Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Apr 1924, p. 15

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THERE ON STAGE AND Af4,t\TIUR . On last W ednesda.y evening two ne-act plays were presented at School, Winnetka,. by a group amateurs under the auspices of Parent Teacliere Association. of the amateurs who 'took part comparably new in North Shore matic circles. A review of these will be given in next week's the far . n~rth or the vast spaces.: Rather IS 1t the narrative of a New Engl~nd family whose natures need thaw1ng out. There is one exception,! a yo_ung mart back from· France who a ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 dup1ses the coldness and materialistic I tendencies displayed by his elatives. Int erest is maintained, not through any elaborate plot but rather through ~lever character delineations and an mt eresting love story. You find yourself sayin&, "Qh. l'v~ seen lots of people just like tlaat." Bec" ause of that and because 'th~ cast is excetlent and the photography very gOOd, you feel repaid for having gone. Richard Dix and Lois Wilson take leading parts ~nd ~iss Wils~>n, to my may of thinkmg, IS exceptionally good. Another you will like is Edna May Oliver as the "hired girl." Watch her carefully and see how she plays ro the pichare rather than to her audience. Alice Chapin, in a brief part, also merits your cohsideration. Chances are that you will like "Icebound." I I r At The Howard sumed by the public, as they believe this to be the only true indication of sales conditions. The constantly climbing delivery records coupled witn incr,asing production, lead Dodge Brothers to believe that the first six months of 1924 will total by far the greatest six months in the history oi t~eir business. HEALTH FILMS "Working For Dear Life" is the title of a new motion picture film available from the state depanment of public health. It abows, in a very practical way, the advaatages of periodic be~lth examination . The film mar be borrowed by responsible iadlvid'aals or organizations witbo·t cost other than the payment of trlnaportation charges, it is announced. s ~ons · During the past two weeks I have eard a large number of people exs themselves as being immensely with the recent efforts of the Guild and the Community Players. One frequently finds audiences proce~ing on the theory that the less said about an amateur performance the. better and .when they out of the1r way to pra1se, it leads -the conclusion that the productional Howard Supreme orchestra combining very much worth while. CerNdgiborlng· T/teaten with Victor J. Fischer, organist, in those who worked so hard to providing excellent accompaniment to "Mary the Third" and the -~------------..J the ~ictures and nQtable specialt:r Floor Back" are entitled to a NEW EVANSTON features. secure feeling of work ' well Bett:t Compsoti · in "The Stranger" 1 ADELPHI will be seep at the New Evanston "The Love Ma'ster,~' · featurin1 the nrst three days of next week Rumor has it that the Winnetka The picture is said to be one of the Strongheart, the wonder dog, will be Post, American Legion, is sponsoring best productions of recent months and viewed at the Adelphi on Saturday an elaborate musical comedy which is expected to attract record crowds to of this week. An additional feature will be produced some time in May. the popular playhouse. of the program will be Episode No. 2 I understand that it is under the diFor Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the "Telephone Girl" series. rection of Mr. Howard Hoyt and that of next week the New Evanston offers The Adelphi feat1.11e attraction for the cast will \incl~de several g~d William S. Hart's latest picture Sunday, April 13, will be William S. voices as well as an excellent chorus. Hart's latest picture entitled, "Singer, "SinFrer Jim McGee," counted as on~ of his greatest screen achievements. Jim McGee." On Monday and Tuesday of next STAGE Corinne Griffith, Conway Tearle and week Adelphi patrons will witness "The Blizzard." Three new openings in Chicago an all-star supporting cast will be seen For Wednesday and Thursday the theatres took place this week and at the Hoyburn theater on Mondav, secured "The were of considerable interest to thea- Tuesday and Wednesday of next week management.::.... has tre goers. Guy Bates Post, who has in "Lillies of the Field" which en- Bandit." Early showings of first run releases not appared here in some time, joyed a record run in one of the are promised the fans who like Adelphi hrought "The Climax" by Edward J . prominent Loop theaters. On April 17, 18 and 19 the Hoyburn programs. Locke, to the Cort. To the Great Northern came the offers Buster Keaton, his wife, their Moscow Art Theatre, that talented baby and a stellar cast in his latest group of · players from abroad. "Ivan- productipn, "Our Hospitality." off," "The Lower Depths" and "Uncle The l:loyburn and New Evanston Vanya" are included in the plays they theaters are under the joint manageare offering. :Miss , Ethel Barrymore, in an en- ment of the Clyde E. Elliott interests Since December 1 : Dodge Brothers gagement limited to two weeks, which are providing the north shore dealers have consistently broken all brought Sutro's "The Laughing Lady" with first run features under the slogan previous records for delivery of cars to the ,. Harris. Miss Barrymore ap- "The Bi~ Pictures First ." They are to customers, according to William peared in this last year in New York, under the general management of T. Wersted, north shore dealer. Clyde E. Elliott, who for several years Materially increased factory capacity with much success. has been prominent in Chicago amuse- and an unusual demand for their new ment circles. line of cars has made this performance VAUDEVILLE possible. HOWARD In December, January and February : A we 11 rounded bill of popular Pola Negri in "Shadows of Paris" retail deliveries to customers were 32 vaudeville was maintained last week is the booking for Saturday of this per cent in excess of any similar at the Majestic Theatre. Several of week at the Howard. It is a Hubert quarter in the history of the business . the acts seemed to be about equal as f.r as the audience indicated· by their Brenon production depicting Paris so- Following this, retail deliveries for the applause. One of these was Klass and ciety as well as underworld life. Pola first two weeks in March have been Brilliant who practically stopped the is pictured at once as the wife of an over 4,000 each week, which is the show with a funny musical act. Har- aristocrat of Paris and the queen of first time this figure has been reached ry Bewley and his partner also caused the Apaches. The film is based upon so early in the year. Each week's a good deal of amusement with their the popular French-American drama, deliveries establishes a new high record. sketch while Evelyn Phillips and her "My Man." "The Virginians" will be the Howard Factory production in December, company presented a clever song and attraction on Sunday, April 13. It is · January and February totaled 54,521, dance act. characterized as a remarkable inter- 25 per cent greater than the same pretation of the Owen Wister novel months of last year, which was Dodge made famous in the spoken drama. Brothers peak for those months. SCREEN "The Man Life Passed By" will be Daily production in March is averag"FLAMING PASSION" viewed at the Howard on Monday and ing virtually nine hundred cars per Tuesday, April 14 and 15. The feature day. Chicago Theatre for Wednesday and Thursday of next Dodge Brothers are able to compile Its rather hard to figure out just week is "Drums of Jeopardy." accurate sales information because of Booked for early showings at the the cooperation of their dealers why this effort doesn't register better than it does. Fact is, however, that Howard are "The· Unknown Purple," throul{hout the entire United States it doesn't. The cast is excellent, photo- Harry Carey's "Night Hawk," Charlie and Canada who send in a weekly regraphy above the average and all that Chaplin's "Woman of Paris," Colleen port of all retail deliveries made to ensThrough these reports they but you don't seem to get a bit en- Moore in "Painted People" · and tomers. .have an accurate, detailed record of thusiastic. Perhaps it's the fact that "Flaming Passion." Music continues to play an import- exact conditions existing in each sales the story seems to be built to fit sitant part in the popularity of Howard territory. Their calculations are based . nations ?'nd seems so improbable. The principal characters are two programs with James A. Thatcher's upon the number of cars actually conwomen and two men. Lucretia Lombard .played by Irene Rich, is martied 'to an old man. The latter is killed through strange circumstances. That disposes of one of the four characters. Stephen Winship, played by Monte 'Blue, had been snared by Mimi, played by Norma Shearer. Although much in love with. ~ucreti~, 1f'lf Nort. Clark St. he is persuaded to marry M1m1 by h1s Jll!· W. "L" Statioa at Haw....l father who is apparently on his death bed. But Stephen still retains his 1 'flaming passion" for Lucr~tia :'lnd so !lata1'4a7 they introduce much act1on m the shape of a forest fire and a flood durPOLA NEGRI ing the course of which Mimi loses her life. Thus leaving Stephen and Lucretia free to love <.'ach other with"Telephone· Girls" No. Z out any pangs of conscience. Irene Rich, Monte Blue and Norma . .. . .~"F Shearer present some very good screen !1. . . .7 W. HART work, particularly the latter who seemed to register better than in any of her previous attempts. But as said before it doesn't ring quite true . . . . . . . . . . . . Til. . . ..,. as a story and the forest fire doesn't help matters any. l April 14-15-16 April 14-15-16 Betty: Compsoa Corime Griffilla "The Stranger" April 17-18-19 April 17-18-19 Wm. S. Hart "Singer Jim McKee" Buster Keaton "Our Hospitality" MATINEES DAILY 2 TO 5:3D-EVENINGS 7 TO 11 DODGE PRODUCTION SHATTERS RECORDS Next Monday is the Opening Day of our Special HOOVER Offe For weeks we've been preparing for this campaign. A large shipment of bright, new, latest model Hoovers, direct from the great Hoover factories, has just arrived. These are the wonderful new light Hoovers with 10 important improvements every woman wants. You need wait only a few days more to buy your Hoover on specially easy terms. Starting Monday, f.or a limited time, a Hoover will be delivered to your door. NEWELL & RET CHIN Houeecl.eanin1 problems are com~etely solved by The Hoover for you can BEAT, sweep and clean your rugs tm IM floor, 4uat- HOWARD ADELPHI "The Love Master" leealy, eaailv, quickly. . ' " ·, , "Shadows of Paris" "The Virginian" "The Man Life Paued By" "Siqer Jim McKee" ~,. ............ S. "ICEBOUND" Paramou"t Productio,. McVkkers Theatre "Icebound· it a William de Mille production. Jt ie an adaption by Clara Beranger of the Pulitzer prize play of last r.ear by Owen Davis. I~ ctdently tt will be the next month s Production of the North Shore Theatre Guild, who have finally secured nermission to present It, they bein· tile ~nt ...tears .o honor'ed . ·.~ Tile e~wy het WGthift« to do "The Blizzard" w~.,.u.ona..-.,. ................ ft.....,. "Drums of_ Jeopardy" ELAINE HAMMUSTEJPf "The lhut ·Bmclit" VH)LA ' D.-.NA. . 1111 · Gala . . . . . . MAIN STOltE AT !......._ A...-. E·-·toa

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