Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1924, p. 4

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$500,000 LAND 4======================================~\~\'~!f~~-~~~~E~T~T~E~L~IF~·E~,=F~·R~lD~:~\\~··~~~I~A~R~C~H~21~,~1~92~~~~==~~~~====~~~~~~~~~~~= ium dasses for some weighing even l 15 pounds. Close I I Oul .lmette K. of \.... ~. Hold· !='laa· . ed in now. t t~: !O · · · · and Clftl'k ""' Adorn time and much preparation ts un- competition is expected in all classes 11ll)as · · Memorial Services Tuesday Annual ~f err.orial 5 ~· n·i ce s in Ouil - DEAL IS CLOSED Syndicate Purchases Lar·e T racta North of Skokie Golf Club WILL BE HOMESITES m· tt e cou 11cil, Knights cf Columh u~ wi I be held in St. Franci~ Xa\· ier·~ S( hool hall , N;nth street al}d Linden avenue . Tuesday evening, March 25. The order of service has been announced as follow s: "Lead . Kindly Light" .. Parndl Egan "For \\'hat Purpose Are Vt.'e Here" .................. D . G. K. Hellinger "What b Man?" ....... Chas. Xapier In\· nc~tion GObert D. Johnson and Bro. Ia Broker Fr~d e rick A. l'oupn. repn:senting a syndicate composed of Mes srs. Francis E. Manicrn·. Loui s Manierre, Fre(Lcrick H. \\'inston and himself ha s purchased the entire block of frontage o n \Va shington avenue one block north of the Skokie Golf club Glencoe, running- 600 feet west fro~ Valley road . They propose to build seven attractive homes to sell around $35,000, preference to he !Zi\'(:n to members of the Skokie Golf club. R c\'. Francis Magn er, Chapla in. "Be.lntifu l Isle of Somewhere" ... .. . ............. .... Parnell Egan Roll Call Recorder: X . P. Miller; V\' arden: George Allis. "Our Order and Its Dead" ....... . ........... General John V. l : linnin "Thy Will Be Done" ... Parnell Eg-an "Our Decea se d Brothers of the Last Year" ]. D. Pahlman for B. F. Patter, on, deceased; Wm. D . ~apier for \Vm . !.. Robin so n, decease d: Wm. Dooley for John A . Gen es t. deceased. "Thl' Vacant Chair" . . .. Parnell Egan Pray ers for the Dead RcL Francis ~[agner. Chaplain. Plan En·li·h Villa·e They have also purchased between four and fi\·e ac res on Valin· roarl just north of the north end ·of the Skokit· Golf cluh ~rounds and pro · pose to dl·vtdop a unique English villa~e ~ith an entrance of stone posts w1th 1ron gates and a private road way on which tht·sc hou~es will face. These houses will be small but of distinctly English architecture and placed on the market in the neighborhood. of from $16.000 to $17,000. Th1 s same group of men has developed severa l localities on the north shore and is firm in the com·iction that not only will the present values !>e ma.intained hut that the s hortag~ 111 res1dences is sti ll very acute Gilbert D. John son and Brother. rep r~sented all parties in the tran~ac ttons. Coet ia $500,000 The improvements contemplated on these two pieces of property will involve a11 expenditure of "l Jlpr oximatclv a half million dollar~. The price paid for tl!e two parcels of property was not <ll.'oclosed. .~!fred E. Manierrc will il" the arcllltcct for the vrooo , ,.d den 'oom"nt. der wa\· for the s~·on~ annual tourna - and prizes will be awarded to the tw~ ment ~· hirh \\ill b.: n~ld next we_ek. highest in each class. The Village coun cil d · am her s r e· The boy ~ \\i ll ~:ompete m the ~ollowmg The night gymnasium class of the larger boys is also going to specialize ceived an adornment oi American classes, <b dttl'rm med hy wetght:. Those hoY' unde_r 75 pounds; 7:J to in wrestling and boxing for the next flags this week, a s \\ l'll as a wall 85 pound s; H~ to ~;:, pounds; 95 to 105 month. and great things are expected clock. pounds; 10.1 to I b pounds; and those in these sports. It has been suggc~tccl h~ -.evera' of the trustees that fram ~ d likenesses of Abraham Lincoln and George Washinrton be secured for the 'toom. and it is likely that pictures of all past presidents of th e hoard of trus· TWO WISE MEN to take advantaae of tbeae OPPORTUNITIES. · ~e~· will be .secured for the chamR room BRJCK home in NORTHEAST location ; wooded lot 75xl ih : 3 haths; garage; h . w. heat; convenient to transportation; her~. U~l'Sl':\1. value for $20.000. Terms. 1 bloc k from Lake Michigan ; PERMANENT view of the water : o room stucco home of unusually charming arrangement: h. w. heat; canvassed walls; sun parlor; sleeping and breakfast porches; 2 car garage ; a real hargain . See this and make offer. A s the basket hall season draws to l close the Kenilworth gy mna sium b '>ecoming the scene of ~eve ral inter· Wilmette ZZ8 esting games. The "Eagles" and the 348 Linden Avenue ·'White Mules," staged a close game Thursday night of last week, and the former team emerged in the end w1th a 1-0 vic t ory. This is an unusual score in basket ball. but never-the· less gave the runner- up honors in the gymnasium league to the "Eagles." Wrestling in struction will be fcatur · LMOST thought the suit was new when he got it back from DeLuxe Cl~aners. You'll be surprised A CAR TO BE PROUD OF when you see the wonderful results we achieve with our special yours will he after we have processes which retains the fabric completed our patntlllg and and destroys the dirt. finishin g of the body. lt pays to spend a little n~ oney-s mall in comparison with initial cost 1105 CENTRAL AVENUE and upkeep-on regular paint· Phone Wilmette 690 ing of your car. lt adds to appearance and value. Walla of Council Rooms Metho marl WANTED BORC Miaa i This Basket Ball Game Ended with 1-0 Score McGUIRE & ORR Not New, Juat Dry Cleaned A DeLuxe Cleaners ROBERT W. MciNTYRE Rear of Wilmette State Bank Phone Wil. 68-4 Our· First Anniversary Just one year ago the 19th of this month we ce lebrated our first anniversary. Our business for the past year has been very successful, proving that the public does appreciate our good food and service. nany -patrdns, coming year a wd assure them that we will make nore satisfactory one. Large , tention li nings, to the sacre the large Parish 1 torium o was pac ~ came to much im1 the secon all over Orville tor of t cf seeing able perf his expc dertaking choir in off so s untiring als cf th childrt'll and une p re parati task. M latl·d on , ambit icus cooperati in their als and c scntation Miu ~l;ss ~ SPRING SUITS Nothing better can be had in quality, price and style. Everything for the ladies. We have everything ready to wear. _ J. Q. Anderson Monument Co. CHICAGO, ILL. part of Q (JUcen . gave a dramatic in as the people, th Haman. in Act 2 Cnclc 1f behalf o rendered. exposed Jones sa .Fifty-Eight Years of Successful Business Our price· moat reaaoaable. We delinr enrywhere. Lar·e·t in Chica·o Ra·en. 3523-2882 Unique Style Shop IIZI CENTRAL AVE. Ph. Wil Z4G3 Buaineaa Lunch 10:30 to 2:00 F. C. FREDRICKSON, MANAGER 5751 Rannewood A··· At Eotraace of Roee Hill Cemetft'Y Sheridan Cafe Wilmette Avenue and Main Street OPEN ALL NIGHT CITY MARKET CO. MEATS 627 MAIN ST. -:- PHONE WILMETTE 1870 WHOLESALE RETAIL A GOOD SALAD is quite largely a matter of good drt!ssing. And good dressing, as every experienced housewife knows, is quite largely a matter of luck. A very critical thing, salad dressing. Make sure of good salads by buying your mayonnaise of us . We're famed for the quality of our mayonnaise. GOOD MEATS T AST~ BETTER When their prices are not exorbitant. You can have the BEST BEEF-LAMB-VEAL -PORK or POULTRY at a price well within your reach by taking advantal'e of the offer· inga we make in thia weekly aclvertiaemeat. Note these low pric::ea for our dramatic Mr. B Ahasuerus His duet, Scene 2, was Ham, voices bl Mr. A Haman a was in ke the King' rendered Mr. E. gave a fit role. As hated, he difficult a muc~ app Miss Haman's beautifull Haman as effectively the many Miss Dav it impress1 A.M. remarkabl many curt great dra sang it sul suited to 1 BIG SPECIAL SALE-FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 21-22 Native Rib Rout Beef, lb. .. .. . a ~ffi~u~l a splendid[ JSC Native Tender Pot Rout, lb. 22c Pork Loin Rout, half or whole, lb..... : ..... ZOe 37c 38c 43c ~~~ ...... 13lc SPE~~~~~~Y.,~ · ~~~ ~~~~.' . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .......... 21lc Armour Cloverbloom Butter pouad prints FANCY SOFT MEAT ROASTING CHICKENS LB. . ..................................................... . Dry Picked Turkeys Lean Pork Shoulder Capons, Special Special, lb. .. ........ lb. .. . .. .. ... ' IlSONS YIV/l't'ii"~ BAKI:RY ILLINOIS 54c Eeea-Strictly Fresh, doz. 3lc No. 1 Breakfast Bacon half or whole aide, lb. . . . . . . C 26 FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, ETC. FOUR I)AILY DELIV RIES-9 A.M. -11 A. M.-2 P.M. --4 P.M. WILMEtTE, ICENIL ORTH, GLENCOE, WINNETKA Mrs. E Princess, sister, Mi Princess as attenda bers of th4 parts and bert Dyon also as a I Harbo nah, High Prie as Hegai, well. It is a lu solo pa but one w· choir. It of talent choir. The dan dren in th Pretty seen Edward matic trai1 chorus. 1 for the he contributed undertakin W. D. 1 stage pr 01 cult job < to expres work he d the gate a all the de

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