22 3 Daya Adnlt The Illinois Society of Miami is one of sixteen State societies organized for the purpose of assembling and entertaining the visitors from the ·varJohn Hartmann, whose home is at ious States. The Illinois society ranks 1305 Sheridan road, Wilmette, may be third in the number of members ensurprised to see this story, but it comes rolled , having over 5(X) names on their , from some of his friends who heard it members hip book. There is more or less rivalry among and were not constrained by modesty to have it kept from the public prints. th e various State societies in making Mr. and Mrs. H intmann spent a con- up programs for the entertainment of ~iderable portion of the rapidly receding their .members, and the Illinoi s society eoJd months at St. Petersburg, Fla. The has received very favorable comment sojourn in the southern resort was with- from members of the Chamber of out unusual incident until one day when Commerce and the press of Miami. Mr. Hartmann was invited to participate · The society has at least one event in some deep sea fishing with a party of every week from the first part of three other winter lodgers and the skip- January up to date. JICr of a small gasoline launch. Other entertainments will follow, .· Early one Saturday morning, the and the season will end about April party started out with a very limited ' 15, with a banquet of the society at supply of · food proceeding about twenty one of the leading hotels of Miami. The membership of the lllinois somiles off shore. Once out on the briny they were suddenly overtaken by a ter- ciety embraces visitors from over forty rific ·tropical storm. Simultaneously cities in the Stat e. It is interesting with the onslaught of the elements the to note that over sixty people from engine in the small craft coughed and Wilmette and other north shore towns died. All efforts to coax the motive have visited the headquarters of the power into life proved unavailing and the party found itself hopelessly stranded. In the Village The hours passed, with every crash of the furious billows threatening to Theatre Building tear the hapless vessel into shreds. Hour upon hour the skipper labored frantically at the recalcitrant engine but darkness eventually overtook the party and the "captain" was carried, exhausted, into his berth. The fury of the storm continued unabated through that night. When Sunday dawned the fishermen · found themselves still hopelessly adrift, although the angry seas had relented. Then came the thought of food . A search of the ship's larder disclosed one sandwich and about one glass of fresh For water for the entire "crew." A very quiet but not altogether restful Sunday for the famished anglers I Your Sandwiches, Ice Another night of aimless drifting and, Cream, Pop Corn and early Monday morning, an oil tanker hove in sight, noted the plight of the Cand~ fishermen and towed the party to shore and safety. There is another story having to do Where Quality with those who waited at the hotel for Chocolate Rules the lost party. That' story has not been told but it was one of ill foreboldings climaxed by the glorious happy ending. /n Tropic Storm p ·tJ T/a ·11 roVt e· n · . I WILMETTE society. E. R. Nour~c . of Wilmette, is president. The functions of the socie ty are to reach all the visitors from Illinois so far as is possible, and afTord the~ an op portunity to become acqu amted with other visitors from the State, and tfl see the beauties and attractions of Miami and its environments. The officers are elected for the year 1924, and new officer s will be elected at the opening of th e season, about January 1, 1925. been · into:-.:ira ted the night before, an? that th~ only reason that he couldn t rememiK r e1·ents very coherently was because h~ had been "too flabbergasted." 1-1~ did vaguely remember that he had hce': warned to leave ~n " L" station in Evanston, but he d1d not know that the man wh<? warned him was the Wilmette supe~mtendent of police. The evidence was too much on the side of disorderly conduct and not on the side of ··ftabbergastation," so the magistrat e fined the defendant $25 and costs. . . Four other arres ts and fines on Similar charges were recorded on the last week-end. I Many Local T ourista at Miami in Winter Season Hen Macklin Had a New One; But a Flimsy One Henry Macklin, an Evanston negro, wa s arrested Monday a t the Linden avenue "L" terminal on a charge of disorderly conduct, or, more specifically, "drunkenness." When arraigned before Magistrate Mickey the next morning he declared that he had not Cut Flowers for all occasions Phone EVANSTON 632 Mrs. Roy C. Osgood, 423 Essex road, 171Z Sherman Av-. entertain ed at an informal tea at her home on Sunday evening, in honor of EVANSTON her sons, Gilbert and Robert, who returned to Exter academy on Wednes-jt.:.oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.J j day. ------- PAINT BARGAINS LET US SHARE OUR PROFITS WITH YOU! Get your paints and varnishes here and get the benefits of our offer. With each purchase of mixed paints and Varnishes of $3.00 or over, 1 3-inch brush-FREE. With each purchase of mixed paints and Varnishes of $5.00 or over, 1 Semdac Polish Mop-FREE. With each purchase of mixed paints and Varnishes of $10.00 or over, a $2.00 cash allowance on mirrors or $1.00 cash discount. With each purchase of mixed paints and Varnishes of $15.00 or over, 1 Gal. Rossberger's best Floor and Trim Varnish, FREE. With each purchase of mixed paints and Varnishes of $20.00 or over, 1 Gal. f Marvel Brand Master Painters mixed paints, FREE. Devoe Paint products and B. P. S. Sargent Patterson "Best Paint Sold" produ~~s are our qualities, and they ARE the best. WiDdow Flower B~se1 OD Sale, Come iD ..d Ha,. Y G.ar Choice. Tlae Village Chocolate Shop Wilmette Glass and Paint Works i 133 Central Avenue This Offer Expires Aprilll, 1924 Phone 2508 For Your Drug StotyJ, Needs Call -smder-Cazel Drug Co. ,· Try Better Store Lighting at .Our Expense VVe know there is profit for every mere han t in really good lighting. Not just enough light to see by, but enough to sell by~ To give you a first hand idea of the appearance, convenience and benefits of that kind of lighting we will make a trial installation in your store entirely at our expense. 'We want you to know how good this lighting really is. And the purchue terms are only Phones Wilmette 400-401 Wdmette and Central Aves. CLEANING REPAIRING- PRESSING Now is just the right time to have us put your spring suit into the be t condition. HEMSTITCHING We do hemstitching in excellent style and at a moderate price. One day service. DeLuxe Cleaners 1105 CENTRAL AVENUE Phone Wilmette r·····--·················--·-··----··········-·····-~ I . I I I I I I I I "OUR SERVICE ;IS PROMPT and COURTEOUS" Our patrons often speak of' the promptness and courtesy of our service. It ts our con- ·t~!! _sl?~ !:: This is an unusual offer. Ask us for a trial installation. The Attalite Unit as pictured is of statuary bronze finish, holder, chain and canopy ·with a standard opal glass bowl This is very attractive equipment-just what every merchan~ needs. stant aim to give every customer cotnplete satisfaction. Come in and see this equipment displayed in our store. This offer is good for a short time only so investigate without delay. · PUBUC SERVICE COMPANY 0 NORTHERN ILLINOIS ..... S. Reeaman, Disbiet Maaq-er Ill Cla.n:la Stn.t, &....a.aJIII..-E....toa-P.._.W....._ . . WIL~'ITE CAFE