Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1924, p. 3

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WILMETTE LIFE A Clean Newapaper lor a Clean Com"'unity VOL. XIII, NO. 25 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1924 TWENTY-El~HT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS NEW FACES IN co~c~or~::rms ROTARY ENJOYS GUILD DRAMA CHARTER NIGHT Melvin Wambolt Hu Prominent Juvenile Role in "Mary the Third" $750.000. The largest collection of taxes ever recorded in New Trier township was completed this week when Collector Hoyt King announced the total as Olivah Live· to Learn That Our Prexy'· "Honl" The "City Slicker," new custodian of the third chair (not 13th) over to Dettman's, was introduced to and formally initiated into the Put aod Take club the other day. Prexy Larson did the honors-which means that the other fellows simply looked on with envy. ~Jn spite of that rather unusual treatment of a "beginner," Prexy already has won the confidence and friendship of the newcomer, as per example: Last Monday morning the Prexy started to lather one of the vmage di~nitaries when he suddenly discovered to his great dismay that the warm watPr was just over the edge of bein' stflrk cohl. Prexy bellowed loudly and long until one, Oliver, otherwise genial Caretaker of the Glover- Brown block, hove. upon the scene to see "what's a 11 de shootin' 'bout." His appearance electrified the usually self-compesed Prexy into shrieks of protest, from an agonized soul, which caused Olivah to delve franti~ally for his trusty "razzer." But he hadn't counted on Prexy, who sensing the turn of affairs, cooled down worse than the eau de l·arher shop. and, turnin~ casual like t0 tht> c. of .J. c., quoth thus: "Bill. my razor don't seem to cut ril?ht this morning. Guess that Satidday nil:{ht frar.as kinda took the edl?e off'n it . Can't you borry me your'n for a few minutes." Oliver had the water nice and warm on Tuesday morning. m-Y CLUBS IN BIG CONFERENCE North Shore United to Hold Two-Day Seuion in Wilmette, March Z9-30 PROMINENT SPEAKERS Banquet Ia Planned for Sat urday Ni·ht Speakers of prominence and song leaders of note will be in evidence at the First Congregational church of Wilmette Saturday and Sunday March 29 and 30, in connection with the Older Boys Conference of the Hi- Y clubs of the north shore. Among the speakers will be Dr Stephen A. Lloyd, pastor of the Firs Congregational church of Wilmette; Charles M. McConnell, a leader in rura·l church work in the Methoitist denomination; Dr. James A. Richards, pastor of the Winnetka Congregational church, and other church and Y. M. C. A. leaders. George W. Campbell will be the principal song leader. Officials of ' Rotary International and of the 111inois district of the organization, as well as large representations from Chicago, Evanston and other neighboring clubs will join Wilmette Club of Rotary this evening Play to Be Given at Kenilin celebrating the receipt of its charter at a banquet to be held at the worth Club~ March 25 Ouilmette Country club . In all, about 100 men are expected to gather around the festive board and participate in The complete cast for "Mary the the festivities of the evening. Third," the comedy by Rachel Crothers Wilmette Rotary was established which the North Shore Theatre Guild about a month ago and, in its three is to present in the Assembly hall, regular luncheons to date has enjoyed Kenilworth, on March 25, was ana perfect attendance thus equaling a nounced this week. This is the third record for Rotary International. Guild production this year which has At the luncheon Wednesday of this been directed by Alexander Dean. week the dub enjoyed an excellent The last play of the series is to be ::~ddress hv Thomas J. "Fiv.hting Tom" given late in April. Kelly of Waukegan Rotary, often reOgden Cook of Kenilworth is to ferred to as "the man who put Wauplay one of the leading parts in this kegan on the map." Jatest comedy by the author of "Nice Mr. Kelly, who is engaged in the ,People." "He and She," and "Old steel business, was careful to state ~a dy 31." This is the second appearthat to Len Small and not himself ance of Mr. Cook this year with the must go the honors fot: putting his home town on the map. Theatre Guild. The Guild is conducted on the policy of using a complete In his talk Mr. Kelly emphasized new cast for each performance but Chamber of Commerce En . some "common sense" rules for Rotarians, advising the club to, in all its Mr. Cook is bing mustered into servdorsea Action of Trustees activities, "keep its feet on the ice twice this year. This will be no ground." unpleasant news for the ·Guild memDean Ralph Dennis. of the School bers who will r~'mt>mber his fine work of Puhlic Speech ? N<'rthwestc -r. ·n "The Hero," "March Hares" and ~otc : The Put and Take cluh has Complete approval of the provi'Mixed Marriage." ' univer s ity and a memb l' r of Evanst~"n sions of the Wilmette zoning law and Rotary, was als,.., a ·~ uc s t of the W il- ht>arrl from Jonesv, the Sheik of Kenilworth. Last stopping off place W ambolt in Caat endor ement of the action of the Vil- mette club this week. was Jamaica, B. W. I .. where. he says. Another member of the cast who lage board in changing the provisions cluh sessions are held in the ~hade will interest Wilmette and Kenilworth of the building code for the purpose of of the palms with good old ·Jamaica members is Melvin Wambolt of In- better protecting the zoning law, was at the elbow. More from him later. dian Hill who is making his first ap- ·voted at a meeting of the Wilmette pe a~ance _with the Guild. He played Chamber of Commerce Thursday, earher th1s season with great success March 13, by the passage of resolutions in the production of "The Thirteenth at that session. Chair," in the part of the leading The resolutions, which arc self-exjuvenile. He is one of the newcomers planatory, read as follows: to the ranks of the re~<mlar playing "WHEREAS in all residential company of the Guild. He is playing communities it is essential to have "Little _ the paU; qf _Bobbi , tho· jUUII!o: SUII d the prutct.:tiu.. uf cl ,n:ll 1Hcpawd- B.oard ~ · Authorizes delightfUl characterization which ' is zoning or<\lnance to properly care Ballot" at Polls flavored with a Booth Tarkin~>"ton for the interests of property owners touch. This part was played in New Rival Candidates for Board of the community, and York last season hv Morg-an Farley "WHEREAS the citizens of the Poeitiona Th e \Vilmctte Village board, in regwho has this past week made a treVillage of Wilmette realizing this mendous success in "Fata Morgana" condition selected a committee of ular session Tuesday C\' cning of this the newest production hy the New representative citizens to study the ·w eek, took final action in authorizing York Theatre Guild. Mr. Wambolt's The que stion of apartments, and local situation and prepare such an 1. vote at . the Village election on Tucs work at rehearsals a ss ures his appearordinance for submission to our day, April 15. on the que stion of the building codes which , no doubt, has ance a~ a reg-ular player with the annexation of the territory extending been foremost in the mind s of most Council, and Theatre Guild from now on . ahout one -half mile we t from the Wilmette home owners in the past "WHEREAS public hearings wert> west village limits and from the ex- few weeks, will be reflected in the anOther veteran players of the Guild held by this committee and all the that arc plaving in thi~ nroduction arc tension of Isabella street on the south nual village election on April 15, now fact s brought out for the good of to the southerly line of the Indian that two tickets, namely, the Com'tfrs. Lai_rd Bell. and ]. \iVilliams Macv. the community, and Both wlll he remembered for their Hill Golf course on the north, most munity ticket and the Home ticket "WHEREAS a zoning ordinance o f which wa s comprist·d in the former arc in the field seeking the support of brilliant charactrriz;~tions in "The wa s prepared by this committee bas- V1llagc of Gros~ Point. Truth Ahout Rlayd s " and "Dear the electorate. ed on the information obtained by Brutus." The annexatfon que . tion wi11 he lt is only in regard to the personnel research and public hNrings was ~iven the "oters 111 the form of a of the Village board that the Home Til<' complf'te ca s t for "Mary the submitted to the 'Villa'ge council. and "Littlt' Rallot". proposition di stinct party displays any serious interest in Third" is as follows: a f tt'r consider*ion was passed by from the regular ballot on candidates the halioting. Its members appear to 1870 Prolorrue ~aid council, and 1·e not ~e riously concerned about the ~farv the First . ..... Mrs. Lai1d Bell for various vi11age offices. Annexation of the contiguou~ ter - o .' ter vi11agc offic s to be voted upon. William ................. John Elliott "WHEREAS the Wilmette ChamTh r Community ,party, on the other ber of Commerce believes that this r itory to the we t of \Vilmette. it i~ 1897 ProloR"ue ~fary the Second is a rea sonable and just ordinance ·J ointed out. wi11 afford \Vilm c ttc an ha1;d, has placed a complete ticket in which is the principle point in every opportunity to control improvement the field compri sed entirely of present . .. " < ······ Erma Blain " ~IcK e ndrv sound zoning ordinance, therefore be 'Jf the territory hy virtue of restricti,·e inrurnhents who,' the sponsor believe, Rohert ... . . ....... J. \\' illiam s Macy zoning and building law s; will per - have rendered excellent se rvice and it 192l Act s T. II. TTT ~fa r y the Third .... Virg-inia Fitzhugh "RESOLVED that we, the mem- mit the in stallation of se wers, drainage . hould therefore be reelected. and water mains in a territory which On the Community ticket, endorsed Hal ... . . ................ .N"cil Skinn er hcrs of the Wilmette Chamber of Lynn . ... ....... ......... 0 fYden Cook CoJT.merce, in regular meeting do because of the lack of the. e improve- hy a group of representative citizens r.ranny .............. Mr s. Laird Bell herehy endorse the provisions oi the ments con sti tutes a menace to the at a 'Session last ·Sunday. arc the folMOther ..... Erma nhine McKendrv zoning act in Wilmette, and the ac- hcaltl~ of the comm.unity at large; \~II lowing candidates: Bohhy ...... ........ M t> h·in \Vamholt tion of the President and Trustees of perm1~ the dt·termmat;<?n of lo~at.wn For Village Clerk (incumbent) Earl E. Orner Father .......... .. J. \Villiams Macy the Village in approving same, and and s1ze of streets: will permit 1mprmements, all of which would be For Village Treasurer Letty .......... ).frs. Charll's Hencklc be it further .. ffc ct ecl under ~h.e Local ImproveHarry W . Miller (incuml,ent l J\M!.x ................ Charles Henckle "RESOLVED that we approve of ments A c t. prov1d111g for assessment For Village Trustees (three to be the erection of apartment houses in on the proprrty benefitted; and will elected) restricted areas as prescribed by the materially enhance the revenue of the Legionnaires Accept Call Harry M. Bachman (incumbent) zoning act, but disapprove of a ma- \"illag-~ throu~h .additional taxe . Claude E. Fitch (incumbent) to Serve as Ballot Clerks terial extension of areas permitting I~ 1.s em1>has1zed, further, that a Louis T . ~ ~rkel (incumbent) , \Vilmette Po~t of thP American apartments which would con ,f itute ma.JOnty of the propnty owners and For Trustees ()f the \Vilmctte Free Le~Zion was "Johnny-on-the-spot" this an encroachment upon the great resi- rrsidents . of the formrr Village ~f Public Library (two to be elected) week when local election official~ dential areas of the village, and be it Qross Po1!1t have expressed l~y pet.1]. R. Harper (incumbent) were seeking men to serve as clerks further !Jon ~ destre to ha\"C thr tern.tory 111 E . G . Bentley (incumbent). in the forthco'Tlino- village. township "RESOLVED that we approve of questiOn become a part of Wtlmette. Ca11didatcs for village· tru tees on anrl prim::~rv elections. the action taken by the Village the Home ticket recently endorsed at The legionnair"~ voluntrt'red for the Board in changing the provisions of , meetinl! of citizen~ at the Byron C. Sl'rvice and quick1v olved a problem the building code for the purpose of Stolp school include John Clark that proves of no mean annoyance better protecting the zoning law that Raker. Clarence E. Drayer and John at election time. had been enacted, and be it further F. Wjedlin. "RESOLVED that the Secretary i~ instructed to spread these resoluService Worker Former Wilmette Man Ia tions upon the minutes of our meetIll; Nurse Takes Post Injured in Ford Plant ing and to forward a copy of said Social service and prohation work resolutions to the President and TrusLeRoy Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. in Wi· l mctte has heen placed in charge tees of the Village of Wilmette. Frank Smith of 1319 Central avenue, of Mrs. Emma Stopka, visiting nurse. who now live s in Detroit. was the to vote intelligentdurin~ the ahsencc of Mrs. Lillian D. Mrs. Fletcher Dobyns to victim of a peculiar accident at the Northam, who is ouite ill and unly in the coming Ford Mot or company plant in that Address Wilmette Women ,ahle to attend to her duties as ofcitv ahout qx week ago, and he is elections by readficial community social service worker. n<'\v . eriou,J_, ill at the Ford hoo;pital . }frs. Fletcher Dobyns, pre. ident of M Mrs. Stooka volunteered to assume the Women \\' hile at work in thc> commi' ar~· deRoosevelt Republican ing rs. Northam's dutie in addition to club of Chicago and a well known putment oi the automohill' nlant, a her own strenuous work in the schools political . peakcr. will address the Re ·li ce of -tel'l rolled off a tahlt· and, and homes of school children. in strikin·' him, it cut a hil.! ga h in publican women of \Vilmette Monc'ay hi hip. 'fhi~ rut hccame ~o in£ cted aft ernoon . March 24, at 2 o'clock. at that an npcration wa undertaken sevth e home of Mrs. F. B. Crossley, 602 11 HOME FROM BUSINESS TRIP "r::~ l d:l\·, :ti'O. S!ate . Representative Ll'wis B. V.'as hin r.: ton avenue. Smith i' Jl vear old . married and E,· ery woman in the villag e i' Spr111ger. whose home is at 4~ Maple the fatla·r of two childrt>n. Hi~ av!nue, Wilmette. is expected to re- cordiallv invited to hear Mr . Dobytb. "' Other j, w1th him thi w t·k. while tuyn ~ome this week from a business those who are sponsorinll her appt·arhi. fatlu-r wa in Detroit Ia ·t we k. anc e in \Vilmette explain. trrp m the South. HAS A BRILLIANT CAST This year's figure is larger by $120,000 than that of last spring and is remarkabJe tribute to the promptness of the New Trier taxpayers, since the tax books, because of unavoidable delay in the county offices, were in the hands of the collector for a ·period of only about ten d,;lys. The showing in the township is particutarty gratifying in view o£ the fact that taxes paid to the local collector are immediately available for the various departments, while after the cqllections are transferred to the county collector's office, the money is no longer available for immediate use until settlements can he adjusted and prorated to the separate divisions. This causes a delay and adds to the expense of collections, besides depriving the community of the use of interest accrued on money credited to the ~own ship. a Many Guests to Attend Feativities Tonight BACK BOARD ON BUILDING CODE Plan Fine Banquet The saying is : "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach," and the committee in charge of the Con fcrence is not overlooking the truth of that saying. Consequently, when a boy hands in his registration card and fee to a regular cluh collector before next Wednesday, he is entitled to his share of the fun at the big hanquet Saturday night. But the absolutely material side was not all that was considered. A contented body is no help to a dis couraged and restless mind. So <?n these two days the young men w111 have an opportunity to hear prominent men talk and gain the inspiration themselves which thi conference ha always heretofor ~iven to other "Contrary to the ever prevalent conc eption of con ferenccs as dry and tasteless affairs," avs one of the com mittec members, "the fellow who at tends this con fercnce will gain an in spiration and an interest which only such an affair can give him. So re member the date March 29 and 30, and the place the Wilmette Congrega tiona! chuch." ANNEXATION TO BE VOTE ISSUE CONTEST SEEN AT POLLS HERE CHICAGO LAW GRADS TO HONOR ESSINGTON The Chicago Alumni club, made up of former men tudents of the Uni vcrsity of Chicago re iding in the Chicago district, wilt hold a dinner in honor of Senator Thurlow G . E sinRton at the Hotel La Salle at 6:30 o'clock, .\[onday, March 24. Senator Essington is an alumnus of the Law School of the university. hav ing taken his d egree in 1908. He is the fir t alumnus, of the University of C hicago to bl' a candidate for Governor of Jl1inois , and because he i~ an alumnu s, thi. dinner ·S being held in his honor . President Emeritus Harry Prat Judson · of the univet:sitv will also m a ke an addre -s and will introduce the gue . t of honor. A reception wilt he held for Senator Essington at 6 o'clock; dinner will he served prompt ly at 6:30 and the adjournment wilt be at 9 o'clock sharp in order that the Senator may keep a la te r engagement. Rt.·se rvation~ ma~· be made hy call in ~ Franklin 3461. it is explained. D. F. Simmons Taka Post with Big Gypsum Company D. F . Simmon ,., secretary of the Snider-C'azcl Drug company, has re . i~ned to accept a position with the Universal Gypsum company. He i succeeded a. sccrt'lary of the loca druJZ firm hy F . \V. Iri . h. formerly of F,,·amton. ~fr . Simmon ha: heen affiliated with the nider- azel Dru~.r company for many year ·, his connection with the local concern having been in trrrupted only by hi~ "ervice with the l'nited States Army during the \Vorld war. PREPARE YOURSELF Cazel Boys Give Their Mother a Birthday Fete ~fr . l.'·dia \\'t·st. 0 Pine ~trf' t \Vinn tka·. motllt'r of Ernc;t. H<'mer ·a. h and RaY C'azel. all Qf hom are '\n·ll k no1\ n on th e- north horf' rP.It-hr ted a J~'rth<laY Friday. larch 14, \\Jth a par y that hccamc verit able familv r .union. All the ,·on~ nttt:rlfl d 1:1 put:r e cept Ray. \\ hu j, in aliforni . YOUR COMMUNITY PAPER

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