Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Apr 1924, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE FRIDAY APRIL 11, 192-+ N1811t and Moraine Hne Cktm, Healtlry E1e~ B they Tire, Itch, S~Bumor Discharge if Sore,lrri· tated, Inflamed ~ Granulated, uae Murine ofte~ Refresha, . Sootha. Safe for Infant or Adult; At all DruggU,ts. .-.,__,.~;.... GURLI LA GERGREN Medical Gymn ast & Masseuse Graduated fr om Stockholm, Sw ede n Special treatme n t tor cold, headache, an d constipation. Treatments admini s t ered at your home. :Phone W inne tka 1486 Play Initial Venture Of Junior Auxiliary ~enior board annual drive for the support ?f the New Tner. If!fant station. located at Noble ~nd Chtca~o aven';les. Thts ts a station ~. upported by Wtlmette and Ke~1lworth. . It qudget uf $6,000. Prenatal care and advtce are gtven .to and babies are watched and cared for up to the age of SIX. The ti rst public enterprise of the Junior Auxiliary will be play to bl' presented Ma1 2 and 3 at ' the B_yro~ Stolp school, Wilmett e Dramatic soctety, under the dtrectton of Mrs. Beazley . "T.he Four DarHngs," a farcial comedy in three be produced by an able cast with wide experience in dramatic The actors' names will be announced later. The senior Welfare board is assisting in the sale of tickets the performance, and th7 local ~~ug stores have offer~d to tickets on sale. The J umor Aux1hary hopes that a hearty from Wilmette will meet its initial venture. Take the Worrv Out of Life! · Telep·o·e Wilmette 37' In fa nt Welfare associat!on. ATh is \\'eek the Auxiliary ' is assisting the ~ E \\' or ganization in Wilmette is the Junior.: Auxiliary of T HI sit) nu1 II"* tor J1rw ~,_ BoeA. Marla· B 7 e Re·etl7 Co., 9 Ba.t OldeSt., Cldeato .INSURANCE .J. E. SWIFT TEAL New York Life A&'ent 1011' Ceatnl Aye, WU·ette Phone· Wilmette 7-Z-7-Winnetka 7-Z-7 REMOVAL NOTICE (EVANSTON BRANCH) the late center f, ,\.ijll Opi Siiturda fj}r a b, The I be - St. C piendent cilgo, fo James J a sn in RUGS note·WOI John B. Nazarian Esclusive Cleaner and Repairer of Oriental and Domestic Rua· Expert Layinr Done 4 Carlton Bldr., Winnetka, Ill. On or about May 1st, we will move· into our new Evanston store, located at 712 Ch·urch Street. NORTH SHORE TALKING MACHINE CO. 603 Davia SL EVANSTON PhODe 4523 Reception Will Open Wilmette Art Exhibit AWNINGSNow ia the time to eire.. up the home with attractiYe awuinra. AYoid the usual aprinr ruab by orderinr yours DOW, A >54 Center St. WINNETKA Phone 1793 HaYe our repreaentatiTe call and fumiab aurr··· tiona and estimates. H. N. Blasius Co. ,.., ,..- N exhibition of the work of Wilmette artists will be held at the Woman's club on May 9, 10 and 11. A reception for club members and the artists will open the exhibit on Friday May 9. On Saturday morning, fr,o m 10 o'clock until school children will be guests ; on Saturday afternoon and and on Sunday afternoon this exhibition, which will include representative of many branches of the applied arts, will be ~pel to the public. Any artist wishing to exhibit pr anyone wishing to give · formation concerning exhibitors is asked to communicate with Ralph P. Huff, Wilmette 1331. Mrs. A. J. Col;mrn is in charge this display which is given under the auspices of the Wilmette Woman's club. The exhibit was to have been held in April, but owing to the fact that it would have conflicted with that being given in Evans· ton, the date was changed. vices of board at terest ol work. :· "The than so1 as -an i11 the idea vide d.~ girls w~ made d, world I control. eight to which b strong ~ . " Up ~ gone on ship of founder "It is in the Gymnas very I \\'o rk, f1 to give "Wod ed; one the pop as well doo r pri / ------;·.L_:_______________________~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( Formerly I\orthwes tern Shade and Awning Co. 14 Prouty Annex, Winnetka Phone 1125 Betrothal Of Virginia Hope Hughes Announced MR. and Mr s. George Hughes Duncan .of 701 Central announce the engagement of their daughter, Virginia to Mr. Johnstone Esmond Weelands of Toronto. Mr. Weelands is a graduate of the school of Science, Un· of Toronto. Miss Duncan is a student at Northwestern un The members and guests of the Ball Room Dancing classes under Miss Rose Cox enjoyed a delightful afternoon on the occasion of the closing party on Friday, March 28, at the Kenilworth club. The Classic and Toe Dancing classes, which include children from Kenilworth, Wilmette, Evanston, and Rogers Park are having their closing recital on Friday evening, April 11, at 8 o'clock at the Evanston Woman's club. -o-- ,- M iss Gertrude Ingersoll has returned to Sweet Briar after spending her spring vacation in New York as the guest of her aunt . Miss Betty is again at Smith college after a visit in Buffalo during her spring recess . The Misse s Ingersoll are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W . E . Ingersoll of 518 Central avenue. During the past few weeks there has been a steady influx of Wilmette re.si· dents who have been in the west south to escape our winter weather its severest. Among those who recently come back from St. '""""""lJU"' ~ are Mrs. Dingee and her daughter, are at their home on Lake avenue, 'll Mr. B. F. Lewis and his daughter, Nl Edna , of 908 Central avenue. --oThe "Willing Worker s," a sewing club composed of little girl s, members of the Cong regational church, who sew and contribute funds to help those children less fortunate than t'nt111· selves, met on Tue sday with Dorothy Jane Lundin of 922 Oakwood avtnut. The next meeting will be held at tht home of Jean Hall, 500 Central avenue. street, l mother Colore ture o£ art , Wi the wo re ce nt! ha s on e le ction s ing pll fl ig ht, This On T auss i ~c hmed The Car You w · ould Build For Yourself Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Southworth, who have arrived in Wilmette from Los Angeles, are spending this week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch of 611 Washington avenue. Mr. Frank Flanner of Blackwell, Wisconsin , vi sited Mr. and Mrs . Fatch over Saturday and Sunday. -o- -o. Mrs. R. S. Swain, 701 Laurel avenue. -oMrs. Byron H. Knapp, who has been staying at the Orrington hotel during the winter, has just returned from a two months' trip to California. She will not return to her home, 900 Forest avenue, until about June l. WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE cMotorears ~· Have you eYer tried to picture the motor car you would build for yourself if you could put into it everything that you think a motor car ouaht to be? That is what C. Harold Wills did before he 1tart1xl to build the Wills Sainte Claire. Mr. Wills is probably the foremo1t metallurgilt and engineer in the automotive field. . , But back of all that he is an enthwiutic motoria~ And it ia as a motori1t- buildin1 toward the , achievement of his fondest ambitiom-that he has produced the Wills Sainte Claire. He has not been interelted in building a car to aeU at a price-but rather in buildin1 a car that he could drive himself to his own supreme atisfaction. Hence you cannot judae the Wilb Sainte Claire by any pre-c:onceived 1tandarda. You must measure it -not by comparbon witla other can-but by comparison with your hiaheat ideal of motor car performance. -oMr. and Mrs. Everett Wheelock have returned to . their residence, 830 Central avenue, aHer ten wc.:ks passed in the south. They stayed in St. Petersburg most of the tim~, although the last fortnight of their trip was spent on the east coast of Florida. Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke, 526 Washington avenue, is coming back from Florida April 20. She is planning to spend a week at the Edgewater Beach hotel with Mr. Clarke and her two sons before returning to Wilmette. . -;-0- has as her guest for several week s 'ntr daughter-in-law, Mrs. Earle Swai~, who with · her little daughter is staymg Wilmette while her husband is in east. Rosemary Day of · Great Montana, is coming April 28, to the summer with Mrs. R S. Swain. --oM iss Martha Thomas of Miss Eloise Smith, Miss Dorothy Campbell, Miss Genevieve Emrich, of Wil· mette, accompanied by their will spend a few days of their visiting the Principia school Louis. All of these girls there for the coming year. -o-Mr. and Mrs. Eaton Osman, who for· merly restded at 801 Central avenue, have moved to California. · Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Roche of Chicago are no· occupying the Osman home which theY purchased a short time ago. Mr. Edward B. Shapker, of 823 Cen· tral avenue, returned Monday from ' business trip to New York and BostOl While in Boston he visited his daughter, Betsy, who attends Kendall haU. Prides Crossing, Massachusetts. The marriage is announced of MtSS Wilhelmina McCaltahan of Chicag\ and Mr. Warren Hough of 831 Central avenue, on Saturday, March 2?· Mr. and Mrs. Hough will make thetr home in Chicago. ~ . ~\l a uric nue. bt ]. Saxe ha th o mony t he bri th e im Irving a nt s. were a Mr. their -o- -o- -o- . Mrs ha s h Daugh at the the g of 111 war o And it ia upon that bui1 that we want you to see -and judae thi1 remarkable car. It willpve us a peat deal of pleasure to arraqe for a demonttration, with younelf at the wheelat your early convenience. A telephone call will brm. the ~to your door. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight W. Cusack have moved into their home at 716 Eleventh street after spending several months with Mrs. Cusack's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Field of 1203 Elmwood avenue. -o-M iss Jeanette Nelson, Miss Virginia Belt, and Miss Betty Taylor have returned to Ferry hall, Lake Forest, after spending the spring holiday season with their parents. M iss Gei:trude Moeller came home from the University of Illinois on Thursday to spend the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller, 908 Ashland avenpe. nue, has returned to Wilmette from ~ southern home, "Coral Gables," Mianu. Florida. She was accompanied by Mrs. C. A. Kerr, 1575 Ashland avenue. Mr. Frederick Taylor, who attends ~ Pauw university at Greencastle, Indl" ana, will spend Easter with his P!!~ ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Taylor, ~ <;:entral avenue. -(r- Mrs. J, S. Deutsch, 777 Michigan ave- REAGAN :& siMMONs l -o- · lne. ·. Phone 2Z17-5060 1015-17 Davia Street . EVANSTON Mr Iliff. ,&ere There's a Therg!s . .a .·way · _..:· M iss Virginia Thompson, 1115 Foresf Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heinzen, '1466 Lake avenue, have left for a visit 1n avenue, is leaving on Monday week's visit in Cleveland. , California. .. -o-- -o-- to W spenl Miss Faith of . ' ~r. Otis lkath, who has been living at 831 C~tral avenue. has moved to the P,..-k, fo~rly of Wilmett~ inc in Loa&' Beach, CafifC)I'III&. North Shore hotel, Evanston. -o- H~. ~igh~ 11 VIS

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