Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Mar 1924, p. 5

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1924 w ·~r. Jrancis Allen who is in business t 1 art Schaffner and Marx. will ravel for the firm for the next three months. The Church of the Holy Comforter has probably never had more interested audiences than those who listen to the Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth's lectures on the :'Episcopal Church." The Lenten serVJces are being unusually well attended. The theme for the lecture next Sunday, following tile short service led by the rector and full vested choir1 will be "The Power of the Sacraments" and on Wednesday April 2, "The Prayer Book and Prayer." The choir sings selections from Stainer's "Crucifixion" every Sunday during Lent. --o- ' r f - . h e r~dan road, who have been motorJOg m the south for the past three months are now in Houston, Texas. --oM rs. E. M. Sw«t, ~ Abbottsford road, was luncheon hostess to a number of her friends at her home on Friday, March 28. ~ .M~. and Mrs. I. A. 8ennett, 185 --<)-- Cosmas Chat ~===~Hungarian Carrots,~~~~~ Take one quart of .carrots, which have been scraped, and cut in two inch lengths, then in ~ inch slices. Measure and put in sauce pan, add 1 teaspoon salt, cover with hot water and boil until tender. Drain off water and add 1 tablespoon butter, ~ cup vinegar, ~ cup sugar. Return to fire and cook slowly until the strips are transparent. Rem,ove from fire and serve as side dish or as a salad. Excellent served either way. -oMrs. Fre<l H . Deacon entertained her bridge club at luncheon at her home ..151 Cumberland road, on Thursday, March ZJ. . ~ e e n · · The North Shore Theatre guild prl'sented Rachel Crothers' latest comedy "Mary the Third" in the Kenilworth hall on Tuesday evening. A number of the leading ;lCtors of this organization are making a place in the amateur dramatic world for this group of players. Special guests were the members of 'the Dramatic club of the University of Chicago. "Icebound" the Pulitzer prize play by Owen Davis is now being rehearsed and will be presented in the latter part of April. --oM iss Elizabeth Hannah, 2.56 \Voodstock road, who has been spending the winter in Asheville, North Carolina. spent the week-end of March 8, at Vassar college as the guest of Miss Helen Cresap and on the week-end of March 15, she was the guest of Miss Joy Scheidenhelm of Wilmette, who is attending Wellesley college. Miss Hannah returns to A ·h ':'v ille for the remainder· of the season. --oMr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Hypes of Glencoe are being congratulated upon the birth of a son at the Ev;on ~ ton hospital on Monday afternoon. M~r~h 24. Mrs. Hypes was Miss Charlnttr Parmelee, daur-hter of Mr. and M-s . E<lward Parmelee of Rosslyn road . Mr. Hypes is planning to leave in the near future for a business trip of several months in Europe. ~1 rs. Ridgeway who leaves Friday to spenrl a couple of days in Washin ~to n , D. C., with her naup;hter, Jane. who is a student at Wellesley, will leave there for Asheville. North Carolina. accompanied by Mr. Ridgeway who has been golfing in Orlando, Florida. for the oast two weeks. Miss Jane will join her parents in Asheville for her ten day Easter vacation. ~ Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Dowse of Leicester road were hosts at a small dinner and bridge party at their home on Friday evening, March 21. --oMrs. Edwin Hedrick, 304 Kenilworth avenue, entertained her sewing club "t hPr home on Monday afternoon March 24. ' --o~r. Hugh Foresman, 515 Essex road, arr1ved home Saturday from a ten day business trip in San Antonio rexas . ' --oOn Wednesday eveninl!' the yo11ng '>eople's club met with ,Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Ellis at 207 Cumberland avenue. ~ We now laaH laome .,-ouna carrot· to 6e Hangarianuetl Special 3c per bunch Muahrooma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41c ~~ ~·................. Mrs. Grant Ridgeway was hostess to the evening bridge club at dinner on Monday. --oMrs. J. R. Farley, Jr., was hostess at luncheon at her home, 300 Abbottsrord road, on Wednesday, March 26. --oMrs. Edl!'ar W. Burchard was hostess at a bridge party at her home, 310 Oxford road, Saturday of last week. Saturday Specials .... lie 17c lZc 41c Green Peu, lb..... .................. Rhubarb, lb. . ... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . A.par,aaua, large bunch .............. A.paragua, amall bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lSc Coamu and Freab Fruit and V eaetablea are Synonymous Cigars Are on Meatjian; Yea Sir, It'a Aram, Jr. --.n K M"stjian, well known d- aler in oriental rugs with offices and ·Jl ant located at 511 Main street. w" · t=stributing havanas Tuesday of this ·vf'ek in celebration of the arrival of Aram K. Mestjian, Jr ., at the Evanston hospital. Ar::tm is th" srcond child in the family, t-oasting a hig sister just 'urnNi three years of age. 1 Phone 2893 COSMAS BROTHERS Oppoaite the 'ViiJaae · 'Tiaeatre-WILME1TE ·-o- · A Ne-w 4-PASSEN6ER CouPE This car ia Dodge Brothers responlle to a definite demandA high grade coupe of moderate wei&ht and size that will seat four adult pa.e:ncen in genuine comfort. The body is an achmrable example of fine coach buildinr. Low, graceful. amartly upholstered and attractively &niahed in Dodge Brothers blue, i' reflects dignity and distinction every line. the youn~ people who are home for the soring vacation are : Miss Charlotte Eckhart from Miss Maderia's school in Washington; Miss Patty Foresman, from Pine Manor. Wellesley; Tohn Keith from Illino;s; Elbridge Keith from Lawrencevitle school, New Jersey, and Mark Cresap, Jr., from Hill school. ~ Amon~ lfD SEAL RECOIDS Miotierra CM, N.u.. L..J) (M..M..-.Villa) In s,_.talt Mit-IFI.ta ............ (C...U.. M11 O.rll,f) (Vlpa.RoW.) Itt S#Mfti.Jt V'octw R.ord No. 993, l~iada The House and Garden club wilt meet on Monday, March 31, with Mrs. Frank W . Cherry, 422 Abbottsford road, for its annual meeting and election of officers for the ensuing year. Mrs. Cherrv, Mrs. Earl Wilson DeMoe and Miss Barbara Erwin will he assisting hostesses at a buffet luncheon at one o'clock. ~ Mia..l"* ....... ~ F..ilietl. Get-a ...... <St--"-w> ti.Getma V'.-tw R-..1 No. 992. 10-iadl Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Harrison, on Saturday, March 15, after a three weeks' sojourn in Clearwater, Florida, anrl New Orleans. Mr. Harrison was called to Denver on Saturday on account of the death of his father. --o. . Mrs. LeRoy Woodland, 336 Leicester road, was taken to the Michael Reese hospital in Chicago on Friday, where she will undergo an operation. Mrs. Woodland will be in the hospital abou! two weeks. --oM iss Dorothy Bennett who was south with her parents is now in Philadelphia visiting her sister, Miss Ainslee Bennett who attends Ogontz school. --o-Mrs. Otto C. Owens, 205 Essex road, entertained eighteen young people at dinner on Monday evening, March 17, in honor of her son, Otto, Jr., who .celebrated his thirteenth birthday. --oThe Junior League will meet for sewing at the home of Mrs. McDou~ral on Saturday, March 29, at 9:30 o'clock. It is announced that dues are now payable. --oMr. ancf Mrs. Charles C. Howe. 240 Kenilworth avenue, accompanied by I heir dau11ht1:'r. Virginia. left Saturdav, March 22, for a three weeks' Yisit in St . Petersburg, Florida. s....·.... s.- NiP~ LIGHT VOCAL SELECTIONS A..a Theleulilal ........ o-w m ...... Quullt 307 Abbottsford road. returned home , ..... L.lurl, Sunt. , ..... . . . Fr... c.......... i.ur o.w.. Grew , ..... Cn.it Victoao R..coN No. 1927S, IO.iada V'octM R-..1 No. 1924%. IO.iada ...., o..l.e Me Ne s,..lr.. n. O..ILwe v~._ V'ICIDw R.otd No. 19280, IO.iadl G.i.... -'-~c. Q.utet liiJ Murr&J A s.M Wll G.A Lear. "'1!%.. Q.uw ·~u.a s.- Quuw Above all, the 4-paaeOccr coupe is · cbaracteriatically a Dodp Brothers product. It poeaeasea all the attri· hates of construction and low-cost eervice for which more than a millioo DodgeBrotheraMotorC8.1'1 are favorably known throucboat the world. llJ1S 1. o. b. Detroit; ll410 delivered r. R..nl Ne. 19281. Ra,_... ~ut% MFJ..ODIOUS INSTRUMENT.tJ. o....-. P.t I Vic· " - " ' Ne. nn1. tl.u.clt a... a., v-.- s,..._, o.c~.un C. M. McDONALD EVANSTON 1019 Davia St. DANCE IECORDS H-iiiP........_..,·Tnt M-V--'·Tnt Bodo b,. Paul W...... ud Hia ~ Vict<>r R.eeotd C'4o. 19l78, lO.iDo:h GeM-Nitht-Wab ~N.ht Ladiee" "Aald J..aac s,...· '"it... Sw.et Home" ......,.n.,. M.lay ,_ 0...... _.Ill Jlni.IW Ordlellra V"oct~Dw R-.1 No. 19276, IO.illcb ·'Lut NiPt" ..,._ F.,.. So OhM .... T_._" ............ w· n.r . Ao-·· · . .... ..... ......., o.d.lra ,_ 0.. ...._ Kiii-F· Tnt ..,..._ Olrd.M .. O.C.,. , . _ R.....& He. IN77. I~ ta..1i1c tM o.,.-F· Tnt Our line of c:la..ic·l eheet muaic: ia ~ alwaya complete Mrs. Rohl:'rt 0 . Ber..,"r ..1()6 Kenilworth avenue, entertained her bri<ll{e rlub at luncheon on Wednesday, March 26. --oMr~. Fred E. Colt of 315 Essex road. ,. ·ho has been very ill with pneumonia 554 Center St. for the past three weeks. is reported 103 Davie St. WINNETKA to be slowly recovering. EVANSTON Pho- 1793 -oPboae 4SZl Dr. and Mrs. Henry Everett. 4151 Cumnor road, who have been living in ChicallO for the past several months ha\'e retuTned to their home. . --ohavina- it .·T be Rovctmore- school ~ lprinc vacation. North Shore Talking Madine Co.

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