Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1924, p. 28

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~ 28 WILMETTE MARCH 21 1924 Crawford-White Sisler. Morley-Parson's Pleasure. 1-ihiJany-Syrian Cgrist. Ferber-So Big. ' in Rockefeller-Personal Relation Industry. Interesting books recently purchased Dawson-Coast of Folly. at the "Wi lmette Free Public library Moore-New Roads to Childhood. are announced as follows: Millay-Few Figs From Thistles. Mackail-Summertime. r'\n·eron-Text Book of Radio. Sinclair-Cure of Souls. Miller- True Bird Stories. Glover-Dame Curtsy's ·Book of Party King-Discovery of God. Pastimes. . Uaugham-The Explorer. Covperus-The Inevitable. r,tsworthv-Five 'Tale!'. Merrick-While Paris L·10~hed . Parker-An American Idyll. Pushkin-Bor =s Co -luno\·. More than 11.000 students have regisR·· ~s ell-Adventures of the Secret tered in the University of lllin oi~ this Servi<"e. year, according to an announcement of ~wift-Min<l in the ~fakin g. statistics. The exact total net enrollMilne-If I May. ment, excluding ;tny and all duplrcates, Kyne-Never the Tw ai n Shall ~feet . is 11,083. Hyslop-T.ife Aftrr D· at h. This is an increase of 214 students Doyle-New Re\'el atinn . in the University over last year, RegisChesterton-Char!<·.; Dicken!'. H'~rrow-Gbnds in Health andttrar G. P. Tuttle states. This year's total enrollment in the Disease. Powell-By Camel and Car to the urbana winter and summer sessions and Peacock Throne. the Chicago departments is 11,083 as nrown-U nv<'iled Ladies of Stamboul. c .,mpared with 10,869 for the preceding buncan-Doctor Luke of the Labra- year. The number of students in the Urbana winter session for this year is . dor. Moses-R e p r c sent a t i \' e British 8,928. Dramas. The university's system of figuring Sabatini-Fortune's Fool. registration is one of the fairest in t.'te F1etcher-Lo5t Mr . Linthwaitc. country, it has been pointed out. While Morley-Tnwanl . Ho! some instituti,ons include the number of Hum, -Wifc of the Centaur. people who attend their extension courses M" rt in- The Snob. and short courses and in some cases, p:, hcr- Pr inciples of Real Estate those who attend night classes and lecPract ice. turcs in their total registration, Illinois Wri({ht-F 1owtrs for Cutting and officials go so far as to deduct from Decoration. the figures students who go to summer '( ) 'ller-Couch- On the Art of \Vriting. school and then attend the winter sesUncl"rhill-l .ife cf the Spirit and the sion. . Life of Today. lt is believed that when statistics of v'aerting-Dominant Sex. actual enrollments in classes are gathC'heley-Job of Being a O;l~;t ercd, the ui1iversity ranks .among the H udson-Nowhere E lse in the World . first two or three in size. Sh epl\.er4'-Boy~· Own Book. of Politics · ' ' Ove~ton_:_American Nights' · Enter- 1 · Read the Want-Ads , . tamment. AT THE UBRARY ., Ben Franklin Picture to Be Shown· in the Villaae What would "Poor Richard" say if he could come back to life today? Since that memorable ] uly afternoon in 1752 when Ben Franklin discovered the phenomena of electricity by flying a kite in a thunderstorm, almost unbelievable thin gs have been accomplished with this tremendous force. Old Ben would ne~·er believe his eyes. Manager Koppel announces th~t "Benjamin Franklin's Returu" w·tl be shown at the Village theater, Wilmette, Monday and Tuesday, .March 31 and April 1. This novel picture, produced hy the Public Service company of Northern Illinois, brings the discoverer of electricity face to face with the wond.ers of the modern world. Interestmg scenes of 170 years ago allow Ben franklin to harken back to his own day-the day of the tallow candle. the .tage coach, and the spinning wheel. Phone Wi'mette 2600 WIUIETI'E, ILL. MOTORS ·. SERVICE~ Inc. j 11,000 AT U. OF L NEW FIGURES snow· Everything for the Automobile MICHELIN ·CO~FORT CORDS are SEMI-BALLOON TIRES Drop in and let us give you a ride on a set of these remarkable tires. Fine appearance Coat about the same u other tires · W onde.rful riding qualities J. C. Slown A. B. VanDeusen I I Wiln HAMS AND BACON are good, substantial, wholesome and delicious breakfast dishes f.or tl1e whole fami ly, and, in our store. can be depended on for mildness and an appetizing flavor peculiar to themselves. By the ~ lice or by the whole piece. they are reasonable in price. Once tried always \\'anted . HOUSE-CLEANING DAYS ARf'.APPROACHING .. t .... ~ $t,J75.00 WILL YS-KNIGHT-oVERLAND -~ . F. 0. B. Toledo C. H. BRIGGS - In a very fe"'. ·weeks you'll be needing mops, brushes, and cleaning compounds for house-cleaning purposes. We have ;a full line of t~e well-known OSBORN brushes and dusters . ., .They are of the Yery best quality and indispensable around the house. \Ve have split dusters. sanitary brushes, wall brushes, floor $495.00 1 SALES-R.OOM AND SERVICE-STATI,O N 1141 Greenl-f AYe., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 1.850 eran in the Good favor village munici de r ing der effi ice to endorse oninion i doin and le protecti he reas rest r ict bui1din will ser ing ord r D or v I SDJ·der-CazeJ our Drug Store Needs Call c White Cash . ~.· ~ ·, :. ·,"· ,. Phones Wilmette 'il.~~'i:::::::::::,,a,nif~~~B~t';;:--,rtrL-ii i i i....-:,:,,: o:p: s.;::B i: e :s~ u: re~ to ~s~ o~ m~e~t~ · n~ an :d i:s: e: e ~t~h:e~m~!~-Phone Wiliaette 2779 400-401 Wilmette and Central Aves. We delh·er in Evanston,. Wilmette, Kenilworth, Indian Hill, Winnetka Our Phone Orders Recei.-e Careful Attention 0. Markel ·John Millen "Jilt'· Hardware, Millen Ha· It" Phones \YU.tte 3060-3061 1219-21 \Ydmette /lve. On t H ar ry . election u rer; Fitch a for re Board ~ E. G. COSMAS BROTHERS QUALITY RELIABILITY Phone Wilmette SERVIC· E Phone Wilmette Oppoaite The Village Theatre FRUITS AND ~GETABLES We Deliver Any Amount Aa Far North Aa Glencoe tion as Public Oppo comes ized as citizens Byron of whi hring constru absolut Canrli John C <'r and tion as of Trus in opp he vote The rr~<itio "Bac a prom hy the eYCCJie 2694 2693 Member of Wdmette Chamber of Commerce With .Us!" You'll he pleased if you take dinner with us on a week-day or Sunda,·. Our ~unday chicken dollar dinner can't he surpa sed anywhere. stinting rerienc rntire thorou ot her made a insr an toward Specials on all Fruits and Vegetables Below you will 6nd a few specials that we will have to offer for thia big aale Saturday, March 22nd. You will do a wiae thing if you pay ua a viait before aoina elsewhere. Aaparagua, extra large bunch . . . SSe Telephone Peas, 4 lba. for . . . . $1.00 Cauliftower . . . . . . . . . . . . ZOe and up Potatoes, by the buabel . .... . . $1.39 Muahrooma, the beat button . . .. Baby auaar Carrots, lb. . . . . . . . . Rhubarb, 2 lba. for . . . . . . . . . . . . Green Bean., per qt. . . . . . . . . . . . 49c 1Oc St!NDAY I 25c 23c Eicht Courae Cbic:ken Dinner ...................... $1 Rea'ular Dianer · · · · · . · ....................... 85 ceDta FRUITS Grapefruit, 6 for ZSc, doz. 4Sc. Larae aize, by the box .... ... . ..... . .. . $2.7S Florida Oranaea, thin akin, sweet and juicy, Z doz. 2Sc. Extra larae size 50c-7Sc Jonathan Apples, 4 lba. ·zsc, by the ' box . .·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.45 All kincla of COCJIDq Apples, 4 lba. for ...... . . . ........ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZSc Stra~rriea at a low price. · WILMETTE CAFE ~--····---~---·-···········~!······· ······----···········

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