WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1924 IP'OR 8.U.E--HOU81ilHOLD -.oODS FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD G00l>8 IN- ~~~~wn~ion~rul\awlck pbo·tr.~f~ WANTIW TO BVY- The American BOUIBROLD GOOD8 WiJmeae Po.t No. ;f6 Leeion WANTED TO BUY-8ECOND HAND .......... furniture and other houaehold cooda. FtW GtHl mfd e~lf._, Hlgheat price paid tor aame. Croat 1.... ·· J _. .... - . r u.mtuJ e Store. 1004-6 Emeraon St., logd/tn- for llv fo · 11 Evanston, Ill. Phone 188. tfw,o~~~ :. To ·tlwld Oftd thfntd 1/v LTNU-ttc Co1ut;f'NtiMI of tlte UNit" Stalll of a.·ott 8AL&-MI8t.:ELLANEOUS' AfMrictJ; to Mai~&tai,. 14w end orkr · to DtW,.._. :a=:-.. FOR BALE-12 GEORGE'\'TE, TAF- e~t .A~~J.SM; . to #ISif"W IM ..,._ teta, Crepe de Chine and · Satin after- orvs tmd Utcidntts of Otir Olso~ t. fost" tmd l"f"'"'t~ G \JM IHntdrH '~ Why do they do it? They put their tnoney in holes in the groun~, (supposedly mines or oil wells); they tnvest in speculative stocks and securities offered by high pressure salesmen. \Vby do n1any people do it, when they can buy 'First Mortgage Real Estate Loans on high class North Shore Residence· propaty? coats and one black cape, $16 to UO; racy of. boll· classu, tJiad tlu fiUUsrs; lo tMkl nglfl lilt ffiCJSI" of Mig/at' lo if'ouress size 36; Taupe Jeraey beaded MOll IIOCI olld good will .,. :Grill· lo dresa else 42; dark grey eravlnette; so(tg~rd Gild lran.msil to ~stmly 1/u ~go~n:n;~. e;5e~~'\2~~e:·~~ue11:f:at~~ ~Jw. £?rial WtJr; ~ 0 »act~kCJ11 · snu1 ·I plaid sklrita, $4 each; J dark blue '"dividNGI obltgalunt to t~ CMflffUI*':J " silk sweaters, $5 each; a apring stGtl GJNI ~tio11; 10 tOfNbot tlw ·toe~ :~~~ ;;l~c~~rte al~~it36~~~~u! 1 i-J~~~r~: nlng coat, $30. 931 12th Street. Wllmette. Phone Wilmette SOU. ·.::===========L=T=N=26=-=1=tc:' ,- ~o~:!t~s o:;~g~~~ee b;:~~:· v3e~v:rde:!~ t"Ncstlts of I Mlp/»IMss.-Preamble to of The An,erican Lettion. eo·rodtshit , jtUtict, fr~tdotl& Gad dftaoe. rGCy,· lo Cfmll crot1 arwl SGNetifJ ow CINr drootiott to ....,_, Constitution rENT-FARM IT-FARM: 10 TO rice; nea.r EvaniJohn Marku, ie. L26-ltc I-OFFICE i OFFICE, SECOND rn Building, 115t easonable. Phone LTN26-tfc OF 1\lY cond fioor. ird noor where g is allow«><l. s. Gillt>tte. 830 d. Wil. ~80-J. LTN26-ltp Y FURNISHED west exposure; ; 3 blocks from 2 per week. Gar· ed. T el. Glencoe LTN26-lte RONT ROOMS; de; central locao children. 'Tel. LTN26-ltc , LIGHT, FURN. ; near transp.: Tel. Wll. 832-R. LTN26-ltc I . RENT-H. w. Tel. Wll. 2398. . L26-ltC I 1. , AND PRIVATE sford Rd. T el. L26-ltc SHED RMS., ALapt. Tel. Wil. ansportatlon. LT6-tfc OMS SUITABLE eplng; turntshed. LTN26-ltc I NEAR STATION. !I'el. Wlnn. 234. LTN26-ltc ~NT-ROOMS - TWO ROOMS housekeeping or round June 1st. -lfe, 124. L26-1 tJ> .W.f;;~tr~.nvi>~1;~! L26-ltP TED--MALE NT-l<"'URNISHED Draperies, vers . Brent Dow Allinson: Well to all mtents and purposes he is back again This last incident at Evanston on last Sunday evening sort of reminds one of the "Seven year itch." In most cases the "stretch" worked a wonderful cure, but as any physician will tell you, oft t imes "heroic" mea ures are VICKERY KENNELS, BARRINGTON '1Ct'clcd. Personally, I still have the m.· wmr tart ~ ~tk man's pfncllera airecJaTea for aale. confidence that sent me to take All registered atock. Doge boarded place with her defenders, that and cared for. Phone Barrington 60-Y. Mrs. F . M. Cappeller-Schwar.s, man will in time incrimina't e himself Mang. LTNIIi - lltp to the extent th:~t the authorities will be able to place strong hands on him BABY CHICKS· IN 100 LOTS: AS- and deal out to him the measure of sorted, $li; ~ghorns, U2; Barred Rocks, a, C. RedJJ. A.ncona.e, U~~ he 'rod' that he has so truly <leserved Wy·ndottew, Butl Orpingtomt, M1· mJ earned. norcas, $17; postpaid. Catalog free. A li!tle quiet analysis of this man U. T. FARROW CHICKERIES. PEORIA, ILLINOIS. LTN18-Utc and Ius actual weight and displacemet.tt a.s far as the future of this FOR SALE--GERMAN AND BELGIAN nat1011 1s concerned, has to me, been police dogs ; black; 8 montha old · male, $100; female, $50. Alao Ger~ the ~ource of much comfort and satisfa~tJOn. When !he crisi came, in :;}~~ ~~~~~ ¥ff:Pl~~m~\:~k~3t w~!\~ ~pt~e. of the hootmg and howling, the 1006 Michigan Avenue or Tel . Wll. ms1dtous propaganoa of his ilk, the . 1684. LTl\126-ltc best that the nation had in man and RA:DJ6-WILL BUILD. 8-TUBE SUPER woman power came to the front, ·aw 'HE"J;ERODYNE at moderate prlee; the emergency and acted in accordguatanteed clear coast to coast re- ance with the dictates of sound mind ~~:t~~~ 8 .on _i~~:~.!P~~~~~es.Tel. Aua- ~~d true. patriotic fundam~ntals. His LTN 26 _1tc kmd l.l estta.ted. s~arred as tt were, for ::-:~---------------1 he time m whach to formulate an FOR SALE- RADIO SET; 2 STAGE 'xcuse or reason for their very appar~:::;~~lllt~kt'::~u~t:~hrnne ~!~?n~~~1 Yb~flt nt la~k of .Pat~iotic f~rvor and sense In loud speaket· · complete· expert of ordanary JUStice. Dtd you ever find "A" battery anu' aerial; w'onderful yourself in the wronf, or rather not value. Tel. Wll. 2l57. L28-1tc want to do_ a certam thing, which FOR SALE-USED KENNEDY RADIO down deep Ill your heart shouted at with Atwate·· Kent amplifier, $60. you in every living second, "You Same set new, $L04. B. Relnicke. should be there," or ';you hould do Tel. Wll . 2u20. LTN26·1tP it ." You salved your heart and conf. OR SALE-ROSE VELVET PARTY science with every manner of reason. The Home of Saving· Depoaitora frock, size 111 yeare; alrnoat new, heard of, and unheard of, and for the $20; black satin slippers 4A. never time being felt that you were perfectworn. Tel. Wll. 2692. L26-1tc ly right in doing as you did. But WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE then came the reaction, the time when buys and sells rua-s. stovea, autoa, the fallacy and smallness of your line ~~~noa, anythlna- useful. f.9JN ?tr~ of reason branded you just plain 1 yellow, and ashamed to face the gang FOR SALE- HOUSEHOLD FURNI- who were there and did the things :~~:. and clothlna-. Tel. ~W:Se.\~~ to which you should have lent your assistance. I am not speaking now of Ml8CELLANiilOU8 the late war. I am staying right ia the line of ordinary living · and daily ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A SUM· life and to make myself perfectly dear mer camp for little girls with an expert naturt> teacher as guide and In- might say that the parallel should structor tor out-of-door hlkea and apply to your lack of interest and atstudies, and a mother to care for tention to your duty as far as the local and Look after the child's health? FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Address Life. A-117. LTN26-1tc post of your Legion is concerned. SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE SITUATION WANTED-MALE lust as sure as night of rest follows FOR SALE WANTED TO BORROW-FROM PRIV- the day of labor, Brent Dow Allinson WOOD SAWED ANY LENGTHS; SITUATION WANTED-DRESSMAK0 trees taken down, cleaning up lots lng and plain sewing by the day; R'l;~~~0 ~Poct~'i:~~EL~~F~ab~~Al~~ :~~e~ndll~~~:~s ·«.~~~- ~alk,t ~~~t will eome to that place Ben~·doll has, for building. Tel. Wll. 1579. references; experl.enced. Tel. Evdies Chairs, Rockers, Settees, Music 1 "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~L;T~N!;2~6~-l;;t;;P l!nd the press chronicals his desire LTN23-4tc anston 5842. LTN26-ltc Box and other antiques, also French I' to return to his native land, take his and J<~ngllsh Mezza.tlnts, Aquatlnta, ··on. SALE-AUTOMOOILE8 punishment like a man and endeavor RELIABLE COLORED MAN WANTS WANTED- WASHINGS TO TAKE steady places !or work by day or home, finished work and rough dry. ~~~~rnt!n~v!~~to~o~:69 -~.·hl8°0g ~~~~s~ to re-establish himself in the society gen. house cleaning. Can turn. A-1 Will call and deliver. 418 Pt·airle ington St., Evanston, Ill . L26-ltc of man, who have since the beginning \VII. rets. Tel. Wll. 839-W. Ave., Wll. Tel. Wll. 1351. LT26-4tp of time banded themselves together 26 1 for common protection and mutual - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L __ _-_t_P GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN TO TAKE FOR SALF:-FURNISHINGS OF 8- RM. NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND care of small house and two chllhse. Living, dining room, bedroom benefit. You cannot tancl alone in GARDEN S&RVICE dren. Tel. Wilmette 1919. L26-ltp furniture; reed chairs, table, fernery; this world. In the general scheme of Oakland sedan-make offer. gas stove; garden tools; sanitary House and window cleaning, ftoor things I am too much dependent on co ucht>s: cooking utensils, diahell, waxing, lawn and garden work, flrst HIGH CLASS DRESSMAKING BY THE Ov rland sedan, 1922, guaryou. and you are too much dependent etc. Tel. WI!. 839-W. L26-ltc class references. Walsh. · Tel. Wlnn. day. Tel. Evanston !Hill. nnte.ed. 816 or 1035 (after 6 P.M.) LT25-tfc LTN26-l!tp on me. to entertain even the remotest FOR SALE- HOUSEHOLD GOODS, IN· idea, that "T am right and the rest of Slocum Motor Sales eluding living room, dining room, !';'ORTH SHORE HOUSE CLEANING 'VANTED-TYPEWRITING OR CLERthe world is wrong." The majority lea.! work for afternoons. Tel. Wll. b edroom furniture, Victrola and SERVICE rule and Brent Dow Allin on does 2146 or Evanston 6587. LTN26-ltp dishes: also garden implements. WE CLEAN WALL PAPER, CALCITel. Wlnn. 1495. LTN25-2tc mine, grass cloth; we wash painted not happen to he with the majority woodwork, and windows as well as HELP WANTED-FEMALE on this particular question. This also polish furniture and wax floors. FOR HALE- WHITE ENAMEL GAS ~r>olies to the supoort he happened to First class ret. Edward T. Handy. '\Vinn . 112 .~ 724 Elm St. range, Ranltary couch, bed, springs h:>"" on Sunday cv~>ning in the EpTelephone Operating and mattress, lcP box, chairs. rugs, LTN26-ltc ~~s~e T!E1' wVft~l. 47 a!ter lTf2-l'fc worth Lcayue and the "38." The porch swing, tabl<'s, etc. Call WinIs a. n e tka 741 before 9 a. m . or after 5 whole assemhly not reore~entative of p. m. LTN26-1 tc Desirable Occupation HELP WANTED-MALE the true American spirit, the Methrorlist church. the Foworth leaj.!'ue, and For Yotmg Women FOR SALE-DININO ROOM SET, OAK WANTED-HOUSEMAN, GARDENER; T hope not of Northwe tern univer11ity. The work Is permanent, Interesting JH·<lestal table and six chairs, leathwhl te: ex pd.; must furnish referanu near home. Our operators are l'r seats. American walnut side- WITH EYERY USEU CAR PUR- Give me that whole a~ embly and a nces; best wages. 716 Greenwood well pal<l . They like their work and board. Tudor period. Will separate; Ave .. Wilmette. LTN26-ltc ..,.ood alt>sman 10 tell them about chased Is our policy . their associates. Vacations (with very l'easonable. .Tel. '\Vinn. 834. Look over our stock, It we do not Americanism, ancl 1'11 jZuarantee that LTN2G-ltc pay) are given each year. A liberal SPARE TIME have , what you want, we may have Ben<'fU Plan Is provl<led. Come to I want a bl'lght, energetic young (Continued on page 28) It next week: our stock Ia constantly the Telephone offlce anu talk It over ON A C UN'!' 01.<' REM VAL TO man tor a special eight w eks camchanging. with the '\VIlmette Chief Operator. paign selling Armour's Lawn & mahogany suite, May first, am sell· Illinois Bell Telephone Company. Car<len FertiLizer In Wilmette. Pays Mr~ . HPnry Rig~s Rathbone is in lng all oak offlce fut·nlture. Tel. L26-1tc well . Requlrt>s short time each eve~taln 1903. Emot·y D . Frazer. Florida where she will he a JOtUest at ning and Saturday afternoons. Phone LTN26-1tp the Royal Poinciana hotel until April F . L . Brown, Hyde Park 4100, Local WANTED- STENOGRAPHER FOR Dodge Brother·s and Wills St. Claire IZ. She will be in Washington on 236, for appointment or write Nageneral office work; good chance tor F< R SALE-VI·:RY CHEAP; REED Dealers tional Fertilizer Company, 5540 advancement. Apply Lloyd Hollister, sun parlor Rt't: brass bed with box April 16. 'VInnetka 16Ci Woodlawn Ave., Chicago L26-ltp Inc., 122~ Centl·a.l Ave., Wllml'tt··. BJ>dug and mattress; lawn mower, LTN26-ltc LTN26·1lJI like new. '1'1.'1. Rogers Park 9856 . LOST AND 'FOUND SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE ---------------L26-ltc FUR SALE-BY OWNEH. NO DEAL<'1"8. Wills Saint Claire Touring. GIRL WANTED- FOR CASHIER CLEANER; f'erft>ct mtlchanlcal candltlon. Fully work In Wilmette store. Experience l!~OR SALE-VACUUM mir-ror; china and glassware; bedequiJ)peu, front and rear bumper, not necessary, but must be quick a.nd The Fashion Sewing Shop accurate. room uite; butlet; odd chairs; very s:>ot light. wind-shield clNLner, spare Address 123 c/o Wilm e tte AFTERNOON GOWNS AND DRESSES n·asonable. Tel. Wlnn. H95. wheel and lin·. Phoue Wll. 2167. l-Ife. LTN26-1 tc a specialty. Rea!'onable prices. L%6-ltc LTN28-1tc Make early appointments. 1534 Highland Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wll. FOR SALE-MAHOGANY FINISHED 966-J. L15-ttc Hlmmons rlay-bed with mattress; used only 2 mo. Tel. Kenll. 108 Plenty of f"'OOd dry oak ready tor Immediate sale, also elm nnd ash. GROVES and JUST T l. Wll. 5u9 1223 Wll . Ave. LTN25·2tc To combat A'pril's chill Stout oak is masttr still. · -w....ceia mr We are in a position to offer such attractive loans for investment. 'l'itle guaranteed by the Chicago Title & Trust Company; Fire and Tornado Insurance; rate of interest 6.0% payable sen1i-annually: Interest coupons collected free of charge. Will you consult us? Ftnt Natioul Baak · OP WILMETTE~=------- ------------------------- sJ3. ~andtl Bros. et, Wilmette 2228 I.'1'N4-tfc BABY CARRIAGE CHEAP; IVORY trln·m··« In blue. Call 780 Elm St., 2nd aot. Mra. Bell. LT·ltP ftte lOUSE MAN; 18 1 yeara In Rog· :all Superior 84fl o. Franklin St., LJ6·ltP FOl'NJ.)-I'AIR TORTOISE RIMMED &"lasses on Prairie Ave., between Doyle Ct. and Wood Ct. Own r may have same by paylnc for thla a4. 1222 Central Ave. , L21·1tp WJD DESIRE TO ICXPRESS APPRJDCIatlon of the many klndne.. · of our LOST- I 0 'KETBOOK WITH tJ1.60; friends and relatlv s nd thanka for small change; [) keya; R. R. tlckete; the many beautiful ftoral tokeu Ia atamva: lost between Wilmette Poat tbe lnatallce or our recent berea-.eOlllce anu Wilmette Shoe Store. Rement. Otto L. KentPe an4 'F· ward It returned to ownet>. Tel. ~~ Kenilworth 39. Llt-ltp .