear, DeLuxe Motor-Meter, also lock, and paying for ad. Lll6-ltc As one father remarked-"! wi h I 1orthern, Ea tern and C11ss Tech CHICKS: IN 100 LOTS: AS· Johnson tire lock, spot light, stop BABY ·could go to a dinner like that n·rry hhrh chool of Detroit ; Oak Park sorted. $11; !..eghorn11, $12: Barred and parking light, cigar lighter, Hocks, S. C. Red e. Anconae, $14: Friday." Hi11h: La Salle-Peru town-.hip, La automatic wlndehleld wiper, rear Wyandotte&, Butr Orplngtone, Ml· vision mirror, window shades, Per<;;a liP, Ill.; Deerfield Shields, Highland norcae, '17; postpaid. Catalog free. fection heater, seat covers. '900 Park, [II.; ~ cott High. Toledo: UniTroop No.4 D. T. FARROW CHICKERIES. cash. Address 306 Cumberland Ave., LTN18-22tc PEORIA, ILLINOIS. Kenilworth. Phone Kenilworth 299!1. Stop Look. Listen. Scoutl> of \\'il · "ersity Hi~h. hic:-go and Waukegan Township Hi,.h Sch ol. LTN26-ltc mette .' Troop 4 is challenging any FOR SALE- PEDIGREED COLLIE Wiln1rtlt Troup Activitirs Preliminarie will take place Friday troop team to a ha~ket ball game. FOR SALE-4·DOOR FORD SEDAN, pupplt-s; 6 wks. old: males U5-$50 ; Perfect condition, driven 3,000 miles, females $20. No dealer. Tel. afterThe average weight 105 pounds. For afternoon and eveninf:(" at Patten Jr~ m arrangements, see S<;out Georg(· Pat- and the main event. Saturday after~d'l.,:x:lff:.· A~l~lS. sell ret'-1!~5"-~1{;; noons, Wll. 1370. LTN25-ltP noon and rveninv. Tom Rohin!lon. The six patrols in our troop are tison . Tclephon \\ Jlmette 1360. AIREDALE PUPPIES FOR SALE ; On Wa shington\ Birthday Troop 4 wimmin coach at :\orthwe tern. ·ill FOR ALE-M18CELLA~EOUS from pedigreed and re,.tstcred hard at work on the first of a series stock; farm raised. J. A. Reagan. of inter -patrol contests. The first con- took a day's trip to Chicago, under ~andwich into final a real ttempt Tel. WI I. 8 6-Y -2. LTN25- ttc test will consist of a litter drill and the leadership of Mr. David C. Leach, by hi tar merme, to hreal all colTo CDfllbal April's chill legiate r cords in · merica in certain their Scoutma ter. FOR SALE-1 DRESS SUIT; PORCH fir ~t aid work. Stout oak is master still. ennt ., thi progr:t'll to he announc Thcv ,·isited the following interestshades; 3 burner gas plate: gas The attendance at the Ia t two Plenty of ~rood dry oak ready range ; cheap. Tel. Olenct'T~~tltc meeting has been nearly 100 per cent ing phcr-s: Chicago Hi torical So· ;n df'tail later. Motion Pictures will ~~~.1mmedta.te sale, also elm and Wrigl y Bu!ldin~. Field be taken of the mo t thrillin conte tso an enviable record considermg the ciety, WOOD TO SELL-CHOICE SPLIT ize of the troop and the fact that we Museum. then for a w1m at the CenGROVES and JUST oak and ash wood for ftreplaces at are ol>liged to meet on a school night. tral Y. M. C. A. At all these places Tel. WU. li!it U%3 Wll. Ave. uo a ton delivered: not carried Into With reference to an article pub· courtc ie were extended. ReaJ tlae Wa11t-Aa LTN26·Ztc hoUie. Tel. Wlnn. ZOtO. LTN%5-ltc PREP ATHUJES IN BIG CONTEST FlntNati..I Bad .,_.-===OF WILMETTE====------ CGll~IID IP<anwllitiry Our Boy Scouts

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