Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Mar 1924, p. 3

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1924 LEGION CALLSMASS MEETING I North Shore Poata Sponsor Meeting to Counteract "Youth Movement" McCHESNEY TO SPEAK Session to Be Held in Evanston Sunday The Evanston Post of the American Legion. in cooperation with Wilmette and Winnetka Posts of the great exservice men's orP'ani?atiorr, l-as sum moned a patriotic mass meeting to he held in Pa!ten . gymnasium, Northwestern umverstty campus, Sund.·ly afternoon, March 30, as a formal protest. and counteracting influence agamst the recent meetinR" of a pacifist group in the First Methodist Episcopal church of Evanston at which. it was said, the assemblage cast slurs at the American flag. "War to ~ finish on disloyalty," was declared thts week to be the primary task of the Legion at this time when what is termed as radical "mind poison" is being spread among the youth of t_he nation. Last Sunday's demonstration at Evanston, legion !ead~rs assert r_ep~t>~ents merely an mkhng of what mstdtous practices are being employed to soread pacifist propaganda in univer .. ities and amonJ! the young people in the churches of the country. Leaden to Speak rtg. Gen : McChesney commented on Sunday ntght's incident as follows: . "The impression was given in some mstances that the little "38" who voted they would refuse to serve their coun~ry in time of war regardless of the tssues were representative. It is .not true. Northwestern welcomes to :ts doors students of all shades of opin1 0~ and w:thin reasonable bounds pcrmtts them to express themselves. "It must do so as a great university. But those who hold anti-social views ~ust accept the social onus, th'e ostractsm that goes with it. The rank and file of Northwestern has as hearty a con_tempt for the slacker, deserter. or tr~ttor as any intelligent and healthy mmded group. The conscientious pacifist during the war was willing to be punished for his conviction. Even he had nothing but contempt for the slacker who ran away. Northwestern stu?ents and alumni have always done thetr duty by our country and will continue to do so, never fear." Ralph Wessel in his Wilmt'tte Legion column in this issue of WILMETTE LIFE also comments at length concerning the Altinson affair. · M inute Men A c t Spea~ing as .a representativ~. oi the ~l~mnt association of the university, "RESO~VEI>t 4hat we condemn and censure, any g,roup or individual who encourag~ such treasonable doctrines, by permitting their public presentation or the public appearance of any one of their notorious advocates, such as Brent Dow Allinson." BLACK DIRT FERTILIZER To Beautify Your Lawna Invite LOcal Women to Hear Primary Candidates Members of north shore women's clubs and groups are invited and urged to hear Primary candidates at the Wornall's City club of Chicago at 16 N. Wabash a~enue, on April 1, appearing un~er ausptces of the Municipal Citizenship league, the Tuesday Citizenship and the Ward and Suburban branches of the club. The Democratic Primary meeting will be held in the morning from 10 to 12 :30 o'clock, and the Republican Irrimary discussion is scheduled for the afternoon from 2 to 4 :30 o'clock. Addresses will be made by candidates for the offices of United States Senator Governor, Attorney General, State's At~ torney of Cook county, and Sanitary District trustees. Invitations to north shore women were extended this week by Mrs. W . J Weldon of Wilmette. LIME CRUSHED ·STONE To Dress Up Your Driveways Edinger & Sons E.tablishecl 1187 EVANS1'0N WILMETIE Noy· and Colfas 1311 Lake Aftllue EYanatoa 5035 Wilmette 841-M2 WINNETKA 722 Elm Stt..t Wllllletq IG Speakers at Sunday's meetin~ will include Brig. Gen. William Nathan McChesney, president of the General Al~tpmi. association of Northwestern um~erstty, Ferro C. Watkins, of Evanston, and Rev. Horace G. Smith, pastor of Hemingway Methodist Episcopal church. Evanston. T he meetinR" has been officially called by Harold Garwood, commander of the Evanston Post of the American Legion. Commenting on the so-called "Youth Movement" which, it was said, Allinson was sponsoring in his address last Sunday 'night before the Epworth league of the First Methodist church, Maj. Louis T. Byrne, U. S. A., military instructor of the Northwestern university R. 0. T. C., said: · "This is a Russian Bolshevik idea through which the Third Internationale hopes to rule the world." The Executive commitVee of the Minute Men of the Constitution. which has a Jarge membership on the north shore, in session on March 26. adopted the following resolution as a direct consequence of the · Brent Dow Allinson affair ': "WHEREAS, it has become known that an organized campaign is beinrr conducted in every section of the United States to break down respect for the Law. by rtedgin~ our citizens not to perform Military or other service in time of \\tar. and "WHEREAS. this unpatriotic propaganda is heing actively spread in our Churches and Educationa' Institutions. "RESOLVED. that t he MINUTE MEN OF THE CONSTITUTION . pledge their unqua lified opposition to these attempts to undermine thf' Constitution of the United States. and further SPRING SUITS Noth ing be'tter can be had in quality, price and style. Everything for the ladies. We have everything ready to wear. These dresses and coats are truly distinctive. Their styles are ao different, .:nd the materials of such excellent quality, that the wearer will feel proud of them, and justly so, because they are garments with personality. We too, will be glad to abow them to you-we alao, are proud of them. Come in today. Prices Are Reduced. -on every dress in this lot. Many numbers· of imported French flannels in exclusive designs of fabric are shown. Many silk frocks, some beaded and some plain, are included. Altogether, it is a splendid variety, at decided reductions, that we have on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · Unique Style Shop llZI CENTRAL AVE. Ph. Wil Z4ll Sl9 7S Wbea Electric Lamps Another Lot This special lot represents the very most you can expect in dresses. Many 0f them we considered excellent values at their regular price of $45, and now we believe they are unequaled at this sale price. ~he lot is somewhat limited, but most stzes are represented at . . . . . . · BurnOut EPLACE them immed ia+ely. Clean, shining, ever-re~dy light cuways improves the appearance of the home. When lamps burn out and if the glass is intact bring them in for exchange. (Broken lamps are not exchangeable.) This Company furnishes standard 6Q-Watt Mazda lamps free for original installation or exchange. Incandescent lamps of other sizes are furnished at greatly reduced prices. $29 so R Coats for Women Now is the tit:ne to select your new Spring coat, because selections are at their best at this time. Here you will find garments made by Hart Schaffner & Marx, Redfern, Kirshbaum, and other wellknown makers of coats for Women. The prices too, are reasonable. Sale of New Apron-Dresses We've just unpacked these apron-dresses, and put them on display. They are made from the nicest of materials-Beachcloths, percales, and ginghams. They are braid trimmed, tape trimmed and organdie trimmed. Eight styles ;r~ci;<~~~~le·d· ~~ .t~~. ~~~·l·o·t~,. ~~ -~~~ ~~~~s.............. s1.79 and $2.19 Puauc SERVICE CoMPANY cilia tlfl4 ,.,.__ Wille G.u or El«tricitJ OP NORTHERN ILUNOIS The McAllister- Worthen Co. 1146 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette ~~ 6,000 fii'U!Tr ..;Ia_.202 Jno. S. Reesman, District Manapr til Cluarcla Street, 1 Pho- E·aaatoa ,..._E·auto- Ph-· WD...tte . .

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