Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Apr 1924, p. 14

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1924 tbo"g'ht t~ tory worth reading; others didn't. (Formerly The Lake Shore New·> Then we went back home havllatabllahed UU with wbtch Ia comblDe~ ing learned several things: nameTIIB WILKBTTIC LOCAL NJilWI BIIW.bl&Ued 18118 ly, that it was best to be outJSIVJDD II'BIDAY o.r BACH WEEK dQOrs as much as possible; secby LLOYD BOLLIITBB. Jlfc. ond that in some places the 1111 Central A'Ye., Wilmette, 111· " d b dl Ut Up . country roa s were a y c , ......,.._ .......... · · · WU·ette 1, . third, that the sod was soft; 11TBICRIPTION _ . . · YEA.B fourth, that most fo~d tasted All communication· muat be aceom- best when eaten outs1de of a panleCI by the name and addre11 of the h writer. Articles tor publleatlon abould OUSe. reac~ ,the editor by We4neld&y noon to Insure appearance lll current laaue. "SERVICE BEFORE SELF" R~lutlon11 ot con4ole.nce.1 car~· ot "Service before se.U-He profits tha~. *ltuary, poetry, not cea""" en, · . · tertalnmenta or other a1ralra where most who serves best. Thts 1S an ad.mtttance charge will be ma~e or f h R t Cl b a colt.ctlon taken, will be char_ged at the slogan 0 t e 0 ary U · regular &dvertlslng ratea. . We print it just here and now EntereJ at the poet omce at wn- because Wilmette Rotary has mette Illinois, as mall matter ot the but recently received its charter aecond clau, under the act ol Karch a. 1871. and because it's a good pre-elecFRIDA Y, APRIL 11, 1924 tion idea. Although only a month old, Separate the Grades. Wilmette Rotary is remarkably Enforce the Traffic La'llJs. vigorous. The score or more of Build the Tt-uck Road. charter .members are representVote <rt Every Election. ative of practicall~ all _occup!ltions an~ profess10ns m \YtlWILMETI'E ELECTION mette. But that does not entireNext Tuesday, April IS, from 7 ·ly account .for .the enthusias~ of .. · ·n the orgamzat10n. We beheve till 5 the ~tttz~ns of Wtl~ette WI that it is the slogan of' the club elect thetr Vtllage offictals. On that has inspired the members. that day the people of Wilmette It is a declaration of faith that wi11 to a great extent decide has vitalized thousands, perhaps, whether or not Wilmette shall be millions of men, women, and even a progressive community because children all over the earth. . · ' · Living up to this slogan wtll on electton day after cons1derak W'l tt Rotar a tremen. f h l'fi . f h rna e 1 me e y bon o t e qua t catton o t e dous power for go,od all along the candidates the citizens will de- N,orth Shore. cide who shall hold office and RENTING AND OWNING therefore govern the Village. The que~ti~n narrows down to We have been renters and now this-Shall Trustees Bachman, we are owners. Starkel, and Fitch be re-elected? For fifteen years we were Shall we as Wilmette voters ex- renting a home. For the p~st press our confidence in these men ten years we have been b"!ymg by returning them to office, or a ho~e. We know by exper1ence shaH we elect three new trustees? the JOYS and sorrows of homeWhich group will better serve renter and home-owner. We our interests? Which group asked our. landlord to put wal!seems more likely to do the best paper on s1x rooms and we got 1t thing with regard to the build- on two.. Vj e had our house 4ecing of apartments in Wilmette? orated ms1.de an~ out, a.nd spent · h er group, 1 ·f e 1 · two years m paymg Can ett ecte d, b nng . · for . tt.. . about the prohibition of these ~ur memory .ts not tmagmation. buildings in Wilmette? Which It IS real, ~ohd fact. ~e are, candidates have the better rec- therefore, fa1rly well-equtpped to ord? Will the "new" men prob- give a little speech ,on W~y I'd ably govern Wilmette better than Rather Own }'han Rent. Lend the "old"? We must answer us your ears. these questions and answer them When you're in your own home intelligently. you feel thoroughly at home, Every Wilmette Citizen will go even though the mortgage covers to the polls on next Tuesday and a large part of the house and lot. do what be can to give Wilmette In your ow.n .home y,ou feel fre.e a progressive government. and ar~ w1llmg to be responsible. Ltke ourselves you can, · with a little stretching, decrease AN APRIL PICNIC interest and principal every year, A picnic in the Forest Preserve whereas rent goes on forever and on Sunday, April 6. normally increases. A rented It was a trifle cool, when the house belongs to somebody else. wind blew and the sun went un- An owned house beLongs to der a cloud, but the steak tasted YOURSELF. mighty fine and the hot coffee ------touched exactly the right spot. A WRONG IDEA. I had said to my wife the day "The business man is hardbefore, "LetJs have picnic din- headed and hard-hearted." ner tomorrow." She agreed, and That's not true 1 we invited some good friends to It' t th · k s a .co!l'mon error , o m g o along with us. of the busmess man as a man At noon on Sunday, we started whose sole aim is to make as west on Willow road, utilized much money as possible; to the new stretch of concrete west think that all his counsels are of Hi~bard ro~d, crossed the guided by one ideal-to sell at as Mayfatr branc~ of the . North great advance over the buyingWestern, nee-ottated a p1ece of price as he can get away with. rather rutty. country road, and He is pictured as a hard-featured then turned tnto a patch of for- Shylock plotting ~ome way to est preserve not far SDuth ~f the get ahead of his customer. ~undee road. We tUf!led ~~ all People who hold this mistaken r1ght but the.ground bttng a httle idea say that the word, "service," aofter than tt should have been, often seen in busit\ess ads, is "all we came to a stop sooner than bunk!" "Service t about as muclt we had expected. . . service as the cbeap clothier gives The ladies-·:dtea dl.&embarb.d, whea he rubs his hallds and palms and the more muscular members llff on hia flct:im a aecond-hand of the party jacked up the car, suit." But hold on ·there, my put chains on the wheels, and friend. Listen. after an hour·s muddy. but sue- The busineas man is after all a cessful work. the appetite of the MAN. He is not a devil or a a~to-mechantc~ v.:a~ equal ~ the shark. He's a human being. And dinner spread tnvtttngly .besade a he has the habits of a normal fine ol~ oak. How Wiciou. waa human being, oee of which is the e-.ery 1tem on that lllnn bill of desire to do 10111ething aood for fare I another fellow-being. ~pu have After the meal and a~ ae. daat d ~ haven't you? Don't ~d.ac of tbe cliah~s we ~ forget that he too is, like your1 eo-.1 ia blliD- aelf, oftCD i.,ell.ed by good J~ IIIOti'YeJ. Ar~ 70u "hard-headed ~I-IMIIIilll·iirlliillllii·tland UM 1" No? Well, WILMETTE LJFE This Is Floor Covering Week Linoleums DELIGHTFUL Congoleams BEAUTIFUL COLORINGS .... MODERATE PRICES VERY DURABLE SEE OuR NEw 1924 WALL PAPER STOCK before you decorate We carry Everything for interior decor~ting -andEXTERIOR PAINTING Let us figure your INTERIOR DECORATING WORK and give suggestions Rumor Post, Arne an elabor will be prt I understa rection of the cast voices as ">1 5t~rn~r'S Paint store PHONE 2491 1213 WILMETTE AVE. tre goers. not appa brought '" Locke, to To the Moscow .NORTH SHORE LINE . What Has This Railroad Done for Your Town? group of · ~ off," "The Vanva" ar are · offeri :Miss . E gagement brought S to the ,. Ha peared in with muc · · A welt vaudeville a't the M the acts s f.r as the applause. Brilliant show wit~ ry Bewle}l a good d sketch w P ERHAPS you have never given a thought to the forces that have made your community what it is today. Most people don't; they take growth and improvement as natural .proc~ of evolution. The North Shore Line has much tc . . . J with the progress of the North Shore today. It has brought a distinctive character to the towns of this territory. a By furnishing the kind of transportation that makes your. town quickly accessible to the two great citie$ at either end ·Of the road, the North Shore Line has been a vital force in building it into the sort of community in which you are proud to live. The North Shore Line exemplifies a spirit of helpful co-operation with the towns it serves. North Shore improvements have been given impetus continually by the North Shore Line. Tbe Chulee A. Co.... Nortlt ~,.. U... lor 11/elinJuielted coatri· ment or electricel treneportetion for the c:on·en/enc:e of the pUblic: .,., the bwwllt -.~ ........ Jledal ···rded to the the North Shore Line as their own particular railroad is not surprising, since the North Shore Line has pledged it the f.nest transportation service that it is able to give. That the people of this territory have adopted or the ittduatry. Fast, frequent trains from the center of Milwaukee to and through Chic.o's Loop to 63rd Street on the South Side serve every intf?rmediate ctJiflml,tnity. ' <lUcago North Shore and Milwaukee~ ~mpany ,,, Wilmette Passenger Station Telepboae Wilmette 2514 ~~~--~~ ,..._ ...,.. ~~-~ a&.~~~~'~ .. .

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