2 WILMETTE LIFE, FRID Y, APRIL 4, 1924 measures proposed hy the Small a~d-1 ministration. He ha sen·ed as chatrman of the Judiciary committee of the Assembly. one of the mo~t important posts in the legislature. ~Ir. Springer, who is a Wilmette resident, is completing his fir~t term in the Assembly with a ,·rry comme:-dable record. One of his outstandmg achic,·ements was the fostering- of a bill which hrinjls an agricultural ex oerimental station to Cook county. He has al o rendered important scn·icc with re~ard to the protection of the forrst la nd: ar.d prr <" n ·es of the state. Di)?r t ssing from candidates and specitic Primary issues, it is noted that ·he woml'n of Xew Trier, while "tak' ng- sides" just as are the men. are intc~('stcd abo in the non-partisan effort to acquaint the voters with the various cnHlirlates and to get out a hig votr next Tuesdav. Foremost in this work h·1-; heen the \Vinnetka league of \Vonwn Voters and a group of prominent Wilmette women leaders. These ~>'roups ha,·e sponsored highly satisfactory and instructive forums to tht> rostrum< of which ha \'e he en ill\·ited candidates of both parties and all factions in those parties. EXPEcr RECORD VOTE AT TUESDAY PRDIARY (Continued from page 1) Sprinl'er Local Reaident p<'rformance of honest puhlic sen·ice and high achievement." .Or,.anize for McCormick In the campaign for the United States senatorship there is found an active organization in New Trier that i sponsoring the candidacy of Mcdill McCormick. The North Shore committee for McCormick is making a determined campaign under the chairmanship of Sherman Booth of Glencoe . Charles S. Deneen, who opoosrs Senator McCormick. also has found favor with many north shore Republicans who feel that he is the lo({ical C;tndidate for and would lend r.rreat dignity to the high office of United States senator. Th, ere Are So Many Things around every· hotne that should be kept safe from fire and theft and carelessness that E\rEH. Y BODY should have a safety deposit box available. It doesn't do any good to lock the barn after the horse is stolen, or to cry over spilt n1ilk. The time to n1ake sure is NOW. We offer you, in our safety deposit box, absolute safety for your valuable papers, jewelry and keepsakes; s.mall boxes if you have only a few thtngs, larger boxes where the bulk is greater. And the cost-the cost is so little as to be negligible l "The Chindblom Popular Amona- the candidates in the Rcouhlican Primaries for the Honse of RPprPsentatives. Henrv R. Rathbone, canclidate to succeed himself as Conrrrcssman-at-large. and Carl R. Chindhlom. veteran · incumbent for Congressman from the Tenth congressional district. appear to be the favorites. Both have heen efficient and active wor-kers for the welfare of their state and country * at large. Congressman Chindhlom recommends llim:.clf lu tile voters hecau~e of his un.iformlv excellent record in th<' Home. his democratic manner anti con~tant attention to the needs of his constituency. \Vith reference to the county. north shore Rt>puhlican organizations again express favor of those candidates who are unalterably pledged to the defeat of Small and the political system he typifies. and who are in the fight for c\ean government and party harmony: candidates who are also efficient and honest oublic servants. Anticipate Huge Vote Tntrrcst in the \·arious candidates and the hitter campaigns waged for the candidate~ for the governorship ami the l'nitc<l States senatorship are expected to encourage a record vote next Tuesday. A 100 per cent turnout at the polls is imperative if the \'Otcrs desire to secure true representation in the offices of the county <;tatt· and nation. Offices to be voted upon in Tuesclav's Primary election include: Sta·e ticket-United States senale r. Congressman-at-large (two), Congressman representing tenth district; governor, Lieutenant-governor. Secretary of StalP. Auditor of public accounts. State Treasurer, Attorney General. County ticket-Trustees of the Sanitary Distrkt (3). State's Attorney. Recorder of Deeds. Cl<·rk of Circuit Favor Anti-Small Men 1nclu<1ecl in that list are such candi- Court. Clerk of Superior Court. Cordatrs as Rohcrt E. Crowe, for states on ... ·. Board of As . cssors (2). Roard at tornPv: Au~ust 'vV. Miller. recorder of Rc,·iew. County ~urvcyor. of de<'ds: Thomas 0. \Vall ace. rlcrk of circuit court: Samuel E. Erickson. Optimist At clerk of qmrrior court; Oscar \Voltf. roroner: Charlr·s Krntchotf and Charles The Wilmette Optimist club held its Rin~<·r. nwmlll'r~ of hoard of as~rssnro.;: \Villiam H. Wl'iler. memhcr board of first Ladies' .\Tivht Tuesday of this rcyiew: Frt:d :\'orlin. county surveyor: week at Fred Miller's Lake Shore \Villiam J. ll('aly. John K. Lawler. Terrace. Sheridan road and Chest nut Gotthard A. Dahlberg, trustees sani- street. where a dinner. dance and spetary district. ~ · -.r "lltertainmcnt features were pro Thr north shore is particularly in- vided. tcrcst<'d in two oi the Republican canJ\1th0ttJ.!h it was the nening of didat~:s for nomin~·!on to the stett<' April Fool's Day. there was no evidetssembly posts. namely Howard P. ence of it at the party for everyCastle and Lewis B. Springer, both thing proceeded in ship-shape styk. incumbents who arc highly endorsed A line dinner, dancing to the strains by the Lt·gi~lative Voters league . of a rood orchestra and some t:xRepresentative Castle is completing cellent fancy dancing by little Bernice his third term in the legis! at ure anrt Rossherg<'r comprised the featurt·s of has consistently opposed pcrniciou~ the evening. The known thespi: shore tions ~ Live G and ot to the That matist J picture which north 1 The reel co "The ~ Harla11 Shore able m Cone ture S organil "Wh hrow p ing th to pro the n "Ou~ to uptd the th1 Club Frolics First Ladies Night Affair ··vou1· Ill I Jlome Banh·· Ill I I worth spring upon and a The school of a trans£ police' hall. A b the "b ical r Nl.ht and MoraiD8 Hd,.e CktJn, HetJillry Eye~ U they Tire, Itch, Smart, Bum or Dis· charge if Sore, Irritated, Inflamed ot Granulated, use Murine often. Re/ruhes, ,.Soothes. Safe for Infant or Adult.' At all Druggists. iiRI Clark Dr. All police, hury ·t forth ferrirl ' II'rile tor Free c~ Boo.\. Maria· BF· Boa. .F Co ·· 9 Ba·t O . .o St·· C . . . . . . CITY MARKET CO. 627 MAIN ST. -:- PHONE WILMETTE 1870 WHOLESALE Bread From Another Town may suit the folks that live there (the bread being fresh there, which makes a difference of course) but by the time it is shipped to Wilmette, unloaded, distributed and sold, it doesn't quite make the grade with par., ticular folks here in town. Wilson's Bread is a local bread, made in a local bakery by local folks. You'll like it! You can make or break a dinner with the meat you. aerve-but you can always depend on your dinner being a good one when you buy your meats here. They are of the BEST QUALITY, carefully selected, and priced low. Look at these specials for Friday and Saturday Sale, April 4-Sth. MEATS .... RETAIL 23c 22c ARM OURS FRESH EGGS · STAR HAMS, half or Per Doz. 3lc Fresh Cut SPARERIBS Lean and Meaty 21.1 IC No. 1 BACON, half or 26 whole, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . C whole, lb. . .. . . . . . . . SMOKED Cover Bloom BUTTER Pound Prints 47c Pork Shoulder ROAST per lb. 14lc BUTTS No bone or wute 29c FANCY YOUNG ROASTING CHICKENS per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ' .......................... . 14lc 37c FRESH FISH - OYSTERS- ETC. FOUR DAILY DELIVERIES-9 A. M. -11 A. M.-2 p M --4 p M WILMETTE, KENILWORTH, GLENCOE, Wll'INEricA. . .